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Neuron, Vol. 18, 529–537, April, 1997, Copyright 1997 by Cell Press
Reconstructing the Engram:
Simultaneous, Multisite,
Many Single Neuron Recordings
Miguel A. L. Nicolelis, Asif A. Ghazanfar,
Barbara M. Faggin, Scott Votaw,
and Laura M. O. Oliveira
Department of Neurobiology
Duke University Medical School
Durham, North Carolina 27710
Little is known about the physiological principles that
govern large-scale neuronal interactions in the mammalian brain. Here, we describe an electrophysiological paradigm capable of simultaneously recording the
extracellular activity of large populations of single neurons, distributed across multiple cortical and subcortical structures in behaving and anesthetized animals.
Up to 100 neurons were simultaneously recorded after
48 microwires were implanted in the brain stem, thalamus, and somatosensory cortex of rats. Overall, 86%
of the implanted microwires yielded single neurons,
and an average of 2.3 neurons were discriminated per
microwire. Our population recordings remained stable
for weeks, demonstrating that this method can be employed to investigate the dynamic and distributed neuronal ensemble interactions that underlie processes
such as sensory perception, motor control, and sensorimotor learning in freely behaving animals.
It is well known that even the simplest of behaviors
depends on the concurrent activation of large populations of neurons, distributed at different levels of the
neuroaxis. Yet, most of the contemporary neurophysiological theories still focus on the individual properties
of single neurons without much consideration given for
the potential role played by the emergent properties
of large neuronal ensembles. In part, this is a direct
consequence of the most common electrophysiological
approach used to investigate brain function. First introduced by Adrian (1926), the single electrode recording
technique aims at sampling the activity of one neuron
at a time. As a result, the experimental investigation
focuses on the response properties of single neurons
and how an individual neuron may encode a given sensory percept or generate a particular behavior (Barlow,
1995). Despite its fundamental contribution to modern
neuroscience, the single neuron recording technique
severely limits the investigation of the concurrent timedependent interactions between large neuronal populations (Vaadia et al., 1995; de Charms and Merzenich,
1996), since large neuronal ensembles can be studied
only by obtaining sequential unitary samples (Georgopoulos et al., 1986). Therefore, the lack of adequate
electrophysiological techniques for neuronal ensemble
recordings has contributed to the difficulty in characterizing the distributed and dynamic interactions between
large populations of neurons involved in processing and
storing information (Sherrington, 1906; Hebb, 1949;
Lashley, 1950; Erickson, 1968; Freeman, 1975; Fuster,
1995). Here, we describe the implementation of a technique for simultaneous, multisite, many single neuron
recordings and argue that it can be applied to the investigation of large-scale processing of information by populations of a few hundred neurons, located at multiple
levels of the neuroaxis of behaving animals.
A total of 22 rats were used in the experiments described
here. In these animals, a total of 883 neurons were isolated by electrode configurations like the ones illustrated
in Figure 1A. In these configurations, the ideal microwire
spacing for cortical and subcortical implants was at
100–250 mm (Figures 1B and 1C); a maximum of 48
microwires were implanted per animal. This arrangement allowed simultaneous recordings from neurons in
the trigeminal ganglion (Vg), principal (PrV) and spinal
(SpV) nuclei of the trigeminal brain stem complex, the
ventral posterior medial (VPM) nucleus of the thalamus,
and the primary somatosensory (SI) cortex (Figure 1D).
Long-term recordings were obtained by using microwires with blunt tips (Figure 1B), which proved to be
much more suitable for long-term chronic recordings
than electrodes with fine tips. Our multielectrode probes
proved to be very effective since an average of 2.3 6 0.4
neurons (mean 6 SEM) could be isolated per microwire,
and, for each array of 16 microwires, an average of
13.9 6 2.1 electrodes (or 86% of the implanted microwires) yielded at least one discriminable single unit. As
an example of a typical recording, Figure 2 illustrates
four distinct extracellular action potentials obtained by
recording from a single microwire implanted in the rat
SI cortex. Subsequent analysis of interspike interval,
poststimulus time histograms, and principal component
analysis revealed that these waveforms corresponded
to four independent cortical neurons. Extracellular action potentials in these recordings averaged 73.7 6
12.1 mV (range: 50 mV–1.5 mV) , while background mV
noise remained at 20 mV, indicating that the average
signal-to-noise ratio of our single-unit recordings was
around 3.7.
