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Tier 1, Round 1
Section 6.5 (pg. 173 – 184)
Q1: What does CNS and PNS
stand for? Which structures in the
body constitute each?
Q1: What does CNS and PNS
stand for? Which structures in the
body constitute each?
• A1:
CNS is central nervous system
PNS is peripheral nervous system
CNS is composed of the brain and spinal cord
PNS is composed of the spinal nervesand cranial
Q2: Arrange the following in the
correct order: sensory receptor,
effector cells, motor neurons,
sensory neurons, relay neurons.
Say which neurons belong to the
CNS and which belong to the
Q2: Arrange the following in the correct order: sensory
receptor, effector cells, motor neurons, sensory neurons,
relay neurons. Say which neurons belong to the CNS and
which belong to the PNS.
• A2:
• sensory receptor > sensory neurons (PNS) > relay
neurons (CNS) > motor neurons (PNS) > effector
Q3: What is the “conductor” of a
neuron impulse? What does the
myelin sheath do to the action
Q3: What is the “conductor” of an action
potential? What does the myelin sheath do
to the action potential?
• A3:
• The “conductor” of an action potential is the axon.
• The myelin sheath greatly increases the rate at
which an action potential passes down an axon.
Q4: During the resting potential,
most Na+ are ____ transported
___ __ the axon and most K+ are
transported ___ the cytoplasm.
What other kinds of ions are
present, and what do they do?
Q4: During the resting potential, most Na+ are
____ transported ___ __ the axon and most K+
are transported ___ the cytoplasm. What other
kinds of ions are present, and what do they do?
• A4:
• Most Na+ are activelytransported out ofthe axon.
• Most K+ are transported intothe cytoplasm.
• The other ions are negatively charged organic
ionsthat create a net positivecharge outside the
axon and a net negative charge inside the axon.
Q5: In an action potential, Na+
diffuses ___ and then K+ diffuses
___. This process is called
_______, which is the ‘impulse.’
Once an impulse begins, it
continues to the end of the cell;
this is ___-______.
Q5: In an action potential, Na+ diffuses ___ and then K+
diffuses ___. This process is called _______, which is
the ‘impulse.’ Once an impulse begins, it continues to the
end of the cell; this is ___-______.
• A5:
• In an action potential, Na+ diffuses inand then K+
diffuses out.
• This process is called depolarization, which is the
• Once an impulse begins, it continues to the end of
the cell; this is self-propagation.
Q6: Once an action potential is
sent, what is the process by
which Na+ and K+ are returned to
their resting potential places?
How is this accomplished?
Q6: Once an action potential is sent, what is the process by
which Na+ and K+ are returned to their resting potential places?
How is this accomplished?
• A6:
• The process by which Na+ and K+ are returned to
their resting potential places is repolarization.
• This is accomplished by active transport.
Tier 1, Round 2
Section 6.5 (pg. 173 – 184)
Q7: What is the chemical
communication point between
pre- and post- neurons called?
Q7: What is the chemical
communication point between preand post- neurons called?
• A7:
• The chemical communication point between
neurons is the synapse.
Q8: What is the process by which
physiological variables are kept
within certain limits? Name four
of the five physiological variables
listed in the book.
Q8: What is the process by which physiological variables are
kept within certain limits? Name four of the five physiological
variables listed in the book.
• A8:
• This process is called homeostasis.
• Acceptable variables are blood pH, [CO2],
[C6H12O6], body temperature, and water
Q9: What are the physiological
changes that tell the body to
adjust a value back to a certain
point called? Homeostatic
mechanism are controlled by
Q9: What are the physiological changes that tell
the body to adjust a value back to a certain point
called? Homeostatic mechanism are controlled
by what?
• A9:
• These physiological changes are called negative
feedback mechanisms.
• Homeostatic mechanisms are mostly controlled by
the autonomic nervous system.
Q10: When body temperature is
increasing or decreasing too
much, the _______ is warned by
________. What are some
warming and cooling
Q10: When body temperature is increasing or
decreasing too much, the _______ is warned by
________. What are some warming and cooling
• A10:
• When body temperature is increasing or
decreasing too much, the hypothalamus is
warned by thermoreceptors.
• Cooling mechanisms: sweatingand arteriole
• Warming mechanisms: arteriole constrictionand
Q11: Negative feedback
mechanisms also control blood
glucose concentration. What do
βcells secrete? What do α cells
secrete? What do these
hormones do?
Q11: Negative feedback mechanisms also control blood
glucose concentration. What do β cells secrete? What do α cells
secrete? What do these hormones do?
