Muscimol-Induced Inactivation of Monkey Frontal Eye Field: Effects
... FEF were much stronger if other areas involved in controlling eye movements also were removed surgically. For example, lesions of both the FEF and more caudal eye-movement related areas (including the caudal portion of the inferior parietal lobule and the adjacent dorsal prestriate cortex) caused mu ...
... FEF were much stronger if other areas involved in controlling eye movements also were removed surgically. For example, lesions of both the FEF and more caudal eye-movement related areas (including the caudal portion of the inferior parietal lobule and the adjacent dorsal prestriate cortex) caused mu ...
Understanding the process of multisensory integration
... reexamine this process. The result, detailed in Chapter 2, was a new model that can accurately predict a neuron’s multisensory response on a moment-by-moment basis as it evolves, with only knowledge of its responses to the individual component cues. ...
... reexamine this process. The result, detailed in Chapter 2, was a new model that can accurately predict a neuron’s multisensory response on a moment-by-moment basis as it evolves, with only knowledge of its responses to the individual component cues. ...
A network of topographic numerosity maps in human
... dividing attention5, decision making6 and mathematics7-9. Here we use ultrahigh-field (7T) fMRI and neural model-based analyses to reveal numerosityselective neural populations organized into six widely separated topographic maps in each hemisphere. Although we describe subtle differences between th ...
... dividing attention5, decision making6 and mathematics7-9. Here we use ultrahigh-field (7T) fMRI and neural model-based analyses to reveal numerosityselective neural populations organized into six widely separated topographic maps in each hemisphere. Although we describe subtle differences between th ...
... discriminative control over the UCR (Baxter, 1966; Kimmel, 1967; Knight et al., 2010; Marcos & Redondo, 1999). Others have suggested that conscious expectations modify UCR expression (Dunsmoor et al., 2008; Knight et al., 2010; Rust, 1976). For example, greater UCR diminution has been observed when ...
... discriminative control over the UCR (Baxter, 1966; Kimmel, 1967; Knight et al., 2010; Marcos & Redondo, 1999). Others have suggested that conscious expectations modify UCR expression (Dunsmoor et al., 2008; Knight et al., 2010; Rust, 1976). For example, greater UCR diminution has been observed when ...
Anatomy & Physiology I
... لرزه، فشار، تماس: احساس تماسی گرمی، سردی: احساس حرارتی احساس درد احساس داخلی) احساس حرکی (حرکات اعضا و راس احساس حشوی معلومات درباره حاالت اعضای داخلی تهیه می کند ...
... لرزه، فشار، تماس: احساس تماسی گرمی، سردی: احساس حرارتی احساس درد احساس داخلی) احساس حرکی (حرکات اعضا و راس احساس حشوی معلومات درباره حاالت اعضای داخلی تهیه می کند ...
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... motor programs elicited in this manner are predominantly ingestive (Susswein et al., 1996) and are likely to be biting motor programs (Rosen et al., 1997). During carbachol-elicited programs we found that bursts of activity in B66 were out-of-phase with bursts of activity in B4/5 and out-of-phase wi ...
... motor programs elicited in this manner are predominantly ingestive (Susswein et al., 1996) and are likely to be biting motor programs (Rosen et al., 1997). During carbachol-elicited programs we found that bursts of activity in B66 were out-of-phase with bursts of activity in B4/5 and out-of-phase wi ...
thesis - ETDA
... The theory of impaired cortical inhibition also applies to repetitive-use induction of dystonia, which results in larger cortical representation areas of the affected body parts and that may affect inhibition (Hallett M, 1998). While many theories are currently being discussed in the literature, ver ...
... The theory of impaired cortical inhibition also applies to repetitive-use induction of dystonia, which results in larger cortical representation areas of the affected body parts and that may affect inhibition (Hallett M, 1998). While many theories are currently being discussed in the literature, ver ...
Selective stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson`s
... Thus the classical concept is changed; there are two main input structures of the basal ganglia: striatum and STN. Several anatomical and electrophysiological studies have been performed on the monosynaptic cortico-subthalamic (‘hyperdirect’) pathway, but its functional role within the cortico-basal ...
... Thus the classical concept is changed; there are two main input structures of the basal ganglia: striatum and STN. Several anatomical and electrophysiological studies have been performed on the monosynaptic cortico-subthalamic (‘hyperdirect’) pathway, but its functional role within the cortico-basal ...