A Many Neuron Acquisition Processor (MNAP, see
Experimental Procedures) system (Figure 3) was used
for all experiments. The configuration of this system was
fundamental for the performance of population recordings, since our strategy was aimed at maximizing
the number of units discriminated in real-time, which
reduced the time spent on off-line analysis. Analog signals (waveforms) could be captured for validation of
discrimination parameters. With this approach, we could
perform simultaneous multisite recordings that allowed
us to reconstruct the parallel flow of sensory information
across several subcortical and cortical relays of the rat
trigeminal somatosensory system (Figure 4).
By using a sequence of 3-D graphs, Figure 4 offers a
Figure 1. Electrode Configuration for Multilevel Chronic Implants
(A) Microwire arrays (1) and bundles (2) were designed to maximize the sampling across multiple subregions of the cortical and subcortical
structures of interest. Arrays (1) were primarily used for cortical and thalamic implants while bundles (2) were used for brain stem implants.
Field-effect transistors (arrow) were placed in the head stage to correct a mismatch in impedance and to amplify the extracellular signal.
(B) High power view of a microwire array depicting two rows of eight microwires just before a chronic implant.
(C) Top view of six microwires forming an array. Notice the Teflon coat (solid arrow) surrounding the stainless steel microwire all the way to
the blunt tip (open arrow). (D) Example of a multisite implant. Scale bars 5 (A) 1 mm per division, (B) 250 mm, and (C) 60 mm.
Simultaneous, Multisite, Many Single Neuron Recordings
Figure 2. Real-Time Discrimination of Neuronal Action Potentials
Multiple waveforms per microwire were discriminated in our recording paradigm. Each
neuron’s waveform was identified by using a
real-timeprincipal component algorithm combined with a pair of time-voltage boxes.
way to visualize the spatiotemporal spread of sensory
information as it ascends from the brain stem to the
neocortex and how most of the somatosensory system
is still responding long after the onset (time 0) of a discrete tactile stimulus. Analysis of multisite recordings
revealed that, whereas a very restricted sensory response is usually observed in the PrV, the sensory responses in the SpV, VPM, and SI cortex cannot be defined as discrete representations of the cutaneous
periphery. Figure 5 further supports this finding by demonstrating that stimulation of different single whiskers
produced unique spatiotemporal patterns of sensory
responses from the same ensemble of 30 neurons in
the SI cortex. Inspection of each of these population
maps reveals that the same cortical neurons contributed, with different response magnitudes and latencies,
to the responses triggered by the stimulation of different
whiskers (Figure 5). Only by reconstructing the spatial
and temporal domains of the ensemble response can
one reveal the continuous, distributed representations
that define the location of the tactile stimulus.
Perhaps the most important result obtained here was
the demonstration that our ensemble recordings can
remain stable for long periods. Poststimulus time histograms (Figure 6A) were used to demonstrate that the
sensory responses of the same set of cortical neurons
remained extremely constant for several hours. Stable
recordings like these demonstrated that our paradigm
can be used for long-term, real-time monitoring of neuronal ensemble activity in behaving animals. This is a
fundamental feature of our paradigm, since it allows one
to continuously quantitate the modifications induced by
learning on large populations of cortical and subcortical
neurons during behavioral tasks.
Using our paradigm, reliable ensemble recordings
were obtained from the same animals for several weeks
after the implantation surgery. In these experiments, a
maximum of 100 neurons were obtained when 48 microwires were implanted. Since different animals received different numbers of microwires (48, 32, or 16),
the average number of recorded neurons in our animal
sample was 41 6 19 (mean 6 SEM). Further quantitative
analysis of our results revealed that 9, 13, and 21–30
days postsurgically, the percentage of microwires that
yielded recordable single neurons was 86% 6 11%,
90% 6 7%, and 85% 6 11%, respectively. During the
same period, the number of neurons isolated per microwire also remained very stable or even increased
slightly: at 9 days postsurgically, 2.14 6 0.47; at 13 days,
2.39 6 0.32; and 2.92 6 0.26 neurons per microwire
21–30 days postsurgically. Since most animals were
sacrificed after a month of recordings, we have not determined how much longer viable recordings could be
maintained in rats. However, we observed that in a few
animals, recordings were maintained for 2 months after
the initial surgery. Figure 6B provides an example of our
long-term recordings in rats by demonstrating that the
same set of microwires provided viable extracellular recordings over a period of 5 weeks in the same animal.
