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Mrs. Wharton’s Science Class
Human Body Study Guide for Circulatory,
Respiratory and Nervous systems.
The functions of the cardiovascular system are to transport cells
that attack disease causing micro-organisms, Carry oxygen;
glucose; and other needed materials to cells as well as carrying
waste products away from cells.
Capillaries are where materials exchanged between blood and
body cells.
Red blood cells carry oxygen to body cells
Platelets help a person’s blood clot.
Atherosclerosis is most serious when it develops in the coronary
arteries because it can lead to a heart attack.
When ventricles contract, blood is pumped out of the heart.
The right ventricle pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs
The sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure
Plasma is made up of 90% water
Carbon dioxide and water are produced during respiration
In the respiratory system gas exchange occurs in the alveoli
When the diaphragm relaxes and moves upward it causes air to
be exhaled from the lungs
Nicotine is the addictive chemical in tobacco
Needed substances are carried to the body cells by blood.
Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are arteries.
When blood flows in to the right atrium of the body it contains
little oxygen and a lot of carbon dioxide.
The force at which ventricles contract is what causes blood
Arthrosclerosis is when artery walls thicken as a result of a build
up of fatty materials.
Exercise is important for the cardiovascular system because it
strengthens the heart muscle
Inside the heart the valve prevents the blood from flowing
Hypertension is a condition where blood pressure is consistently
higher than normal.
The role of the respiratory system is to bring oxygen into the
Bronchitis is when the breathing passages get clogged overtime
with mucus
Respiration the chemical process by which glucose and oxygen
react to produce energy for energy inside body cells.
Tar is a chemical in tobacco that may damage cilia in the
respiratory system
The bronchi are a part of the respiratory system that divides into
smaller and smaller tubes in a pattern that resembles a tree.
Kidneys remove urea and excess water from the body
Cilia are the hair like structures that line the nasal cavities and
Excretion is the process of removal of the body’s wastes
When the nervous system makes you feel hungry or thirsty
homeostasis helps your body know what to do.
A stimulus is a change or signal in the environment that makes
an organism react
The axon is a part of the neuron that carries impulses away the
cell body
A motor neuron sends impulses to a muscle or gland
The spinal cord is a thick column of nerve tissue that links the
brain to most of the nerves in the peripheral system
The cerebrum controls memory
A spinal nerve is made up of both sensory and motor neurons
The somatic nervous system controls voluntary actions such as
turning on the TV
A reflex is an automatic response of the body that occurs very
rapidly and without conscious control
In some reflex actions, skeletal muscles contract without the
involvement of the brain
Pain is an important sensation because it can alert your body to
Drugs that slow down the central nervous system are called
A drug addict experiences withdrawal because their bodies have
become physically dependant on the drug
Alcohol is a depressant
If you close a window because it is raining you reaction is a
A synapse is a space between an axon and the structure that
receives the nerve impulse
The brain and the spinal cord make up the central nervous
The three regions that make up the brain are the cerebrum,
cerebellum and the brain stem
A bruise like injury to the brain is called a concussion
Spinal cord injuries can result in paralysis