... conditioning (Grillon et al., 1991), while unconditioned skin conductance response (SCR) diminishes as associative learning develops during Pavlovian fear conditioning (Baxter, 1966; Kimmel, 1967; Marcos & Redondo, 1999) . More specifically, the magnitude of the unconditioned SCR decreases as the CS ...
... conditioning (Grillon et al., 1991), while unconditioned skin conductance response (SCR) diminishes as associative learning develops during Pavlovian fear conditioning (Baxter, 1966; Kimmel, 1967; Marcos & Redondo, 1999) . More specifically, the magnitude of the unconditioned SCR decreases as the CS ...
more information
... aspartame, and its decomposition products, conducted in mice, rats, hamsters and dogs have consistently found no adverse effect of aspartame with doses up to at least 4000 mg/kg bw/day. Critical review of all carcinogenicity studies conducted on aspartame found no credible evidence that aspartame is ...
... aspartame, and its decomposition products, conducted in mice, rats, hamsters and dogs have consistently found no adverse effect of aspartame with doses up to at least 4000 mg/kg bw/day. Critical review of all carcinogenicity studies conducted on aspartame found no credible evidence that aspartame is ...
Neuronal uptake and propagation of a rare phosphorylated high-molecular-weight tau
... brain extracts from rTg4510 mice, which overexpress human mutant P301L tau, by centrifugation either at 3,000, 10,000, 50,000 or 150,000g, and applied the supernatant to mouse primary cortical neurons. The uptake of tau was assessed by immunofluorescence labelling of intracellular human tau. After 24 ...
... brain extracts from rTg4510 mice, which overexpress human mutant P301L tau, by centrifugation either at 3,000, 10,000, 50,000 or 150,000g, and applied the supernatant to mouse primary cortical neurons. The uptake of tau was assessed by immunofluorescence labelling of intracellular human tau. After 24 ...
pathophysiology of attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
... Some studies suggest that the impairments found in children with ADHD cannot be accounted for by psychiatric comorbidity (50). Moreover, having a family history of ADHD may predict a greater degree of neuropsychological impairment. This latter finding suggests that familial ADHD and neuropsychologic ...
... Some studies suggest that the impairments found in children with ADHD cannot be accounted for by psychiatric comorbidity (50). Moreover, having a family history of ADHD may predict a greater degree of neuropsychological impairment. This latter finding suggests that familial ADHD and neuropsychologic ...
Corpus Callosum
... the report agenesis of corpus callosum is not the name you expected please check the synonyms listing to, corpus callosum agenesis definition and patient education - learn about agenesis of the corpus callosum a condition that occurs when the structure linking the right and left sides of your brain ...
... the report agenesis of corpus callosum is not the name you expected please check the synonyms listing to, corpus callosum agenesis definition and patient education - learn about agenesis of the corpus callosum a condition that occurs when the structure linking the right and left sides of your brain ...
Altered Resting-State Functional Connectivity of
... are functionally heterogeneous, with distinct roles in learning and expressing fear behaviors. PTSD differences in amygdala-complex function and functional connectivity with cortical and subcortical structures remain unclear. Recent military veterans with PTSD (n ¼ 20) and matched trauma-exposed con ...
... are functionally heterogeneous, with distinct roles in learning and expressing fear behaviors. PTSD differences in amygdala-complex function and functional connectivity with cortical and subcortical structures remain unclear. Recent military veterans with PTSD (n ¼ 20) and matched trauma-exposed con ...
The cerebral cortex of Albert Einstein: a description and preliminary
... map that identifies the locations in the brain of the specific blocks that yielded the slides were donated by Dr Harvey’s Estate and curated by the National Museum of Health and Medicine in 2010. Except for those mentioned in the report by Witelson et al. (1999b), the location of other extant photog ...
... map that identifies the locations in the brain of the specific blocks that yielded the slides were donated by Dr Harvey’s Estate and curated by the National Museum of Health and Medicine in 2010. Except for those mentioned in the report by Witelson et al. (1999b), the location of other extant photog ...
