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J Comp Physiol A (2005) 191: 201–211
DOI 10.1007/s00359-004-0565-9
Allison N. McCoy Æ Michael L. Platt
Expectations and outcomes: decision-making
in the primate brain
Received: 2 March 2004 / Revised: 28 July 2004 / Accepted: 12 August 2004 / Published online: 12 October 2004
Springer-Verlag 2004
Abstract Success in a constantly changing environment
requires that decision-making strategies be updated as
reward contingencies change. How this is accomplished
by the nervous system has, until recently, remained a
profound mystery. New studies coupling economic
theory with neurophysiological techniques have revealed the explicit representation of behavioral value.
Specifically, when fluid reinforcement is paired with
visually-guided eye movements, neurons in parietal
cortex, prefrontal cortex, the basal ganglia, and superior colliculus—all nodes in a network linking visual
stimulation with the generation of oculomotor behavior—encode the expected value of targets lying within
their response fields. Other brain areas have been
implicated in the processing of reward-related information in the abstract: midbrain dopaminergic neurons, for instance, signal an error in reward prediction.
Still other brain areas link information about reward
to the selection and performance of specific actions in
order for behavior to adapt to changing environmental
exigencies. Neurons in posterior cingulate cortex have
been shown to carry signals related to both reward
outcomes and oculomotor behavior, suggesting that
they participate in updating estimates of orienting
A. N. McCoy Æ M. L. Platt (&)
Department of Neurobiology,
Duke University Medical Center,
325 Bryan Research Building, Box 3209,
Durham, NC 27710, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
M. L. Platt
Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,
Duke University, Durham, NC 27710, USA
M. L. Platt
Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy,
Duke University, Durham, NC 27710, USA
For even the simplest of organisms, adaptive behavior
requires, to paraphrase Darwin, the preservation of
favorable variants and the rejection of injurious ones. In
other words, nervous systems must weigh the potential
rewards and punishments associated with available
options and select the behavior likely to yield the best
possible outcome. This process of adaptive decisionmaking is well illustrated by the example of a financial
advisor choosing whether to buy, sell or hold portions of
stock based on calculations of the most likely monetary
gain. In the face of sudden change, such as a stock
market crash, the value associated with available options
is rapidly updated. In this way, the decision process allows behavior to adjust to environmental flux, resulting
in a net benefit to the organism.
While the analogy of the financial advisor captures
the iterative, adaptive nature of the decision process,
how does the brain actually select an action from the
behavioral repertoire? This is a question that has long
puzzled philosophers, economists, behavioral ecologists,
and neuroscientists. In fact, significant advancement in
our understanding of the neural basis of decision-making has been made through a combination of economic
theory and neurophysiological techniques (see Glimcher
2003, for exposition). This review describes current
understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying
decision-making, focusing on evidence for the neural
representation, computation and revision of economic
decision variables used to guide visual orienting in primates.
Behavioral economics: expected value
and decision-making
In neurobiology, as in psychology, the sensory-motor
reflex has been wide viewed as a useful model for directly
linking sensation to action (Pavlov 1927; Sherrington
1906). As instructive as it has been, however, the simple
sensory-motor reflex can only begin to approximate the
rich ethology of real-world behavior (Glimcher 2003;
Herrnstein 1997; Platt 2002). Only recently have neurobiologists begun to investigate the idea that internal
decision variables dynamically link purely sensory and
purely motor processes and are explicitly represented in
the nervous system (Basso and Wurtz 1997; Dorris and
Munoz 1998; Kim and Shadlen 1999; Platt and Glimcher 1999; Shadlen and Newsome 1996, 2001).