• A11:
• In the pancreas, β cells secrete insulin, and α
cells secrete glucagon.
• The secretion of insulin causes hepatocytes to
take in glucose and convert it to glycogen.
• The secretion of glucagon causes hydrolysis of
glycogen in hepatocytes to release glucose.
Q12: What is type I diabetes?
What is type II diabetes? Which
is more common?
Q12: What is type I diabetes? What is type II diabetes? Which is
more common?
• A12:
• Type I diabetes is the form of the disease in which
the immune system destroys its own β cells.
• Type II diabetes is the form of the disease in which
the body no longer responds to insulin as it
should—this is called insulin resistance, and this is
the more common form of the disease by far.
Tier 1, Round 3
Section E.1 (pg. 461 – 464)
Q13: Define the terms
stimulus, reflex and response.
Q13: Define the terms stimulus,
reflex and response.
• A13:
• A stimulus is a change in the environment that is
detected by a receptor and elicits a response.
• A reflex is a rapid, unconscious response.
• A response is a reaction to a stimulus.
Q14: Draw a (rudimentary) picture
of the spinal cord and the
components of a reflex arc. Label
it, too.
Q14: Draw a (rudimentary) picture of the spinal cord and the
components of a reflex arc. Label it, too.
• A14:
Q15: How are natural selection
and the responses of animals to
their environment related?
Q15: How are natural selection and the responses of
animals to their environment related?
• A15:
• An animal’s response to its environment can be
considered a series of reflexes.
• Some responses allow an animal respond to its
environment more advantageously than another
animal with different responses.
• Animals with advantageous variations in their
responses survive to reproduce more frequently
than those with detrimental variations. Thus, the
genetic programming for a particular behavior
pattern propagates throughout the population.
Q16: Explain the advantageous
behavior exhibited by a segment
of the population of European
blackcaps in terms of migration.
Q16: Explain the advantageous behavior exhibited by a
segment of the population of European blackcaps in terms of
• A16:
• European blackcaps generally migrate from
Germany in the summer to Spain in the winter.
Some European blackcaps started migrating to the
UK instead. These blackcaps left the UK 10 days
earlier than the Spanish wintering birds, and so
received the choices places to lay eggs. More
eggs were laid by UK birds than Spanish birds.
Q17: Explain the advantageous
behavior exhibited by two
segments of the population of
Sockeye salmon in terms of
Q17: Explain the advantageous behavior exhibited by two
segments of the population of Sockeye salmon in terms of habitat.
• A17:
• There are two types of habitat: slow, deep Lake
Washington and fast, shallow Cedar River. They’re
connected to each other.
• There are two types of males: lake males who are
fat and river males who are thin and narrow.
• These two segments stopped interbreeding,
because it does no good to have a fat fish in a
• Voilà. Now there are two different populations
because each was selected by it’s environment.
Q18: Jellyfish belong to which
Q18: Jellyfish belong to which phylum?
• A18:
• cnidaria
Tier 1, Round 4
Section E.4 (pg. 481 – 489)
Q19: What are the molecules that
move across the synaptic cleft?
What receives these molecules?
What are the two types of
molecules that move across the
synaptic cleft?
Q19: What are the molecules that move across the
synaptic cleft? What receives these molecules? What are
the two types of molecules that move across the synaptic
• A19:
• The molecules that move across the synaptic cleft
are called neurotransmitters.
• These molecules are received by receptor
• The two types of neurotransmitters are
excitatoryand inhibitory.
Q20: What happens when the
action potential reaches the axon
Q20: What happens when the action potential reaches the axon
• A20:
• Ca2+ rush into the end of the neuron, causing
vesicles containing neurotransmitters to fuse with
the presynaptic membrane (i.e. the
neurotransmitters are dumped into the synaptic
• The neurotransmitters then bind to specific
receptors on the postsynaptic membrane.
Q21: What do excitatory
neurotransmitters do, and how do
they work?
Q21: What do excitatory neurotransmitters do, and
how do they work?
• A21:
• Excitatory neurotransmitters generate an action
• Excitatory neurotransmitters make the
postsynaptic membrane especially permeable to
positive ions (such as Na+). Positive ions rush in,
making the inside of the neuron positive. This
launches a depolarization of that particular part of
the neuron.
• Depolarization self-propagates as per usual, with
Na+ diffusing in and K+ diffusing out.
Q22: What do inhibitory
neurotransmitters do, and how do
they work?
Q22: What do inhibitory neurotransmitters do, and how
do they work?
• A22:
• Inhibitory neurotransmitters stop an action
potential from continuing to the postsynaptic
• Inhibitory neurotransmitters bind to a specific
receptor and causes hyperpolarization.
