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A.P. Psychology Test
The Brain
Circle the best answer. Complete two of the three short essays on the back of
the page.
One difference between axons and dendrites is that
A. Axons are always short but dendrites can be very short or several feet long.
B. Dendrites receive information and axons carry information away from the cell.
C. Dendrites have branches but axons do not.
D. Neurons can have many axons but only one dendrite.
The manner in which a neuron reacts to a stimulus is analogous to a
A. bowling ball knocking down more pins when thrown with greater force.
B. car slowing down or stopping completely depending on how much pressure is put on the
C. remote control turning a television on or not depending on whether the battery is good.
D. soccer ball whose speed is determined by how hard it is kicked.
Which of the following statements about communication in the human nervous system is true?
A. Charged impulses carry signal within neurons, but neurons use chemicals to communicate
with one another.
B. Neurons are physically connected to each other, and charged impulses shoot from one to
C. Chemicals carry signals within neurons, but neurons communicate by sending charged
impulses from one to another.
D. Neurons are physically connected by small tubes that allow the flow of chemicals from one to
Standing on line outside the movie theater, John heard music coming out of someone's radio.
Because he liked what he heard, he began to move to the music. Which nervous system allowed
him to respond in that way?
A. Autonomic
B. Parasympathetic
C. Somatic
D. Sympathetic
While walking in the woods, Amy sees a bear. The sympathetic branch of her autonomic nervous
system activates. What is the most likely result?
A. She remains calm and tries to conserve her body's energy.
B. She begins to sweat, and her heartbeat quickens.
C. She stops receiving information from her sensory systems.
D. Her behavior becomes instinctive, since her spinal cord takes control.
Dudley goes to the doctor for a physical exam. During the exam, the doctor strikes Dudley's
kneecap, and his leg kicks forward. Dudley, having taken a psychology class, knows that this
reflex is controlled by his
A. autonomic nervous system.
B. parasympathetic nervous system.
C. spinal cord.
D. brain.
During a fall, eleven-year-old Steven sustained an injury to his cerebellum. Consequently, before
he recovered, he was unable to
A. brush his teeth.
B. remember his address.
C. sing his favorite rap song.
D. wake up on his own in the morning.
After an accident that resulted in injury to his brain, Matthew lost the ability to link features from
two sensory systems. For instance, when he smells a rose, he recognizes the odor but he cannot
visualize the flower without actually looking at it. The part of Matthew's brain that was damaged
is probably the
A. amygdala.
B. hippocampus.
C. reticular formation.
D. hypothalamus.
Which of the following messages would not come from the hypothalamus?
A. "I want something to eat!"
B. "I want something to drink!"
C. "I want to watch television!"
D. "I want to have sex!"
One Sunday, Leslie broke her foot while skiing. A week later, while limping along on crutches,
she slipped on a patch of ice and sustained a head injury in the area of the hippocampus. What is
the likely status of Leslie's memories of the two events?
A. Both memories were probably erased.
B. She probably was only able to remember the more recent event of slipping on the ice.
C. She was likely only able to remember the earlier event of breaking her foot while skiing.
D. Both memories probably remained intact.
Jed is in the hospital because he damaged his Wernicke's area diving into the side of a pool.
When he wants the nurse to get him a drink, he might say:
A. "Ppp uh leease ss uh mmm waaa ttt errr."
B. "Please give me water," in sign language.
C. "I'm really thirsty but I can't remember what I like to drink."
D. "Car flower out it by standard."
After having a stroke, Marty finds it difficult to communicate with others. Although he still
understands what people are saying to him, he has trouble making himself understood by others.
He knows what he wants to say, but the task of actually saying the words is very difficult for him.
Marty's stroke most likely caused damage to which area of the association cortex?
A. Broca's
B. Bernstein's
C. Wernicke's
D. Skinner's
Masako had surgery in which her corpus callsum was cut. What will she no longer be able to do?
A. Form new memories.
B. Produce speech.
C. Transfer information from the left side of her brain to the right side.
D. Understand what people are saying to her.
After having had her corpus callosum cut by surgeons, six-year-old Monica was placed in front of
a device that presented visual images only to the right hemisphere of her split brain. When the
doctor showed her a picture of farm animals and asked her to point to the horse and say what it is,
Monica most likely
A. pointed to the horse and said, "Horse."
B. pointed to another animal and said, "Horse."
C. pointed to the horse and said, "I don't know what it is."
D. pointed to another animal and said, "I don't know what it's called."
Because her mood improved when she took an anti-depressant, Dr. Mendez surmised that Lucy
had low levels of the neurotransmitter
A. acetylcholine.
C. glutamate.
D. serotonin.
Alice accidentally knocks Brad's coffee into his lap. Brad's brain releases a neurotransmitter to
help deal with the pain. What is that neurotransmitter called?