In contrast, over the past 400 years, economists have
developed simple normative models to describe what
rational agents should do when confronted with a choice
between two options [Arnauld and Nichole 1662; Bernouilli (1758) in Speiser 1982]. The simplest economic
model of decision-making, known as Expected Value
Theory, posits that rational agents compute the likelihood that a particular action will yield a gain or loss, as
well as the amount of gain or loss that can be expected
from that choice (Arnauld and Nichole 1662). These
values are then multiplied to arrive at an estimate of
expected value for each possible course of action, and
the option with the highest expected value is chosen
(Arnauld and Nichole 1662). Maximizing expected value
is the optimal algorithm for a rational chooser with
complete information about the costs and benefits of
different options, as well as their likelihood of occurrence. Expected value models, and variations on them,
i.e., Expected Utility Theory [Bernouilli (1758) in Speiser
(1982)], have been shown to be very good descriptors of
the choices both people and animals make in a variety of
simple situations (Stephens and Krebs 1986; Herrnstein
1997; Camerer 2003; Glimcher 2003).
Expected value models of decision-making assume
that rational choosers have access to information about
the probability and amount of gain that can be expected
from each action. Behavioral observations have repeatedly demonstrated that humans and animals are exquisitely sensitive to the expected value of available options
(Herrnstein 1961; Stephens and Krebs 1986; Glimcher
2003). This suggests that nervous systems somehow
represent information about the estimated costs and
benefits of potential behaviors and use that information
to dynamically link sensation to action.
New studies have begun to shed light on this process.
These studies suggest that neurons representing different
eye movements compete to reach a firing rate threshold
for movement initiation (Hanes and Schall 1996; Roitman
and Shadlen 2002). The activity of these neurons is systematically enhanced by both sensory information
favoring a particular eye movement (Shadlen and Newsome 1996, 2001; Roitman and Shadlen 2002) and increases in the expected value of that eye movement
(Kawagoe et al. 1998; Leon and Shadlen 1999; Platt and
Glimcher 1999; Coe et al. 2002). These observations
intimate that the eye movement decision process may be
instantiated rather simply by scaling the activity of
movement-related neurons by the expected value of the
eye movements they encode. Some of the important evidence supporting this model is described further below.
Expected value and primate parietal cortex
In an explicit application of economic theory to experimental neurophysiology, Platt and Glimcher (1999)
manipulated the expected value of saccadic eye movements while monitoring the activity of neurons in the
lateral intraparietal area (LIP), a subregion of primate
posterior parietal cortex thought to intervene between
visual sensation and eye movements (Fig. 1; Gnadt and
Andersen 1988; Goldberg et al. 1990, 1998). Prior
studies had suggested that the responses of LIP neurons
were sensitive to the behavioral relevance of visual targets for guiding attention or gaze shifts (Gnadt and
Andersen 1988; Colby et al. 1996; Platt and Glimcher
1997) as well as the strength of perceptual evidence
favoring the production of a particular eye movement
(Shadlen and Newsome 1996, 2001). These observations
suggested that LIP neurons play a role in the oculomotor decision-making process (Platt and Glimcher
1999; Shadlen and Newsome 1996).
In the first set of experiments designed to test this
hypothesis (Platt and Glimcher 1999), monkeys performed cued saccade trials, in which a change in the
color of a central fixation light instructed subjects to
Fig. 1 A network for oculomotor decision-making. Medial and
lateral views of the macaque monkey brain illustrating major
pathways carrying signals related to saccadic eye movements
(green) and reward (blue). Note: many of these pathways are
bidirectional but have been simplified for presentation. AMYG
amygdala, CGp posterior cingulate cortex, CGa anterior cingulate
cortex, LIP lateral intraparietal cortex, SEF supplementary eye
fields, FEF frontal eye fields, PFC prefrontal cortex, OFC
orbitofrontal cortex, SC superior colliculus, NAC nucleus accumbens, SNr substantia nigra pars reticulata, SNc substantia nigra
pars compacta, VTA ventral tegmental area. After (Platt et al.
shift gaze to one of two possible target locations in order
to receive a fruit juice reward. A change from yellow to
red indicated that looking to the upper target would be
rewarded while a change from yellow to green indicated
that the lower target would be rewarded. In successive
blocks of trials, either the volume of juice delivered for
each eye movement response or the probability that each
possible movement would be cued and therefore reinforced was varied. The investigators found that the
activity of LIP neurons was systematically modulated by
both the size of the reward a monkey could expect to
receive and the probability that a particular gaze shift
would be reinforced—the two variables needed to
compute the expect value of the movement. Intriguingly,
the effects of expected value on neuronal firing rates
were maximal early on each trial but diminished after
the rewarded target had been cued. The information
encoded by LIP neurons thus appeared to track the
monkey’s running estimate of the expected value of a
particular movement, which was maximal once that
movement was cued (Glimcher 2002).
