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Gustatory processing is dynamic and distributed
Donald B Katz*, Miguel AL Nicolelis† and Sidney A Simon†
The process of gustatory coding consists of neural responses
that provide information about the quantity and quality of food,
its generalized sensation, its hedonic value, and whether it
should be swallowed. Many of the models presently used to
analyze gustatory signals are static in that they use the average
neural firing rate as a measure of activity and are unimodal in
the sense they are thought to only involve chemosensory
information. We have recently elaborated upon a dynamic
model of gustatory coding that involves interactions between
neurons in single as well as in spatially separate, gustatory and
somatosensory regions. We propose that the specifics of
gustatory responses grow not only out of information
ascending from taste receptor cells, but also from the cycling
of information around a massively interconnected system.
*Volen Center for Complex Systems, Department of Psychology,
Brandeis University, MS 062, Waltham, MA 02454-9110, USA;
e-mail: [email protected]
† Departments of Neurobiology and Neuroengineering, Duke University
Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA
Correspondence: Donald B Katz
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2002, 12:448–454
0959-4388/02/$ — see front matter
© 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Published online 12 July 2002
across-fiber patterns
central nucleus
GABA γ-amino butyric acid
gustatory cortex
labeled lines
nucleus of the solitary tract
parabrachial nuclei of the pons
peri-stimulus time histogram
Functional anatomy of the gustatory system
Figure 1a shows a schematic diagram of the principle
gustatory pathways [2,3]. Transduction of chemical information occurs in the oral cavity when chemicals make
contact with taste receptor cells [4••,5••]. Primary gustatory
neurons course within the CNS cranial nerves VII, IX and
X [6] to the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST), which in turn
transmits information to the parabrachial nuclei of the pons
(PbN). From the brainstem, taste information is transmitted
to the thalamocortical system, amygdala and hypothalamus.
Such descriptions of the circuitry usually ignore the fact
that the gustatory system is made-up of networks of
feedforward and feedback pathways. Figure 1b presents a
simple reconceptualization of the system with the goal
of assisting the reader in understanding the dynamic and
distributed nature of gustatory processing. The gustatory
system is separated into interacting taste areas (e.g. gustatory cortex [GC] and NST). In each area, the presence of
local connections among primary neurons and interneurons
imply that between-neuron interactions should occur within
each region. Feedback pathways, meanwhile, suggest that
interactions should occur between, for example, the amygdala
and GC, and between each of these forebrain areas and
both the NST and PbN (Figure 1a). Finally, projections
from somatosensory neurons throughout the oral cavity,
and from visceral neurons in the gut, intermingle with
gustatory neurons in the NST [7] and GC [8], suggesting
that interactions should occur between taste and other
systems. Because of such interactions, gustation might be
expected to involve time-varying responses, as does processing in other sensory systems that contain convergence
and divergence of pathways (e.g. [9–11]).
Currently debated models of taste coding are
static and noninteractive
The gustatory system has evolved to detect and discriminate
between foods, to select nutritious diets, and to initiate,
sustain and terminate ingestion [1]. These processes
evolve over several seconds and involve the integration of
multiple sources of information. In this review, we discuss
the neural system that underlies taste behaviors, focusing
particularly on the time-varying nature of taste neural
responses and the neural interactions that may give rise to
such time-varying responses. First, we explain how the
convergence of distributed pathways throughout the
gustatory neural circuitry leads to dynamic responses.
Next, we show that the currently debated static models of
taste coding cannot account for the dynamic and interactive
aspects of gustatory neural processing. Finally, we present
recent data confirming that gustation is dynamic and
distributed, and argue that these data require a more
general systemic theory of gustatory coding.
The long-standing debate over the nature of gustatory
neural coding has primarily addressed the question ‘Are
taste stimuli coded by labeled lines (LL), by across-fiber
patterns (AFP), or by some combination of the two?’
