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Chapters 10 and 11
Nervous System
• Master controlling and
communicating system
Basic Functions
1. Sensory input – gather information
2. Integration – process and interpret sensory input
3. Motor output – response by muscles and glands
A. Central Nervous System (CNS)
▫ Brain & spinal cord
▫ Integrative and control centers
B. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
▫ Nerves (spinal nerves, cranial nerves)
▫ Communication lines between CNS and rest of body
▫ Two Divisions:
1. Sensory (afferent) Division: Sensory receptors 
2. Motor (efferent) Division: CNS  effectors
(muscles & glands)
Motor Division
• Somatic nervous system (voluntary) – control
skeletal muscles
• Autonomic nervous system (ANS) (involuntary)
– regulate smooth muscles, cardiac, glands
▫ Subdivisions: sympathetic & parasympathetic
Hey there, I’m a brain!
Hey there, I’m a sheep brain!
Brain Anatomy…
• Brain: mass of 120 billion neurons and neuroglia weighing
approximately 3 pounds, protected by cranial bones
• Cerebrum: largest mass of brain (83% of brain mass);
responsible for higher mental functions and distribution of
▫ Cerebral cortex: outer layer of gray matter; short and long term
 Convolutions: elevated ridges/folds that increases gray area of brain
 Sulci: shallower grooves
 Fissures: deep grooves (fetal folds)
 Longitudinal: separates right and left hemispheres; corpus callosum
(large fibers that connect the two hemispheres)
 Transverse: separates cerebrum from cerebellum
 Fissure of Rolando: divides frontal and parietal lobes at coronal
 Fissure of Sylvan/lateral fissure: divides frontal and temporal lobes
Nervous System
Classification of Neurons and Supporting
Day 2
Brain Anatomy (ctd.)
• Cerebrum (ctd.)
▫ Cerebral medulla: white matter, conduction pathways
▫ Divided into right and left hemispheres (left side governs right side
of body, right side governs left side of body)
▫ Lobes
Frontal: voluntary motor control, learning, planning, L = motor, speech
Parietal: sensory, distance, size, shape, cognitive/intellectual processes
Occipital: vision, visual memory
Temporal: auditory, olfactory, speech, judgment, reasoning, will power
• Cerebellum: below and posterior to cerebrum
▫ Right and left hemispheres connected by central vermis
▫ Outer gray, inner white forms arbor vitae
▫ Coordinates muscular movement, posture, balance, running,
▫ Damage produces ataxia (lack of coordination due to errors in speed,
force, direction of movement
Brain Anatomy (ctd.)
• Brainstem (damage = coma)
▫ Midbrain: upper part of brainstem
 Controls postural reflexes and walking
 Visual reflexes and auditory control, 3-4 cranial nerves
▫ Pons: a two-way conduction pathway, mixed gray and white
 Controls inspiration
 Transverse fibers give it a bridge appearance
 Reflex mediation for 5-8 cranial nerves
▫ Medulla oblongata: the bulb (lowest part before the
foramen magnum) made of white and gray fibers called
reticular formation
 75% of fibers cross here
 Controls vital functions: respiration and circulation
 Pyramids: bulges of white tracts on ventral surface
Brain Anatomy (ctd.)
