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National Institute on Drug Abuse
In the second mission, the students learned about the parts of the brain and what each
part does. During this mission, they learn about neurotransmission—the process by which
information travels to and from the brain—by playing a board game and then devising their
own original way to explain this process.
Learning Objectives
★ Students learn about neurons and what they do.
★ Students find out how neurons communicate with each other.
★ Students explore the relationship between the brain and the rest of the central
nervous system.
★ Students learn more about neurotransmission by playing a board game.
★ Students apply what they have learned by figuring out a unique way to explain the
Relationship to the National Science Education Standards
This mission aligns with the following standard in the NSES: unifying concepts and
processes. The chart below shows how the mission aligns with this standard.
Unifying Concepts and Processes
Levels 5-8
How Mission is Aligned
Systems, order, and
This mission adds key knowledge to what was learned in
Module 2 by showing how neurotransmission is part of the
nervous system. Students develop an understanding of
how the brain works with other parts of the nervous
system to keep the entire human body functioning.
Information is constantly exchanged between the brain and other parts of the body by
both electrical and chemical impulses. A cell called a neuron is responsible for carrying
this information. The human brain is made up of 100 billion neurons.
A neuron has three main parts. The cell body directs all of the neuron’s activities.
Dendrites, short branches that extend out from the cell body, receive messages from
other neurons and pass them on to the cell body. An axon is a long, single fiber that
transmits messages from the cell body to the dendrites of other neurons or to other
tissues in the body, such as muscles. A protective covering called the myelin sheath
covers the axons of many neurons. Myelin insulates the axon and helps messages from
nerve signals travel faster, farther, and more efficiently.
The exchange of information from the axon of one neuron to the dendrites of another is
called neurotransmission. Neurotransmission takes place through the release of
chemicals into the space between the axon of the first neuron and the dendrites of the
second neuron. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters. The space between the
axon and the dendrites is called the synapse.
When neurons communicate, an electrical impulse traveling down the axon causes
neurotransmitters to be released from the end of the axon into the synapse. The
neurotransmitters cross the synapse and bind to special molecules on the other side,
called receptors. Receptors are found on the dendrites and cell bodies of all neurons.
These receptors convert the information into chemical and/or electrical signals for
processing in the neuron.
Axon (Neuron 1)
Dendrite (Neuron 2)
Our body produces many different types of neurotransmitters. Each neurotransmitter has
a specific role to play in the functioning of the brain. A neurotransmitter binds to a
receptor in much the same way that a key fits into a lock. A specific neurotransmitter only
binds to certain receptors. Once the neurotransmitter has bound to a receptor, a series
of events follow. First, the message carried by the neurotransmitter is received and
passed on to the receiving nerve cell. Second, the neurotransmitter is inactivated and
either broken down by an enzyme or reabsorbed from where it was released. The
reabsorption is completed by other molecules called transporter molecules. These
molecules are located in the cell membranes of the axon that releases the
neurotransmitters. They pick up specific neurotransmitters from the synapse and carry
them back across the cell membrane into the axon. The neurotransmitters are then
recycled for use at a later time. Note that this process is true for most
neurotransmitters, but not for all of them.
✔ Copy of a board for the board game (for each group)
– Sample found in the back of the Teacher’s Guide, Module 3
✔ Set of 10-15 blank cards for each group (use index cards or scratch paper)
✔ Spinners or dice and playing pieces (a set for each group)
– Sample of the playing pieces found in the back of the Teacher’s Guide, Module 3
✔ Paper and pencils
✔ Black Line Master showing of Neurotransmission (found in the back of the
Teacher’s Guide, Module 3)
✔ Videotape and VCR
★ Familiarize yourself with the topic of neurotransmission by reading the
background section of the guide.
★ Create an overhead transparency showing neurotransmission by using the Black
Line Master at the back of this guide.
★ Decide how you want to group the students for this activity. Each group should
consist of three to four students.
