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Nervous system
Central nervous system
Peripheral / autonomous nervous system
Brain functions
Neurons and drugs
evolution of vertebrate brain - sponges are only multicellular
animals w/o nerves
• cnidarians - have simplest nervous systems (nerve net)
no control/association
• flatworms - simplest animals w/ association in nervous system
bigger mass of nervous tissue (beginnings of brain) >>
complex control
• interneurons/tracts added to brain as it evolved (interneurons
- complex, high-level neurons found in brain/spinal cord)
Hindbrain (rhombencephalon) - extension of spinal cord
coordinates motor reflexes
cerebellum (“little cerebrum”) - controls balance, body
pons - controls automatic functions, links
cerebellum/medulla oblongata w/ other parts of brain
medulla oblongata - contains respiration, circulation
Midbrain (mesencephalon) - consists of mostly optic lobes that
receive/process visual information
controls eye/ear reflex
Forebrain (prosencephalon) - processes most of sensory
diencephalons - thalamus, hypothalamus
thalamus - relays info between spinal cord and cerebrum
hypothalamus - controls emotions, pituitary gland
cerebrum (telencephalon) - dominant part of mammalian
• ascending tracts - carry sensory info to brain
• descending tracts - carry impulses from brain to motor neurons
Human forebrain - divided into 2 hemispheres connected by
corpus callosum
• each hemisphere receives info from opposite side
Cerebral cortex - layer of gray matter on outer surface of
contains 10% of all neurons in brain
folded/wrinkled to increase surface area
primary motor cortex - right in front of central sulcus
(crease), controls mov’t
primary somatosensory cortex - right behind central
sulcus, receives info from sensory neurons of
auditory cortex - in temporal lobe
visual cortex - in occipital lobe
association cortex - used for higher mental activities
Basal ganglia - collections of cell bodies, dentrites that produce
gray matter islands
receives info from ascending tracts, motor commands
from cerebrum/cortex
sends info to spinal cord to control mov’t
damaged ganglia >> Parkinson's
Thalamus - main area of senses (especially pain)
receives visual, auditory, somatosensory info
relays info to occipital (visual), temporal (auditory),
parietal (somatosensory) lobes
Hypothalamus - controls instinct
regulates body temperature, hunger, thirst, emotion
controls pituitary gland (regulates other endocrine glands)
Limbic system - responsible for emotional responses
includes hypothalamus, hippocampus (may control
memories), amygdala
Spinal cord - cable of neurons going from brain through
• protected by vertebral column and meninges (membrane
layers that also cover the brain)
• inner zone (gray matter) - consists of interneuron, motor
neuron, neuroglia cell bodies
unmyelinated cell bodies
• outer zone (white matter) - consists of sensory axons (in
dorsal column) and motor axons (in ventral column)
myelinated axons
• controls reflexes (sudden involuntary muscle mov’t)
doesn’t require higher level processing of info
only uses a few neurons >> very fast
monosynaptic reflex arc - simplest reflex (like kneejerk reflex), sensory nerve connects directly to motor
most reflexes usually involve an interneuron between
sensory/motor neurons
• regeneration - implanted nerve axons can’t penetrate spinal
cord tissue
factor in spinal cord inhibits nerve growth
use of fibroblast growth factor shows limited improvement
in neuron regeneration ability
Peripheral nervous system
Nerves, ganglia
- collections of axons (myelinated/unmyelinated)
separates into motor/sensory parts at origin
dorsal root - sensory axons
ventral root - motor axons
Ganglia - groups of neuron cell bodies outside the central
nervous system
dorsal root ganglia - contains cell bodies of sensory
motor neuron cell bodies found inside spinal cord
• somatic motor neurons stimulate skeletal muscles to contract
for each muscle stimulated to contract, its antagonist
must be inhibited by hyperpolarizing the motor neuron
Autonomic nervous system
contains sympathetic/parasympathetic areas, medulla oblongata
• autonomic neurons control smooth muscles, cardiac muscles,
• medulla oblongata - controls the system
• 2 neurons used for each pathway (1 has cell body in central
nervous system, other has cell body in autonomic ganglion)
• Preganglionic neuron - 1st neuron, releases Ach at synapse
• Postganglionic neuron - releases Ach in parasympathetic
division, norepinephrine in sympathetic division
• Sympathetic division - stimulates the adrenal gland to
secrete epinephrine
prepares the body for fight or flight
norepinephrine released at postganglionic neuron
Parasympathetic division - slows down heart, increases
regulates organs by releasing Ach
ACh causes G proteins to open up ion channels >>
hyperpolarization >> slows down cell
Neuroglia - cells that support neurons
• supplies neurons w/ nutrients, gets rid of waste, provides
• Schwann cells - produce myelin sheaths in peripheral nervous
oligodendrocytes - produce myelin sheaths in central
nervous system
Brain Function
Sleep/arousal - reticular formation in brain stem controls
• less stimuli >> less active reticular formation >> easier to
• sleep = active process, not lack of consciousness