• Diencephalon: area between cerebrum and midbrain
▫ Thalamus: gray matter, relay station for sensory incoming
and motor outgoing impulses; damage - increased
sensitivity to pain, loss of consciousness
▫ Hypothalamus: forms floor of third ventricle
Regulates autonomic control
Cardiovascular control: dilates/constricts
Temperature control
Controls appetite: hunger and thirst
Water balance
GI control: peristalsis, intestinal secretions
Emotional states: fear, anger, pleasure, pain, sexual reflexes
Nervous Tissue
1. Neurons (nerve cells) - transmit message
Cell body – contains nucleus; metabolic center
Dendrite – fiber that conveys messages toward cell body
Axon – conduct nerve impulses away from the cell body
Axon terminals – end of axon; contain neurotransmitters
& release them
Synaptic cleft/synapse – gap between neurons
Nervous Tissue
2. Neuroglial cells - supporting cells
CNS: astrocytes, microglia, ependymal cells, oligodendrocytes
 barrier between capillaries and neurons
 protect neurons
 immune/defense
 line brain and spinal cord cavities
 wrap nerve fibers
 produces myelin sheaths (covering)
PNS: Schwann cells, satellite cells
 surround large neurons
 protect & cushion
Myelin: whitish, fatty material that covers nerve fibers to
speed up nerve impulses
Schwann cells: surround axons and form myelin sheath
Myelin sheath: tight coil of wrapped membranes
Nodes of Ranvier: gaps between Schwann cells
Ganglia: collections of cell bodies
Bundles of nerve fibers = tracts (CNS) or nerves (PNS)
White matter: dense collections of myelinated fibers
Gray matter: unmyelinated fibers & cell bodies
Functional Classification: direction nerve impulse is
Motor neurons
carry impulses from carry impulses from
sensory receptors to CNS to muscles &
connect sensory &
motor neurons
Vision, hearing,
equilibrium, taste,
smell, pain,
pressure, heat
Structural Classification: # processes extending from cell
1 axon, several
1 axon, 1 dendrite
1 process
Short with 2
branches (sensory,
Most common
Eg. Motor neurons,
Eg. retina, nose, ear
Eg. PNS ganglia
Anatomy of the Brain
Day 3
Sheep Brain Dissection Overview
Meninges of the Brain
Brain is protected by the skull and 3 layers of membranes called meninges
• DURA MATER (literally means “tough mother”)
▫ Tough outer layer
• ARACHNOID MATER (literally means “spider
▫ Beneath and stuck to the dura mater
▫ Stringy, web-like
▫ Space under the arachnoid, the subarachnoid space, is
filled with cerebrospinal fluid and contains blood
• PIA MATER (means “tender mother”)
▫ Thin transparent membrane that follows the contour
of the ridges (gyri) and valleys (sulci) of the brain.
• The ventricles of the brain are a communicating
network of cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid
• The ventricular system is composed of:
2 lateral ventricles
Third ventricle
Cerebral aqueduct
Fourth ventricle
• The choroid plexuses located in the ventricles
produce CSF, which fills the ventricles and
subarachnoid space, following a cycle of constant
production and reabsorption.
Additional Structures to Discuss…
• Pineal gland: Produces the hormone melatonin
at night
• Mamillary bodies: serve as relay stations for
reflexes related to sense of smell
• Inferior Colliculi: movement of head and trunk
in response to sound stimuli (reflex center)
• Superior Colliculi: movement of eyes, head and
neck in response to visual stimuli (reflex center)
• Infundibulum: connection between the
hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary
And it keeps going…
• Optic chiasma: X-shaped structure on the underside of the
brain formed by a partial crossing over of optic nerves
• Olfactory bulb: Structure located in the forebrain that
receives neural input regarding smell
Arbor Vitae
• White matter of the cerebellum
• Named as much due to its branch-like appearance
• Brings sensory and motor info to and from the
Human vs. Sheep Brain (ctd.)
• The convolutions and sulci comprises of a larger surface area
than sheep brains
▫ Sheep brains have less ridges and contours.
• Human behavior and motor control is typically controlled by
the cerebellum
▫ Sheep brains have a much smaller cerebellum than the human
brain, which, in comparison with humans and their complex
learned behaviors, have less motor control and less learning
• The olfactory bulb is larger in the sheep’s brain than that of
the human brain
▫ Animals usually rely more upon their senses and abilities of
smell than humans do.
▫ Humans rely more upon other senses, such as sight and
hearing, rather than smell like sheep and other animals.
Human vs. Sheep Brain
• A sheep’s brain is elongated in shape, whereas a human
brain is rounded.
• The human brain stem is towards the backbone and
downwards, because in the human body the backbone
is vertical;
▫ Sheep’s backbone which is horizontal, and its brain is
directed outwards.
• The human brain is not only larger, but heavier than a
sheep’s brain,
▫ Sheep brain is roughly 140 grams compared to the human
brain, and is only about one third as long.
Human vs. Sheep Brain (ctd.)
• The pineal gland is responsible for controlling
reproduction and circadian rhythms
▫ Larger in the sheep’s brain when compared to the
human brain, that has less basic instinctual
behavior controls.
• Human hind brain positioning
▫ Different from the sheep because of the human’s
erect position.
