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Biology & Behavior
The neuron or nerve cell is adapted for ____________________________________
Three major regions of the neuron enable the cell to ________________________
Parts of the Neuron
1. Dendrites
a. The dendrites are _________________________________________________
2. The Cell Body
a. The cell body (a.k.a. _______________ or _______________) contains
_______________ and the nucleus which directs
3. Axon
a. The axon emerges from the _______________ _______________ as a single
_______________ _______________ (longer than a _______________) which
branches and ends in tips called _______________ _______________ (a.k.a.
_______________ _______________, _______________ _______________,
_______________ _______________ or _______________ _______________).
b. The axon may be covered by an _______________ _______________
c. Spaces between segments are called nodes of _______________.
Nervous System
The ______________________________ ______________________________ system of the
Sends messages from the _______________ to the _______________ for movement
Brings _______________ to the _______________ from the _______________
How Neurons Communicate: The Neural Impulse
1. Action Potential
a. A _______________ _______________; a brief _______________ _______________
that travels down the _______________ of a neuron
b. Considered an “_______________”_______________ of the neuron
2. Refractory Period
a. The “_______________ _______________” during which a neuron, after firing,
cannot _______________ another _______________ _______________
b. Once the refractory period is complete the neuron can _______________
3. Resting Potential
a. The state of a neuron when it is at _______________ and capable of
_______________ an action potential
b. The neuron is set and _______________ _______________ _______________
4. All-or-None Principle
a. The principle stating that ___________________________________________
b. All action potentials are ___________________________________________.
c. A neuron does NOT fire at _______________, _______________ or
_______________ but at _______________ each time it _______________.
5. Synapse
a. The tiny, _______________ -_______________ _______________ between the
_______________ _______________ of one neuron and the _______________ of
another neuron
b. The action potential cannot ________________________________________.
6. Neurotransmitters
a. A _______________ _______________ that travels across the _______________
from one neuron to the next
b. Can influence whether the second neuron will ________________________
7. Excitatory Effect
a. A neurotransmitter effect that makes it _______________ likely that the
receiving neuron will generate an action potential or “_______________”
b. The second neuron is _______________ _______________ to fire.
8. Inhibitory Effect
a. A neurotransmitter effect that makes it _______________ likely that the
receiving neuron will generate an action potential or “_______________”
b. The second neuron is _______________ _______________ to fire.
Receptor Cells
Specialized cells in the _______________ _______________ of the body that can
turn other kinds of energy into _______________ _______________ (________________
______________) that the brain can process
Receptor cells in the eye turn _______________ into a _______________
_______________ the brain understands.
Sensory Nerves
Nerves that carry information from the _______________ _______________ to the
_______________ _______________ and _______________.
Connect the _______________ _______________ to the _______________ and
_______________ _______________.
_______________ cells in the _______________ and _______________ _______________
responsible for _______________ _______________
Related to _______________ input and _______________ output
Motor Nerves
_______________ that carry information from the brain and spinal cord to the
_______________ _______________ _______________ .
Carries messages from the brain and spinal cord to _________________________
Divisions of the Nervous System
1. Central Nervous System (CNS)
a. The brain and spinal cord
i. The _______________ is the location of most _______________
ii. The spinal cord is the _______________ _______________ to and from
the brain.
1. Also has _______________ _______________
2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
a. The _______________ and _______________ nerves that connect the brain
and the spinal cord to _______________________________________.
b. Peripheral means “________________ ______________”
c. The system is subdivided into the _______________ and _______________
nervous systems.
d. Somatic Nervous System
i. The division of the peripheral nervous system that _____________
ii. Contains the motor nerves needed for _________________________
e. Autonomic Nervous System
i. The division of the peripheral nervous system that controls
_______ ____________________________________________________________
ii. Monitors the _______________ _______________
iii. Controls ___________________________________________________
iv. Sub-divided into the _______________ and _____________________
nervous systems
1. Sympathetic Nervous System
a. The part of the autonomic nervous system that
b. _______________ ________ _______________ response
2. Parasympathetic Nervous System
a. The part of the autonomic nervous system that
b. Brings the body back down to
Endocrine System
One of the body’s two _______________ systems
A set of glands that produce hormones-- __________________________________
1. Hormone
a. Chemical _______________ produced by the _______________ _______________
and circulated in the _______________
b. Similar to _______________ in that they are also messengers
c. Slower communication system, but with ____________________________
2. Pituitary Gland
a. The endocrine system’s gland that, in conjunction with the brain,
controls __________________________________________________________________
b. Called the “_______________ _______________”
c. Located ______________________________ and connects to the
3. Thyroid Gland
a. Endocrine gland that ______________________________________________
b. Located ______________________________
4. Adrenal Gland
a. Endocrine glands that help ________________________________________
b. Located _________________________________________________________
c. Release _______________ (_______________) and _______________
5. Pancreatic Gland
a. Regulates ________________________________________________________
6. Sex Glands
a. _______________ (females) and _______________ (males) are the glands that
influence _______________ and _______________ _______________.
b. Testosterone – ____________________________________________________
c. Estrogen – _______________________________________________________
d. Males and females have both _______________ and _______________ in
their systems.