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letters to nature
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30. Williams, P. H. in Conservation in a Changing World (eds Mace, G. M., Balmford, A. & Ginsberg, J. R.)
(Cambridge University Press, in the press).
Acknowledgements. We thank our colleagues in Uganda, especially members of the Forest Department
®eld inventory teams, as well as R. Badaza, D. Duli, D. Hafashimana, I. Kapalaga, T. Katende, R. Kityo,
E. Mupada, R. Nabanyumya, D. Olet, A. Rodgers, R. Murtland and T. Finch. We also thank P. Warren and
J. Ward for help with analyses, and T. Birkhead, K. Gaston, J. Lawton, D. Pomeroy and P. Williams for
comments on the manuscript. Most of the work was funded by the European Union and the Global
Environmental Facility; P.V. was supported through the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation
and J.S.L. and A.B. by the Darwin Initiative.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.B. (e-mail: a.balmford@shef®eld.
Membrane potential
synchrony of simultaneously
recorded striatal spiny
neurons in vivo
Edward A. Stern*, Dieter Jaeger² & Charles J. Wilson*
* Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Tennessee College of
Medicine, 855 Monroe Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38163, USA
² Department of Biology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA
The basal ganglia are an interconnected set of subcortical regions
whose established role in cognition and motor control remains
poorly understood. An important nucleus within the basal ganglia, the striatum, receives cortical afferents that convey sensorimotor, limbic and cognitive information1. The activity of
NATURE | VOL 394 | 30 JULY 1998
medium-sized spiny neurons in the striatum seems to depend
on convergent input within these information channels2. To
determine the degree of correlated input, both below and at
threshold for the generation of action potentials, we recorded
intracellularly from pairs of spiny neurons in vivo. Here we report
that the transitions between depolarized and hyperpolarized
states were highly correlated among neurons. Within individual
depolarized states, some signi®cant synchronous ¯uctuations in
membrane potential occurred, but action potentials were not
synchronized. Therefore, although the mean afferent signal
across ®bres is highly correlated among striatal neurons, the
moment-to-moment variations around the mean, which determine the timing of action potentials, are not. We propose that the
precisely timed, synchronous component of the membrane potential signals activation of cell assemblies and enables ®ring to
occur. The asynchronous component, with low redundancy,
determines the ®ne temporal pattern of spikes.
The membrane potential of striatal spiny projection neurons
recorded in anaesthetized animals in vivo ¯uctuates between two
subthreshold states3±5. The quiescent, hyperpolarized `down' state,
and the noisier, depolarized `up' state, are separated by 15±30 mV.
Spike threshold is usually 3±5 mV above the mean potential of the
`up' state6. The `up' state is caused by synchronous synaptic input
from a large number of corticostriatal afferents interacting with
nonlinear membrane conductances in the striatal spiny neurons4.
Because individual corticostriatal synapses are relatively weak7,
many afferents must be activated to cause a striatal neuron to
®re8. Neurons within functionally related striatal microzones receive
similar sets of afferents, which arise from spatially distributed,
but functionally related, cortical areas9,10. Although the neurons
within a microzone respond to behavioural events in a time-locked
manner11, their responses are asynchronous12. We recorded intracellularly from 23 pairs of striatal neurons in rats anaesthetized with
urethane and ketamine/xylazine to measure the amount of synchrony of the shared corticostriatal afferents.
The membrane potentials of all the neurons in our sample
showed distinct `up' and `down' states. Membrane potential traces
of a pair of simultaneously recorded spiny neurons are shown in
Fig. 1a. All-points histograms of 10-s samples demonstrate the
bimodality of the membrane potentials (Fig. 1b). Cross-correlograms of the times of the transitions from the `down' state to the
`up' state (`up' transitions) and transitions from the `up' state to
the `down' state (`down' transitions) were constructed to measure
the synchrony of the subthreshold membrane-potential state transitions (Fig. 2). All cross-correlograms showed signi®cant central
peaks (outside the 95% con®dence intervals of the correlogram),
indicating synchrony of both `up' and `down' state transitions. No
further signi®cant peaks were found in our correlograms, indicating
that the state transitions are not due to a single oscillatory process5.