Curriculum Vitae - Laureate Institute for Brain Research
... I am collaborating with several investigators at UCSD and other institutions to study the neural basis of psychiatric disorders. Specifically, I am working with Drs. Susan Tapert and Gerhard Schulteis on NIDA supported P-20 Center Grant to examine the role of interoception for drug addiction. Intero ...
... I am collaborating with several investigators at UCSD and other institutions to study the neural basis of psychiatric disorders. Specifically, I am working with Drs. Susan Tapert and Gerhard Schulteis on NIDA supported P-20 Center Grant to examine the role of interoception for drug addiction. Intero ...
Extracellular Glutamate, Glutamine, and GABA in the Hippocampus
... of the population (1). Epilepsy is broadly classified as localization-related or generalized, depending on whether it originates in one hemisphere or involves the cortex bilaterally, respectively. Epilepsy can be further characterized as idiopathic, which suggests a genetic basis and is not associat ...
... of the population (1). Epilepsy is broadly classified as localization-related or generalized, depending on whether it originates in one hemisphere or involves the cortex bilaterally, respectively. Epilepsy can be further characterized as idiopathic, which suggests a genetic basis and is not associat ...
... talk, I will very briefly touch upon a few examples of how we have applied these methodologies at several levels of the auditory system. We have (among others) examined structure/function relationships in the cochlear nucleus, used recordings in the midbrain to support a reassessment of how interaur ...
... talk, I will very briefly touch upon a few examples of how we have applied these methodologies at several levels of the auditory system. We have (among others) examined structure/function relationships in the cochlear nucleus, used recordings in the midbrain to support a reassessment of how interaur ...
In 1978 Mountcastle hypothesized that the smallest functional unit of
... experiments in order to assess minicolumn activity evoked by a number of different stimulus conditions. Although OIS imaging is capable of imaging only the upper cortical layers, layers II/III, it has an advantage over in vitro experimentation in that all the cortical connections are still in tact. ...
... experiments in order to assess minicolumn activity evoked by a number of different stimulus conditions. Although OIS imaging is capable of imaging only the upper cortical layers, layers II/III, it has an advantage over in vitro experimentation in that all the cortical connections are still in tact. ...
... Experience-dependent changes in synaptic composition and function (synaptic plasticity) underlie many brain functions including learning and memory, formation of sensory maps, as well as the capability to recover from injury. Most of these functions decline with age, supporting the observation that ...
... Experience-dependent changes in synaptic composition and function (synaptic plasticity) underlie many brain functions including learning and memory, formation of sensory maps, as well as the capability to recover from injury. Most of these functions decline with age, supporting the observation that ...
The Olfactory System - Tim J. van Hartevelt
... Similar to other sensory systems, olfactory information must be transmitted from peripheral structures (the olfactory epithelium) to more central structures (the olfactory bulb and cortex), integrated to detect and discriminate specific stimuli, and then transferred to other parts of the brain in or ...
... Similar to other sensory systems, olfactory information must be transmitted from peripheral structures (the olfactory epithelium) to more central structures (the olfactory bulb and cortex), integrated to detect and discriminate specific stimuli, and then transferred to other parts of the brain in or ...
The natural hallucinogen 5-MeO-DMT, component of Ayahuasca
... Amazonian beverage traditionally used for ritual, religious and healing purposes that is being increasingly used for recreational purposes in US and Europe. 5MeO-DMT is of potential interest for schizophrenia research owing to its hallucinogenic properties. Two other psychotomimetic agents, phencycl ...
... Amazonian beverage traditionally used for ritual, religious and healing purposes that is being increasingly used for recreational purposes in US and Europe. 5MeO-DMT is of potential interest for schizophrenia research owing to its hallucinogenic properties. Two other psychotomimetic agents, phencycl ...
Spatial cognition, body representation and affective processes
... becomes evident in patients suffering from vestibular loss. These patients show impairments in path integration, navigation and spatial memory (e.g., Brandt et al., 2005; Péruch et al., 2005; Guidetti et al., 2008). For example, patients with bilateral vestibular loss showed impaired performance in ...
... becomes evident in patients suffering from vestibular loss. These patients show impairments in path integration, navigation and spatial memory (e.g., Brandt et al., 2005; Péruch et al., 2005; Guidetti et al., 2008). For example, patients with bilateral vestibular loss showed impaired performance in ...
