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Nervous system part 2
Central Nervous System (CNS)
 Evolutionary
development of the anterior
portion of the CNS
 Increases the number of neurons in the head
 Highest level is reached in the human brain
The brain
plate forms from ectoderm
Neural plate invaginates to form a
neural groove and neural folds
Neural groove fuses dorsally to form
the neural tube
portion of the neural tube
becomes three primary brain vesicles
rise to the telencephalon
(cerebrum) and diencephalon (thalamus,
hypothalamus, epithalamus, and retina)
rise to the metencephalon (pons
and cerebellum) and myelencephalon
(medulla oblongata)
The brain
 Effect
of space restriction on brain development
flexure and cervical flexure cause forebrain
to move toward the brain stem
hemispheres grow posteriorly and laterally
hemisphere surfaces crease and fold into
Regions and organization
brain regions
Brain stem (midbrain, pons, and medulla)
Regions and organization
cavity surrounded by a gray
matter core
External white matter composed of
myelinated fiber tracts
Regions and organization
pattern with additional areas of gray
Nuclei in cerebellum and cerebrum
Cortex of cerebellum and cerebrum
Ventricles of the brain
 Contain cerebrospinal fluid
C-shaped lateral ventricles in the cerebral hemispheres
ventricle in the diencephalon
ventricle in the hindbrain, dorsal to the pons
Cerebral hemispheres
 Surface markings: ridges (gyri), shallow grooves
(sulci), and deep grooves (fissures)
sulcus- separates the precentral gyrus of the
frontal lobe and the postcentral gyrus of the parietal
fissure- separates the two hemispheres
cerebral fissure- separates the cerebrum and
the cerebellum
Cerebral hemispheres
Cerebral hemispheres
 Cerebral
 Thin
 40%
superficial layer of gray matter
of the mass of the brain
 Site
of conscious mind: awareness, sensory perception,
voluntary motor initiation, communication, memory storage,
 Each
hemisphere connects to the contralateral side of the body
 Left
controls language, math, and logic
 Right
controls insight, visual-spacial skills, intuition, and artistic skill
 Lateralization
of cortical function in the hemispheres
Cerebral hemispheres
 Functional areas
areas- control voluntary movement
motor cortex- conscious control of precise, skilled,
voluntary movements
cortex- controls learned, repetitious, or patterned
motor skills
area- motor speech area the directs muscle of the
eye fold- controls voluntary eye movement
Cerebral hemispheres
 Sensory areas- conscious awareness of sensation
somatosensory cortex- Capable of spatial
discrimination: identification of body region being
association cortex- Determines size,
texture, and relationship of parts of objects being
areas- Receives visual information from the
areas- Interprets information from inner ear
as pitch, loudness, and location, stores memories of
sounds and permits perception of sounds
cortex- Region of conscious awareness of
cortex- Involved in the perception of taste
sensory area- Conscious perception of
visceral sensations, e.g., upset stomach or full
cortex- Responsible for conscious
awareness of balance (position of the head in space)
Cerebral hemispheres
 Association
areas- integrate diverse information
 Multimodal
association area- receive input from multiple
sensory areas, and sends output to multiple areas
Anterior association area- Involved with intellect, cognition, recall,
and personality, contains working memory needed for judgment,
reasoning, persistence, and conscience, development depends on
feedback from social environment
 Posterior
association area- Plays a role in recognizing patterns and
faces and localizing us in space, involved in understanding written
and spoken language (Wernicke’s area)
 Limbic
association area- Provides emotional impact that helps
establish memories
 Encloses
 Three
the third ventricle
Thalamus- 80% of the diencephalon, sorts, edits, and relays
Hypothalamus- autonomic control center for many visceral
functions: blood pressure, rate and force of heartbeat,
digestive tract motility. Center of emotional response.
