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Neurons and Glia
Three basic neurons:
∼ Multipolar:
◊ Neurons by far the most common
◊ They possess an axon and a number of dendrites
∼ Bipolar:
◊ Neurons with a centrally placed cell body
◊ 1 axon extends away from cell body
◊ 1 dendrite extends from axon
◊ Occur in afferent pathways of the visual, auditory
and vestibular systems
∼ Unipolar:
◊ Possess a single process from the cell body
◊ This usually divides into dendritic and axonal
◊ Consists of primary afferents of the spinal (and
some cranial) nerves
Golgi Neurons:
∼ Type I – projecting neurons eg. pyramidal cells
∼ Type II – interneurons (local projections) eg. stellate or granule neurons, with smooth
Types and Functions of Glia:
∼ Astrocytes
◊ Physical and metabolic support
◊ Blood-brain barrier by wrapping
around blood vessels
◊ Regulation of blood flow
◊ Uptake, recycling and release of
some neurotransmitters
◊ Buffering of K+, pH
◊ Maintenance of extracellular space
◊ Response after injury, scarring
∼ Oligodendrocytes
◊ Myelination in CNS
◊ Growth-inhibitory factors
◊ May play a role in
ion/neurotransmitter balance in
extracellular space
∼ Ependyma: lining of ventricles
∼ Microglia
◊ Activated microglia express a
Oligodendryocytes vs. Schwann Cells
number of immune-related
molecules, divide and migrate to the
- myelinates many - myelinates a
site of injury
single internode
◊ Can become phagocytic, destroying
dysfunctional neurons/synapses,
removal of debris
Synaptic transmission can be rapid and point-topoint or slow and often diffuse. Neuromodulators
determine which.
Types of Neurotransmitters/Neuromodulators:
∼ Amino Acids
◊ Glutamate – Most common excitatory neurotransmitter
◊ GABA & Glycine – Most common inhibitory neurotransmitters. GABA is brain, Glycine is
∼ Monoamines: (involved in attention, cognition, emotion)
◊ Serotonin
Neurotransmitter Receptors: ◊ Histamine
∼ Ionotrophic: ◊ Dopamine
◊ Involves transmitter gated ion channels ◊ Epinephrine
◊ Involves fast synapses, point-­‐to-­‐point ◊ Norepinephrine
◊ Responsible for EPSP’s and IPSP’s ∼ Peptides:
∼ Monotrophic: ◊ Endorphin – Perception of pain
◊ Activates G proteins and second ∼ Other:
messengers, that then go on to alter gene expression ◊ Acetylcholine – Important role in ANS
Slow synapses and released when motor neurons
◊ Diffuse, long acting effects synapse onto skeletal muscle to
of Synapses:
Axosecretory: Axon terminal secretes directly into bloodstream
Axoaxonic: Axon terminal secretes into another axon
Axodendritic: Axon terminal ends on a dendritic spine
Axoextracellular: Axon with no connection secretes into extracellular fluid
Axosomatic: Axon terminal ends on soma
Axosynaptic: Axon terminal ends on another axon terminal
Autapse: Neuron synapses on itself; a negative feedback mechanism.
Electrical Synapse
∼ Transfer of electrical impulse, no
neurotransmitter involved
∼ Cells are close together
∼ Very fast, but cannot gain or lose
magnitude of signal
∼ Movement of ions and small-medium
sized molecules
Chemical Synapse
∼ Contains pre- and post-synaptic elements
separated by a synaptic cleft
∼ Release of neurotransmitters/neuromodulators
∼ Neurotransmitters bind to receptors
∼ Multiple cells are synapsing on a single cell
∼ Other chemicals released other than
Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potential (EPSP)
∼ Temporary depolarization of post-synaptic
∼ Flow of positive ions into cell via ligand gated
ion channels
∼ Makes an action potential more likely
Inhibitory Post-Synaptic Potential (IPSP)
∼ Hyperpolarizes the cell
∼ Inflow of negative ions or outflow of positive
∼ Reduces chance of action potential
Sites of Drug Action:
∼ Synthesis of neurotransmitter /
∼ Presence and release of vesicles /
neurotransmitter from pre-synaptic site
∼ Binding to post-synaptic receptor
∼ Change the effect in the post-synaptic
∼ Inactivation: by either removal,
inactivation or degradation by neurons
and glia
Ventricular System and CSF
Flow of CSF:
Produced by choroid plexus in
lateral and fourth ventricles
Through intraventricular foramen
(of Monro)
Flows from lateral to third ventricle
Through cerebral aqueduct
Enters 4th ventricle
Through the Foramina of Luschka
and Magendie
Subarachnoid Space
Through arachnoid granulations
Reabsorbed in the sagittal sinus
∼ Noncommunicating:
◊ Blockage of intraventricular foramen (of Monro)
preventing flow from lateral to 3rd
◊ Could be due to tumours, congenital, meningitis,
scarring, etc.
◊ Body is making the right amount of CSF
◊ Brain gets compressed, medulla starts to go through the floor of the skull
◊ Treatment by surgery
∼ Communicating:
◊ Overproduction of CSF – papilloma tumour of the plexus
◊ More rarely due to poor absorption / obstruction of superior sagittal sinus or congenital
absence of arachnoid villi
◊ Gradual increase in CSF becomes like a balloon and skull expands and cortex is
compressed against skull
◊ Can be fatal in babies, but ultrasounds can pick it up in embryos
Medial Geniculate
Lateral Geniculate
Ventrolateral (VL)
Sensory Nuclei
∼ Spinothalamic
Primary Sensory
∼ Medial Lemniscus
∼ Trigeminothalamic
Primary Sensory
∼ Pontine taste area
Branchium of the
Primary Auditory
inferior colliculus
Optic Tract
Somatic sensation for
Somatic sensation for
face, taste
Primary Visual Cortex
LGB, MGB, sup. and
Visual Association
inf. colliculi
Motor Nuclei
∼ Cerebellum
Primary Motor Cortex
∼ Basal Ganglia
Ventroanterior (VA)
Basal Ganglia
Premotor Cortex
Ventrointermedial (VI)
Primary Motor Cortex
Anterior (Ant)
Mediodorsal (MD)
Centromedian (CM)
Limbic and Nonspecific Projection Nuclei
Cingulate Cortex
∼ Temporal Lobe
Prefrontal Cortex
∼ Amygdala
∼ Hippocampus
Nonspecific cortical
Slow pain pathways
Visual Processing
of movement
Initiation/Planning of
Coordination of
Memory storage and
Motivation, drive,
Emotional content of
Thalamic Function
∼ Not really known
∼ Input filter to discard
∼ Seems to be all about
ganglia/reticular system
feedback loops but there is
little evidence to prove this