These experiments demonstrated that LIP neurons
carry information about the economic decision variables
thought to drive rational decision-making. In those
studies, however, monkeys did not have a choice about
which eye movement to make and thus the link between
decision-making and LIP activity could not be directly
observed. In a second experiment (Platt and Glimcher
1999), the investigators studied the activity of LIP neurons while monkeys were permitted to freely choose
between two movements differing in expected value.
This allowed the investigators to derive a behavioral
estimate of the monkey’s subjective valuation of each
response, which could be compared directly with LIP
neuronal activity.
Under these conditions, monkeys behaved like rational consumers: their pattern of target choices was
sensitive to the amount of fruit juice associated with
each target (Fig. 2b). LIP neuronal activity was also
sensitive to expected value in the free choice task
(Fig. 2a, c). Activity prior to movement increased systematically with its expected value in concert with the
monkey’s valuation of the same movement. Based on
these data, Platt and Glimcher (1999) concluded that
LIP neurons encode the expected value of potential eye
movements. More specifically, Gold and Shadlen (2002)
have argued that these data are consistent with the
hypothesis that LIP neurons signal the instantaneous
likelihood that the monkey will choose and execute a
particular eye movement, and that this likelihood is
computed, at least in part, based on the expected value
of that movement.
Neurons in several other brain areas have been shown
to carry signals related to the expected value of eye
movements. For example, neurons in the caudate nucleus were found to respond in anticipation of rewardpredicting stimuli on a memory saccade task (Kawagoe
et al. 1998), and the strength of this signal was correlated
with the latency of behavioral response (Takikawa et al.
Fig. 2a–c Monkeys and posterior parietal neurons are sensitive to
eye movement value. a Firing rate as a function of time for a single
LIP neuron when the monkey subject chose to shift gaze to the
target in the neuronal response field. Black curve high value trials,
grey curve low value trials. Tick marks indicate action potentials
recorded on successive trials for the first ten trials of each block. b
Proportion of trials on which a single monkey subject chose target
1 as a function of its expected value [reward size target 1/ (reward
size target 1 + reward size target 2)]. c Average normalized premovement firing rate (±SE) for a single posterior parietal neuron
in the same monkey as a function of the expected value of the same
target. After Platt and Glimcher (1999). Reprinted by permission
from Nature
2002). On a reaction time eye movement task, anticipatory activity in the caudate was maximal when the
contralateral target was reliably rewarded, and tracked
changes in the monkeys‘ response time as the rewarded
location was reversed (Lauwereyns et al. 2002). Anticipatory activity was absent, however, during a task in
which the rewarded target unpredictably changed from
trial to trial (Lauwereyns et al. 2002). Signals correlated
with the reward value associated with eye movements
have also been found in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
(Leon and Shadlen 1999), supplementary eye fields
(Amador et al. 2000; Stuphorn et al. 2000a), substantia
nigra pars reticulata (Sato and Hikosaka 2002), and
even the superior colliculus (Ikeda and Hikosaka 2003).
Expected value signals thus appear to penetrate the
oculomotor system from the cortex through the final
common pathway in the superior colliculus, presumably
serving to bias eye movement selection towards maximization of reward. Behavioral measures indicate that
expected value systematically influences not only target
selection by eye movements, but also modulates saccade
metrics, including amplitude, velocity, and reaction time
Fig. 3a, b Monkeys rapidly learn to choose the high value target.
a Proportion of trials on which a single monkey chose target 1 as a
function of its expected value. Individual graphs plot choice
functions for sequential five trial blocks following a change in
reward contingencies favoring target 1. Red line indicates a
cumulative normal function fit to the choice data. b Reward
sensitivity over time. Graph plots the steepness of the psychometric
function (Weber fraction) computed by dividing the standard
deviation by the mean of the cumulative normal function fit to the
choice data in each five trial block for two monkey subjects. After
McCoy et al. (2003). Reprinted with permission from Neuron
throughout the cortical and subcortical oculomotor
afferents to the superior colliculus. Such modulations in
saccade-associated activity presumably result in the
differential activation of pools of motor neurons in the
oculomotor brainstem that ultimately generate the patterns of muscle contraction responsible for shifting gaze.