Functional Classification
• Direction in which the nerve impulse travels relative to the CNS
▫ Sensory/Afferent: dendrites are connected to receptors where
stimulus is initiated in skin/organs and carry impulse
toward CNS; axons are connected to other neuron dendrites;
unipolar except for bipolar neurons in special sense organs; cell
bodies in sensory ganglia outside CNS Receptors:
▫ extroceptors (pain, temperature, touch)
▫ interoceptors (organ sensation)
▫ proprioceptors (muscle sense, position, movement)
▫ Motor/Efferent: carry messages from CNS to effectors; dendrites
are stimulated by other neurons and axons are connected to
effectors (muscles and glands); multipolar
▫ Association/Interneurons: carry impulses from one neuron to
another (afferent to efferent); found only in CNS; lie between
sensory and motor neurons; shuttle signals; 99% of neurons in
Neuron Function
1. Irritability: ability
to respond to
stimulus & convert
to nerve impulse
2. Conductivity:
transmit impulse to
other neurons,
muscles, or glands
Irritability of a Neuron:
• Cell membrane at rest = polarized
▫ Na+ outside cell, K+ inside cell
▫ Inside is (-) compared to outside
• Stimulus  excited neuron (Na+ rushes in) 
becomes depolarized
• Depolarization activates neuron to transmit an
action potential (nerve impulse)
▫ All-or-none response
▫ Impulse conducts down entire axon
• K+ diffuses out  repolarization of membrane
• Na+/K+ ion concentrations restored by sodiumpotassium pump (uses ATP)
Nerve Conduction
• Action potential reaches
axon terminal  vesicles
release neurotransmitters
(NT) into synaptic cleft
• NT diffuse across synapse
 bind to receptors of
next neuron
• Transmission of a nerve
impulse = electrochemical
Gated Ion Channels (Na+ and K+)
50+ identified
Excitatory: cause depolarization
Inhibitory: reduce ability to cause action potential
Eg. acetylcholine, serotonin, endorphins
• Acetylcholine: most common, it excites skeletal muscle,
but inhibits cardiac muscle; is also involved with memory;
deficiency of ACh could be a cause of Alzheimer’s.
• Amines: synthesized from amino acid molecules
▫ Serotonin: CNS inhibitory; moods, emotions, sleep
▫ Histamine: CNS stimulant; regulation of water balance and
temperature, emotions
▫ Dopamine: inhibitory effect on somatic motor; without
dopamine body has general over stimulation of muscles =
Parkinsonism tremors; cocaine blocks uptake of dopamine
▫ Epinephrine: autonomic nervous response, beta receptors,
▫ Norepinephrine: autonomic nervous response, alpha
receptors, constriction; antidepressants increase amount of
norepinephrine in brain - relieving depression
• Amino acids
▫ Glutamate: CNS excitatory
▫ Glycine: CNS inhibitory
• Neuropeptides: short strands of amino
acids called polypeptides
▫ Enkephalins/endorphins: inhibitory, act like
opiates to block pain
▫ VIP: vasoactive intestinal peptide
▫ CCK: cholecystokinin
▫ Substance P: excitatory, transmits pain
Affected by:
muscle contraction
botulism, curare
(paralytic), nicotine
“feeling good”
sleep, appetite, nausea,
mood, migraines
Prozac, LSD,
inhibit pain
morphine, heroin,
main inhibitory NT
alcohol, Valium,
• Rapid, predictable, involuntary responses to stimuli
1. Somatic Reflexes: stimulate skeletal muscles
Ex.) Pulling away hand from hot object
2. Autonomic Reflexes: regulate smooth muscles,
heart, glands
Ex.) salivation, digestion, blood pressure, sweating
Reflex Arc (neural pathway)
Five elements:
1. Receptor – reacts to stimulus
2. Sensory neuron
3. CNS integration center (interneurons)
4. Motor neuron
5. Effector organ – muscle or gland
Reflex Activities
Patellar (Knee-jerk)
Pupillary Reflex
Patellar (Knee-jerk)
Pupillary Reflex
• Stretch reflex
• Tapping patellar
ligament causes
quadriceps to contract
 knee extends
• Help maintain muscle
tone, posture, &
• Optic nerve 
brain stem 
muscles constrict
• Useful for checking
brain stem function
and drug use
Flexor (withdrawal) reflex:
painful stimulus  withdrawal of
threatened body part
▫ Pin prick
Plantar reflex:
draw object down sole of foot 
curling of toes
▫ Babinski’s sign: check to see if
motor cortex or corticospinal tract is