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Do Now: Review the Human Spark
Directions: Glue this do now in your notebook!
Important Announcements
Last week…
•  Video:
The Human Spark
Journey into the Brain
Important Announcements
This week…
Monday and Tuesday
•  Introduction to the Central Nervous System
•  Vocabulary Quiz #4 Neurons and The Central
Nervous System
•  New Seats (back into groups)
Thursday and Friday
•  Lab: Reaction Time
*Remember…No make up LABS!
Upcoming Labs…
Important Announcements
•  Teachers will input grades by 5pm
•  Open House (4-6pm)
•  25 week progress reports
Standard AP 3.1
Discuss the three basic types of activity in the
nervous system: sensory; decision-making
and motor function. Distinguish the structures
of the various functional types of neurons;
diagram the structure of a neuron and explain
the function of each component.
Explain the functions of three types of
neurons; sensory, interneuron and motor.
Label the structures of a neuron and explain
the function of each component (part).
Video: Texting and Driving
Texting and Driving Facts
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control)…
1.  Each day in the U.S, over 8 people are killed and 1,161
injured in crashes that are reported to involve a
distracted driver.
2.  In 2013, 3,154 people were killed in crashes involving a
distracted driver.
3.  In 2012, 3,328 people were killed in crashes involving a
distracted driver.
Texting and Driving Facts
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control)…
Talking while driving:
•  69% of drivers in the U.S. ages 18 – 64 reported that
they had talked on their cell phones while driving in the
past 30 days.
Texting while driving:
•  31% of drivers in the U.S ages 18 – 64 reported they
had read or sent a text messages while driving in the
past 30 days.
Texting and Driving
Federal Government…
On September 30, 2009, President Obama issued
an executive order prohibiting federal employees
from texting while driving on government
business or with government equipment.
On September 17, 2010, the Federal Railroad
Administration banned cell phone and electronic
device use of employees on the job.
On October 27, 2010, the Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration enacted a ban that prohibits
commercial vehicle drivers from texting while
Whiteboard Activity
Directions: Recorder – Write on the whiteboard.
All group members are expected to discuss the opinion
questions below…
1. Why do you think (opinion) the federal law
prohibits texting and driving?
2. What do you think (opinion) the connections are
between the dangers of texting and driving and
the central nervous system (functions of the
brain and spinal cord)? Use as many science
words as you can!
Reading: Brain and Nervous System
1.  Read and annotate!
2.  Answer 5 questions.
*Team Leader: Remember you can…
Read as a group or
Reading: Brain and Nervous System
1. What is the main function of the
nervous system?
Reading: Brain and Nervous System
2. Where is the spinal cord located?
Reading: Brain and Nervous System
3. What is a neuron?
Reading: Brain and Nervous System
4. Sensory neurons send messages
Reading: Brain and Nervous System
5. Motor neurons send messages from
Notes: The Nervous System
•  Turn to the next page
in your notebook and
glue in these pictures!
Functions of the Nervous System
1.  To gather information – 5 senses
2.  To PROCESS information
–  brain and spinal cord
3.  To send information or RESPOND
–  to muscles, glands and other organs
Divisions of the Nervous System
•  Central Nervous
System (CNS)
–  Brain and spinal cord
(2 organs)
–  Main control center
•  Peripheral
Nervous System
–  Nerves throughout
the body
–  Gathers and
delivers information
•  The basic functional unit of the
nervous system.
•  Neurons carry information in the
form of nerve impulses also
known as action potentials.
– Electrical & chemical signals
The Structure of Neuron
Extension VIDEO
Structure of Neuron
•  Dendrites
– Receives chemical signals
–  Carries information to cell body
– Many dendrites per neuron
•  Cell Body
–  Contain nucleus & organelles
– Coordinates impulse
The Axon
–  Carries information away from
cell body
–  One axon per neuron
–  Covered with myelin sheath
•  Protective coating (Schwann cells)
•  Nodes of Ranvier are gaps the in
the sheath
•  Impulses travel faster (jump from
gap to gap)
The Axon Terminal
– Synaptic knob
• Chemical signal
• Neurotransmitter
Checking for Understanding
1.  What are the functions of the
nervous system?
2.  Describe 1 difference between the
CNS and PNS. (do not say their names!)
3.  List 4 structures of a neuron.
Connection to Parkinson’s Disease
Read Only…
Figure 1
Figure 1 is a slide of neurons with Parkinson’s
Disease (Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox).
The dark spots are an accumulation of “brain
protein” also know as synucleinopathy.
Types of Neurons
•  Sensory neuron
–  Conduct nerve impulses toward the CNS
–  Reacts to stimuli
•  Interneuron
–  Connects sensory and motor neurons
–  Located in brain and spinal cord
•  Motor neuron
–  Conduct nerve impulses away from the CNS
–  Causes reaction in the muscles, glands and
•  Extension Video