★ Make enough copies of the board and the cards so that each group receives one
You may want to have parent volunteers or instructional assistants help make copies
of the materials needed for this activity.
1. Begin the activity by asking the students if they have ever learned about
neurotransmission. The students who worked on other modules in the Brain
Power! program may remember something about this process.
2. Show the students the overhead transparency of neurotransmission. Explain the
steps in the process.
3. Watch the Module 3 video. Stop the tape at the break.
4. Tell students that to better understand this complex process, they are going to
design a board game explaining how neurotransmission works and how
information is communicated between the brain and other parts of the body.
5. Pass out a board game set to each group. Tell students that the game works like
this: The spaces on the board will tell students what to do when they are
playing the game. The students must fill in these spaces before playing the
game. Ideas are listed below. Once the students have filled in the spaces, have
them play. Each student should spin, move a certain number of spaces, and
follow the instructions on the space. If they answer the question correctly,
they spin again. The player who returns to the starting place first wins the
Ideas for the Board
• Neurotransmitters were just released into the synapse. Move two
• A message didn’t go through. Go back three spaces.
• You just had a brilliant idea! Move ahead four spaces.
• Brain overload! Go back three spaces.
• Pick a card and follow the instructions.
Ideas for the Cards
• Name the parts of a neuron.
• Explain how your brain “knows” that your arm hurts.
• What is the myelin sheath? Why is it important?
• What are neurotransmitters?
• What are receptors?
• What are transporter molecules?
• What parts of a neuron communicate with each other?
• Where does communication take place?
6. Resume the video. When the video is finished, give students class time to play
the game. It may be a good idea to leave the overhead transparency on while
students are playing. That way, they can refer to it if they have questions while
playing the game.
7. After the students are finished playing the game, have them clean up and come
back together as a class. Conclude the activity by asking them what they
Discussion Questions
Show the video to the students. Discuss what new neurotransmission information
they learned from the video.
Challenge the students to develop their own way to explain neurotransmission. It
could be by developing another board game, a simulation, or a play.
Ask the students if they think it would be better if the Junior Scientists
collaborated with the Spectacular Scientists Club kids instead of competing with
them. Tell them that they will be asked later in the program about the value of
competition versus collaboration.
The activities listed below provide a link to other areas of the curriculum.
Have the students share their ideas about how to explain
neurotransmission. Keep a list of all of their ideas.
Develop a class play explaining how neurotransmission works. The
students may have the characters be the parts of the neuron, or kids
showing what happens if neurotransmission works—and if it doesn’t.
Draw a class poster showing the different parts of a neuron.
Students could also draw the steps of neurotransmission.
1. If students worked on the Brain Power! program for grades 2 and 3, they may
have some knowledge of neurotransmission. For those learning about it for the
first time, expect some difficulties in understanding it. Neurotransmission is a
very difficult topic for elementary school students. Our goal is for the students
to have a basic understanding of the process by the end of the module.
2. Look for the following indicators of understanding of key concepts:
• Did they have a working knowledge of the key terms learned during the
• Were the students able to play the game?
• Were they able to apply what they learned to a new situation, such as
developing a new way to explain this process?
Additional Activities
Below are some additional activities that can be done after completion of the third
mission. These activities are extensions to many areas of the curriculum.
Working in pairs, have students make a comic strip explaining
neurotransmission. Make sure they include information about neurons,
how messages are received, and what chemicals are involved in the
Have the students find out how many neurons are in the human body at
different life stages. At which stage do people have the most neurons?
Ask students why the number varies. The best ways for the students to
find this information would be on the Internet or in library books.
Have students look in newspapers and magazines for information
about the latest developments in brain research. What information do
we have now that we didn’t have 10 or 15 years ago?
Working in small groups, have the students make a timeline showing
major findings in brain research beginning in 1900 and going to the
present. They can use reference books and the Internet to complete
their research. The Neuroscience for Kids Web site contains
information on brain research.