Electroencephalogram (EEG) - records electrical activity in the
alpha waves - 8-13 hertz, found in relaxed/awake people
beta waves - 13-30 hertz, found in alert people
theta/delta waves - found in sleeping people
REM sleep - rapid eye mov’t sleep
EEG like that of relaxed, awake person
difficult to wake up
when dreams occur
Language/spatial recognition - hemispheres each responsible
for different jobs
• left hemisphere = dominant language area for 9/10 of righthanded people, 2/3 of left handed people
• Wernicke’s area - found in parietal lobe between
auditory/visual areas
controls language comprehension, formation of thoughts
• Broca’s area - found near motor cortex controlling the face
controls motor skills needed for language communication
• aphasias - language disorder where words lack meaning, due to
damage in Wernicke/Broca areas
• right hemisphere = nondominant hemisphere, good at spatial
reasoning and musical ability
damaged inferior temporal cortex >> inability to
recognize faces
memory/learning - doesn’t take place in any specific part
• short-term memory - temporary memory
possibly stored electrically as neural excitation
can be forgotten w/ electrical shock
• long-term memory - involves structural changes in neural
converted from short-term memory by
• long-term potentiation (LTP) - frequently used neurons become
more sensitive after each transmission
Alzheimer disease - condition where memory/thought
processes become dysfunctional
• nerve cells either killed from outside in or inside out
• beta-amyloid peptides - external proteins that could plaque and
fill in brain when mutated
• tau protein - internal protein that normally maintain transport
could cause tangles when mutated
Membrane potential –
difference in charge across the membrane
• cytoplasm = negative, extracellular matrix = positive
• Fixed anions - negatively charged molecules too large to
diffuse out of the cell
• leak channels and sodium-potassium pump keep positively
charged ions out of the cell
• Equilibrium potential - point where electrical/chemical forces
balance out for a certain ion
graded potentials - small changes in membrane potentials
• casued by activation of gated ion channels (can open in
response to stimuli like hormones)
• Chemical (ligand) gated channel - open when chemicals bind
to them
channels open >> change in membrane permeability >>
different ions can get in/out
• depolarization >> membrane potential becomes less negative
• hyperpolarization >> membrane potential becomes more
• Summation - ability of graded potentials to combine
• threshold - amount of depolarization needed to create action
Action potential - nerve impulse once voltage-gated ion
channels open
• Voltage-gated ion channel - opens/closes depending on
membrane potential
• Na+ gates open first, before K+ gates
• Na+ enters cell (depolarization) >> K+ exits cell
(repolarization) >> possible undershoot if K+ channels stay
open (hyperpolarization)
• cannot combine w/ other action potentials
• either occurs completely or none at all
• can depolarize another area of the membrane, starting a chain
of action potentials
• Saltatory connection - action potentials jumping from node
to node in myelinated axons
speeds up nervous transmissions
• myelinated + larger axon diamter >> fast action potential
Intercellular junction between dendrites and soma
• electrical synapse - uses direct cytoplasmic connections
usually found in invertebrate systems
• chemical synapse - accounts for majority of synapses
synaptic cleft - narrow space that separates 2 cells
synaptic vesicles - contains neurotransmitters
action potential at end of axon >> Ca++ channels open
>> depolarization >> vesicles bind to membrane >>
neurotransmitters released through exocytosis, bind
to receptor proteins on other cell
• neurotransmitters recycled into cell by transporters, but most
go back to cell body before being used again by vesicles
• excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) - depolarization
• inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) - hyperpolarization
• synaptic integration - EPSP’s and IPSP’s working together to
bring about overall effect on cell
• dopamine - used to control body mov’ts
deficiency causes Parkinson’s disease
excess causes schizophrenia
• norepinephrine - adds on to the effect of epinephrine,
secreted by adrenal gland
• serotonin - regulates sleep/emotion
deficiency can cause depression
drug LSD blocks serotonin receptors >> depression
• substance P - neuropetide that responds to pain stimuli
pain won’t be felt w/o it
• nitric oxide - 1st gas discovered to act as regulatory molecule
cannot be stored (diffuses through membranes)
causes smooth muscles to relax
Drugs - decreases the sensitivity of receptors, mimics the effects
of neurotransmitters
Habituation - receptors lost ability to respond if exposed to
constant stimulus for long time
number of receptor proteins decrease
• blocks transporters >> excess of neurotransmitters in synapse
cleft >> # of receptors decrease due to over-stimulation
>> addiction
• body adjusts to conditions when drug is present >> withdrawal
symptoms occur when drug no longer used
Agonist - acts like the neurotransmitter
Antagonist - blocks the receptor for a neurotransmitter