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Chapter 3: Biology and Behavior
The study of the relationship between the brain/body and behavior
Human Nervous System
– Peripheral
– Central
Peripheral Nervous System
Nerves lying outside the brain and spinal cord
Autonomic Nervous System
– heart, lungs, stomach, etc.
Sympathetic Nervous System
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Somatic Nervous System
Central Nervous System
Control center
Brain and spinal cord
Sends/receives information to/from the peripheral nervous system
Types of Neurons
Sensory Neurons (afferent neurons)
– from ears, eyes, tongue, and skin
Motor Neurons (efferent neurons)
– from CNS to muscles
– Reflex: within spinal cord
– sensory neurons to motor neurons
Nature of the Message
Electrochemical impulse
Types of Neurons
Action Potential
– 240 mph
All or Nothing Law
Neuron fires or not
Refractory Period
Neural Communication
Neurons separated by a synapse
Communication = neurotransmitters
Lock & Key Hypothesis
Agonist: Mimics
Agtagonist: Blocks
Two Classes of Neurotransmitters
Excitatory Neurotransmitters
– Increases action potential
Inhibitory Neurotransmitters
– Decreases action potential
Prominent Neurotransmitters
Acetycholine (Ach)
Voluntary muscles
Convulsions = Abundance of Ach
Learning and Memory
Decrease = Alzheimer’s Disease
Norephinephrine (or Noradrenaline)
General arousal and mood
Highly pleasurable reactions
Influences learning and memory and emotional reactions
Factor in schizophrenia and Tourette’s syndrome
Blocking it used to treat psychosis
– L-Dopa (Laevodihydroxyphenylaline)
Loss = slowness & inability to move
Parkinson’s disease
Assoc. with sleep & food metabolism foods high in carbohydrates enhance production
(e.g., Turkey)
Related to drepression
GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid)
Inhibitory Neurotransmitter
Balances other neurotransmitters
Deficit = Epilepsy
Endocrine System
Ductless glands: right to bloodstream
Secrete hormones
Global Communication
Much slower than nervous system
Effects are longer lasting
– Fight or flight
Endocrine Glands
Pituitary Gland (pea)
located in the brain
master gland
closely connected to nervous system
Thyroid Gland
located next to trachea & larynx
controls metabolism
effects energy level and mood
Adrenal Gland
located above the kidneys
secretes adrenaline
located near the stomach
controls blood-sugar level
Produces testosterone in males
Produces estrogen in females
Controls sex drive and secondary sex characteristics
Subdivisions of the Brain
Hindbrain: Vital functions
Midbrain: Processes information
Reticular formation
maintains consciousness
finger-shaped network of neurons
Forebrain: Perceiving, remembering, and thinking
Split-Brain Research
Structural Symmetry
Cross Wiring
– Right hemisphere controls left side
– Left hemisphere controls right side
Visual Fields
Each eye receives sensory information from the right and left visual fields
Transmitted quickly to the other hemisphere
Corpus Callosum
Thick band of neurons connecting the two hemispheres
Left Hemisphere
Use of Words
Dominant in language and writing skills
Right Hemisphere
Object assembly
Facial recognition
Spatial tasks
Dominant in language and writing skills