Resources for Teachers
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
This Web site contains information about drug abuse and a section designed
specifically for parents, teachers, and students. Publications and other materials
are available free of charge.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI)
NCADI is the world’s largest resource for information and materials concerning
substance abuse. Many free publications are available here.
From Neuron to Brain. [Nicholls, J. G., Wallace, B. G., Fuchs, P. A., & Martin, A. R.]
Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 2001.
Developed for readers with an interest in the human nervous system with little or
no background in the biological sciences; describes how nerve cells transmit signals
and messages.
The Brain Atlas: A Visual Guide to the Human Central Nervous System, 2nd Edition.
[Woolsey, T. A., Hanaway, J., Gado, M.H.] Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.
This book is a comprehensive and accurate atlas of the brain. It includes nearly 400
images of the brain and its pathways.
Resources for Students
Neuroscience for Kids
This site contains information on the brain and neurotransmission, activities,
experiments, pictures, and other resources for the students and educators.
Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science. [Fleischman, J.] Boston,
MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2002.
Written for ages 9 through 12, this book tells the story of a railroad employee
who experienced personality changes after a 13-pound iron rod shot through his
Focus on Drugs and the Brain. [Friedman, D.] Frederick, MD: Twenty-First Century Books,
This book, part of the “Drug-Alert Book” series, gives a good overview of the
brain, neurotransmission, effects of drugs on the brain, and addiction.
Understanding Your Brain (Science for Beginners Series). [Treays, R.] Newton, MA: EDC
Publications, 1996.
This book describes the parts of the brain and the process of neurotransmission.
The Brain: Our Nervous System. [Simon, S.] New York, NY: William Morrow, 1997.
This book presents a simple, yet detailed, overview of the brain and
Black Line Master of Neurotransmission
Game Board
Playing Pieces
(Make each team’s neuron playing piece a different color)
Introductory Story for Module 3: NEUROTRANSMISSION
Jay and Latisha are sitting in the chairs in the Brain Power! Club house. They’re taking
turns checking each other’s reflexes using the rubber hammer doctors use on patients’
Latisha says, “You have good reflexes, Jay.”
Jay responds, “A sign of someone ready to kick off a serious campaign to become a
future Junior Scientist!”
“It would be fun to be Junior Scientists like the Brain Power! Club kids, wouldn’t it?”
Latisha says. “I like it here in their club house. And I think that if we do a good job with
our next mission, we might get promoted!”
Corty appears, emerging from a nearby computer monitor. He says, “Oh, wow, that’s just
what I have for you, a mission! You are going to compete with the Junior Scientists to
see who can solve more missions.”
Latisha and Jay are both really excited.
Corty says, “The Junior Scientists solved the last one, so this is up to you. Your mission,
should you choose to accept it, is learning about neurotransmission. It’s the process that
takes information to and from the brain.”
Latisha and Jay look at each other confused and a little concerned. Latisha says, “I must
be having a neurotransmission breakdown because I don’t get it.” Jay agrees.
Corty asks them for examples on how to send information.
The kids respond, “By telephone, e-mail, instant message, letters…”
Corty says, “Right. But brains don’t have telephones or computers. Well, I mean, I do, but
I’m…different.” The kids totally agree.
Corty says, “Typical brains have to find another way to communicate with the rest of
their bodies. And they do it by using the synapses between neurons—or brain cells—as a
kind of Internet, like when you send Instant Messages.”
The kids are still confused. Corty says, “Maybe it’s time to call in an expert.”
A scientist named Elliot Stein appears on the computer screen and explains
neurotransmission. The kids see a 3-D animation showing neurotransmitters being
released from one neuron into the space between neurons, called the synapse. The
neurotransmitters cross the synapse between the neurons and then attach to the
receptors on the next neuron. Then the computer screen goes blank.
Corty says, “There you go! Your mission is to design a board game to teach other kids
about neurotransmission.”
Latisha says, “Whoa!” Jay says, “Cool! Hard, but cool.”