Regulates body temperature, food intake, water balance,
and thirst. Regulated sleep and sleep cycle, controls release
of hormones from the pituitary gland
Epithalamus- secretes melatonin that regulates sleep cycle
Brain stem
 Midbrain-
control cranial nerves III (oculomotor) and IV
 Pons-
Connect higher brain centers and the spinal cord,
Relay impulses between the motor cortex and the
 Medulla
oblongata- Autonomic reflex centers, adjusts
force and rate of heart contraction, adjusts blood vessel
diameter for blood pressure regulation, generate
respiratory rhythm, control rate and depth of breathing,
regulate, vomiting, hiccupping, swallowing, coughing,
 Subconsciously
provides precise timing and appropriate
patterns of skeletal muscle contraction
 Receives
impulses from the cerebral cortex of the intent
to initiate voluntary muscle contraction
 Recognizes
and predicts sequences of events during
complex movements
 Plays
a role in non-motor functions such as word
association and puzzle solving
Functional brain systems
or affective brain
angry or fearful facial
expressions, assesses danger, and elicits the fear
gyrus—plays a role in expressing
emotions via gestures, and resolves mental conflict
emotional responses to odors- Example:
skunks smell bad
limbic system interacts with the prefrontal lobes,
can react emotionally to things we consciously
understand to be happening
are consciously aware of emotional richness in our lives
and amygdala—play a role in memory
Functional brain systems
(reticular activating system)
 Sends
impulses to the cerebral cortex to keep it conscious and
 Filters
out repetitive and weak stimuli (~99% of all stimuli!)
 Severe
injury results in permanent unconsciousness (coma)
 Motor
 Helps
control coarse limb movements
 Reticular
autonomic centers regulate visceral motor functions:
Vasomotor, Cardiac, Respiratory centers
The 12 Pairs of Cranial Nerves
Figure 14.8
I. Olfactory
sense of smell
II. Optic
III. Occulomotor
move eyelids
IV. Trochlear
move eyes
V. Trigeminal
face, jaw, chewing
VI. Abducens
VII. Facial
facial expressions
VIII. Vestibulocochlear
sense of equilibrium, hearing
IX. Glossopharyngeal pharynx, tongue
X. Vagus
major organs, viscera
XI. Accessory
XII. Hypoglossal
Need to know all of the cranial nerves ?
On Old October Third
The Airplane Flew
Above Ground Very
Aggressively Home
Higher mental functions
 Brian wave patterns and the EEG
record electrical activity that accompanies brain
function and measures electrical potential differences
between cortical areas. Used to diagnose and localize
brain lesions, tumors, infracts, infections, abscesses,
and epileptic lesions
EEG is clinical evidence of death
Higher mental functions
Brain waves-patterns of neurological activity. Each persons’
brain waves are unique
 Alpha
waves (8–13 Hz)—regular and rhythmic, low-amplitude,
synchronous waves indicating an “idling” brain
 Beta
waves (14–30 Hz)—rhythmic, less regular waves occurring when
mentally alert
 Theta
waves (4–7 Hz)—more irregular; common in children and
uncommon in adults
 Delta
waves (4 Hz or less)—high-amplitude waves seen in deep sleep
and when reticular activating system is damped, or during anesthesia;
may indicate brain damage
Higher mental functions
Brain waves change with age, sensory stimuli, brain disease, and the
chemical state of the body
A victim of epilepsy may lose consciousness, fall stiffly, and have uncontrollable jerking
Not associated with intellectual impairments
Occurs in 1% of the population
Absence seizures, or petit mal- Mild seizures seen in young children where the
expression goes blank
Tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures- Victim loses consciousness, bones are often broken
due to intense contractions, may experience loss of bowel and bladder control, and
severe biting of the tongue
Higher mental functions
Conscious perception of sensation
Voluntary initiation and control of movement
Capabilities associated with higher mental processing (memory,
logic, judgment, etc.)
