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Progress Report – Glover
Neuroanatomical studies of the Oikopleura central nervous system
The principal activites during the latest reporting period have been focused on
obtaining a more complete characterization of the structure and neuronal
composition of the caudal ganglion and caudal nerve cord and associated structures,
and on establishing techniques for correlating gene expression and neuron identity.
Progress in both areas has been good.
Structure and neuronal composition of the central nervous system and
associated structures
Using a variety of approaches, PhD student Anne Mette Søviknes has made a
comprehensive study of the motor system of Oikopleura. She has used in situ
hybridization to locate and chart the development of neurons versus non-neuronal
cells in the caudal ganglion and caudal nerve cord, and to identify and chart the
development of the motoneuron subpopulation. Combined with histological studies of
the outgrowth of motor axons and the innervation of muscle, this has led to the
submission in 2006 of the article “Development of the caudal nerve cord,
motoneurons and muscle innervation in the appendicularian urochordate Oikopleura
dioica”, to The Journal of Comparative Neurology (the premiere neuroanatomical
journal) where it is now in second review after revision. Together with our previously
published article on the development of GABAergic neurons (Søviknes et al 2005),
this work has established a solid anatomical description of two functionally important
neuron populations constituting approximately one third of the caudal nervous
Søviknes has also carried out a systematic assessment of neurogenesis in the entire
central nervous system using timed applications of the thymidine analog BrdU.
Through this work, we now know when neurons are born in the different parts of the
nervous system, important information for future experiments aimed at exploring the
role of various genes in specifying neuron types. This work is now being written up
for submission.
In parallel with these observations on the genesis and anatomical organization of
neurons, we have used the same techniques to follow the development of the
notochord, arriving at the unexpected conclusion that notochord cells continue to be
generated well after the structure has been established, in apparent contrast to what
is seen in ascidians. This work is also now being written up for submission.
To obtain better information about the fine structure and axonal organization of
neurons in the central nervous system, we have also established a collaboration with
the EM facility at the Department of Biology, University of Oslo, to examine serial
reconstructions of the the two ganglia and the caudal nerve cord. This will be
combined with axonal tracing using lipophilic dyes to assess axon projections.
Establishing techniques for correlating gene expression and neuron identity
With the anatomical mapping already in hand, it is feasible to begin asking questions
about the genetic regulation of neuronal type specification. As a first step, it is
important to determine which transcription factors are expressed in or near specific
identified neurons. To this end, Søviknes has successfully worked out parameters for
double in situ hybridization experiments, and used this approach to begin assessing
the relationship between motoneurons, GABA-positive interneurons, and other
neuron types and several transcription factors that, based on previous results from
the Chourrout group, appear to be expressed in the locations where these neurons
reside. The plan is to expand the study to a panel of 6-10 relevant transcription
factors, thus providing a good spatial coverage of the central nervous system and a
platform for a comprehensive correlative map of gene expression and neuronal
differentiation. This will be of great valuable for future gene manipulation
Schematic overview of the organization of the somatic motor system in the appendicularian Oikopleura,
the ascidian Halocynthia, and the cephalochordate amphioxus (from Søviknes et al, 200x).
Cellular organization of the tail of Oikopleura revealed by nuclear and actin staining. The caudal
ganglion (cg) and caudal nerve cord (nc) are seen running along the middle of the figure from left to
Publications and manuscripts:
Søviknes AM, Chourrout D, Glover JC (2005) Development of putative GABAergic
neurons in the appendicularian urochordate Oikopleura dioica. J Comp Neurol
Søviknes AM, Chourrout D, Glover JC (2006) Development of the caudal nerve cord,
motoneurons and muscle innervation in the appendicularian urochordate Oikopleura
dioica (J Comp Neurol, in press).
Glover JC and Fritzsch B (200x) The nervous systems of primitive chordates. In:
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Elsevier (in press).
Søviknes AM and Glover JC (200x) Temporal patterns of neurogenesis in the
appendicularion urochordate Oikopleura dioica. (manuscript in preparation).
Søviknes AM and Glover JC (200x) Protracted intercalation of cells into the
notochord of the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica. (manuscript in preparation).
Name: Joel Glover
Birth: 11 December 1956, USA
Present position and title
University of Oslo, Dept. of Physiology, Professor
Sars International Centre, Adjunct professor
University of Oslo Strategic research Award, 1993
Vickers Lecturer, British Neonatal Society, London, 1995
University of Oslo Medical Student Association “Best Lecturer” Award, 1998
B.A. 1978
University of California, San Diego
Ph.D. 1984
University of California, Berkeley
Research Experience
02.01 - University of Oslo,
Dept. of Physiology
University of Oslo,
Dept. of Anatomy
University of Oslo,
Dept. of Anatomy
Associate Professor
University of Oslo,
Dept. of Physiology
Res. Assoc. Professor
Washington University,
St. Louis
University of Oslo
Post Doc Fellow
Post Doc Fellow
Collaborative networks
1. Coordinator, EU network “Brainstem Genetics” (Glover, Rijli, Goridis, Ericson,
Champagnat, Briscoe)
2. HFSP network “Genetic dissection of neuronal circuits controlling left-right alternation in
mammalian locomotion” (Kiehn, Glover, Goulding, Pearson). Evaluated as 4th best
HFSP application (world-wide).
3. Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research (
1. Hoover, F., T. Gundersen, S. Ulven, J.-J. Michaille, S. Blanchet, R. Blomhoff and J. C. Glover
(2001) Quantitative assessment of retinoid signaling pathways in the developing eye and retina of the
chicken embryo J. Comp. Neurol. 436:324-335.
