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Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
Why does this goalkeeper move in this direction?
Because when the goalkeeper see the ball coming from this direction,
his brain sends impulses to his body to move to this direction to catch
the ball.
Do you know which body system makes the goalkeeper catch the ball?
The answer is the nervous system.
The nervous system consists of brain , spinal cord and nerves.
Nervous system
It is a communication and controlling body system.
1 – it controls and regulates all the vital operations of the body as:
It receives information from the environment and from the body, then it interprets this
information and makes the body respond to it.
– it is responsible for knowing if things are :
hot or cold
sweet or bitter.
rough or smooth.
3 – it adjusts the responses that require emotions, so it makes you:
a. Sad or happy
b. Angry or calm.
Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
4 – it oversees and regulates the multiple functions performed by the human body such as:
a. moving
b. feeding
c. digestion
f. thinking
g. others.
Structure of nervous system
1 – Central nervous system
2 – Peripheral nervous system.
** the building unit f the nervous system is the nerve cell that is called " neuron"
Neuron :
It is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system.
We will study
First : Neuron
Second : central and peripheral nervous systems.
First : Neuron
Activity >>>> show the components of the neuron.
Materials :
A microscope
Slide of neuron.
Examine a slide of a neuron by a microscope.
Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
Observation and conclusion :
The neuron consists of two main parts which are
1 – the cell body
2 – the axon.
*** to examine the structure of the cell body and the axon, magnify them by suing a
compound microscope.
1 – the Cell body
It contains a nucleus , cytoplasm and
plasma memebrane.
- there are some branches extending
from the neuron's body called
Function of dendrites:
They connected to the neighboring neurons to form the synapse (synaptic areas).
2 – the axon
-it is a cylindrical axis covered with a fatty layer called myelin sheath.
- the axon ends with nerve endings called axon terminals.
** function of axon terminals:
They are connected to the muscles or forma synapse with other neurons.
- the nerve cell's axons are grouped together forming the
nerve fiber.
- the nerve fibers are grouped together forming the nerve.
Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
Second : Central and peripheral nervous systems
The nervous system
The central nervous system
2 – the brain
2 – the spinal cord
The peripheral nervous system
Cranial nerves
Spinal nerves
Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
The Central nervous system
It is composed of :
1 – the brain
2 – the spinal cord
1 – the brain
The brain :
It is a nerve block containing millions of nerve cells
(neurons) and it is the main control center in your
Its location :
The brain is located inside a bony box called skull to protect it.
Its function:
It directs and coordinates all the processes, ideas, behaviors and emotions.
We can say that the brain likes the computer, but more complicated than it.
Its structure:
The brain of the human consists of three main parts which
Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
The brain consists of :
a. Cerebrum
b. Cerebellum
c. Medulla oblongata
Activity >>> to examine the structure of the sheep's brain.
Fresh sheep's brain
Dissecting tools
Examine the sheep's brain and identify its main parts.
The brain consists of
a. Cerebrum
b. Cerebellum.
C. Medulla oblongata.
Make longitudinal section through the hemispheres using the scalpel.
Notice the difference in the color inside and outside the brain.
** the outer part of the brain is a gray matter , while the inner part is a white matter.
- the structure of sheep's brain is similar to the structure of the human's brain.
- the outer part of the brain is a gray matter, but the inner part is a white matter.
Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
1 -The Brain
A : Cerebrum ( the two cerebral hemispheres)
- it is the largest part of the brain.
- divided into two halves right and left called two cerebral
- the outer surface of the two hemisphere is called cerebral cortex
(grey matter).
- the inner surface is called white matter.
- the two hemispheres have many convolutions and folds on their
Their most important functions:
1 – they control voluntary movements such as running.
2 – they receive nerve impulses from sense organs ( eyes, ears , nose , tongue and skin )and
send suitable responses to these impulses.
3 – they contain the centers of thinking and memory.
The cerebrum helps you in winning races?
Because it controls the voluntary movement.
B : Cerebellum
- it lies at the back area of the brain below the two cerebral
Its function:
It maintains the balance of the body during the movement.
Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
C : the medulla oblongata
- it lies in front of the cerebellum.
- it connects the brain with spinal cord.
Its function
It is responsible for regulating the involuntary processes of the body as:
1 – regulating heartbeats.
2 – regulating the movement of the respiratory system parts during breathing.
3 –regulating the movements and functions of the digestive system.
Do you know?
Brain weights in adult human is about 1.5 Kg
Some people believe that if the human brain gets bigger the intelligence will
This is not true , where all adults have an equal brain sizes.
2 – Spinal cord
It is a cylindrical cord from which the spinal nerves extend.
Its location:
The spinal cord extends in a channel within a series of
vertebrae in the backbone (vertebral column) for protection.