Moreover, by using the same approach to record from
cortical neurons in primates (owl monkeys), we have
maintained viable recordings of 50–70 single units for
8–15 months (Nicolelis et al., 1996). Evidently, the possibility of carrying out such long-term recordings, while
sampling from the same set of neurons, allows multiple
experiments to be repeated in the same animal and
multiple paradigms to be tested in the same experimental sample. In addition, it allows us to investigate the
impact of behavioral training on the properties of neuronal circuits by continuously studying the physiological
Figure 3. Integration of Recording and Behavior Setups
This schematic diagram describes the organization of our behavior–electrophysiological setup for neuronal ensemble recordings. Notice that
a single microcomputer controls the 96-channel MNAP and experimental data storage, transmitted from the MNAP to the personal computer
by the fast-speed MXI bus. The MNAP is responsible for data sampling, waveform discrimination, generation of real-time time signals for
synchronization of external devices, such as a video camera, and the behavior interface. An output board allows visual and audio monitoring
of the analog signals. The data files are transmitted through a network for temporary backup storage in an optical drive and subsequently
for long-term storage in CD–ROMs. A second microcomputer edits behavior protocols and controls the behavior setup.
attributes of neuronal populations from the onset of
training until the animals reach performance criterion.
Finally, it is conceivable that chronic neuronal ensemble
recordings will permit one to investigate whether neuronal population activity can be reliably used for controlling prosthetic devices, an area of growing interest in
the field of biomedical engineering.
Our results illustrate some of the advantages, as well
as a few potential applications, of a paradigm for simultaneous, multisite neuronal ensemble recordings in
behaving animals. By employing this technique, we obtained very stable recordings of the concurrent extracellular activity of up to 100 single neurons per animal (48
microwires implanted, 86% yield, and an average of
2.3 neurons/microwire), dispersed along the entire rat
neuroaxis, with a time resolution of about 250 ms and a
total tissue sampling area per site of about 2 mm2 . The
combination of these features, particularly the high temporal resolution, the longevity of the recordings, and
their distributed nature cannot be matched by any other
electrophysiological (e.g., EEG, field potentials, or single-unit recording) or imaging technique (optical recording of intrinsic signals or voltage-sensitive dyes)
designed for the study of large-scale brain activity in
experimental animals.
Another contribution of the technological approach
described here is the considerable reduction in computer requirements for carrying out large-scale ensemble recordings. While alternative approaches may
Figure 4. Multilevel Recordings in Behaving Animals
Simultaneous multilevel neuronal ensemble recordings allowed us to quantify the spatiotemporal spread of neuronal activation across many
processing levels of the rat trigeminal somatosensory system, following stimulation of a single whisker. At each level of the pathway, 3-D
graphs were used to represent patterns of neuronal ensemble activity. In each of these graphs, the x axis represents the poststimulus time
(in ms), the y axis represents the number of neurons recorded at each level, and the color-coded gradient in the z axis was used to represent
the response magnitude of the neurons (in spikes/s). In this scheme, dark red indicates the highest firing (140–150 spikes/s), and dark green
indicates the lowest firing (0–10 spikes/s). SI, somatosensory cortex; VPM, ventral posterior medial nucleus of the thalamus; SpV, spinal
nucleus of the trigeminal brain stem complex; and PrV, principal nucleus of the brain stem trigeminal complex.
Simultaneous, Multisite, Many Single Neuron Recordings
Figure 5. Distributed Responses in the Rat Somatosensory Cortex
In each of the 3-D graphs depicted here, simultaneous neuronal ensemble recordings were employed to quantify the spatiotemporal spread
of cortical responses following the stimulation of a single whisker (identified on the top of the graph). The x axis represents poststimulus time,
and the z axis represents response magnitude in spikes/s. All neurons were located in the infragranular layers of the primary somatosensory
require a large number of microcomputers to be synchronized (Wilson and McNaugton, 1994), in our paradigm, a single personal computer is used to control
the entire electrophysiological setup and store neuronal
spiking data, while a second microcomputer, interfaced
to the MNAP, controls the behavior setup.