This model, however, has yet to be tested functionally
using either microstimulation or inactivation techniques.
Learning from mistakes: dopamine and prediction error
(Leon and Shadlen 1999; Takikawa et al. 2002; McCoy
et al. 2003). These behavioral observations are consistent
with a model for oculomotor decision-making in which
expected value systematically biases neuronal activity
Recent studies by Platt and colleagues (McCoy et al.
2003) have demonstrated that the expected value of eye
movements is rapidly updated in the primate brain when
reward contingencies change. Figure 3a shows the pattern of choice behavior in the target choice task for one
well-trained monkey as a function of time following the
introduction of a novel set of reward contingencies.
Each graph plots the frequency of choosing target 1 as a
function of the relative value of that target (reward for
target 1 divided by the sum of the reward values offered
for targets 1 and 2) for data gathered with multiple
different target values over several weeks of experimental sessions. The choice functions were well fit by
cumulative normal functions, which became steeper over
time but nearly reached asymptote after only about ten
trials. Figure 3b plots reward sensitivity (Weber fraction) against time for two monkeys. These data indicate
that the monkeys rapidly learned to choose the target
associated with the greatest amount of reward.
These data suggest that the brain continuously evaluates the reward (or punishment) outcome associated
with movements and uses that information to update the
expected value of those movements. Learning theorists
have long argued that a comparison of reward expectation and reward outcome directly drives learning
(Pearce and Hall 1980; Rescorla and Wagner 1972) and
should therefore be encoded in the nervous system. The
comparison of expected and actual reward is known as a
reward prediction error (Sutton and Barto 1981), and is
defined formally as the instantaneous discrepancy between the maximal associative strength sustained by the
reinforcer and the current strength of the predictive
stimulus (Schultz 2004).
Reward prediction error models of learning have
been invoked to explain previously elusive behavioral
phenomena such as blocking. In traditional associative
models of learning (e.g., Skinner 1981; Thorndike 1898)
any cue paired with reinforcement should be learned,
but in blocking paradigms redundant cues paired with
rewards fail to be learned (the cues are ‘‘blocked’’ from
acquiring associative value). The typical blocking
experiment introduces four stimuli, A, B, X, Y, which
are either paired with a reward or with nothing. In the
first stage of the experiment, a subject learns that stimulus A is paired with a reward while stimulus B is not.
Once this is learned, the same stimuli are subsequently
paired with two novel stimuli (X and Y), and, in this
second stage of the experiment, the joint stimuli AX and
BY are both paired with rewards. If learning were
merely associative, the subject would respond to both
novel stimuli X and Y as if they predicted the reward. In
fact, under these conditions subjects learn to associate
Y, but not X, with reward. The explanation for this
effect lies in the fact that because stimulus A fully predicted reward in stage 1, stimulus X was redundant and
was therefore not highlighted for learning (Rescorla and
Wagner 1972). Reward prediction error models, such as
the Rescorla-Wagner model or temporal difference
learning models (Sutton and Barto 1981), nicely account
for these results because once the relationship between
cue A and reward has been learned, the prediction error
term goes to 0 and remains unchanged when the combined stimulus AX is followed by a reward in stage 2;
hence, no new learning occurs for the redundant cue.