Corty says, “Of course, board games are best when played in teams.” He looks at the
kids and clears his throat meaningfully. The kids look at each other and roll their eyes.
Jay and Latisha work hard on their board game. They put the finishing touches on it and
draw a picture of Corty on the board. Jay makes the final stroke and says, “Ta-dah –
Latisha explains how to play the game, “Each player is a neuron, a brain cell. See how the
pieces are shaped like neurons? The goal is to be the first to get an important piece of
information to the brain.”
Jay chimes in, “At the beginning of the game, each player finds out, from a booklet,
what that piece of information is. Mine is that I’m being chased by a hungry lion. I need
to let my brain know, so it can tell my body what to do—Ruuuun!”
Latisha says, “Mine is that I’m hungry for pizza, and I have to get that information to
my brain so that my body knows how to get a slice—hold the anchovies, please.”
Jay picks up two stacks of cards and says, “There are two sets of cards.” He points to
one stack and takes a card from it. “This set tells the players how many spaces to move
their pieces. This one says ‘Neurotransmitters were just released into the synapse.
Move ahead two spaces’.
Latisha points to the other stack of cards and says, “Then there’s another set of cards
called “Challenge Cards,” with questions to test the players’ knowledge of
neurotransmitters. This one asks you to name the parts of a neuron. If you get it right,
you spin again.”
Corty says, “Well, I have a question for you: What part of the brain would help you if
we’re taking a test in math class?” Jay and Latisha look at each other and shrug.
Corty says, “Which part of the brain helped you make up this game?” They shake their
heads because they don’t know. Corty says, “Don’t know? Well, this is a good game, but it
only tells half the story. You know where you’d find the other half?”
Latisha says, “I know. The Brain Power! kids had a mission that taught them about the
Corty says, “Now your synapses are firing. You need to work together to make this game
a real brain teaser.”
Jay says, “Well, it would be more fun to play with four.”
Corty says, “Maybe you can do your next mission together. You’ll need to know about the
brain and neurotransmission to solve it.”
Neurons are the cells in the brain.
Neurons send messages all over the
body that help you to move, hear, see,
taste, smell, remember, feel, and think.
Two parts of the neuron are the
dendrites and the axon. Neurons are
so small you need a powerful
microscope to see them. They are very
important to your brain.
Neurotransmitters are chemicals in
the brain that carry messages from
one neuron to another. They are
released from one neuron, move
across the synapse, and attach to
another neuron. Different kinds of
neurotransmitters are used for
different functions. For example,
dopamine is a type of
neurotransmitter associated with
feelings of pleasure.
Disrupted Neurotransmission
Drugs can attach to receptors meant
for certain neurotransmitters. Drugs
can also stop neurotransmitters from
being broken down or reabsorbed by
preventing them from being picked
up by the neuron that released them.
Drugs can stop the neurotransmitters,
keeping them from doing their job
causing problems in normal brain and
body functioning.
Neuroscientists study the different
parts of the brain and how they all
work together. Because the brain has
so many parts, neuroscientists usually
focus on one specific part or function.
They do this to learn how diseases and
drugs affect the brain, and how to
keep the brain healthy. A person has
to go to school for a long time to
become a neuroscientist.
Normal Neurotransmission
The space between neurons is called
the synapse. Neurotransmitters
cross the synapse to send messages
to neurons on the other side. The
word “synapse” comes from the
Greek: “syn” meaning “together”
and “haptein” meaning “to clasp.”
Each kind of neurotransmitter attaches
to a specific set of receptors, like a key
fitting into a lock. During normal
neurotransmission, neurotransmitters
are released into the synapse and attach
to specific receptors, where they send a
message. Then, the neurotransmitters
are released from the receptors and
broken down or reabsorbed by
transporter molecules into the neuron
that released them.
Neurons are the cells in the brain.
Neurons send messages all over the
body that help you to move, hear, see,
taste, smell, remember, feel, and think.
Two parts of the neuron are the
dendrites and the axon. Neurons are
so small you need a powerful
microscope to see them. They are very
important to your brain.