As required for any paradigm designed for the study
of neuronal ensembles, our recordings allow large samples of neurons to be monitored per animal. The use of
microwire arrays was fundamental to achieve this goal.
While neuronal ensemble recordings have been obtained acutely in the past (Gerstein and Clark, 1964;
Simultaneous, Multisite, Many Single Neuron Recordings
Figure 6. Recording Stability and Longevity
(A) Poststimulus time histograms depict the sensory responses of a set of six cortical neurons at two distinct times.
(B) Microwires provided viable recordings for several weeks.
reviewed by Kruger, 1983), most studies aimed at obtaining chronic recordings of single units have employed
microwire bundles (Kubie, 1984; Shin and Chapin, 1990).
The main reason for this choice is the stability and reliable yield of single neurons that can be obtained with
microwires. Here, data obtained with microwire arrays
further demonstrate that in regions of moderate cell
density, such as the cortex, thalamus, and trigeminal
brain stem complex, one does not need to employ more
complex electrode configurations, such as tetrodes
(Wilson and McNaugton, 1994; Gray et al., 1995), for
successfully carrying out neuronal ensemble recordings. The difficulty in manufacturing tetrodes, and the
fact that no group has so far provided quantitative data
to demonstrate that these electrodes maintain high neuronal yield (15–20 neurons per tetrode) for many weeks,
further justify the use of arrays of isolated microwires
as the most efficient solution for carrying out chronic
neuronal ensemble recordings. New multichannel electrode designs have recently appeared in the literature
(Hoogerwerf and Wise, 1994; Nordhausen et al., 1994),
but there is still scant evidence to support their use in
long-term chronic recordings. In fact, we and others
have recently demonstrated that by using microwire
arrays, reliable long-term neuronal ensemble recordings
can be obtained in many mammalian species currently
used in neurophysiology. Those include adult and young
ferrets (Nicolelis et al., unpublished data), owl monkeys
(Nicolelis et al., 1996), and rhesus monkeys (Perepelkin
and Schwartz, 1996).
Many neuroscientists (Sherrington, 1906; Hebb, 1949;
Lashley, 1950; Lilly, 1958; Erickson, 1968; Somjen, 1972;
Freeman, 1975) foresaw that to understand how sensory
information is processed, converted into percepts,
stored into memory, and then used to generate behaviors, one needed to comprehend the physiological principles that underlie large-scale interactions among
widely distributed and interconnected populations of
neurons. The available experimental evidence has supported this view by indicating that most fundamental
brain functions involve highly dynamic and distributed
neuronal interactions (Freeman, 1983; Georgopoulos et
al., 1986, 1993; Nicolelis and Chapin, 1994; Wilson and
McNaugton, 1994; Fuster, 1995; Nicolelis et al., 1995;
Welsh et al., 1995; Deadwyler et al., 1996). Therefore,
the results described here further support the notion
that, as neuronal ensemble recordings are incorporated
into the arsenal of current neurophysiological techniques and explored to their full potential, we will have,
at last, a realistic chance of reconstructing the neuronal
engram, a task which, as put by Somjen (1972), has
eluded us all.
Experimental Procedures
Microelectrode Design
Different configurations of microelectrode matrices were specially
designed (NB Laboratories, Dennison, TX) to allow simultaneous
recordings of the extracellular activity of large numbers of single
neurons, distributed across up to five distinct neuronal structures
that define the rat somatosensory system. In all experiments described here, stainless steel, Teflon-coated microwires (50 mm in
diameter, California Fine wire) were used to build different microelectrode matrices, each of which was designed to maximize the
number of neurons sampled throughout the spatial domain of different cortical and subcortical structures. For instance, microelectrode
arrays, containing two parallel rows of eight microwires each, were
used for chronic implants in the rat primary (SI) somatosensory
cortex. In these arrays, the distance between the microwire rows
varied from 0.5–1 mm, and the distance between pairs of microwires
in a row varied from 100–250 mm (Figure 1). Another commonly used
configuration was the microelectrode bundle, containing either 8 or
16 microwires staggered at different lengths, which were primarily
used to record from neurons in deep structures, such as the ventral
posterior medial nucleus of the thalamus and the different subnuclei
of the trigeminal brain stem complex. Arrays and bundles were built
by first soldering the microwires to a 20-pin plastic connector, then
covering the connections with a thin layer of epoxy. Two ground
wires were also soldered to free pins in the plastic connector. Finally,
polyethylene glycol was used to mold the arrays and bundles and
provide them with enough stiffness to be implanted in the brain.