D27 - Viktor`s Notes for the Neurosurgery Resident
... EEG review at bedside ......................................................................................................................... 38 Sedated patient ..................................................................................................................................... 38 ...
... EEG review at bedside ......................................................................................................................... 38 Sedated patient ..................................................................................................................................... 38 ...
Topographic Organization of Connections Between the Hypothalamus and
... *Correspondence to: Nancy Rempel-Clower, Department of Health Sciences, Boston University, 635 Commonwealth Ave., #425, Boston, MA ...
... *Correspondence to: Nancy Rempel-Clower, Department of Health Sciences, Boston University, 635 Commonwealth Ave., #425, Boston, MA ...
PDF - Bentham Open
... anxiety showed a diminished vmPFC response that was associated with greater fear conditioned SCRs compared to participants with low trait anxiety [34]. Further, our prior work has demonstrated that unconditioned fMRI signal responses from several brain regions fluctuate with trait anxiety level [17] ...
... anxiety showed a diminished vmPFC response that was associated with greater fear conditioned SCRs compared to participants with low trait anxiety [34]. Further, our prior work has demonstrated that unconditioned fMRI signal responses from several brain regions fluctuate with trait anxiety level [17] ...
The Role of Temporal Structure in Human Vision
... How accurately and reliably does the visual system register temporal structure defining visual events? (b) Can the visual system derive spatial structure solely on the basis of temporal structure without discontinuities in static properties? and (c) What properties of temporal structure are critical ...
... How accurately and reliably does the visual system register temporal structure defining visual events? (b) Can the visual system derive spatial structure solely on the basis of temporal structure without discontinuities in static properties? and (c) What properties of temporal structure are critical ...
Recasting the Smooth Pursuit Eye Movement System
... compose a seemingly simple circuit connecting areas in the temporal and frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex with pursuit-related motor regions of the cerebellum (Fig. 1A), as detailed in several previous reviews (Ilg 1997; Keller and Heinen 1991; Lisberger et al. 1987). The middle temporal (MT) and ...
... compose a seemingly simple circuit connecting areas in the temporal and frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex with pursuit-related motor regions of the cerebellum (Fig. 1A), as detailed in several previous reviews (Ilg 1997; Keller and Heinen 1991; Lisberger et al. 1987). The middle temporal (MT) and ...
The Olfactory–Limbic System and Multiple Chemical
... In addition some odorant nerve impulses, from the primary olfactory cortex, are further projected to deeper nuclei structures within the brain. These structures are referred to collectively as the secondary olfactory regions or secondary olfactory cortex. “Auditory and visual sensory information re ...
... In addition some odorant nerve impulses, from the primary olfactory cortex, are further projected to deeper nuclei structures within the brain. These structures are referred to collectively as the secondary olfactory regions or secondary olfactory cortex. “Auditory and visual sensory information re ...
... Here, bold numbers indicate the number of units in each ocular dominance category, and n represents the total number of units in the population for which an ocular dominance value could be assigned. The BI would have a value of 0 if the cortex contained units that only responded to the deprived eye, ...
... Here, bold numbers indicate the number of units in each ocular dominance category, and n represents the total number of units in the population for which an ocular dominance value could be assigned. The BI would have a value of 0 if the cortex contained units that only responded to the deprived eye, ...
... investigation revealed that the long-latency response can be decomposed into two functionally-independent processes (Chapter 4), and that one of these components contributes all of the sophistication observed in Chapters 2 and 3. The goal of our fifth study was to investigate the neural basis of the ...
... investigation revealed that the long-latency response can be decomposed into two functionally-independent processes (Chapter 4), and that one of these components contributes all of the sophistication observed in Chapters 2 and 3. The goal of our fifth study was to investigate the neural basis of the ...
A review of MRI findings in schizophrenia
... setting the stage for the development of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Or there may be additional factors, such as stress or neurotoxicity, that occur during adolescence or early adulthood and are necessary for the development of schizophrenia, and may be associated with neurodegenerative changes. ...
... setting the stage for the development of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Or there may be additional factors, such as stress or neurotoxicity, that occur during adolescence or early adulthood and are necessary for the development of schizophrenia, and may be associated with neurodegenerative changes. ...