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Nervous System
Note sheet
The Nervous System
_____________________ - the basic structural unit of the nervous system
 Consists of:
o _______________ - contains the nucleus
o _______________ - nerve fibers (carries impulses ___________ the cell body)
o _______________ - single nerve fiber (carries impulses ___________ from the
cell body)
The Nervous System (Axons)
Many axons have a _____________ covering called a _______________________________.
 Increases the rate of impulse transmission
 ________________ and maintains the axon
The axon of one neuron lies close to the _____________________ of other neurons.
____________________________ - the spaces between one neuron and the dendrites of
 Impulses “jump” the synapses to reach the next dendrite.
_____________________________ (a special chemical) are located at the end of each axon.
Draw and Label your Own Neuron: (refer to page 130 in your book)
To label:
1. Axon
2. Cell body (soma)
3. Dendrites
4. Myelin Sheath
5. Terminal branches
Central Nervous System (Brain and Spinal cord)
Main structures of the Brain
 _______________________ - the _____________ and highest section of the brain.
o Responsible for ___________________, thought, ________________, judgment,
speech, ___________________, sight, _________________, hearing, and
voluntary body movements.
 _______________________ - section ______________ the back of the cerebrum
o Responsible for muscle coordination, _________________, posture, and
 _______________________ - section located between the cerebrum and midbrain,
contains the _______________ and the __________________________.
o ____________________ allows conscious recognition of pain and temperature
o ____________________ regulates and controls the ANS, ________________,
appetite, _______________________, sleep, and ________________________
and constriction. Also involved in ____________________.
Main parts of the brain:
 ___________________ - located below the cerebrum at the top of the brain stem.
o Conducts impulses for certain ________ and _________________________.
 ___________________ - located below the midbrain and in the brainstem.
o Responsible for certain reflex actions such as _________________, tasting, and
saliva production; also helps with ________________________.
 _____________________________________ - lowest part of the brainstem
o Responsible for regulating __________________, respiration, _______________,
coughing, and ______________________.
Draw and label your Own Brain (refer to pages 131 in your book)
To label:
1. Cerebellum
2. Cerebrum
3. Frontal Lobe
4. Medulla
5. Occipital Lobe
6. Parietal Lobe
7. Temporal Lobe
Spinal cord – continues down from the _____________________ and ends at the first or
second lumbar vertebrae. __________________________ - cover and protect the brain and
spinal cord.
 _________________ - thick, tough, outer layer
 ___________________________ - middle layer that is delicate and web like
 ___________________________ - contains cerebrospinal fluid
 _________________ - innermost layer that is closely attached to the brain and spinal
cord – provides nourishment to the nerve tissue.
Peripheral Nervous System – consists of:
 ______ pairs of cranial nerves
o Some cranial nerves are responsible for special senses
o Other cranial nerves receive general sensations such as ___________, pressure,
pain, and _____________________.
 ______ pairs of spinal nerves
o Carry messages to and from the ________________.
o Each nerve goes directly to a particular part of the body.
 Helps to maintain a balance in the ________________ functions of the body.
 Allows the body to react in times of _____________________.
o ____________________________________ - Fight or Flight response (increasing
heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure, slows the digestive system)
o ____________________________________ - After the emergency, it returns the
body to normal.