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‫اھم اﻟﻧﻘﺎط اﻟوارده ﻓﻰ اﺳﺋﻠﮫ اﻻﺧﺗﯾﺎرى‬
1- type of muscular tissue:
A) smooth
B) skeletal
Training questions on nerve and muscle physiology and
C) cardiac
nervous system
2) active transport requires
Answer the following questions: nub dentistry galaxy 2016 ATP & carrier but simple
diffusion requires material
move downhill
I) Choose the best correct answer
3) depolarization &
hyperpolarization due to Na
1) Mature Neurons in CNS
conductance but
repolarization K conductance
a- can divide or proliferate
4) -ve after potential is due to
b- can not divide or proliferate
delay in K conductance but
c- have high metabolic rate
+ve is due to activate Na pump
d- depend mainly on glucose to obtain energy
5) neurons are the structural
e- need high amounts of oxygen
and functional unit of nervous
f- have low metabolic rate
g- a, c, d and f
‫ودﻟوﻗﺗﻰ ﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ ﻧﺗﻛﻠم ﻋن اﻻﺳﺋﻠﮫ اﻟﻠﻰ ﺑﯾﺳﺎل‬
h- b, c, d and e
‫ﻓﯾﮭﺎ وھﻰ‬:
Properties of neurons
1 - mature neurons can not
2) Cardiac muscles are
divide or proliferate
a- voluntary
2- they have high metabolic
b- involuntary
c- striated
3- they depend mainly on
1-sensory or
d- unstriated
glucose to obtain energy
e- a and c
4- they need high amounts of
2-motor or
f- b and d
3-multi polar efferent
‫ﺗﻘﺳﯾﻣﮭﺎ ﻣن ﺣﯾث‬
g- b and c
3- connector
3) Depolarization of nerve and muscle fibres is due to
a- induction of K+ conductance
b- induction of Na+ conductance
c- Na+-K+ pump
d- activation of K+ channels
4) After its output from sarcoplasmic reticulum to cytoplasm in the
muscle fibre, Ca2+ binds to
a- tropomyosin
b- troponin C
c- actin
d- myosin heads
to cause dislocation of tropomyosin to uncover myosin binding sites
on actin to bind myosin heads.
5) Skeletal muscles are
a- voluntary
b- involuntary
c- striated
yahya saad
d- unstriated
e- a and c
f- b and d
nub dentistry galaxy 2016
6) The sympathetic nervous system in innervated in the emergency
states to
a- increase the heart beat rate
b- increase the respiratory rate
c- increase the breakdown of liver glycogen to glucose
d- stimulate the gastrointestinal tract motility and secretion
e- a, b and c
f- b, c and d
7) Active transport requires
a- ATP
b- carrier
c- ATP and carrier
d- materials move downhill
8) Repolarization of nerve and muscle fibres is due to
a- induction of K+ conductance
b- induction of Na+ conductance
c- Na+-K+ pump
d- activation of Na+ channels
9) -ve after potential is due to
a- delay in K+ conductance
b- activated Na+ pump
c- delay in Na+ conductance
10) Hyperpolarization of nerve fibres is due to
a- induction of K+ conductance
b- induction of Na+ conductance
c- induction of Na+-K+ pump
d- activation of Na+ channels
11) Smooth muscles are
a- voluntary
b- involuntary
c- striated
d- unstriated
e- a and c
f- b and d
yahya saad
nub dentistry galaxy 2016
12) The neurons are classified according to their shape into:
a- unipolar
b- bipolar
c- multipolar
d- motor
e- a, b and c
f- a, b and d
13) The neurons are classified according to their function into:
a- Sensory or afferent
b- unipolar
c- bipolar
d- multipolar
e- motor or efferent
f- connector
g- b, c and d
h- a, e and f
yahya saad
II) Mark right or false and correct the wrong meanings:
1- Cardiac muscle of atria or ventricle acts as motor unit and the skeletal
muscle as a whole acts as a single motor unit. ( bi )
2- Oligodendroglia cells form myelin sheath outside CNS while Schwann
cells form myelin sheath inside CNS.
( ‫اﻋ)ﻛس‬
3- The stimulus must be strong enough to depolarize the membrane of
nerve fibre to the threshold potential or higher than threshold potential
to produce action potential. ( )
4- The action potential in neurons moves unidirectional from axon
terminals to axon to cell body to dendrite. (
5- The signals are chemically transmitted from dendrite to cell body to
axon while they are electrically transmitted from axon terminals to
dendrites or cell body of the following neuron through synapses. ( ‫اﻋﻛ)س‬
6- The dislocation of calcium far from sodium channel or conformational
change of channel as a result of stimulation of nerve fibre led to increase
of output of potassium and repolarization of the nerve fibre membrane.
( ‫) ﺻﺢ‬
yahya saad
nub dentistry galaxy 2016
7- Hyperpolariztion of nerve fibre membrane is due to delay in the
potassium conductance while –ve after potential is due to activation of
sodium pump during this period. ( +ve)
8- Nerves, muscles and connective tissues are excitable tissues. (
9- The postganglionic fibre of parasympathetic nervous system releases
acetylcholine that binds muscarinic receptors on the effector organs.
( ) ‫ﺻﺢ‬
10- The postganglionic fibre of sympathetic nervous system releases
norepinephrine that binds adrenergic receptors on the effector organs.
( ‫)ﺻﺢ‬
11- All cranial nerves are mixed nerves while spinal nerves are sensory,
motor and mixed nerves. ( ‫اﻋ)ﻛس‬
12- The transmission of signals in chemical synapses from pre-synaptic to
post-synaptic membranes is electrical. (
) chemical
13- The action potential is produced when the stimulus depolarizes the
membranes to values lower than threshold potential. ( higher
14- Polarization of the nerve or muscle membrane is due to increase in the
entrance of sodium conductance which exceeds the output of potassium.
( )
III) Define
Excitability is the ability to recieve &respond to stimulus
Excitable tissues
Synapse the junction between two neurons
are thoses which can respond to stimulus to produced action
yahya saad
nub dentistry galaxy2016
The action potential is produced when the stimulus depolarizes the
membranes to values higher than threshold potential.
Action potential
Neuromuscular Junction it is the junction between axon terminals & sarcolemma of
muscle fibres
IV) Mention the functions of of the following:
1) Astroglia cells 1- connect neurons with blood vessels
2- maintain the homeostasis of components in the extracellular fluid
between neurons
3- secrete growth factors
2) Microglia cells
engulf microbes like bacteria
involved in the phagocytosis of unwanted substance
3) Schwann' s cells form myelin sheath outside Cns
4) Oligodendroglia cells
form myelin sheath in CNS
5) Sympathetic nervous system 1-increase heart heart beating rate
2- elevate blood pressure
3-dilate the eye pupil
4- dilate the branchi &trachea
5- inhibits secretion of GL
6- Parasympathetic nervous system
increase in the secretion of GL
yahya saad
nub dentistry galaxy 2016
V) Using the items in this table, compare between sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous system.
Sympathetic nervous system
parasympathetic nervous system
Origin of preganglionic nerve
Position of autonomic ganglia
Length of preganglionic nerve
Neurotransmitter in ganglion
Receptor type in ganglion
Length of postganglionic nerve
Effector organs
Receptor type in effector organ
VI) Briefly, mention the steps involved in muscle contraction (sliding
filament theory)
With my best wishes and success
Prof. Dr. Osama M. Ahmed
yahya saad