2. Ulven S. M., Gundersen T. E., Sakhi A.K., Glover J.C., Blomhoff R. (2001) Quantitative axial
profiles of retinoic acid in the embryonic mouse spinal cord: 9-cis retinoic acid only detected after alltrans-retinoic acid levels are super-elevated experimentally. Dev Dyn. 222:341-353.
3. Glover J. C. (2001) Correlated patterns of neuron differentiation and Hox gene expression in the
hindbrain: a comparative analysis. Brain Res Bull. 55:683-693.
4. Díaz, C. and J. C. Glover (2002) Comparative aspects of the hodological organization of the
vestibular nuclear complex and related neuron populations. Brain Res. Bull. 57:307-312.
5. Stokke, M., Nissen, U. V., Glover, J.C. and Kiehn, O. (2002) Projection patterns of commissural
interneurons in the lumbar spinal cord of the neonatal rat. J. Comp. Neurol. 446:349-359.
6. Díaz, C., Glover, J. C., Puelles, L. and J. Bjaalie (2003) The relationship between hodological and
cytoarchitectonic organization in the vestibular complex of the 11-day chicken embryo. J. Comp.
Neurol. 457:87-105.
7. Nissen, U.V., Mochida, H. and J. C. Glover (2005) Development of projection-specific
interneurons and projection neurons in the embryonic mouse and rat spinal cord. J Comp
Neurol. 483:30-47.
8. Sigurjonsson OE, Perreault MC, Egeland T, Glover JC. (2005) Adult human hematopoietic
stem cells produce neurons efficiently in the regenerating chicken embryo spinal cord. PNAS
9. Fjeldheim Å, PI Høvring, OP Løseth, PW Johansen, JC Glover, Matre V, Olstad OK, Reppe S,
Gordeladze JO, Walaas SI, Gautvik KM (2005). Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone receptor 1 and
prothyrotrophin-releasing hormone mRNA expression in the central nervous system are regulated by
suckling in lactating rats. Eur J Endocrinol. 152:791-803.
10. Søviknes A.M., Chourrout, D. and J.C. Glover (2005) The development of GABAimmunopositive neurons in the appendicularian urochordate Oikopleura dioica. J Comp Neurol.
11. Perreault M-C, Bernier AP, Renaud J-S, Roux S and Glover JC (2006) TTC hybrid
proteins evaluated for muscle-specific transynaptic mapping of spinal motor circuitry in the
newborn mouse. Neuroscience 141:803-16.
12. Momose-Sato Y, Glover JC, Sato K. (2006) Development of functional synaptic
connections in the auditory system visualized with optical recording: afferent-evoked activity
is present from early stages.
J Neurophysiol. 96:1949-1962.
13. Renaud J.S., Nordheim S., J.C. Glover (2006) Retinoic acid regulates an anteroposterior gradient
of dorsoventral patterning in the developing hindbrain. Development (in press).
14. Glover J. C., Mochida H, Momose-Sato Y. and K. Sato (200x) Activity-independent emergence of
a functional polysynaptic sensorimotor circuit in the embryonic brain stem (submitted, Science)
15. Díaz C, Pasqualetti M, Renaud JS, Rijli F and JC Glover (200x) Fate-mapping of vestibular
neuron populations in the mouse embryo using rhombomere-specific Hoxa2 enhancer elements.
(submitted, European Journal of Neuroscience).
16. Glover JC, Hansen K, Martinov V, Mochida H, and Rinde A (200x) Development of functional
connections from oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons to their respective extraocular muscles in the
chicken embryo. (submitted, J Neurobiol).
17. Nissen V, Glover JC and J Hounsgaard (200x) The anatomical organization of spinal interneurons
and projection neurons in the turtle. (submitted, Journal of Comparative Neurology)
18. Søviknes AM and JC Glover (200x) The development of the caudal nerve cord of the
appendicularian urochordate Oikopleura dioica. (in press, Journal of Comparative Neurology)
Review articles, book chapters, conference proceedings (peer-reviewed)
19. Glover, J. C. (2001) Ny kunnskap om reparasjon av hjernen. Tids. Norsk Lægefor.
20. Glover, J. C. (2002) Hindbrain. In: Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, Academic Press.
21. Glover, J. C. (2003) The Vestibular System. In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Elsevier.
22. Glover, J.C. (2003) The development of vestibulo-ocular circuitry in the chicken embryo.
J Physiol Paris. 97:17-25.
23. Rijli F, Renaud JS and JC Glover (2006) Retinoic acid and hindbrain development J Neurobiol
24. Fritsch F and JC Glover (2006) Organization of primitive verebrate nervous systems. In:
Evolution of the nervous system, Elsevier (in press)
PhD students and postdocs supervised (last 5 years)
2000 - 2001
2002 - 2006
2002 - 2006
2002 2002 - 2006
2002 2002 2005 – 2006
2005 – 2007
2006 2006
Ulla Vig Nissen, Master’s student (Biology)
Ulla Vig Nissen, Ph.D. student
Jean-Sébastien Renaud, Ph.D. student
Hiraku Mochida, postdoctoral fellow
Olafur Sigurdjonsson, Ph.D. student
Anne Mette Søviknes, Ph.D. student, Sars International Centre
Marie-Claude Perreault, postdoctoral fellow
Martin Speth, Master’s student (Biology)
Nedim Kasumacic, Master’s student (Biology)
Dorthe Belgardt, Ph.D. student
Mrinal Joel, Ph.D. student
Gabor Halasi, postdoctoral fellow