Neurotransmitters are chemicals in
the brain that carry messages from
one neuron to another. They are
released from one neuron, move
across the synapse, and attach to
another neuron. Different kinds of
neurotransmitters are used for
different functions. For example,
dopamine is a type of
neurotransmitter associated with
feelings of pleasure.
The space between neurons is called
the synapse. Neurotransmitters
cross the synapse to send messages
to neurons on the other side. The
word “synapse” comes from the
Greek: “syn” meaning “together”
and “haptein” meaning “to clasp.”
Normal Neurotransmission
Each kind of neurotransmitter attaches
to a specific set of receptors, like a key
fitting into a lock. During normal
neurotransmission, neurotransmitters
are released into the synapse and attach
to specific receptors, where they send a
message. Then, the neurotransmitters
are released from the receptors and
broken down or reabsorbed by
transporter molecules into the neuron
that released them.
Disrupted Neurotransmission
Drugs can attach to receptors meant
for certain neurotransmitters. Drugs
can also stop neurotransmitters from
being broken down or reabsorbed by
preventing them from being picked
up by the neuron that released them.
Drugs can stop the neurotransmitters,
keeping them from doing their job,
causing problems in normal brain and
body functioning.
Neuroscientists study the different
parts of the brain and how they all
work together. Because the brain has
so many parts, neuroscientists usually
focus on one specific part or function.
They do this to learn how diseases and
drugs affect the brain, and how to
keep the brain healthy. A person has
to go to school for a long time to
become a neuroscientist.
Module 3 focuses on neurotransmission. In Module 2, your child learned all
about the brain and the functions of the brain. In this module, your child will learn
more about the brain and how messages are sent and received. Neurotransmission is
part of the process where information is transported to, from, and within the brain.
A cell called a neuron is responsible for carrying information. The human brain is
made up of 100 billion neurons. Neurons have different parts that carry out
different functions.
The exchange of information from one neuron to another is accomplished through
neurotransmission. Neurotransmission takes place when one neuron releases
chemicals into the space between neurons (called the synapse). The chemicals then
cross the synapse and bind to specific molecules on the second neuron. The molecules
on the second neuron are called receptors. Once the chemicals attach to the
receptors, they cause changes in the second neuron, and the message continues
onward. This process is known as neurotransmission.
Axon: Neuron 1
Dendrite: Neuron 2
This activity aligns with the following standard identified in the National Science
Education Standards: unifying concepts and processes. This mission adds key
knowledge to what was learned in Module 2 by showing how neurotransmission is
essential to the function of the nervous system. The students develop an
understanding of how the brain works with other parts of the nervous system to
keep the entire human body functioning.
Science at Home
Ask your child what he or she learned about neurotransmission. Discuss the parts
of a neuron and the different steps of neurotransmission. Have your child draw
neurons and label each part.
Have your child draw or write down five activities that require the process of
neurotransmission. (Hint: Everything you do requires neurotransmission to take place.)
Additional Resources
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) —
This Web site contains information about drug abuse and a section designed specifically for parents,
teachers, and students. Publications and other materials are available free of charge.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) —
NCADI is the world’s largest resource for information and materials concerning substance
abuse. Many free publications are available here.
Neuroscience for Kids —
This site contains information on the brain and neurotransmission, activities, experiments,
pictures, and other resources for the students and educators.
Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science. [Fleischman, J.] Boston,
MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2002. Written for ages 9 through 12, this book tells the story of
a railroad employee who experienced personality changes after a 13-pound iron rod shot through
his brain.
Understanding Your Brain (Science for Beginners Series). [Treays, R.] Newton, MA: EDC
Publications, 1996. This book describes the parts of the brain and the process of
Focus on Drugs and the Brain. [Friedman, D.] Frederick, MD: Twenty-First Century Books,
1990. This book, part of the “Drug-Alert Book” series, gives a good overview of the brain,
neurotransmission, effects of drugs on the brain, and addiction.