We tested the hypothesis that synchrony of the state transitions of
spiny neurons is dependent on the distance between them. The
synchrony of the state transitions was weakly anticorrelated with
distance (r ˆ 2 0:40, t ˆ 3:14, P , 0:05). The correlations found
between the neurons in all the pairs of our sample showed that a
large proportion of the state transitions of the striatal population
are synchronized even over distances of a millimetre or more.
We calculated cross-correlations of the membrane potentials
within individual `up' states of simultaneously recorded spiny cells
to see whether correlations on the time scale of individual synaptic
inputs could be detected. The membrane potentials within the `up'
states of the spiny neurons were variable, re¯ecting the incoming
corticostriatal synaptic activity5. The cross-correlations of the individual `up' states were also variable. For each pair, we averaged the
cross-correlations over several `up' states. In 30% (7 of 23 cells) of
our sample, a large central peak (outside the 95% con®dence
limits13,14) was evident. The central peaks had half-widths varying
from 5 to 10 ms, which is the same time scale as corticostriatal
Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1998
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excitatory postsynaptic potentials15. We found no signi®cant correlation of the width, amplitude or phase of the peak with distance
between the neurons. An example of the ¯uctuations within
individual `up' states of a pair of spiny neurons is shown in Fig.
3a (note the different time and voltage scales from Fig. 1a).
Although the membrane potentials are within a single `up' state,
some correlation is apparent (shown by the grey bars). The
correlation is on the time scale of tens of milliseconds, but is not
readily apparent on the millisecond timescale. An example of the
cross-correlations of the `up' states is shown in Fig. 3b.
The peak in Fig. 3b is only slightly outside the 95% con®dence
limits. The average cross-correlation shown in Fig. 3b is above zero,
which clearly contributed to the signi®cance of the peak. The broad
correlation, on the scale of tens of milliseconds, was present in the
average `up' states of all of our cell pairs. We performed shuf¯ed
cross-correlations of `up' states from one cell with subsequent `up'
states from the other cell in the pair to see if the positive correlations
of simultaneously recorded `up' states are artefacts of our method.
The average of the cross-correlations was not signi®cantly different
from zero, unlike the cross-correlations of the simultaneous `up'
states (Fig. 3d). No signi®cant central peak was seen in any of
cell 1
500 ms
our shuf¯ed correlations. Unlike the cross-correlations of the
simultaneously recorded `up' states, the average correlation was
not signi®cantly different from zero. The average positive correlogram in Fig. 3b may re¯ect the same global cortical correlation as the
correlations of the state transitions, or it may be caused by a subset
of the correlated inputs responsible for the global synchrony.
For comparison with the conventional approach for studying
neuronal synchrony, we calculated the autocorrelograms and crosscorrelograms of action potentials of the spiny cell pairs. Five pairs
®red enough spikes for us to calculate suf®cient statistics for
the correlograms. The typical cross-correlogram showed a weak
periodicity of ,1 Hz, corresponding to the average period of the
state transitions. In all cases, the width of the peaks was representative of the mean duration of the `up' states of the neurons; an
example is shown in Fig. 4. In no case did the correlograms have the
structure expected from direct synaptic connections between the
neurons in the pair16. No signi®cant narrow (,5 ms) peaks or
troughs were observed in our spike cross-correlations. The Fourier
transform of the cross-correlograms did not reveal signi®cant peaks
around ,1 Hz, showing that the structure of the spike correlograms
represented only the increased probability of spiking resulting from
the state of the membrane potential.
Spiny neurons have been shown to be dye-coupled under some
circumstances17. Intracellular recording allowed us directly to test
the hypothesis that spiny neurons are functionally connected.