Discussions of these models focus on whether dedicated
sets of neurons signal the presence of a particular taste
component, or whether tastes are represented in the ‘landscape’ of responses across an entire neural population (see
[3]). Both of these models have admirably described how
patterns in ‘taste space’ are arranged (by the clumping of
similar tastes) and how they may change under pharmacological (e.g. amiloride, gymnemic acid) and physiological
(e.g. emesis) manipulations [12–14].
The difference between the LL and AFP theories is less
than might be supposed. Consider a hypothetical ensemble
of 27 neurons whose activity is described in terms of mean
firing rates, and that are assumed to represent the gustatory
Gustatory processing is dynamic and distributed Katz, Nicolelis and Simon
Figure 1
Gustatory system
Main taste neuroaxis
Taste area
(e.g. GC)
Taste area
(e.g. NST)
Brain stem
(PbN, NST)
Somatosensory/visceral systems
Information from the oral cavity and gut
(cutaneous, thermal, nociceptive)
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
The gustatory system viewed as interacting distributed neural networks.
(a) A schematic of gustatory neural circuitry, showing input to the brain
stem nuclei from cranial nerves (CNs) VII, IX and X, and the most
prominent CNS pathways. Note the many ‘double-headed’ arrows
denoting reciprocal (i.e. both feedforward and feedback) connectivity.
OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; VPMpc, ventroposteriomedial thalamus
parvocellular region. (b) The gustatory system as depicted simply in terms
of intra-area and between-area interactions. Each gustatory nucleus
(in this example GC and NST) contains networks of interconnected
neurons that can be expected to modulate each others firing rates
through time. The two nuclei are themselves reciprocally interconnected,
so that the outputs of each nucleus can be expected to affect activity in
the other. Finally, nuclei comprising the gustatory system interact at all
levels with inputs from the somatosensory and visceral systems.
system’s response to a lingual administration of a tastant
(e.g. 0.1 M NaCl). According to AFP theory (Figure 2a,b),
the tastant is identified as 0.1 M NaCl because of the
particular distribution of responses across the entire
ensemble. According to LL theory, the subset of the
neurons having the strongest activation (neurons 8, 9, 10
and 17) will reflect the particular taste of 0.1 M NaCl. In
other words, the simplest version of LL theory is a special
case of AFP theory, in which an arbitrary threshold causes
one set of fibers to be described as ‘on’ and the others to
be described as ‘off’ (compare Figure 2b,c).
Time-varying gustatory responses
The two theories are also similar in that, in their simplest
forms, neither incorporates two related aspects of gustatory
electrophysiology. The first is the occurrence of timevarying responses. As both models are based on firing rate
averages across 3–5 s, neither takes into account information
in the spike trains, such as adaptation, bursting, or poststimulus response dynamics. In addition, neither theory
allows for the interactions between neurons that would be
expected to induce temporal structure in the neural
responses (for recent reviews, see [15,16]). To the extent
that these phenomena occur, we must seek models that are
dynamic and interactive at multiple levels and timescales.
Recent evidence (given below) indicates that gustatory
neural responses are dynamic and affected by interactions
with other neurons within the same nucleus, with other gustatory nuclei and with ‘non-gustatory’ systems (Figure 1b).
Dynamic properties have recently been recognized in the
responses of neurons in several sensory systems, including
some, such as gustation, in which responses had previously
been described in terms of a single value [17••,18,19]. The
investigation of the role of time in gustatory responses
dates back to the recognition that the firing rates of primary
gustatory neurons peak and then decrease as the system
adapts to prolonged application of gustatory stimuli
[20–22]. By the early 1980s, however, researchers also
began considering the possibility that tastant-specific timecourses might provide information for the identification of
tastants. Di Lorenzo and Schwartzbaum [23] showed that
moderate increases in the information content of NST
spike trains in responses to NaCl and sucrose can be traced
to differences in the time-courses of these neurons’ responses.
More recently, researchers have used mathematical
procedures related to fuzzy set theory to identify a set of
temporal components in NST gustatory responses, showing that membership in a taste category may be based on
‘family resemblance’ related to the placement of taste
responses on multidimensional continua, rather than on
‘crisp’ coding [24]. Different combinations of these
components explained cell-specific time-courses, but there
was no attempt to identify the sources of the time-courses.
