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An Overview
Introduction to Cognitive Science
Lecture 4: Neuroscienc e: An Overview
September 17, 2009
A Quick Tour of Neuroscience
The Nervous System
The Neuron
The Action Potential
Synaptic Transmission
Methods of Studying Neuronal Activity
Basic Neuroanatomy
The Nervous System
Central & Peripheral
Nervous Systems
brain &
Autonomic Nervous System
(part of PNS)
PNS: nervous system
outside CNS
•Somatic: nerves
innervate skin, joints,
and muscles (axons in
PNS while somas in
Unconscious, e.g., heart rate, sweating
The Neuron:
Basic Structure
Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934)
“The Neuron Doctrine”
Neurons are the most
basic functional units in
the brain which
communicate with one
another via contact and
not continuity.
Basic Structure of a Neuron
Soma: Cell Body
Receive signals
from other neurons
(sometimes the
same neuron!)
Axon Hillock:
Electrical trigger
zone at the
Collateral Axon
beginning of the
Schwann Cells:
Make myelin
Terminal Arbor:
Branches at end of
the axon that
terminate in the
same region of the
nervous system
Myelin Sheath:
organelle that
contains DNA
wrapping around
axons made by
Schwann cells (PNS)
or oligodendroglia
Node of Ranvier:
Space between two
In myelinated
myelin-sheaths where neurons, the action
axon is exposed
potential skips
along the nodes of
Ranvier resulting in
faster conduction
Ways of Describing Neurons
By Neurite Shape or Number
(axons and dendrites)
By Connections
• Primary Sensory Neurons: receive information
from neurites in sensory surfaces such as skin or
• Motor Neurons: send messages from central
nervous system to other areas
• Interneurons: neurons that are neither sensory or
motor neuron; can also describe CNS neurons
whose axons do not leave the structure in which
they reside
By Neurotransmitter
•Amino Acids: e.g. glutamate, Gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)
A chemical
released by a
presynaptic area at
axon terminii upon
stimulation and
activates postsynaptic dendrites
•Monoamines: e.g.
Epinephrine (Adrenaline)
Norepinephrine (Nor-Adrenaline)
Nitric Oxide
The Action
A Brief fluctuation in
membrane potential
caused by the rapid
opening and closing of
voltage-gated ion
Action potentials sweep
down axons to transfer
information from one
place to another in the
nervous system.
Neuronal Firing Patterns
• Tonic: some neurons are always
active and fire constantly
• Phasic: neurons fire in bursts
Synaptic Transmission
Methods for Studying Neurons
Neuronal Firing: Intracellular Recordings
• Impale neuron or axon with a microelectrode (very
• Measure potential difference between the tip of the
intracellular electrode and another electrode in the
solution bathing the neuron.
• Intracellular electrode is filled with KCl salt solution
which has high electrical conductivity
• Electrode connected to an amplifier; can view potential
differences on an oscilloscope (voltmeter). Voltage
changes can be heard as a popping sound.
Fluorescent Proteins:
Study Neuron Shape & Development
• Get neurons to express Green
Fluorescent protein (GFP) as a
• Can study neuron shape and
• If GFP is spliced (entered) into
DNA near where a specific gene
of interest resides:
Both the gene product and GFP
are expressed together
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a
non-invasive technique for detecting
and localizing electrical activities of the
central nervous system. EEG systems
measure the electric potentials induced
on the surface of the scalp using
•Clinical: localization of focal epilepsy
sources, psychiatry
•Research: to analyze sensorimotor or
cognitive functions of the brain.
Functional Magnetic Imaging (fMRI)
Type of MRI that studies blood
flow responses to neuronal
Can study responses to specific
visual or auditory stimuli or
performance of a cognitive task.
Here are areas where neural
activation was greater when
listening to sentences using
incorrect syntax vs correct
syntax (blue)
And when the auditory
recordings were intelligible vs
Obesler, et. Al. Disentangling Syntax and Intelligibility in Auditory
Language Comprehension, Human Brain Mapping (2009)
Major Brain Regions
Left and Right Hemispheres
The human brain consists of two hemispheres that
are more or less mirror images of each other in
terms of their physical shape.
Functionally, however, there are some symmetries
but also asymmetries.
Symmetries exist in the processing of low-level
sensory input and motor control, where the left
hemisphere is responsible for the right half of the
body and vice versa.
One striking asymmetry is that the ability to
understand and produce language is much more
pronounced in the left than in the right hemisphere.
Left and Right Hemispheres
Decades ago, a common treatment of epilepsy was
to cut the corpus callosum, which is the main
connection between the hemispheres, in order to
limit the spreading of epileptic activity.
These split-brain patients typically behaved and felt
like healthy people in everyday life situations.
In laboratory experiments, however, the
consequences of the functional separation of their
hemispheres can be demonstrated.
Split-Brain Patients
If the image of an object is presented in their left
visual field, they cannot tell the experimenter the
identity of the object.
This is because this visual information is processed
only in the right hemisphere, which cannot produce
They could pick that object from a set of items
placed outside their visual field using their left hand
(controlled by the right hemisphere) but not their
right one.
Patients can name objects presented in their right
visual field and pick them with their right hand, but
not with their left one.