Depolarizing and hyperpolarizing current pulses passed in the
`up' and `down' states failed to elicit any electrical responses in the
-66 mV
Transition probability
cell 2
20 mV
-78 mV
State-transition synchrony
Number of events
Gaussian fits
Membrane potential (mV)
Distance (µm)
cell 2
cell 1
Gaussian fits
100 µm
cell 2
Up transitions
Down transitions
cell 1
Number of events
-1,000 0 1,000
time (ms)
Figure 2 State transitions are synchronous among spiny neurons. a, Cross-
Membrane potential (mV)
correlogram of the membrane-potential `up' state transitions of the cell pair shown
in Fig.1. b, Scatterplot showing state-transition synchrony (probability of ®rst bin/
Figure 1 Membrane potentials of striatal spiny neurons show distinct `up' and
standard deviation) as a function of distance between the neurons in the pair.
`down' states. a, Simultaneous dual intracellular recording from a pair of striatal
Crosses denote the synchrony of the pair whose cross-correlogram is shown in
spiny neurons in vivo. Note the coherence of the `up' and `down' state transitions.
a. c, Photomontage showing the striatal neurons from which the traces in a were
Scale bars are shown on the right. b, All-points histograms of 10 s of the
recorded. The electrode track running through cell 2 is clearly seen. The broken
membrane-potential recordings shown in a (grey bars) and the two best-®tting
line denotes the boundary between the white matter (WM) and the neostriatum
gaussians best describing the data (black lines).
Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1998
NATURE | VOL 394 | 30 JULY 1998
letters to nature
other cell in the pair. Averaging the membrane potential triggered
by spontaneous and intracellularly evoked action potentials did not
reveal any synaptic interactions between the neurons. Our results
are consistent with similar dual intracellular recording studies in
striatal slice preparations18 in which no direct physiological interactions between spiny cells were detected. We conclude that
direct synaptic or electrical interactions between spiny neurons
did not cause the synchronization of the membrane-potential
state transitions.
We previously proposed that the membrane-potential state
transitions of striatal neurons are caused by similar state transitions
in a large population of corticostriatal afferents4,5. Our present data
show that coherence of the cortical afferents can synchronize the
onsets of the `up' states of striatal neurons, whereas the action
potentials of the neurons remain largely asynchronous.
Each striatal neuron receives a large number, although a small
cell 1
-69 mV
cell 1
-69 mV
cell 2
-60 mV
-64 mV
100 -100
10 mV
50 ms
10 mV
50 ms
single ‘up’ states
average correlation
95% confidence intervals of average
time (ms)
cell 2
time (ms)
Figure 3 Membrane potential synchrony within `up' states. a, Portions of an
individual `up' state in two simultaneously recorded spiny neurons. The mean
membrane potential in the `down' state was -80 mV for cell 1 and -75 mV for cell 2.
b, Cross-correlation of the waveforms within individual simultaneously recorded
`up' states from a single pair of neurons. c, As a, but the `up' state in cell 1 is the `up'
state subsequent to that from cell 0. d, Shuf¯ed cross-correlation of the
waveforms within individual `up' states. The `up' states of cell 2 were subsequent
to those recorded from cell 1.
Firing rate (spikes s )
Firing rate (spikes s )
proportion, of the corticostriatal afferent population2. The transitions between `up' and `down' states of striatal neurons in a speci®c
functionally de®ned region will be synchronous because they
depend on the total number of active excitatory inputs. The
moment-to-moment variations of membrane potential are generally not synchronous on the time scale of a few milliseconds, as can
be seen in Fig. 3b. This could result from activation of common
input ®bres projecting to both striatal neurons, or from synchronization of cortical or thalmic afferent neurons.