Over the past decade, Wolfram Schultz and colleagues have demonstrated that the activation of dopamine neurons in the midbrain represents, at least in part,
an instantiation of a reward prediction error in neural
circuitry (Schultz and Dickinson 2000). These conclusions rest on the observation that the activity of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra and ventral
tegmental area is elevated by the delivery of unpredicted
rewards, unchanged following the delivery of predicted
rewards, and depressed when expected rewards are
withheld (Schultz 1998). Moreover, in blocking paradigms these dopamine neurons fail to respond to
redundant cues (Waelti et al. 2001). The activity of these
neurons has therefore been proposed to encode reward
prediction error and thus to determine the direction and
rate of learning: learning occurs when the error is positive and the reward is not predicted by the stimulus; no
learning occurs when the error is 0 and the reward is
fully predicted; forgetting or extinction occurs when the
error is negative and the reward is less than predicted by
the stimulus; and the rate of learning is determined by
the absolute size of the error, whether positive or negative (Schultz and Dickinson 2000).
Recent evidence has called into question whether the
signals carried by dopaminergic midbrain neurons are
specific to rewards or can be generalized to other salient
stimuli (Horvitz 2002). Horvitz and others have shown
that putative dopamine neurons respond to a variety of
novel or arousing events, including aversive as well as
rewarding stimuli (Salamone 1994; Horvitz 2000; but see
Mirenowicz and Schultz 1996). These observations
suggest that the responses of dopamine neurons might
therefore signal surprising events in the environment
regardless of whether they are rewarding or aversive
(Horvitz 2002). Rather than encoding a reward prediction error per se, dopamine neurons might instead gate
cortical and limbic inputs to the striatum following unpredicted events and thereby facilitate learning. The role
of dopamine neurons in learning thus appears to be
more complex than previously thought, and a deeper
understanding will likely lie in further investigations of
the response of dopamine neurons to all salient stimuli—good or bad.
Updating expectations: the role of posterior cingulate
Up to this point, we have discussed the evidence that
neurons in parietal cortex, prefrontal cortex, the basal
ganglia, and the superior colliculus carry information
about the expected value of the decision about where to
look. Midbrain dopamine neurons, on the other hand,
appear to play a role in processing reward-related
information in the abstract—highlighting when expected
and actual reward outcomes are in conflict. Such a signal
would be useful for initiating the assignment of new
estimates of the expected value of potential behaviors,
and evidence increasingly suggests this to be the case
(Montague and Berns 2002). But how are abstract prediction error signals generated by midbrain dopamine
neurons linked to the selection and performance of
specific actions, such as eye movements, that maximize
With this question in mind, Platt and colleagues
(McCoy et al. 2003) investigated the properties of neurons
in posterior cingulate cortex (CGp), a poorly understood
part of the limbic system thought to be related to eye
movements (Olson et al. 1996), spatial localization
(Sutherland et al. 1988; Harker and Whishaw 2002), and
learning (Bussey et al. 1997; Gabriel et al. 1980; Gabriel
and Sparenborg 1987). Many CGp neurons are activated
following saccades, in contrast with the activation of
saccade-related neurons in parietal and prefrontal cortex
prior to movement (Olson et al. 1996). Such a pattern of
activation is suggestive of an evaluative, rather than
generative, role in oculomotor behavior, an idea first
suggested by Vogt and colleagues (Vogt et al. 1992).
Anatomically, CGp is interconnected with reward-related
areas of the brain (see Fig. 1), including the anterior cingulate cortex (Morecraft et al. 1993), orbitofrontal cortex
(Cavada et al. 2000), and the caudate nucleus (Baleydier
and Mauguiere 1980), as well as oculomotor areas such as
parietal cortex (Cavada and Goldman-Rakic 1989), prefrontal cortex (Vogt and Pandya 1987) and the supplementary eye fields. These connections provide potential
sources for a functional linkage of motivational and
oculomotor information within CGp.
To test the idea that CGp links motivational outcomes with eye movements, Platt and colleagues
recorded the activity of CGp neurons while monkeys
shifted gaze to a single visual target for fruit juice rewards. In the first experiment, the size of the reward
associated with visually-guided saccades was held constant for a block of 50 trials, and then varied between
blocks, while the oculomotor behavior of the monkeys
and the activity of CGp neurons were examined. The
authors found that saccade metrics were sensitive to the
size of reward associated with gaze shifts. Specifically,
monkeys made faster, higher velocity saccades when
expecting smaller rewards, a strategy consistent with
reducing the delay to reinforcement and thereby
increasing fluid intake rate in low reward blocks of trials.
