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Ashley Johnson
Neurons are specialized cells found in the
nervous system, commonly known as
nerves. The neurons communicate with each
other in unique ways. The neuron(nerve) is one
of the basic working units of the brain. They
are highly specialized cells that are designed to
transmit information to other nerve cells,
muscle, or gland cells.
Cell body- houses the nucleus
Nucleus- houses DNA and other organelles
Dendrites- signal receivers
Axon- conducts the nerve signal
Axon Terminals- transmit the electro-chemical signal
across a synapse
Schwann Cells- make myelin
Myelin - coats and insulates the axon
Nodes of Ranvier- breaks in the axon
Average number of neurons in the human brain = 100
Average number of neurons in the octopus brain = 300
Rate of neuron growth during fetal development in utero =
250,000 neurons/minute
Diameter of a neuron = 4 to 100 microns