To explain the processes contributing to the genesis of
response dynamics, we performed a detailed analysis of
Sensory systems
Figure 2
Average firing rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
‘Portrait’ of NaCl firing rates as interpreted by AFP decoder
‘Portrait’ of NaCl firing rates as interpreted by LL decoder
A conceptualization of the static across-fiber
pattern and labeled-line models of gustatory
coding. (a) Hypothetical responses given as
average firing rate (over 5 s) minus the
background activity for 27 neurons to a given
a taste stimulus (e.g. 0.1M NaCl). The dark
bars represent the response of those neurons
that responded most strongly to NaCl. The
dashed line represents a hypothetical
threshold of firing rate. (b) A re-presentation
of (a) with color intensity coding the firing rate
for each of the 27 neurons (red, excitation;
blue, inhibition), representing how an AFP
‘decoder’ might read the responses.
(c) Another re-presentation of (a),
representing how a LL decoder might read
the responses. Black denotes that these
neurons’ responses are ‘on’ (as set by the
threshold) and white denotes ‘off’.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
response dynamics in single-neuron GC ensembles in
awake rats [25••]. We found that GC responses exhibit
complex and neuron-specific time-varying responses to
gustatory stimuli (Figure 3a). Analysis of the spectral and
stimulus information content of these GC responses
revealed that the timings of firing rate changes were
driven, in part, by three distinct contributions. The earliest
was a somatosensory response to the tastant striking the
tongue, the second had a chemosensory origin and the
third was a combination of the two, related to the palatability of the tastant (Figure 3b). In summary, the most
parsimonious explanation of the GC responses is that neural
networks in different cortical areas contribute to the GC
responses at different times (it is worth noting that the
ideas advocated here are compatible with the recent
writings of Erickson, one of the pioneers of taste coding
theory, who has long since abandoned the version of AFP
presented above).
Temporal responses evoked by tastants have also been
investigated in humans using magnetoencephalography [26],
a noninvasive technique that combines the temporal sensitivity of elecroencephalography with the spatial resolution of
functional magnetic resonance imaging. These experiments
have revealed that, over the course of 1.5 s of processing
gustatory information, gustatory cortical regions may be activated repeatedly. The authors concluded that the necessarily
time-extensive process of gustation requires time-varying
neural activation, an hypothesis fully consistent with our
dynamic distributed model of gustatory coding.
Interactions in gustatory responses: I.
Within-area interactions
Over the past decade, interactive processing within neural
populations (typically measured as peaks in cross-correlograms or cross-spectra for pairs of neurons) has received
serious consideration as a potential mechanism of neural
coding. Much of the attention paid to interactive neural processing has been directed towards the search for functionally
significant patterns of ‘synchrony’, that is the near-simultaneous
(timescale of 1–10 ms) firing of individual action potentials
between neurons. Several recent studies have demonstrated
that GC or NST neuron pairs may respond synchronously to
stimulation with particular subsets of tastants [27–30]. These
interactions typically occur only between pairs of neurons
separated by <100 µm, and are most prevalent when the
neurons in the pair produce similar responses to the proffered
tastant [31•]. Such data may reflect the existence of direct
connections between the recorded pair, and have been
interpreted as evidence that nearby GC neurons form part of
columnar processing units [31•].
On a broader (hundreds of milliseconds) timescale, tastespecific cross-correlations of >100 ms duration were found
Gustatory processing is dynamic and distributed Katz, Nicolelis and Simon
Figure 3
Gustatory cortical responses are dynamic and
multimodal. (a) Peri-stimulus time histograms
(PSTHs) of a single GC neurons’ responses
to NaCl, citric acid, sucrose and quinine
hydrochloride (Q-HCl). The PSTHs exhibit
time-varying responses both within and
between epochs (i.e. somatosensory contact
of the tastant, chemosensory processing of
the tastant and multi-sensory coding of
palatability). Periods of inhibitory firing rate
change are noted in blue/gray, and a period of
excitatory firing rate change is shown in
orange. Post-stimulus times are on the
abscissae and the response magnitude in
spikes per second (sp/s) is shown on the
ordinates. (b) A schematic of the ‘epochs’ of
tastant responses in GC neurons obtained
from analysis of the GC responses.
