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The Nervous System
What is the structure of the
nervous system?
specialized cells that:
gather information about your environment
interpret information
help you react to information
3 regions of the neurons:
dendrites - receive signals (impluses) from
other neurons
cell body - nucleus of the neuron
axon - carries nerve impulses from cell
body to other neurons and muscles
What are the 3 kinds of
sensory neurons
send impulses from receptors in the skin and
sense organs to the brain and spinal cord
interneurons - located in the brain and spinal cord
carry impulse from sensory neurons to motor
motor neurons
carry impulses away from brain and spinal
impulses go to muscles or glands, which
What is the reflex arc?
nerve pathway that consists of a sensory neuron,
an interneuron, and a motor neuron
What is a nerve impulse?
electrical charge that travels the length of a neuron
caused by a stimulus
results in a response
What is a synapse?
small gap between the axon of one neuron and the
dendrite of another
the more a synapse is stimulated, the stronger the
connection between the neurons becomes
if synapses are not stimulated, the connection
never forms or it goes away
1. Cerebellum
Controls balance and muscle coordination
2. Spinal Cord
Connects the brain to the peripheral nervous
3. Medulla Oblongata
Controls heart rate, blood pressure and respiration
4. Pons
controls sleep, swallowing, eye movement and
facial expression
5. Midbrain
involved in vision, hearing and temperature
6. Fornix
Involved in the formation of memories and recall
7. Pituitary Gland
produces hormones
8. Optic chiasma
point where nerves from the two eyes come
9. Olfactory Bulb
controls smell
10. Hypothalamus
involved in control of body temperature, appetite
and sleep
11. Corpus callosum
Connects the two hemispheres of the brain
12. Thalamus
sensory relay center
What are your senses?
Taste and smell
senses of taste and smell are stimulated by
chemicals and often function together
special receptors located in the nose send
information to the olfactory bulb
taste buds located on the tongue detect sweet,
sour, salty, bitter and unami
light enters the eye through the cornea
cornea helps to focus light through the pupil
pupil is surrounded by the iris
behind the iris is the lens
lens projects image on to the retina
retina is made of rods and cones
Hearing and Balance
ears detect volume and frequency of sound
canals in the inner ear control your sense of balance
sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate
vibrations travel through 3 bones in the middle
auditory nerves carry messages to the brain
3 semicircular canals in the inner ear
transmit information about body
position to the brain
fluid in the canals determines the
position of the head