This observation is consistent with the idea that, even in
the absence of an overt decision task, monkeys are
sensitive to the expected value of gaze shifts.
In this study, the activity of CGp neurons was also
systematically modulated by reward value, illustrated by
data from two example neurons in Fig. 4. Single neurons
were sensitive to reward size following movement
(Fig. 4a) as well as following reward delivery (Fig. 4b).
These represented largely separate modulations since the
events were separated in time by at least 500 ms. Across
the population of studied neurons, approximately onethird of the population was sensitive to reward size
following movement and another third following the
receipt of reward (Fig. 4c). These modulations by reward size were independent of any effects of saccade
metrics, demonstrated by the inclusion of saccade
amplitude, latency, and peak velocity as independent
factors in multiple linear regression analysis of firing rate
as a function of reward size. These results thus demonstrate that information about both the predicted and
experienced reward value of a particular eye movement
is carried by the activity of CGp neurons. Such modulation in neuronal activity by reward size cannot be accounted for solely by reafferent input from motor areas.
In this experiment, the net effect of changes in reward
value was to scale the gain of spatially-selective neuronal
responses following movement. Sixty-two percent of
studied neurons in CGp responded in a spatially selective
manner following eye movement onset. Among these,
neurons excited following a particular movement were
further excited when the expected value of that movement
was increased; similarly, neurons suppressed following a
particular movement were further suppressed when the
expected value of that movement was increased (Fig. 4d).
Across the population, reward value thus tuned the spatial
sensitivity of the CGp neuronal population to saccade
direction. Improved spatial sensitivity under high reward
conditions may be associated with the slower, more
deliberate saccades made by monkeys under high reward
conditions in this experiment.
The timing of modulations in CGp activity by reward
value suggests that this area encodes both the predicted
and experienced value of a particular movement. If so,
CGp might also be expected to carry signals related to
an error in reward prediction, arising from a discrepancy
between predicted and experienced value. This hypoth-
Fig. 4a–d Representation of saccade value in posterior cingulate
cortex. a Left panel, average firing rate (±SE) for a single CGp
neuron plotted as a function of time on high reward (black curve)
and low reward (grey curve) blocks of trials. Rasters indicate time
of action potentials on individual trials. All trials are aligned on
movement onset. Right panel, average firing rate (±SE) following
movement onset (grey shaded region on left panel) plotted as a
function of reward size, for the same neuron. Reward size is
measured as the open time (ms) of a computer driven solenoid and
is linearly related to juice volume. b left panel, average firing rate
(±SE) for a second CGp neuron plotted as a function of time on
high reward (black curve) and low reward (grey curve) blocks of
trials. Rasters indicate time of action potentials on individual trials.
All trials are aligned on reward offset. Right panel, average firing
rate (±SE) following reward offset (grey shaded region on left
panel) plotted as a function of reward size, for the same neuron.
c Population data. Proportion of CGp neurons with significant
modulation by reward size, peak saccade velocity, saccade
amplitude, and saccade latency plotted as a function of time.
Significant modulations P< 0.05 for each individual factor in a
multiple regression analysis of firing rate in each of ten sequential
200 ms epochs. The size of liquid reward delivered on correct trials
was controlled linearly by the open time of a computer-driven
solenoid (volume=0.0026+0.001·open time in ms). d Reward
value scales the gain of CGp responses. The correlation coefficient
between firing rate and reward size for each neuron was plotted as a
function of movement response index, a logarithmically scaled
measure of the degree to which each neuron was excited or
inhibited after movement relative to fixation level activity on
mapping trials. Each dot represents data for one cell (n=67) and
the best-fit line is shown in grey. Note: two outliers were removed
from this analysis. After McCoy et al. (2003). Reprinted with
permission from Neuron
esis was addressed in a second experiment in which reward size was held constant but delivered
probabilistically while monkeys shifted gaze to a target
fixed in the area of maximal response for the neuron
under study. Correct trials were reinforced on a variable
reward schedule of 0.8, meaning that, on average, 80%
of correct trials were followed by an auditory noise burst
and reward (‘‘rewarded trials’’), while the remaining
20% of correct trials were followed by an auditory noise
burst only but no juice (‘‘unrewarded trials’’). The relatively low frequency of unrewarded trials allowed them
to serve as catch trials for which a predicted reward was
unexpectedly withheld.