The cerebral cortex of Albert Einstein: a
... map that identifies the locations in the brain of the specific blocks that yielded the slides were donated by Dr Harvey’s Estate and curated by the National Museum of Health and Medicine in 2010. Except for those mentioned in the report by Witelson et al. (1999b), the location of other extant photog ...
... map that identifies the locations in the brain of the specific blocks that yielded the slides were donated by Dr Harvey’s Estate and curated by the National Museum of Health and Medicine in 2010. Except for those mentioned in the report by Witelson et al. (1999b), the location of other extant photog ...
frontal functions, connectivity and neural efficiency underpinning
... hypnosis. Orienting responses were recorded with electrodermal activity, a pure measure of sympathetic autonomic responsiveness. Highly susceptible subjects showed a reduction in responses with hypnosis when compared with several control conditions, whereas subjects with low susceptibility showed in ...
... hypnosis. Orienting responses were recorded with electrodermal activity, a pure measure of sympathetic autonomic responsiveness. Highly susceptible subjects showed a reduction in responses with hypnosis when compared with several control conditions, whereas subjects with low susceptibility showed in ...
neuropathology of dopamine systems in schizophrenia
... dopaminergic neurons. This pigmentation is due to the presence of neuromelanin, which is a byproduct of the metabolism of dopamine, giving the SN its distinct dark color (Double et al., 2000; Zecca et al., 2008). Within this mesodiencephalic dopaminergic complex, the VTA is located medial to the SN, ...
... dopaminergic neurons. This pigmentation is due to the presence of neuromelanin, which is a byproduct of the metabolism of dopamine, giving the SN its distinct dark color (Double et al., 2000; Zecca et al., 2008). Within this mesodiencephalic dopaminergic complex, the VTA is located medial to the SN, ...
... used to identify and compare the brain activation during a reward/time discrimination paradigm. The paradigm also included distractors during the task, in order to evaluate attention processes. Our results from the Regions of interest (ROIs) analysis indicated decreased brain activation in left and ...
Effects of Fructose vs Glucose on Regional
... Importance Increases in fructose consumption have paralleled the increasing prevalence of obesity, and high-fructose diets are thought to promote weight gain and insulin resistance. Fructose ingestion produces smaller increases in circulating satiety hormones compared with glucose ingestion, and cen ...
... Importance Increases in fructose consumption have paralleled the increasing prevalence of obesity, and high-fructose diets are thought to promote weight gain and insulin resistance. Fructose ingestion produces smaller increases in circulating satiety hormones compared with glucose ingestion, and cen ...
Chronic Use and Cognitive Functioning and Mental Health
... Some other studies have reported links between chronic cannabis use and deficits in working memory. One study comparing individuals with chronic cannabis use to those who did not use found greater deficits in a verbal working memory task among those who use and these deficits were tied to altered ne ...
... Some other studies have reported links between chronic cannabis use and deficits in working memory. One study comparing individuals with chronic cannabis use to those who did not use found greater deficits in a verbal working memory task among those who use and these deficits were tied to altered ne ...
The Anatomy of the Posterior Commissure
... longitudinal fascicle (ILF) and a parietooccipitotemporopontine fascicle. The anatomy of the inferior longitudinal fasciculus and its function are not totally understood. It connects the occipital lobe with the anterior temporal lobe and is reported to subserve the language semantics in parallel wit ...
... longitudinal fascicle (ILF) and a parietooccipitotemporopontine fascicle. The anatomy of the inferior longitudinal fasciculus and its function are not totally understood. It connects the occipital lobe with the anterior temporal lobe and is reported to subserve the language semantics in parallel wit ...
A review of MRI findings in schizophrenia
... neurotoxicity, that occur during adolescence or early adulthood and are necessary for the development of schizophrenia, and may be associated with neurodegenerative changes. Importantly, as several different brain regions are involved in the neuropathology of schizophrenia, new models need to be dev ...
... neurotoxicity, that occur during adolescence or early adulthood and are necessary for the development of schizophrenia, and may be associated with neurodegenerative changes. Importantly, as several different brain regions are involved in the neuropathology of schizophrenia, new models need to be dev ...
... Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disease characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Converging data from different studies point to ADHD abnormalities in fronto-striatal circuits. Structural neuroimaging studies partially support f ...
... Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disease characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Converging data from different studies point to ADHD abnormalities in fronto-striatal circuits. Structural neuroimaging studies partially support f ...
Abstract of “Primate frontal eye fields mediate spatial attention in
... these neurons also have eye movement related activity (these are termed visuomotor neurons). We do not discuss the activity of purely movement neurons because movement related activity in FEF is suppressed during the covert visual search tasks used in the thesis (Thompson et al., 2005). Examples of ...
... these neurons also have eye movement related activity (these are termed visuomotor neurons). We do not discuss the activity of purely movement neurons because movement related activity in FEF is suppressed during the covert visual search tasks used in the thesis (Thompson et al., 2005). Examples of ...
Functional Neuroimaging Insights into the Physiology of Human Sleep
... On the one hand, REM sleep has been associated with the activation of the pons, thalamus, limbic areas, and temporo-occipital cortices, and the deactivation of prefrontal areas, in line with theories of REM sleep generation and dreaming properties. On the other hand, during non-REM (NREM) sleep, dec ...
... On the one hand, REM sleep has been associated with the activation of the pons, thalamus, limbic areas, and temporo-occipital cortices, and the deactivation of prefrontal areas, in line with theories of REM sleep generation and dreaming properties. On the other hand, during non-REM (NREM) sleep, dec ...
Insula function in anorexia nervosa
... the mortality rate is about twelve times higher than all other causes of death in this group of age, thereby showing the massive problems of anorexia nervosa1. Because of the lack of effective and evidence based treatment in AN and because of the seriousness of this disorder, it is important to get ...
... the mortality rate is about twelve times higher than all other causes of death in this group of age, thereby showing the massive problems of anorexia nervosa1. Because of the lack of effective and evidence based treatment in AN and because of the seriousness of this disorder, it is important to get ...
Neural Coding of Distinct Statistical Properties of
... to press the response button quickly. Importantly, the stimuli presentations were not contingent on the subject’s response. The number of correctly responded trials was indicated at the end of each run to the subject during scanning. We designed the ‘slot machines’ A, B, C by including the common nu ...
... to press the response button quickly. Importantly, the stimuli presentations were not contingent on the subject’s response. The number of correctly responded trials was indicated at the end of each run to the subject during scanning. We designed the ‘slot machines’ A, B, C by including the common nu ...
... neuroanatomical and neurofunctional analysis of addiction-related changes. Several studies have shown that addiction alters the dopaminergic mesocorticolimbic circuitry of self-control and incentive salience to subserve the transition from voluntary drug use to habitual, compulsive drug abuse. Some ...
GABA-Based Evaluation of Neurologic Conditions: MR Spectroscopy
... measure metabolites. These ROIs may include differing types of brain matter inadvertently through partial volume effects; gray matter contains a much greater concentration of GABA than white matter.8 Moreover, regardless of the size of the ROI, MR spectroscopy cannot indicate whether the concentrati ...
... measure metabolites. These ROIs may include differing types of brain matter inadvertently through partial volume effects; gray matter contains a much greater concentration of GABA than white matter.8 Moreover, regardless of the size of the ROI, MR spectroscopy cannot indicate whether the concentrati ...
PDF - Oxford Academic - Oxford University Press
... object naming with 175 pictured objects from a variety of semantic categories. Pictures have high familiarity, name agreement and image quality. Object names range in length from 1 to 4 syllables and in noun frequency from 1 to 2110 tokens per million (Francis and Kucera, 1982). The Philadelphia Nam ...
... object naming with 175 pictured objects from a variety of semantic categories. Pictures have high familiarity, name agreement and image quality. Object names range in length from 1 to 4 syllables and in noun frequency from 1 to 2110 tokens per million (Francis and Kucera, 1982). The Philadelphia Nam ...