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Introduction to Psychology
Mr. Hackbarth
Chapter 3 Study Guide
Name: ______________________________
Score: _____ / 40
Date Due: _____________________________
Part 1: In the space provided answer questions 1 – 6 as completely as possible.
1. Diagram the nervous system. Include the following: Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System,
Somatic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, autonomic nervous system, brain, parasympathetic
nervous system, spinal cord.
2. Identify the functions of the following:
Cerebral Cortex:
Corpus Callosum:
3. List the four lobes of the cerebral cortex and one function of each?
4. List and describe the role of the hormones produced by the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and
the testes and ovaries.
5. What is meant by the “nature – nurture debate”? Which philosophy do you tend to agree with? Why?
6. How would a psychologist who takes the biological perspective in behavior explain a person suffering from
Part 2: Matching: In the space provided, write term identified by each description. Choose your answers from
the word bank. Some answers will not be used.
somatic nervous system
central nervous system
autonomic nervous system
1. Part of the nervous system that consists of the brain and the spinal cord: ______________________________
2. Part of the peripheral nervous system that is activated by touch and pain:_____________________________
3. Largest part of the brain, controlling functions such as thinking and memory: _________________________
4. Substances in the body that stimulate growth and many kinds of reactions: ____________________________
5. Basic building blocks of heredity: ____________________________________
6. Chemical used to send messages across synapses: __________________________________
7. Part of the hindbrain that helps control balance and coordination: _______________________________
8. Thin fibers that transmit messages to the neuron’s cell body: __________________________________
9. Most normal human cells contain ______ chromosomes that are organized into _______ pairs.
10. The autonomic nervous system is divided into the __________________ and ______________________
nervous systems.
11. The two parts of the nervous system are the ________________________ nervous system and the
___________________ nervous system.
12. The _____________________ is a junction between the axon terminals of one neuron and the dendrites of
another neuron.
13. The ________________________ is located in the hindbrain and is involved in vital functions such as
heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing.
14. The ___________________________, located below the thalamus, plays a role in the regulation of body
temperature, storage of nutrients, motivation and emotion, among other functions.
15. The _____________________ glands produce adrenaline and noradrenaline.
Part 3: Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the best selection given for each question or statement on the given
1. _____
Messages are transmitted from one neuron to another through the
a. axon terminal of one neuron to the axon terminal of another neuron
b. dendrites of one neuron to the dendrites of another neuron
c. synapses of one neuron to the axon terminal of another neuron
d. axon terminal of one neuron to the dendrites of other neurons
2. _____
What of the following is regulated by the autonomic nervous system
a. differentiating between hot and cold
b. digesting food
c. throwing a ball
d. balancing on a balance beam
3. _____
Which section of the brain is involved in vital functions such as breathing
a. hindbrain
b. midbrain
c. forebrain
d. cerebrum
4. _____
The left and right sides of the brain refer to which of the following?
a. reticular activating system
b. cerebellum
c. cerebral cortex
d. medulla
5. _____
What does the body’s endocrine system consist of?
a. brain and spinal cord
b. glands that excrete hormones
c. cell body, axons, and dendrites
d. genes and chromosomes
6. _____
Psychological traits in human beings, such as intelligence, are influenced
a. only by environment
b. by both genes and environment
c. only by combinations of genes
d. by the genes of only one parent
7. _____
Which of the following reflects the ‘nature’ approach to human psychology?
a. Intelligence is determined largely by genetics.
b. Where a person lives determines how the person behaves.
c. Intelligence is determined by the kind of education a person receives.
d. Peoples family life helps determine who they will become.
8. _____
One of the most useful types of studies for showing the influence of heredity and environment
a. identical twins
b. siblings and step – siblings
c. twins who have been reared apart
d. fraternal twins
9. _____
The largest part of the brain is called the
a. cerebrum
b. cerebellum
c. thalamus
d. hypothalamus
10. _____
A biological psychologist would be most likely to research
a. how you learn a list of words
b. the developmental processes that leads to your ability to learn
c. the physical and chemical changes that occur when you learn
d. why learning deficits occur
11. _____
Dr. Wozniak is examining a cell from the nervous system of an animal. He notices
that at one end of the cell body is a long, fibrous strand of tissue. He immediately
recognizes this is an axon that is responsible for
a. carrying signals away from the cell body
b. receiving signals from other cells and carrying them toward the cell body
c. determining the speed at which an action potential will travel
d. directing the growth and repair of neurons
12. _____
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the immune system mistakenly destroys
some of the myelin wrapped around nerve cell fibers. Which nerve cell fibers are being
attacked by this process?
a. synapses
b. axons
c. dendrites
d. mitochondria
13. _____
Trisha has a disorder that affects the functioning of her somatic nervous system. Of the
following, Trisha probably experiences the most trouble
a. digesting food
b. thinking
c. moving her limbs
d. breathing
14. _____
When a man grabbed Sheila’s purse, she ran after him, tackled him, and retrieved her purse.
Then she realized that her heart was racing, her breathing was irregular, and she was
trembling. Sheila’s ___________________ nervous system was responsible for this action.
a. sympathetic
b. central
c. parasympathetic
d. somatic
15. _____
Adrian is recovering from a skiing accident. When an apple is shown to his left cerebral
hemisphere, he can name it, but when shown to the right hemisphere he cannot explain it.
Adrian most likely damaged his ________________ in the accident.
a. reticular formation
b. association area
c. corpus callosum
d. pons
16. _____
The two major divisions of the nervous system are the
a. brain and spinal cord
b. central and somatic nervous systems
c. sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
d. peripheral and central nervous system
17. _____
Angela accidentally touches the hot burner on the stove. Sensory information about the pain and
heat will be carried to her brain by the ________________ nervous system, her heart rate will
increase as a result of activation by the _________________ nervous system, and when she
calms down the _________________ nervous system will slow her heart rate down.
a. peripheral; central; autonomic
b. somatic; autonomic; central
c. central sympathetic; parasympathetic
d. somatic; sympathetic; parasympathetic
18. _____
When Brandon was tackled during a football game, he hit the back of his head on the turf, which
resulted in a concussion. Brandon now has trouble with his vision. Brandon most likely
injured his ____________________ lobe.
a. frontal
b. parietal
c. temporal
d. occipital.
19. _____
The right hemisphere of the brain gets information from the _________________ side of the
body and has better _____________ abilities than the left hemisphere.
a. left; logical
b. right; language
c. left; spatial
d. right; artistic