Once again, the behavior of monkeys and the activity
of CGp neurons were both sensitive to this manipulation
in reward contingencies. After predicted rewards were
withheld, monkeys made higher velocity saccades, similar to the effects of low reward on saccade metrics found
in the previous experiment. Similarly, the activity of
single CGp neurons was also significantly different on
rewarded and unrewarded trials (Fig. 5a, b). Across the
population of cells studied in this experiment, firing rate
following the usual time of reward delivery was significantly greater when expected rewards were omitted
(Fig. 5c). These data demonstrate that CGp neurons
faithfully report the omission of expected reward, suggestive of a prediction error-like signal for eye movements (Schultz and Dickinson 2000).
Intriguingly, many CGp neurons responded equivalently to the delivery of larger than average rewards and
the omission of predicted rewards (McCoy et al. 2003),
unlike dopamine neurons which respond with a burst of
action potentials following unpredicted rewards but are
suppressed following the omission of predicted rewards
(Schultz et al. 1997). The reward modulation of neuro-
nal activity in CGp is therefore consistent with attentional theories of learning, which posit that reward
prediction errors highlight unpredicted stimuli as
important for learning (Mackintosh 1975; Pearce and
Hall 1980). According to this idea, the absolute value of
Fig. 5a, b Representation of saccade reward prediction error in
posterior cingulate cortex. a Firing rate as a function of time for a
single CGp neuron on rewarded (black curve) and unrewarded
(grey curve) delayed saccade trials. On average, eight out of ten
randomly-selected correct trials were rewarded. Conventions as in
Fig. 4. b Population response to reward omission. c Average
(+SE) normalized firing rate measured after the normal time of
reward delivery for the population of CGp neurons on rewarded
and unrewarded trials. After McCoy et al. (2003). Reprinted with
permission from Neuron
the neuronal response correlates with the extent to which
the reward event differed from expectation, whether in a
positive or negative direction. While such a signal would
not contain information about ‘‘what’’ needs to be
learned about the relationship between a stimulus and
reward, such a signal would be useful for instructing
‘‘when’’ and ‘‘how rapidly’’ learning should occur. Some
of the saccade-related reward signals uncovered in CGp
may best be understood in terms of such an attentional
learning theory.
Taken together, the results of these experiments
suggest that neurons in CGp link motivational outcomes with gaze shifts. Recent studies have reported
that neurons in the supplementary eye fields, with
which CGp is reciprocally connected, also respond to
reward outcomes associated with eye movements
(Amador et al. 2000; Stuphorn et al. 2000b). Neurons
in other areas of cingulate cortex also have been
implicated in guiding actions based on reward value.
While studying timing behavior in primates, Niki and
Watanabe (1979) first uncovered two classes of rewarderror units in anterior cingulate cortex (CGa): one
class responding after juice delivery, and the other
responding following incorrect trials as well as following the omission of reward on correct trials. Single
cells in anterior cingulate cortex (CGa) have also been
found to carry signals related to reward expectation on
a cued multi-trial color discrimination task (Shidara
and Richmond 2002). In the rostral cingulate motor
area (CMAr), Shima and Tanji (1998) found neurons
that responded when a change in reward contingencies—but not a neutral cue—prompted monkeys to
change the strategy of their behavioral response in
order to maximize their receipt of reward. Inactivation
of the CMAr by muscimol injection resulted in
insensitivity of the monkeys to a reward decrement
and an apparent inability to modify their behavioral
strategy in order to maximize reward. Taken together,
these data are consistent with a direct role for cingulate cortex and supplementary eye fields in linking
motivational outcomes to action.