Loss of consciousness (e.g., fainting or syncopy) is a signal that
brain function is impaired
Clinically defined on a continuum that grades behavior in response
to stimuli: Alertness, Drowsiness (lethargy), Stupor, Coma
Higher mental functions
Sleep and sleep-wake cycles
State of partial unconsciousness from which a person can be
aroused by stimulation
Two major types of sleep (defined by EEG patterns)
Nonrapid eye movement (NREM): State of partial unconsciousness
from which a person can be aroused by stimulation
Rapid eye movement (REM)- People deprived of REM sleep become
moody and depressed, REM sleep may be a reverse learning process
where superfluous information is purged from the brain
Higher mental functions
Sleep disorders
Narcolepsy- Lapsing abruptly into sleep from the awake state
Insomnia- Chronic inability to obtain the amount or quality of
sleep needed
Sleep apnea- Temporary cessation of breathing during sleep
Higher mental functions
Language implementation system
Basal nuclei
Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area (in the association cortex on the left
Analyzes incoming word sounds
Produces outgoing word sounds and grammatical structures
Corresponding areas on the right side are involved with nonverbal
language components
Higher mental functions
Storage and retrieval of information
Two stages of storage
Short-term memory (STM, or working memory)—temporary holding of
information; limited to seven or eight pieces of information
Long-term memory (LTM) has limitless capacity
Higher mental functions
Factors that affect transfer from STM to LTM
Emotional state—best if alert, motivated, surprised, and aroused
Rehearsal—repetition and practice
Association—tying new information with old memories
Automatic memory—subconscious information stored in LTM
Higher mental functions
Declarative memory (factual knowledge)
Explicit information
Related to our conscious thoughts and our language ability
Stored in LTM with context in which it was learned
Higher mental functions
Nondeclarative memory
Less conscious or unconscious
Acquired through experience and repetition
Best remembered by doing; hard to unlearn
Includes procedural (skills) memory, motor memory, and emotional
Procedural memory
Motor memory
Emotional memory
Protection of brain
Bone (skull)
Membranes (Meninges)
Cover and protect the CNS
Protect blood vessels and enclose venous sinuses
Contain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Form partitions in the skull
Three layers
Dura mater, Arachnoid mater, Pia mater
Protection of brain
Watery cushion (Cerebrospinal fluid)
Composition: Watery solution, less protein and different ion
concentrations than plasma, constant volume
Gives buoyancy to the CNS organs
Protects the CNS from blows and other trauma
Nourishes the brain and carries chemical signals
Protection of brain
Blood-brain barrier
Helps maintain a stable environment for the brain
Separates neurons from some blood borne substances
Absent in some areas, e.g., vomiting center and the hypothalamus, where it is
necessary to monitor the chemical composition of the blood
Homeostatic imbalances in the brain
Traumatic brain injuries
Concussion—temporary alteration in function
Contusion—permanent damage
Subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhage—may force brain stem
through the foramen magnum, resulting in death
Cerebral edema—swelling of the brain associated with traumatic
head injury
Homeostatic imbalances in the brain
Cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs)(strokes)
Blood circulation is blocked and brain tissue dies, e.g., blockage of a cerebral
artery by a blood clot
Typically leads to hemiplegia, or sensory and speed deficits
Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs)—temporary episodes of reversible cerebral
Tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) is the only approved treatment for stroke
Homeostatic imbalances in the brain
Degenerative brain disorders
Alzheimer’s disease (AD): a progressive degenerative disease of the brain
that results in dementia
Parkinson’s disease: degeneration of the dopamine-releasing neurons of
the substantia nigra
Huntington’s disease: a fatal hereditary disorder caused by accumulation
of the protein huntingtin that leads to degeneration of the basal nuclei
and cerebral cortex
Spinal cord
Embryonic development
By week 6, there are two clusters of neuroblasts
Alar plate—will become interneurons; axons form white matter of