Surgical Procedure
Microwire arrays and bundles were implanted during stereotaxic
surgeries. For these procedures, rats were first anesthetized with a
single injection of pentobarbital sodium (50 mg/kg, I.P.) and then
transferred to a stereotaxic apparatus. Supplementary doses (one
third of the original) of pentobarbital were given when necessary.
The head was shaved and then cleaned with a betadine solution.
A single midsagittal incision of the skin was used to access the
surface of the skull. Following retraction of soft tissue, the periosteum of the dorsal surface of the skull was completely removed,
and the bone surface was scrubbed with saline until no sign of
blood was left. The surface of the skull was then dried, and a series
of small craniotomies were produced with a high speed dental drill
at the stereotaxic coordinates required for the implantation of electrode arrays in the Vg, PrV, SpV, VPM, and SI cortex. A second
series of four to six craniotomies were open so that stainless steel
screws could be firmly attached to the skull. These screws were
used for securing probes and for grounding purposes. Just before
the implantation, microwires forming bundles were cut to the ideal
length, using a sharp pair of scissors, and then soaked in a supersaturated solution of sucrose. Special care was taken not to allow the
sucrose to cover the microwire tips. After drying, the arrays and
bundles were mounted in the holder of a hydraulic micropositioner
(Kopf, Tujunga, CA) and subsequently slowly driven (z100 mm/min)
into the brain. Although the 16-microwire arrays could be driven
through the dura most of the time, in some instances, a small slit
was made in the dura overlying the SI cortex to facilitate the implant.
Single and multiunit activity were monitored continuously throughout the surgery to help locate the position of each electrode. During
these recordings, the receptive field of each unit was qualitatively
characterized until the arrays were positioned in the structure of
interest. After reaching the final target, the ground wires of each
connector were wrapped around one or two of the metal screws
previously implanted in the skull. The craniotomy was then sealed
with a layer of agar (4% in saline). Once the agar solidified, dental
cement was applied until it reached the top border of the plastic
connector. This procedure was repeated until all arrays and bundles
had been implanted. The end result of one of these implants is
illustrated in Figure 1D. To finish the procedure, the skin was loosely
sealed around the probes and the animal was transferred to a recovery cage. The analgesic Buprenorphine (0.1–0.5 mg/kg S.C. every
8 hr) was administered for 2–3 days while the animal recovered from
the surgery. Electrophysiological recordings started 5–7 days after
the surgery. Experiments were carried out in a recording chamber
using anesthetized and freely behaving animals.
Instrumentation for Real-Time Ensemble Recordings
Simultaneous recordings of large samples of single neurons were
carried out by an MNAP (Spectrum Scientific, Dallas; see Figure 3).
