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Discovering Psychology Video Series: “The Behaving Brain” pt. 1
1. In the beginning of the video, Philip Zimbardo compared our brain to a _____________.
2. The human brain houses approximately _____________ number of brain cells.
3. Neurons and glia are designed to do 3 things:
a. ___________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________
4. All behavior begins with the actions of the neurons. First the
a. _____________ - gathers & receives information from other neurons
b. _____________ - neuron’s cell body
c. Axon - ______________________________________________________
d. _____________ _____________ - where the impulses end up and chemical
messengers called _____________ are released into a liquid filled gap
e. _____________ - the liquid filled gap
5. There are two effects that a neuron can have on other neurons: an excitatory effect and
_____________ effect.
6. With an excitatory synapse, the neurotransmitters cause the neurons on the other side of the
synapse to generate a _____________ _____________.
7. On the other hand, an _____________ synapse, reduces or _____________ nerve impulses.
Discovering Psychology Video Series: “The Behaving Brain” pt. 2
1. Quick Tour of the brain’s specialized areas
a. Brain stem – the center of _____________ _____________, such as _____________,
_____________, _____________, and _____________.
b. Cerebellum - ____________________________, ____________________________,
and maintains _____________
c. Limbic system - _________________________________________________; also
regulates _____________, the powerful drive of self-_____________, and
_____________ _____________.
Parts of the limbic system are
1. _____________ - __________________________________________
2. _____________ - __________________________________________
3. _____________ - __________________________________________
4. _____________ - __________________________________________
d. Pituitary gland – releases ____________________________________ and influences
_____________ and _____________
e. Cerebrum - _____________
i. Divided into two halve and connected by the _____________ _____________
ii. _____________ - the outer, convoluted (wrinkled) area; the center of conscious
thought, perception, and integration of all sensations and responses