Its structure:
It consists of:
- internal gray matter that has the shape of letter "H"
- External white matter.
Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
The spinal cord extends in a channel within a series f vertebrae in the backbone?
To protect it.
Its function :
- it delivers the nerve messages from the body organs to the brain and vice versa.
- it is responsible for the reflexes such as withdrawal of the hand quickly when touching a
hot surface.
Activity >>> examine a cross-section of the spinal cord.
Examine slide of cross-section of spinal cord by microscope.
There is an internal gray matter "H shape" surrounded by an external white matter.
Structure of spinal cord is opposite to that of the two cerebral
** Comparison between structure of spinal cord and cerebral hemispheres.
Point of comparison
Spinal cord
It consists of
- internal gray matter that
has the shape of letter "H"
- External white matter that
surrounds gray matter.
Two cerebral hemispheres.
They consists of
- internal white matter
- external gray matter
surrounds the white matter
Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
Questions on lesson:
Complete the following statements:
1 - ……………………………….. is the system that controls all the vital operations of the body.
2 – the building unit of the nervous system is the …………………………….. cell that is called ………..
3 – the neuron consists of ………………………. And …………………………………….
4 –the cell body contains ………………, ……………………….. and plasma membrane while there are
……………………… extending from it.
5 – the axon is a …………………………… covered with a fatty layer called…………………………….
6 – the nervous system is divided into ………………………. And …………………………..
7 – the central nervous system consists of …………………….. and …………………………
8 - ……………………… is the main control center in your body.
9 – the brain is a ……………………………… containing millions of ………………………………
10 – the brain and the spinal cord represent ………………………………………………
11 - ………………………….. is a bony box, where the brain is located.
12 – the …………………………. Likes the computer, but more complicated than it.
13 –the brain consists of ………………….. , ………………………… and …………………………
14 –the outer part of the brain is ………………… matter , while the inner part is …………………matter.
15 - …………………….. is the largest part of the brain and it is divided into two halves
16 – the function of ……………………………. Is the protection of the brain.
17 – the hemispheres control the ………………………………. Movements such as …………………………
18 - …………………………… lies below the two cerebral hemispheres.
19 – the brain and spinal cord are connected by the ……………………………….
20 – the spinal cord extends inside a channel within the ………………………..
21 – the ……………………… delivers the nerve messages from the body organs to the brain and vice
22 - ………………………… controls the reflex actions (reflexes)
Choose the correct answer.
1 – the …………………….. System interprets the external stimuli and makes the body respond to them.
a. digestive
b. respiratory
c. nervous
d. circulatory
2 – the building unit of the nervous system is the ………………………………
a. neuron
b. axon
c. synapse
d. myelin sheath.
3 – the axon terminals from a ………………………….. with other neurons.
a. gray matter
b. nerve
c. synapse
d. myelin sheath.
Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
4 – the neuron cell body contains …………………………..
a. nucleus , cytoplasm and cell wall.
b. nucleus, cytoplasm and plasma membrane.
c.cytoplasm , cell wall and plasma membrane.
d. no correct answer.
5 - One of the components of the nerve cell body is the …………………………
a. blood vessels
b. myelin sheath.
C. dendrites d. synapse.
6 – all the following are from the components of the brain except …………………………..
a. cerebrum
b. medulla oblongata
c. spinal nerves
7 – the ……………………….. is responsible of the protection of the brain.
a. vertebral column b. skull
c. ribcage
d. stomach.
8 –the ………………….. is the largest part of the brain
a. skull
b. cerebellum
c. cerebrum
d. spinal cord.
9 - …………………………. Maintains the balance during the movement
a. medulla oblongata
b. cerebrum
c. spinal cord d. cerebellum
10 – the medulla oblongata is responsible for …………………………….
a. regulating the heartbeats
b.the reflex actions.
c.the body balance
d. thinking
11 – the spinal cord is located within a channel inside the …………………..
a. vertebral column.
b. skull
c. ribcage
d. no correct answer.
12 – ………………………….. controls the reflex actions
a. spinal cord
b. cerebellum
c. cerebrum
d. brain
13 – the position of the gray and white matter in the spinal cord is …………………… to that in the
a. similar
b. opposite
c. perpendicular
d. vertical
14 – myelin sheath surrounds the ……………………………..
a. nerve cell's axon
b. cerebellum
c. spinal cord
d. cerebrum.
Science 6th primary. 1st term unit 4 lesson 1
Give reasons
1 – brain is the control center in the human body ?
2 – the cerebrum helps you in winning races?
3 – you can't remember anything in the absence of the hemispheres.?
4 – you can't walk in the absence of cerebellum?
5 – the medulla oblongata keeps you alive during sleeping?
6 – the spinal cord is responsible for the reflex actions?
7 – damage of medulla oblongata leads to death?