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L.E. Bio Topic 10 Regulation
Part I. The Nervous System
•Control and Coordination of life activities.
•Two Ways.
1. _____________- electro-chemical
-_______________- _______________-, but _______________- _______________2. ______________- - hormones-proteins “chemical messengers”
-______________- to _______________- but _______________- Lasting.
* Through 1 & 2 – ______________- is maintained. Like a car on cruise control the body
is constantly making adjustments. It is never at rest!
Part I. Nerve Control
• _____________________________ – _______________- specialized for the transition of impulses
from one part of the body to another.
•Neurons _______________ _______________
–Cannot be replaced. If outside the brain and spinal cord may slowly grow back.
Structure of a Neuron
_______________ take in information from
surrounding neurons.
_______________ or _______________ Processes
incoming information and decides
whether to “fire’ or not.
______________________________ is an insulating
cover around the axon.
______________________________ release
neurotransmitters into the synapse.
_______________ sends messages out to the terminal branches
*Recognize the major parts of the neuron, and what each does; dendrite, cell body or cyton, axon,
myelin sheath, terminal branch, synapse, neurotransmitter.
The _______________ is a fluid
filled gap between the
terminal branches and the
next neuron’s dendrites, or a
muscle or gland.
Impulses: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
•Received by dendrites and pass to cell body and then to _______________.
•When it reaches the terminal branches it stimulates the release of a _________________________.
– A _______________ (junction) between adjacent neurons, or between neurons and target
cells, (_______________ or _______________)
– They don’t actually touch.
– Gap is temporarily bridged by a ______________________________ AKA nerohumor
ex. Acetylcholine.
Effectors: _____________________________________________________________________________
– The axons of some neurons have junctions with a muscle or gland
–The impulse initiates a response
– Contraction – muscle
– Secretion - gland
Stimulus: ____________________________________________________________________________________(sense organ).
– Types of sense receptors
–Ect. ______________________________
Response: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________.
– Types of effectors
Sub-Human Nerve Control
– Have some ____________________________________________________________.
– No ______________________________ (____________________________________________________________)
– No ______________________________,
– Has a crude “____________________________________________________________”
– When a neuron is stimulated the impulse travels _________________________
– Has ______________________________.
– Primitive brain (fused ganglia) and ______________________________ nerve cord.
– Has ______________________________ nerves that ______________________________ from
______________________________ and nerve cord.
–Impulses travel in one direction over definite pathways,
– Similar to earthworm
– Has ______________________________ &
______________________________ nerves
– Has highly developed _ _____________________________
– Eyes, tympana (sound), antennae (touch)
Human Nervous
– CNS – Highly developed brain & ______________________________nerve cord
– ______________________________ nerves
– Has highly developed ____________________________________________________________
3 Types
1. ______________________________
–Transmit impulses _________________________
–Receptors – _______________________________
2. ______________________________
–Transmit impulse ___________________________________________________
3. ______________________________ or ______________________________ ______________________________
–Found in _______________________and ______________________________
–Transmit impulses ____________________________________________________________.
– May split impulse and sends it to CNS
Pathway of an Impulse
Central Nervous System (CNS) = ____________________________________________________________
The Human Brain
•Three Parts (see next three slides)
1. ______________________________ largest part of the brain
– Receives and interoperates
______________________ from sense organs
– Center for ______________________
______________________ _____________________ and
– initiates all ______________________ movements
2. ______________________________ Center for ______________________ and ______________________ of
muscle movements
- ______________________ and behind cerebrum
3. ______________________________ At the ______________________ and ___________________________________
Connects the brain to spinal column
Controls __________________________________________________________________________________
Heart beat, breathing, blood pressure, peristalsis
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
(next three slides)
All sensory and motor neurons that are ______________________ of the CNS
Carry impulses between the ______________________ and _____________________________________.
Has two divisions
1. ______________________ Nervous System
– Made up of
Nerves that control the ______________________ muscles of the body
Nerves that transmit impulses from ______________________ to the ______________
2. ______________________ Nervous System
– Control ______________________ actions (automatic)
– Smooth muscle – ex. Peristalsis
– Cardiac Muscle – ex. Heart beat
– Other involuntary actions – circulation, respiration, ect.
Overview of the Nervous System
– ______________________ behavior that becomes ______________________ through ______________________.
– Establishes nerve pathways for ______________________ ______________________
– Examples of habits. ( List )
Reflexes: – ___________________________________________________________________________________________.
Example Reflex Arc
– Set of pathways followed by an impulse in a reflex
– No involvement of the ______________________
– Reflexes are usually protective in nature
Simple Reflex Arc
STUDY THIS FOR QUIZ!!! – 1. _____________________  2. _____________________ 3. _____________________
(in spinal cord) 4. ______________________ 5. ______________________ (muscle or gland.)
Nervous System Disorders
– Cerebral Palsy: is a disorder that affects muscle tone, movement, and motor skills (the ability to
move in a coordinated and purposeful way). CP is usually caused by brain damage that
occurs before or during a child's birth, or during the first 3 to 5 years of a child's life. There
is no cure for CP.
– Meningitis: Meningitis is a serious illness that affects the membranes surrounding the brain and
spinal cord.
– Stroke: This "brain attack" happens when blood flow to the brain stops, even for a brief second.
– Polio: Is a viral disease that can damage the nervous system and cause paralysis. Since polio
immunization has become widespread in the United States, cases of polio are rare.
However, polio remains a problem in many parts of the world.