The subthreshold membrane-potential state transitions in cortical cells are correlated with the slow (,1 Hz) rhythm of the
electroencephalogram (EEG) during sleep, and have been shown
to be dependent on the level of anaesthesia19±21. As the level of
anaesthesia becomes more shallow, the state transitions among the
cortical neurons become less synchronized, and the slow EEG
rhythm becomes progressively more shallow until it is lost. However, it is clear that the state transitions in individual cortical
neurons are still present21. Cortical state transitions have also
been observed in animals anaesthetized with halothane and nitrous
Membrane-potential state transitions in striatal spiny neurons
are also not dependent on anaesthesia, as they were ®rst reported in
experiments on awake3,23 and decerebrate24 animals. Similar striatal
and cortical membrane-potential state transitions have been
reported in organotypic cocultures of cortex, striatum and substantia nigra, demonstrating the robustness of this type of activity25.
In awake rats, the global synchrony seen in anaesthesia is replaced by
functionally organized coherence on a more local scale. During
voluntary movements, the ®ring of striatal neurons within microzones is time locked to the movements but is asynchronous12. We
propose that the response during the movements is associated with
`up' state transitions in the responsive cell assembly. The asynchrony
of ®ring is caused by ¯uctuations of membrane potential within the
`up' state, which represents smaller subsets of afferent activity. The
asynchrony re¯ects the low redundancy of the activity within the
striatal cell assembly, which results in higher information capacity.
We have previously shown that the ¯uctuations of the membrane
potential around the mean value of the `up' states have a spectral
composition that is inconsistent with shot noise driven synaptic
conductances5. We propose that the ¯uctuations represent activation of small groups of related cortical inputs embedded within the
total cortical input signal. In many parts of the mammalian nervous
system, deviations from average or population values have been
shown to carry essential signals26±29. We suggest that a similar coding
mechanism is operating in corticostriatal pyramidal and striatal
spiny neurons. The precisely timed, synchronous transitions to the
`up' state may signal the general activation of a given microzone by a
behavioural event and enable ®ring. More speci®c information may
then be carried by the ®ne structure of the asynchronous spike trains
of the neurons within the assembly.
Time (s)
Time (s)
Time (s)
Figure 4 Spike auto- and cross-correlograms for a pair of striatal spiny neurons,
calculated with 10 ms bin-width. a, The autocorrelograms show ,1 Hz broad
periodicity, re¯ecting the average and variation of the `up' state durations. b, The
cross-correlogram shows no additional structure, apart from a change in ®ring
rate of one of the neurons.
NATURE | VOL 394 | 30 JULY 1998
General. All the procedures were carried out in accordance with animal care
guidelines of the US National Institutes of Health and the University of
Surgery. The experiments were performed on 15 male Sprague-Dawley or
Long-Evans rats weighing 268±520 g, initially anaesthetized with urethane
(1.25 g per kg body weight, intraperitoneal), and given hourly supplemental
injections of ketamine±xylazine (30 mg per kg and 7 mg per kg, respectively,
intramuscular). The animals' temperatures were maintained at 37 8C. The
animals were placed in a stereotaxic instrument and the skull exposed with a
single incision. The cisterna magna was opened to relieve intracranial pressure.
All animals continued to breathe without arti®cial respiration, and were
suspended by a clamp at the base of the tail to minimize movements of the brain
caused by breathing. For insertion of the recording electrodes, a large opening
was made in the skull from the frontal pole of the cortex to 3 mm posterior to
Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1998
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Electrophysiology and staining. Recording electrodes were glass micropip-
ettes ®lled with 2±4% biocytin (Sigma) dissolved in 1 M potassium acetate.
Electrode resistances ranged from 30 to 100 MQ. The recording electrodes were
aligned so that the tips would meet approximately 1±2 mm ventral to the dorsal
surface of the striatum. After recording electrodes were inserted, the exposed
cortex was covered with a low-melting-point paraf®n wax to reduce brain
pulsations. Recordings were made using an active bridge ampli®er and then
®ltered and digitized at a rate of 4 kHz or higher. Neurons that had membrane
potentials more negative than -60 mVand action potentials more positive than
0 mV were included in the sample. Neurons were stained by passing 1.5-nA
depolarizing pulses of 300 ms duration every 600 ms for 10±60 min.
