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Responses of Neurons in the Lateral Cervical Nucleus Noxious Cutaneous Stimulation K. C. Kajander G. J. Giesler, Jr. Single-Cell Neuronal Model for Associative K. J. Gingrich of the Cat to 1686 Learning 1705 J. H. Byrne Dynamics and Directional Sensitivity of Neck Muscle Spindle Responses to Head Rotation Y. S. Chan J. Kasper V. J. Wilson Maximal Force as a Function of Anatomical Features of Motor Units in the Cat Tibialis Anterior S. C. Bodine R. R. Roy E. Eldred V. R. Edgerton 1730 Contribution of Auditory Cortex to Sound Localization by the Ferret (Mustela putorius) G. L. Kavanagh J. B. Kelly The Suppressive Influence of Moving Textured Backgrounds on Responses of Cat Striate Neurons to Moving Bars B. Gulyas G. A. Orban G. A. Orban J. Duysens Background B. Gulyas 1746 H. Maes on Direction Selectivity 1767 of R. Vogels Mechanoreceptor Response to Mechanical and Thermal Stimuli in the Glans Penis of the Dog R. D. Johnson R. L. Kitchell Inputs to Intercostal Motoneurons From Ventrolateral Medullary Respiratory Neurons in the Cat E. G. Merrill J. Lipski Control of Abdominal and Expiratory Intercostal Muscle Activity During Vomiting: Role of Ventral Respiratory Group Expiratory Neurons A. D. Miller L. K. Tan I. Suzuki Characterization of Neuronal Responses to Noxious Visceral and Somatic Stimuli in the Medial Lumbosacral Spinal Cord of the Rat T. J. Ness G. F. Gebhart Neural Compensation for Muscular Fatigue: Evidence for Significant R. F. Kirsch W. 2. Rymer Force Regulation in Man 4-Aminopyridine Produces Epileptiform Activity in Hippocampus and Enhances Synaptic Excitation and Inhibition P. A. Rutecki F. J. Lebeda D. Johnston 1792 1813 1837 1854 1867 1893 1911 Static and Dynamic Response Characteristics, Receptive Fields, and Interaction With Noxious Input of Midline Medullary Thermoresponsive Neurons in the Rat A. A. Young N. J. Dawson Announcements Indexes 1925 1937 1939 CORRIGENDUM Vol. 56, September1986 S. Warren, H. A. Hamalainen, and E. P. Gardner, “Objective classification of motion- and directionsensitive neurons in primary somatosensory cortex of awake monkeys.” It was incorrectly stated that Orban and co-workers (J. iVeurophysioZ. 45: 1059-1073, 198 1) attributed direction selectivity to cortical neurons having a direction index (DI) > 20. Orban et al. actually used a weighted average of DIs and defined cells with a mean DI (MDI) above 50 as direction selective. Their criterion for direction selectivity was stricter and not less stringent, as stated in the paper. This error does not alter any of the data or conclusions of Warren et al. Downloaded from http://jn.physiology.org/ by on June 18, 2017 Influence of a Moving Textured Cat Striate Neurons 1716