• Hyperpolarization makes the inside of the neuron
more negative than it was to begin with by moving
Cl- in and/or K+ out.
Q23: What is acetylcholine, and
with what types of synapses is it
used? How does acetylcholine
Q23: What is acetylcholine, and with what types of synapses is it
used? How does acetylcholine work?
• A23:
• Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that works
with cholinergic synapses.
• Ach depolarizes the postsynaptic membrane,
causing the creation of another action potential.
• Acetylcholinesterase breaks down Ach so it
doesn’t go on depolarizing.
• Ach is involved with the parasympathetic nervous
system, meaning it relaxes.
Q24: What is noradrenaline, and
with what types of synapses is it
used? How does acetylcholine
Q24: What is noradrenaline, and with what types of synapses is it
used? How does noradrenaline work?
• A24:
• Noradrenaline is a neurotransmitter that works
with adrenergic synapses.
• Noradrenalinealsodepolarizes the postsynaptic
membrane, causing the creation of another action
• Noradrenaline is involved with the sympathetic
nervous system, meaning it spazzes you out.
Tier 1, Round 5
Section E.4 (pg. 481 – 489)
Q25: Name some of the ways
in which drugs affect the brain.
Q25: Name some of the ways in which drugs affect the
• A25:
block a receptor for a neurotransmitter
block release of a neurotransmitter
enhance release of a neurotransmitter
mimic a neurotransmitter
block removal of a neurotransmitter
Q26: How do excitatory drugs
Q26: How do excitatory drugs behave?
• A26:
• Nicotine mimics acetylcholine, but it cannot be
broken down by acetylcholinesterase, so the effect
• Nicotine causes dopamine to be released.
• Cocaine and amphetamine stimulate transmission
at adrenergic synapses and so makes you alert
and euphoric.
• Cocaine blocks dopamine removal from the
synapse, and amphetamine stops it from being
broken down.
Q27: How do inhibitory drugs
Q27: How do inhibitory drugs behave?
• A27:
• Benzodiazepine and alcohol increase the binding
of GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter, to
the postsynaptic neuron.
• Both drugs cause the postsynaptic neuron to
become hyperpolarized, inhibiting further action
• These drugs produce a feeling of sedation, and
somehow alcohol also increases dopamine
• Tetrahydrocannabinol binds to the same receptors
as anandamide and cause hyperpolarization.
Q28: How do THC and cocaine
affect mood, synapse and
Q28: How do THC and cocaine affect mood, synapse
and behavior?
• A28:
• THC affects learning, coordination, problem
solving and short-term memory negatively.
• Cocaine makes you gabby, alert and euphoric, and
you stop feeling the need to eat and drink.
Essentially, it makes you spazzy, so large amounts
of it make you behave “erratically” and “violently.”
Q29: Explain the three main
factors in addiction: genetic
predisposition, social factors and
dopamine secretion.
Q29: Explain the three main factors in addiction: genetic
predisposition, social factors and dopamine secretion.
• A29:
• Using twin experiments, scientists have discovered that
if one identical male twin has an addiction, the other
twin is 50% more likely to have an addiction as well.
• A deficiency in dopamine receptors also causes an
increased susceptibility to addiction.
• If a child is surrounded by drug addicts, he or she is
more likely to become a drug addict him or herself.
• Constant stimulation of dopamine receptors causes
them to become progressively less responsive to
dopamine; in order to get the same sensation desired
from a drug, greater and greater quantities must be
Q30: What type of inheritance
accounts for wide variation in
traits such as eye and skin color?
Q30: What type of inheritance accounts for wide variation in traits
such as eye and skin color?
• A30:
• polygenic inheritance
Tier 2
Lightning Round!
QL1: List the nine steps involved
in the mechanism of synaptic
QL1: List the nine steps involved in the mechanism of
synaptic transmission.
• AL1:
Calcium ions diffuse into the terminal buttons.
Vesicles containing neurotransmitter fuse with the plasma membrane and
release the neurotransmitters.
Neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic gap from the presynaptic
neuron to the postsynaptic neuron.
Neurotransmitter binds with a receptor protein on the postsynaptic neuron
This binding results in an ion channel opening and sodium ions diffusing in
through this channel.
This initiates the action potential to begin moving down the postsynaptic
neuron because it is depolarized.
Neurotransmitter is degraded by specific enzymes and is released from the
receptor protein.
The ion channel closes to sodium ions.
Neurotransmitter fragments diffuse back across the synaptic gap to be
reassembled in the terminal buttons of the presynaptic neuron.