Somatosensory responses occur within
200 ms of tastant delivery, as the tastant
strikes the tongue. Chemosensory responses
occur thereafter. Approximately 1 s or more
following tastant delivery, a new
somatosensory contribution that is related to
the production of palatability-specific orofacial
behaviors comes into play, as the stimulus’
hedonic content is now coded. Reproduced
with permission from [25••].
Citric acid
Time post stimulus (s)
between relatively large percentages of GC neurons in
awake rats [32••]. Figure 4a shows an example of such
cross-correlations. The neuron pair analyzed here crosscorrelated strongly (and negatively) only in the presence of
nicotine (orange line) and citric acid (green line). Peaked
cross correlations were not found for sucrose (black), NaCl
(maroon) or quinine (dark blue). When cross-correlations
are taken into account, 75% of the neurons in GC are
involved in gustation. In contrast, if only average firing
rates are considered, only 10–14% of the GC neurons
contribute to gustatory processing [25••,33].
These cross-correlations, which are found even in crosshemispheric pairs of GC neurons, may reflect state–rate
transitions in large neural networks associated with the
perceptual processing of tastants (Figure 1b; [15,16,34]).
Furthermore, these between-neuron interactions may
explain the previously described time-varying GC
response properties (Figure 3a; [25••]). Recent simulations
of the insect antennal lobe support the hypothesized
relationship between between-neuron interactions and
single-neuron rate changes on a timescale similar to those
observed in GC neurons [35••,36]. In a similar manner,
γ-amino butyric acid (GABA)ergic synapses have been
shown to play a role in shaping gustatory responses in the
GC and NST [37,38]. Applications of the GABAA antagonist bicuculline unmasked taste-related activity in GC and
changed the tastant causing the strongest (best) response
(Figure 4b). In summary, gustatory responses are formed of
the interactions between neurons within individual nuclei
in the CNS (Figure 1b).
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Time post stimulus (s)
Interactions in gustatory responses: II.
Between-region interactions
In addition to interactions within single areas, interactions
between regions also modulate taste responses (see also [39]).
Indeed, recent evidence showed that feedback connections
between GC and NST modulate NST activity via both
excitatory pathways and GABAergic synapses [40•]. Figure 4c
shows an example of a GC–NST interaction. It is clear that
cortical activation (electrical stimulation) may excite or inhibit
NST activity, and that infusion of bicuculline in the NST
blocks the inhibitory impact of GC stimulation. These data
suggest that projections from the GC directly or indirectly
influence GABAergic interneurons in the NST.
Additional evidence for the interaction between different cortical areas comes from studies showing that activating the central
nucleus (CN) in the amygdala modulates gustatory responses in
the PbN [41•]. Figure 4d shows a single PbN neuron’s response
to 0.1 M NaCl in the absence (upper trace) and presence (lower
trace) of a periodic stimulation of the CN. Although amygdalar
stimulation usually inhibited responses to all tastants, in some
cases the impact was excitatory whereas in others it was taste
specific. In summary, these data suggest that theories of gustatory processing should incorporate the real-time modulation of
taste responses by both within-region neural networks and
between-region convergence of activation.
Interactions in gustatory responses: III. Input
from other systems
Early electrophysiological studies reported converging projections from gustatory and lingual somatosensory origins
Sensory systems
Figure 4
Correlation (r)
Lag (s)
Stim +
Stimulus on times
w/o stim
w/ stim
NaCl on:
Stim on:
Evidence for intra-area (a,b) and between area (c,d) interactions in
gustatory coding. (a) Cross-correlations for two GC neurons in
response to six different tastants (lag [s] is on the abscissa, correlation
[r] is on the ordinate). Significant interactions can be seen in response
to nicotine (thick orange line) and citric acid (thick green line), but not to
water (light blue), NaCl (maroon), sucrose (black), or quinine (dark
blue). (b) PSTHs for a single GC neuron in response to NaCl (N),
sucrose (S), hydrochloric acid (H), and quinine (Q) depend on inhibition
in the cortical neural network. The first column shows the responses
under control conditions (Pre): note the lack of response to quinine. The
middle column shows the responses to the same stimuli during infusion
of GABA antagonist bicuculline (Bicuc): note that the time courses of
responses have changed, that the stimulus causing the largest
response has changed, and that a response to quinine has been
unmasked. The third column shows the response returning to baseline
following the removal of bicuculline (Post). Bar indicates duration of the
stimulus. (c) Neural activity in NST is affected by feedback from GC.
