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Review questions: Neuroanatomy
1. Classify the structures of the nervous system into divisions.
CNS – Brain and Spinal Cord
PNS – Nerves: 31 spinal, 12 cranial.
Ganglia: Collection of nerve cell bodies in PNS. Cells which perform similar
Receptors: Pick up stimulus at end of nerves (dendrites)
Functional divisions:
Afferent nervous system: Sensory
Somatic and visceral sensory nerve fibres
Sends into TO CNS from periphery
Efferent nervous system: Motor
Motor nerve fibres conducts.
Motor commands FROM CNS to effectors (muscles and glands)
Somatic nervous system (SNS): Conscious awareness.
Input from skin, sensory organs, proprioceptors (responsible for awareness of
body position and movement.
Output to skeletal muscles
Autonomic nervous system (ANS): Involuntary response
Input from receptors inside body, organs and vessels.
Output to smooth muscles, organs, vessels and glands.
2. Describe the structure of a neuron and the function of each structural
Soma: cell body, large nucleus, large numbers of golgi apparatus.
Synthesise and secrete proteins.
Signal integration and summation of nerve impulses.
Dendrites: Receptors receive info from other neurons and carry to cell body.
Lots of typically short branches.
Carries info into cell.
Axon: Usually only one long.
Capable of propagating an electrical signal.
Carries info away from cell
Message – dendrites – soma – axon – telodendria – dendrites.
Synapses: Where one neuron communicates with another.
Cells connect to on another via axodendritic, axosomatic, axoanonic
3. Contrast the structural characteristics and functions of neuroglia and neurons.
Neuroglia: nerve glue
Provides structural support for neurons. Assist in the removal of waste products from
neurons. Assist in transfer of nutrients from blood to neurons.
Ependymal cells (CNS): Line cavities of brain and spinal cord.
Permeable barrier between CSF in cavities and fluid bathing
CNS cells.
Astrocytes (CNS): Star shaped
Provides structural support
Provide blood/brain barrier
Hold down layers of meninges
Blood brain barrier allows for selective crossing of materials and limits chemical
variations in the environment of brain so there is no uncontrolled excitement.
Microglia (CNS): Phagocytic
Takes in material to break down and be eliminated by body
Able to move to areas where needed
Oligodendrocytes (CNS): Provide myelin sheath in CNS
Schwann cells (PNS): Provide myelin sheath in PNS
Nodes of Ranvier (PNS): Gaps between Schwann cells on axon.
3. Describe cellular organisation in both the CNS and the PNS.
Grey matter: Cluster of neuron bodies in the CNS and unmyelinated fibres.
White matter: bundles of myelinated axons in CNS.
Nucleus: functional groups of cell bodies in CNS.
Made of grey matter.
Tract: Bundle of neuron processes in the CNS
Eg: branches of spinal cord.
Nerve: bundle of neuron processes in the PNS.
Axons held together with connective tissue.
Sensory nerves: carry info into body
Motor nerves: carry info out of body.
Made up of group of axons, blood vessels and connective tissue.
Review questions: CNS Anatomy
1. Compare the structure and function of the 3 layers of meninges.
Layers: Dura mater – 2 layers (outer: periosteal layer, inner: meningeal layer)
Tough outer layer, attaches to cranial bones. Inner layer continues around
Fine elastic middle layer. Web-like extensions go into the subarachnoid
space. Large blood vessels located under subarachnoid space.
Pia mater
Fine, filmy coating that goes into each fold and cavity of brain. Filled with
tiny blood vessels. Clings tightly to brain. Held to brain by astrocytes.
5. Describe the locations and functions of the 3 areas of the brain stem.
Midbrain: Nerve pathway of cerebral hemispheres. Auditory and Visual reflex
Pons: Respiratory Centre
Medulla Oblongata: Crossing of motor tracts. Cardiac Centre. Respiratory Centre.
Vasomotor (nerves having muscular control of the blood vessel walls)
Centre, Centres for cough, gag, swallow, and vomit.
2. Describe how the sensation of being touched is dealt with in the 3 functional
areas of the cerebral cortex.
3. Explain what is meant by the term “the emotional brain”.
4. Define proprioception. In which part of the brain is it processed?
1. Describe the neural organisation of the autonomic nervous system and the
differences in the two divisions.
2. What are the three sympathetic ganglionic groups and where would you find them?
3. What's so special about the adrenal medulla?
4. Compare and contrast activation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
5. How can the responses of sympathetic and parasympathetic activation be explained
in terms of activation of adrenergic and cholinergic receptors?
6. What is autonomic tone? Why does it matter?
7. How can emotional states effect such things as digestive and cardiac function?