Histology. At the end of the experiment, the animals were given a lethal dose of
Nembutal or urethane intraperitoneally and were perfused intracardially with
isotonic buffered saline followed by 400 ml of 4% formaldehyde in 0.15 M
sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2±7.6). Intact brains were removed and
post®xed in cold phosphate-buffered formaldehyde. The brains were trimmed
and cut on a vibratome in 50-mm parasagittal sections. Sections containing
labelled neurons or processes were processed for biocytin30. Some sections were
post®xed with 1% osmium tetroxide. Cells were identi®ed by the coordinates of
the recording electrodes, which were recorded during the experiment. Only
pairs in which both neurons were identi®ed were used in the sample.
Data analysis. The membrane potential distribution was normalized and the
weighted sum of two gaussians was ®t to the data using the Levenberg±
Marquart method of nonlinear least squares. The model used was
…v 2 m1 †
…v 2 m1 †
p…v† ˆ p exp
where m1 is the mean membrane potential in the `down' state; j1 is the
amplitude of ¯uctuations within the `down' state; m2 is the mean membrane
potential in the `up' state; j1 is the amplitude of ¯uctuations within the `up' state
and a is the ratio of `down' state to `up' state. After the two best-®tting gaussians
were found, we de®ned the thresholds of the `up' and `down' states as half of
the distance between the minimum point between the two gaussians and the
modal point for that state. Using these methods, the state transition times were
converted into a point process, which was used to construct the auto- and
cross-correlograms of the state transitions. Cross-correlograms were constructed from the transition times of the two states, rather than crosscorrelating the waveforms of the membrane potential, so that the only
contribution to the central peak would be the jitter in the delay between the two
neurons' membrane-potential transition times. Cross-correlating the membrane-potential waveforms would result in a broader peak owing to the
variability of the autocorrelation waveforms, that is, the durations of the `up'
and `down' states in each cell. Auto- and cross-correlograms of state transitions
and spikes were calculated using standard methods16 implemented using the
program Mathematica. All cross-correlograms were compared to autocorrelograms of the component neurons. The central peak in the cross-correlogram,
which was present for each cell pair, was never present in the autocorrelograms.
Synchrony (strength of cross-correlation) was calculated by dividing the
magnitude of the central peak by the standard deviation of the correlogram.
Cross-correlation of the waveforms was performed using standard time-series
methods13 implemented in Mathematica. The cross-correlations were calculated starting from 100 ms from the ®rst peak within the `up' state. Only `up'
states without spikes were selected. 95% con®dence intervals were calculated
for the harmonic means of 6 cross-correlations.
Received 9 March; accepted 8 June 1998.
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Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant from the NIH. We thank B. Mattix for technical
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to E.S. ([email protected]).
Glutamate locally activates
dendritic outputs of
thalamic interneurons
Charles L. Cox, Qiang Zhou & S. Murray Sherman
Department of Neurobiology, State University of New York, Stony Brook,
New York 11794-5230, USA
The relay of information through thalamus to cortex is dynamically gated, as illustrated by the retinogeniculocortical pathway1.
Important to this is the inhibitory interneuron in the lateral
geniculate nucleus (LGN). For the typical neuron, synaptic information arrives through postsynaptic dendrites and is transmitted
by axon terminals. However, the typical thalamic interneuron, in
addition to conventional axonal outputs, has distal dendrites that
serve both pre- and postsynaptic roles2±6. These dendritic terminals participate in curious and enigmatic triadic arrangements,
in which each contacts a relay cell dendrite and is contacted by a
glutamatergic retinal terminal that innervates the same relay cell
dendrite. Here we show that agonists of the metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) activate dendritic terminals of interneurons in the absence of action potentials, thereby inhibiting the
postsynaptic relay neuron. Somatic recordings from LGN interneurons reveal that there is no response to mGluR agonists,
suggesting that their dendritic terminals are electrically isolated
Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1998
NATURE | VOL 394 | 30 JULY 1998