The responses of two NST neurons to electrical stimulation of GC are
shown (time is on the abscissa, response magnitude [spikes per
second, sp/s] is on the ordinate). In one neuron (top), GC stimulation
caused an excitatory response, whereas in the other (bottom) GC
stimulation caused an inhibitory response. The inhibitory response was
blocked by bicuculline, suggesting inhibitory feedback is caused by GC
activation of GABA-containing neurons. (d) Taste responses in the
pons (parabrachial nuclei) are affected by electrical stimulation of the
amygdala. In each row, vertical lines represent single action potentials.
Time progresses to the right. The top row shows this neuron’s response
to the application of NaCl without amygdala stimulation. The bottom
row shows the same neuron’s response to NaCl in the presence of
stimulation; each burst of stimulation lasted for one second. The
stimulation reduced the NaCl response, but did so in a temporally
complex manner. (a) reproduced with permission from [32••], (b)
reproduced with permission from [37], (c) reproduced with permission
from [40•] and (d) reproduced with permission from [41•].
in several relays of the gustatory pathway, especially at the
cortical level, where somatosensory and taste responses are
found in intermingled cells or even within the same cells
[2,42,43]. In this regard, it may not be so surprising to learn
that mechanically stimulating the tongue can produce
‘taste phantoms’ [44] and that temperature changes on the
tongue can induce or modulate specific tastes [45••]. In
addition, behavioral studies have shown that palatability
can be modulated by trigeminal input [46]. Nevertheless,
there is a paucity of studies showing how the somatosensory system may modulate electrophysiological responses
to gustatory stimuli. In one such study, chorda tympani
responses to tastants have been modulated by electrical
stimulation of the lingual branch of the trigeminal nerve
[47] and, in another study, the trigeminal stimulant
capsaicin has been shown to decrease chorda tympani
responses to NaCl [48].
The effects of visceral stimulation on gustatory responses
have been demonstrated in studies of conditioned taste
aversion [49,50], and in a study showing that NST responses
to tastants are modulated by gastric distension [51]. In
addition, single unit responses from neurons from the
caudolateral part of the orbital frontal cortex markedly
decrease in a taste-specific fashion as monkeys are fed to
satiety [52]. Although it is unclear where the convergences
Gustatory processing is dynamic and distributed Katz, Nicolelis and Simon
take place, what is clear is that gustation depends on
convergence between the taste system and the somatosensory/
visceral system.
We have attempted to justify the reasons for moving
beyond static and unimodal models of gustatory coding
towards models in which processing occurs in time, is
multimodal and involves interactions between neurons in
the same and in spatially separate gustatory regions. We
propose that the specifics of gustatory responses grow not
only out of information ascending from taste receptor
cells but rather from the cycling of information around a
massively interconnected system.
We are grateful to Robert Erickson for many fruitful discussions of data and
theory. We also acknowledge support from NIH grants DC-00403 (DBK),
DC-01065 (SAS), and DE-11121 (MALN), and by Philip Morris Incorporated.
References and recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review,
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• of special interest
•• of outstanding interest
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Sensory systems
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various possible sources of GC neuron–neuron interactions. The observed
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between single-trial rate changes, and to a significant extent on coupling in
sudden changes in rate. These cross-correlations provided additional
information as to tastant identity.
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both inhibitory and noninhibitory components of NST networks.
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may provoke gustatory sensations, and offers the tantalizing possibility that
connections from the system processing temperature may cause activity in
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