Neurons in the primate ventral striatum (Cromwell
and Schultz 2003; Hassani et al. 2001; Schultz 2004) and
orbitofrontal cortex (Rolls 2000; Tremblay and Schultz
1999) have also been shown to carry information about
predicted and experienced rewards. These neurons do
not appear to be directly related to the generation of
action, but their responses otherwise bear striking
resemblance to those in cingulate cortex. In particular,
neurons in ventral striatum and orbitofrontal cortex
respond during delay periods preceding reinforcement,
as well as following reinforcement, and these responses
reflect the subjective preferences of subjects for particular rewards (Tremblay and Schultz 1999). Thus, orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum appear to
convert information about rewards, punishments, and
their predictors into a common internal currency
(Montague and Berns 2002). Neurons in the dorsal
striatum and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, on the other
hand, show similar response properties, but are activated in association with particular movements, much
like neurons in CGp and supplementary eye fields. In
summary, the response properties of neurons in ventral
striatum and orbitofrontal cortex suggest they provide a
valuation scale for a broad range of stimuli, (Montague
and Berns 2002), while those in the dorsal striatum,
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, supplementary eye fields,
and cingulate cortex may serve to associate this information with specific actions (Schultz 2004).
Decision-making in the human brain
Recent neuroimaging studies suggest that some of the
same neurophysiological processes guiding oculomotor
decision-making characterize more abstract representations of reward, punishment, and decision-making in
humans. Specifically, the striatum, amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex, prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate
cortex, and parietal cortex are activated by rewards
and reward-associated stimuli (Elliott et al. 2003).
Moreover, hemodynamic responses are modulated by
reward uncertainty in orbitofrontal cortex, ventral
striatum (Berns et al. 2001; Critchley et al. 2001), and
CGp (Smith et al. 2002) and are linearly correlated
with expected value in orbitofrontal cortex (O’Doherty
et al. 2001), ventral and dorsal striatum (Delgado et al.
2000, 2003), amygdala (Breiter et al. 2001), and premotor cortex (Elliott et al. 2003). Further, errors in
predicting rewards or punishments evoke hemodynamic responses in anterior cingulate cortex (Holroyd
et al. 2004), ventral striatum (Pagnoni et al. 2002;
Seymour et al. 2004), CGp (Smith et al. 2002) and
insula (Seymour et al. 2004), and error-related electrophysiological responses have been recorded from
the medial frontal and anterior cingulate cortices with
scalp electrodes in humans as well (Holroyd et al.
2003). These observations indicate that brain regions
carrying value-related information are activated in a
similar fashion in monkeys and humans performing
disparate types of learning and decision-making tasks.
Human neuroimaging studies, however, have not yet
tested the hypothesis that pools of neurons coding
different movements are activated in proportion to
movement value.
In summary, brain regions have been identified that
appear to participate in several stages of oculomotor
decision-making, from sensation, to reward expectation, to action, to outcome evaluation. Neurons in
parietal cortex, prefrontal cortex, the basal ganglia,
and the superior colliculus have been shown to encode
in their firing rates the expected value of eye movements. Dopamine neurons in the midbrain, on the
other hand, appear to signal an abstract reward prediction error, encoding in their firing rates a discrepancy between predicted and actual rewards. Because
dopamine neurons terminate on glutamatergic inputs
to the striatum from orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala (among other cortical and limbic structures), they
are well-situated to gate the flow of motivational
information through the striatum and other basal
ganglia structures, whose purpose is ultimately to
produce adaptive behaviors. Neurons in the ventral
striatum, orbitofrontal cortex, and cingulate cortices,
in turn, appear to signal the relative value or salience
of features in the environment that may be important
for learning and controlling behavior. In particular,
posterior cingulate and supplementary eye field neurons have been recently shown to carry signals related
to both reward outcomes and oculomotor behavior,
and may contribute to updating orienting value signals
in parietal and prefrontal cortex. Activation of this
complex network thus appears to underlie visuallyguided behavior—in particular, how animals choose
where to look- and serves as a model for understanding behavioral decision-making more generally.
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