The Brain: Our Nervous System. [Simon, S.] New York, NY: William Morrow, 1997. This
book presents a simple, yet detailed, overview of the brain and neurotransmission.
El Módulo 3 se concentra en la neurotransmisión. En el Módulo 2, su hijo aprendió mucho
acerca del cerebro y sus funciones. En este módulo, su hijo aprenderá más sobre el cerebro
y cómo se envían y se reciben los mensajes. La neurotransmisión forma parte del proceso
mediante el cual se transporta la información hacia y desde el cerebro y dentro del mismo.
La responsable de transportar la información es una célula llamada neurona. El cerebro humano
está formado por 100 mil millones de neuronas. Las neuronas tienen distintas partes que
cumplen distintas funciones.
El intercambio de información de una neurona a otra se logra mediante la neurotransmisión.
La neurotransmisión ocurre cuando una neurona libera sustancias químicas al espacio que hay
entre las neuronas (llamado sinapsis). Luego, las sustancias químicas atraviesan la sinapsis y
se unen a moléculas específicas en la segunda neurona. Las moléculas en la segunda neurona se
llaman receptores. Una vez que las sustancias químicas se unen a los receptores, éstos provocan
cambios en la segunda neurona y así el mensaje sigue adelante. Este proceso se conoce como
Axón: Neurona 1
Dendrita: Neurona 2
Esta actividad cumple con el siguiente estándar identificado en los Estándares Nacionales
de Educación Científica (National Science Education Standards): unificación de conceptos
y procesos. Esta misión agrega un conocimiento clave a lo aprendido en el Módulo 2,
mostrando por qué la neurotransmisión es fundamental para la función del sistema nervioso.
Los estudiantes desarrollan una comprensión de cómo trabaja el cerebro con otras partes
del sistema nervioso para mantener en funcionamiento todo el cuerpo humano.
La ciencia en el hogar
Pregunte a su hijo lo que aprendió sobre la neurotransmisión. Comenten sobre las
partes de una neurona y los distintos pasos de la neurotransmisión. Haga que su hijo
dibuje neuronas y que escriba el nombre de cada parte.
¿Qué piensa su hijo?
Haga que su hijo dibuje o escriba cinco actividades que requieran del proceso de
neurotransmisión. (Pista: todo lo que hacemos requiere la neurotransmisión).
Recursos adicionales
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA):
Este sitio Web tiene información acerca del abuso de drogas y una sección destinada
específicamente a padres, maestros y estudiantes. Hay publicaciones y otros materiales
disponibles sin costo. Muchas publicaciones estan disponibles en español.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI):
El NCADI es el recurso mundial más grande para encontrar información y materiales
relacionados con el abuso de sustancias. Aquí se pueden obtener muchas
publicaciones gratuitas.
Neuroscience for Kids:
Este sitio Web contiene información sobre el cerebro y la neurotransmisión, así como
actividades, experimentos, dibujos y otros recursos para estudiantes y educadores.
Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science. [Fleischman, J.] Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin Co., 2002. Escrito para niños de 9 a 12 años, este libro cuenta la historia
de un empleado ferroviario que sufrió cambios en su personalidad luego de que una barra de
hierro de 13 libras [unos 6 kilos] le atravesó el cerebro.
Understanding Your Brain (Science for Beginners Series). [Treays, R.] Newton, MA:
EDC Publications, 1996. Este libro describe las partes del cerebro y el proceso
de neurotransmisión.
Focus on Drugs and the Brain. [Friedman, D.] Frederick, MD: Twenty-First Century Books,
1990. Parte de la serie de libros de alerta sobre las drogas; proporciona un buen compendio
del cerebro, la neurotransmisión, los efectos de las drogas en el cerebro y la adicción.
The Brain: Our Nervous System [Simon, S.] New York, NY: William Morrow, 1997.
Este libro presenta un compendio simple, pero detallado, del cerebro y la neurotransmisión.