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Chapter 13 – Somatic Integration
Proprioceptive Sensations
 Awareness of body position and movements of parts of the body is provided by the proprioceptive
(one’s own), or kinesthetic (motion) sense.
 It informs us of:
o the degree to which muscles are contracted
o the amount of tension created in tendons
o the change of position of a joint
o the orientation of the head relative to the ground and in response to movements
o the location and rate of movement of one body part in relation to others
 So we can walk, type, or dress without using our eyes
 It allows us to estimate the weight of objects and determine the muscular effect necessary to perform a
o E.g. as you pick up a bag, you quickly realize whether it contains feathers or books, and you
exert the correct amount of effort to lift it (Remember motor units and recruitment?).
 Proprioception does not adapt, thus allowing the brain to be informed continually of the status of
different parts of the body so that adjustments can be made to ensure coordination.
 Receptors for proprioception include:
o Muscle spindle fibers (located within muscles)
o Golgi tendon organs (located in tendon)
o Joint kinesthetic receptors (located in joints)
o Hair cells located within the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear coordinate with somatic
integration to provide information for maintaining balance. (Remember the labyrinthine reflex?)
 Sensory systems provide the input that keeps the CNS informed of changes in the external & internal
o Impulses for conscious proprioception pass to the spinal cord (intergrating center) via
sensory/afferent neurons
o Then along ascending tracts (sensory tracts) in the spinal cord to the thalamus (integrating
o Then on to the somatosensory sensory and primary motor cortexes in the cerebrum
(integrating centers)
o At the same time, impulses from proprioceptors also pass the cerebellum (integrating center),
along the spinocerebellar tracts (ascending/sensory tracts).
 Output from the CNS is then conveyed to motor systems, which enable us to move about and change
our relationship to the world around us.
o The most direct motor pathways extend from the cerebral cortex and basal nuclei (integrating
center) into the spinal cord (integrating center) via descending tracts (efferent/motor tracts)
then out to skeletal muscles (effectors) via nerves (motor neurons) controlling voluntary
Somatic Sensory Pathways
 Somatic sensory pathways from receptors to the cerebral cortex involve 3-neuron sets simultaneously
sending signals to the cerebellum and the reticular formation of the brain stem.
o First-order neurons (primary)
 Carry info. from the somatic receptors into either the brain stem or spinal cord
o Second-order neurons (secondary)
 Carry info. from the spinal cord & brain stem to the thalamus
 Secondary axons cross over (decussate) to the opposite side in the spinal cord or brain
stem before ascending to the thalamus
o Third-order neurons
 Project from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory area of the cortex
 Somatosensory cortex:
o Areas of the somatosensory cortex receive sensory information from different parts of the body
and have been mapped out. See Fig. 10-10
 E.g. touch finger tip of left hand, signal sent & interpretation in right cerebral cortex
o Note that the larger body region, the more sensitive that body region is.
 Somatic Sensory Pathways to the Cerebellum:
o Two tracts in the spinal cord are major routes for subconscious proprioceptive input to reach the
 Posterior spinocerebellar tract
 Anterior spinocerebellar tract
o Sensory input conveyed to the cerebellum along these two pathways is critical for:
 Posture
 Balance
 Coordination of skilled movements
Somatic Motor Pathways
 The primary motor area of the cerebral cortex is the major control region for initiation of voluntary
 The adjacent premotor area and somatosensory area, also contribute fibers to the descending motor
 Like the somatosensory area, different muscles are represented unequally in the primary motor areas
o See Fig. 13-12
o The degree of representation is proportional to the number of motor units in a particular
muscle of the body.
 E.g. muscles in thumb, fingers, lips, tongue, and vocal cords have large representations,
while the trunk has a much smaller representation.
o By comparing the somatosensory cortex (Fig. 10-10) and the primary motor cortex
(Fig. 13-12 ), you can see that somatosensory and motor representations are similar, but not
identical for the same part of the body.
 Nerve impulses for voluntary movements propagate from the motor cortex to somatic motor neurons
that innervate skeletal muscles
 Descending tract motor neurons cross over to the contralateral side and innervate skeletal muscles on
the opposite side of the body
o Thus the motor cortex of the right side of the brain controls the muscles on the left side of the
body, and vice versa
Neural control of Movement
Spinal cord
Spinal reflexes
Brain stem
Motor areas of
cerebral cortex
Posture; hand and eye
Sensory receptors
Cerebellum, visual and
vestibular sensory receptors
Brain stem, cerebellum, thalamus/cerebral
Spinal cord
Planning & coordinating
Brain stem; spinal cord (corticospinal
complex movements
tract); cerebellum; basal ganglia
Monitors output signals from
Spinal cord (sensory);
Brain stem, cerebral cortex
motor areas and adjusts
cerebral cortex (commands)
(Note: All output is inhibitory)
Contains relay nuclei that
Basal ganglia; cerebellum;
Cerebral cortex
modulate and pass messages to spinal cord
cerebral cortex
Basal nuclei
Motor planning
Cerebral cortex
Cerebral cortex, brain stem
*If any of these areas are damaged, what you be the result (i.e. what “ROLE” would you lose control of)?
What if there was damage to the areas in which “All output is inhibitory?)