A. Dopamine
B. Endorphin
C. Serotonin
D. Acetylcholine
What is the difference between neurotransmitters and endocrine hormones?
A. Endocrine hormones are released into synapses, whereas neurotransmitters are released into
the bloodstream.
B. Endocrine hormones can stimulate any cell in the body, whereas neurotransmitters can only
influence cells with target receptors.
C. Neurotransmitters are released into synapses, whereas endocrine hormones are released into
the bloodstream.
D. Neurotransmitters can stimulate any cell in the body, whereas endocrine hormones can only
influence cells with target receptors.
One thing that differentiates neurons from other body cells is that only neurons
A. contain mitochondria.
B. have a nucleus in their cell body.
C. have an outer membrane that acts as a filter.
D. have axons and dendrites.
One difference between axons and dendrites is that
A. axons carry signals to the cell body, whereas dendrites carry signals away from it.
B. dendrites have pouch-like sacs called vesicles on their ends and axons do not.
C. only dendrites have branches.
D. there are many dendrites on each neuron but only one axon.
Action potentials occur in which part(s) of the neuron?
A. In both the dendrites and the axon
B. Only in the axon
C. Only in the dendrites
D. Only in the nucleus
Myelin is a
A. fatty substance that wraps around some axons.
B. hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.
C. protein component of the tangles seen in Alzheimer's disease.
D. small molecule neurotransmitter.
An action potential just traveled down to the tip of an axon. What will it do next?
A. It will "jump" to the target neuron.
B. It will travel across the synapse.
C. It will trigger the release of neurotransmitters.
D. It will gain in strength.
Which of the following is NOT true of neurons?
A. Neurons have signal senders known as axons.
B. Neurons are held together by glial cells.
C. Neurons have signal receivers known as dendrites.
D. Neurons must touch each other in order to communicate.
Which component of the nervous system is fully encased in bone?
A. The autonomic nervous system
B. The central nervous system
C. The peripheral nervous system
D. The somatic nervous system
The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems together make up the
A. autonomic nervous system.
B. central nervous system.
C. peripheral nervous system.
D. somatic nervous system.
The fight-or-flight syndrome refers to the combined reaction to stress of the adrenal glands and
which nervous
A. The central nervous system
B. The parasympathetic nervous system
C. The somatic nervous system
D. The sympathetic nervous system
A reflex behavior, such as withdrawing your hand when it touches a hot surface, is directed by
A. autonomic nervous system.
B. brain.
C. somatic nervous system.
D. spinal cord.
The medulla is involved with which of the following:
A. Attention and arousal
B. Blood pressure and heart rate
C. Initiation of smooth movements
D. Sequencing and timing of behaviors
The reticular formation is involved in regulating
A. attention and arousal
B. finely coordinated movements.
C. memory and emotion.
D. the hunger, thirst, and sex drives.
Recent MRI studies indicate that the cerebellum is implicated in which of the following?
A. Dementia
B. Depression
C. Obesity
D. Stuttering
Tangles and plaques are associated with which of the following disorders?
A. Alzheimer's
B. Epilepsy
C. Multiple sclerosis
D. Parkinson's
The two halves of the brain are connected by the
A. corpus callosum.
B. locus coeruleus.
C. reticular formation.
D. superchiasmatic nuclei
Which part of the cerebral cortex is likely to have sustained damage when a patient is able to
speak but unable to understand neither his own speech nor what others are saying to him?
A. Broca's area
B. Motor cortex
C. Somatosensory cortex
D. Wernicke's area
Which of the following is true about the lateralization of the normal brain?
A. Language abilities are more localized in the brains of women than they are for men.
B. Most people's left hemisphere has better language abilities than their right hemisphere.
C. Most people's left hemisphere has better spatial abilities than their right hemisphere.
D. Most people's left hemisphere processes music better than their right hemisphere.
After a bad fall, Bernie damaged some neurons in one area of his brain. How will his brain
respond to the injury?
A. By having nearby neurons sprout new axons to take over lost functions
B. By immediately generating whole new neurons in the affected area
C. By replacing the dendrites of the damaged neurons
D. By using glial cells to grow new axons for the injured neurons
Short Essays : Do two of the three options only.
Write the process of the neuron using as much information as you can.
Describe the split brain experience.
Write about your neurotransmitter/drug or disease, research.