Basal plate—will become motor neurons; axons will grow to effectors
Neural crest cells form the dorsal root ganglia sensory neurons;
axons grow into the dorsal aspect of the cord
Spinal cord
Gross anatomy and protection
Begins at the foramen magnum
Ends as conus medullaris at L1 vertebra
Provides two-way communication to and from the brain
Contains spinal reflex centers
Bone, meninges, and CSF
Cushion of fat and a network of veins in the epidural space between the
vertebrae and spinal dura mater
CSF in subarachnoid space
Spinal cord
Spinal nerves
Cervical and lumbar enlargements
31 pairs
The nerves serving the upper and lower limbs emerge here
Cauda equina
The collection of nerve roots at the inferior end of the vertebral
Spinal cord
Cross –sectional anatomy
Two lengthwise grooves divide cord into right and left halves
Ventral (anterior) median fissure
Dorsal (posterior) median sulcus
Spinal cord
Pathway Generalizations
Pathways decussate (cross over)
Most consist of two or three neurons (a relay)
Most exhibit somatotopy (precise spatial relationships)
Pathways are paired symmetrically (one on each side of the spinal
cord or brain)
Spinal cord
Ascending Pathways
Consist of three neurons
First-order neuron
Second-order neuron
Conducts impulses from cutaneous receptors and proprioceptors, Branches
diffusely as it enters the spinal cord or medulla, Synapses with second-order
Interneuron, Cell body in dorsal horn of spinal cord or medullary nuclei, Axons
extend to thalamus or cerebellum
Third-order neuron
Interneuron, Cell body in thalamus, Axon extends to somatosensory cortex
Spinal cord
Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscal Pathways
Anterolateral Pathways
Transmit input to the somatosensory cortex for discriminative
touch and vibrations
Transmit pain, temperature, and coarse touch impulses within the
lateral spinothalamic tract
Spinocerebellar Tracts
Convey information about muscle or tendon stretch to the
Spinal cord
Descending Pathways and Tracts
Deliver efferent impulses from the brain to the spinal cord
Direct pathways—pyramidal tracts
Indirect pathways—all others
Involve two neurons:
Upper motor neurons
Pyramidal cells in primary motor cortex
Lower motor neurons
Ventral horn motor neurons
Innervate skeletal muscles
Spinal cord trauma and disorders
Functional losses
Parasthesias- Sensory loss
Paralysis- Loss of motor function
Flaccid paralysis—severe damage to the ventral root or ventral horn
Impulses do not reach muscles; there is no voluntary or involuntary
control of muscles. Muscles atrophy
Spastic paralysis—damage to upper motor neurons of the primary
motor cortex
Spinal neurons remain intact; muscles are stimulated by reflex activity.
No voluntary control of muscles
Spinal cord trauma and disorders
Cross sectioning of the spinal cord at any level
Results in total motor and sensory loss in regions inferior to the cut
Paraplegia—transection between T1 and L1
Quadriplegia—transection in the cervical region
Destruction of the ventral horn motor neurons by the poliovirus
Muscles atrophy
Death may occur due to paralysis of respiratory muscles or cardiac arrest
Survivors often develop postpolio syndrome many years later, as neurons are lost
Spinal cord trauma and disorders
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Also called Lou Gehrig’s disease
Involves progressive destruction of ventral horn motor neurons and fibers
of the pyramidal tract
Symptoms—loss of the ability to speak, swallow, and breathe
Death typically occurs within five years
Linked to glutamate excitotoxicity, attack by the immune system, or both
Developmental aspects of CNS
CNS is established during the first month of development
Gender-specific areas appear in both brain and spinal
cord, depending on presence or absence of fetal
Maternal exposure to radiation, drugs (e.g., alcohol and
opiates), or infection can harm the developing CNS
Smoking decreases oxygen in the blood, which can lead to
neuron death and fetal brain damage
Developmental aspects of CNS
The hypothalamus is one of the last areas of the CNS to develop
Visual cortex develops slowly over the first 11 weeks
Neuromuscular coordination progresses in superior-to-inferior and proximalto-distal directions along with myelination
Age brings some cognitive declines, but these are not significant in healthy
individuals until they reach their 80s
Shrinkage of brain accelerates in old age
Excessive use of alcohol causes signs of senility unrelated to the aging process