In the most complete configuration, the MNAP allows simultaneous
sampling from 96 microwires and discrimination of up to four individual action potential waveforms per wire, for a maximum of 384
recorded neurons. In this configuration, head stages (NBLABS, Dennison, TX), containing 16 field-effect transistors (FETs, Motorola
MMBF5459) arranged in two rows of eight at the end of TVC-insulated cables, are used to connect the 20-channel plastic connectors
cemented in the animal’s head to the MNAP preamplifiers (Figure
1D). In all recordings, the FETs were set as voltage followers with
unit gain. The MNAP preamplifiers contain differential OP-Amps
(gain 100; bandpass 100 Hz–16 kHz). Their output signals are transmitted, through ribbon cables, to 96 A/C-coupled differential amplifiers on 6 input boards, each containing 16 amplifiers. Once in the
input boards, the analog signals pass through the first level of amplification (jumperable gain of 1, 10, or 20), are filtered (bandpass 400
Hz–8 kHz), and reach the final stage of amplification (programmable
multiplier stage, ranging from 1–30). These boards also include one
12-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) converter per channel, which simultaneously digitizes the waveforms defining extracellular action potentials at 40 kHz. After A/D conversion, the signals are routed to DSP
boards, each of which contain four digital signal processors (DSP,
Motorola 5602) running at 40 MHz (instruction read at 20 MHz). Each
DSP handles data from eight input channels and contains 32 K 24
bits of SRAM and 4 K 16-bit words of dual port SRAM memory. A
timing board is responsible for distributing timing and synchronization signals to the entire MNAP. It also provides a digital time output
that is used to synchronize external devices or to drive a video timer
for a professional VCR used to store video records of the animal’s
behavior. The DSP boards also provide inputs for sampling digital
pulses generated from behavioral cages. A single host Pentium
microcomputer (100–200 MHz, with 64 MB of RAM and 2.1 GB of
disk space) running a C11 software (SSCP, Spectrum Scientific,
Dallas) in the Windows 3.11 operating system (Microsoft, Seattle)
controls the MNAP over a serial line. Spike discrimination programs
are downloaded from the PC host to the DSPs. Single spikes are
discriminated by combining a modified version (Nicolelis and
Chapin, 1994) of a principal component algorithm (Abeles and
Goldstein, 1977), running in real-time, and one pair of time-voltage
windows per unit. The size and position of the time-voltage boxes
are defined by the experimenter to isolate the waveforms that belonged to a given unit. Spikes are only accepted as valid when
they pass through both boxes. During the experiment, the time of
occurrence of each of the valid spikes for all 96 channels is transferred to the hard disk of the PC host through a parallel bus (MXIBus, National Instruments, CA), which can transfer 2 MB of data/s.
Digitized samples of the spike waveforms are also recorded periodically and stored for off-line analysis using a visualization program
(SpikeWorks, Spectrum Scientific, Dallas). Optical drives (1.2–2.4
GB cartridges, Pinnacle Inc., CA) are used for temporary backup of
the data files. These files are then transferred through an ethernetbased network to a computer server containing a CD-Recorder
(PinnacleMicro, CA), which produces permanent records of the data
in CD–ROMs. The MNAP also supplies options for analog backup
using 8–16 channel tape recorders. In all experiments, low threshold
tactile stimulation (step pulses of 100 ms in duration, delivered at
1–10 Hz) is provided by a computer-monitored Grass S8800 stimulator, which drives a vibromechanical probe. The digital outputs of
Simultaneous, Multisite, Many Single Neuron Recordings
the stimulator were also transmitted to the MNAP to be stored with
the spike data.
Population Data Analysis
Neural ensemble data were processed off-line using a series of
graphics, statistical, and numerical analysis packages. The first level
of analysis involved the production of single cell poststimulus time
and cumulative histograms, which were used for defining the spatiotemporal receptive fields of single neurons. All of these preliminary
steps of data analysis were carried out by using a spike train analysis
software (Stranger, Biographics, Winston-Salem, NC) specially designed to handle large neuronal ensemble data sets. Spatiotemporal
reconstructions of single neuronal receptive fields and population
maps were carried out by using a graphics interface software, developed in C11, combined to MATLAB (Mathworks, MA). Finally, statistical packages like CSS–Statistica (Statsoft, Tulsa, OK) and SPSS
(SPSS Inc., Chicago) were used for applying multivariate statistical
methods to the analysis of neuronal ensemble data.
We thank Suzette Casal, Brett Carswell, and Kevin Tri Nguyen for
their invaluable technical support; Larry Andrews (NBLABS, Dennison, TX) for manufacturing our microwire arrays, bundles, and
head sets; Harvey Wiggins (Spectrum Scientific, Dallas) for the design and continuous support of our MNAP systems; Alexander Kirilov (Biographics, Winston-Salem, NC) for the support of Stranger;
and Erika Fanselow for photographic work and comments on the
manuscript. We are particularly indebted to John K. Chapin, a pioneer in the field of neuronal ensemble recordings, for his continuous
suggestions and advice. M. A. L. N. also thanks professor Gyorgy
M. Bohm for being a continuous source of motivation. This work
was supported by grants from the National Institute of Dental Research (DE-111121–01), the Whitehall Foundation, the McDonnell
Pew Foundation, the Klingenstein Foundation, the Duke-Sandoz
program, and a Whitehead Scholar Award to M. A. L. N.
Received November 5, 1996; revised February 25, 1997.
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