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Chapter 12
Nervous System Cells
• The function of the
nervous system, along
with the endocrine system,
is to communicate
• The nervous system is
made up of the brain, the
spinal cord, and the
Organization of the Nervous System
• Organized to detect changes in internal and external
environments, evaluate the information, and initiate an
appropriate response
• Subdivided into smaller “systems” by location
• 1) Central Nervous system (CNS)
• 2) Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Organization of the Nervous System
– Central nervous system (CNS)
• Structural and functional center of entire
nervous system
• Consists of the brain and the spinal cord
• Integrates sensory information, evaluates it,
and initiates
an outgoing response
Slide 5
Organization of the Nervous System
– Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
• Nerves that lie in “outer regions” of nervous
• Cranial nerves—originate from brain
• Spinal nerves—originate from spinal cord
Slide 7
Organization of the Nervous System
• Afferent and efferent divisions
– Afferent division—consists of all incoming
sensory pathways
– Efferent division—consists of all outgoing
motor pathways
Organization of the Nervous System
• “Systems” according to the types of organs they
– Somatic nervous system (SNS)
• Somatic motor division—carries information to the
somatic effectors (skeletal muscles)
• Somatic sensory division—carries feedback
information to somatic integration centers in the
Slide 10
Organization of the Nervous System
• “Systems” (cont.)
– Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
• Efferent division of ANS—carries information to the
autonomic or visceral effectors (smooth and cardiac
muscles and glands)
– Sympathetic division—prepares the body to deal with
immediate threats to the internal environment; produces
“fight-or-flight” response
– Parasympathetic division—coordinates the body’s
normal resting activities; sometimes called the “restand-repair” division
• Visceral sensory division—carries feedback
information to autonomic integrating centers in the
Cells of the Nervous System
– Glial cells support the neurons
– Five major types of glia :
• Astrocytes
• Microglia
Ependymal cells
Schwann cells
Cells of the Nervous System
• Astrocytes
– Star-shaped, largest, and most numerous type of glia
– Cell extensions connect to both neurons and
– Astrocytes transfer nutrients from the blood to the
– Form tight sheaths around brain capillaries, which,
with tight junctions between capillary endothelial
cells, constitute the blood-brain barrier (BBB)
Slide 16
Cells of the Nervous System
• Microglia
– Small, usually stationary, cells
– In inflamed brain tissue, they enlarge, move about,
and carry on phagocytosis
Cells of the Nervous System
• Ependymal cells
– Resemble epithelial cells and form thin sheets that
line fluid-filled cavities in the CNS
– Some produce fluid; others aid in circulation of fluid
Cells of the Nervous System
• Oligodendrocytes
– Smaller than astrocytes with fewer processes
– Hold nerve fibers together and produce the myelin
Cells of the Nervous System
• Schwann cells
– Found only in PNS
– Support nerve fibers and form myelin sheaths
(Figure 12-4)
– Gaps in the myelin sheath are called nodes of
– Neurilemma is formed by cytoplasm of Schwann cell
(neurilemmocyte) wrapped around the myelin sheath;
essential for nerve regrowth
– Satellite cells are Schwann cells that cover and
support cell bodies in the PNS
Slide 21
Cells of the Nervous System
• Neurons
– Excitable cells that initiate and conduct impulses that make
possible all nervous system functions
Cells of the Nervous System
– Components of neurons
• Cell body (perikaryon)
– Ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi
» Provide protein molecules (neurotransmitters)
needed for transmission of nerve signals from one
neuron to another
» Neurotransmitters are packaged into vesicles
» Provide proteins for maintaining and regenerating
nerve fibers
– Mitochondria provide energy (ATP) for neuron; some
are transported to end of axon
Cells of the Nervous System
– Components of neurons (cont.)
• Dendrites
– Each neuron has one or more dendrites, which branch from
the cell body
– Conduct nerve signals to the cell body of the neuron
– Distal ends of dendrites of sensory neurons are receptors
– Dendritic spines—small knob-like protrusions on dendrites of
some brain neurons; serve as connection points for axons of
other neurons
• Axon
– A single process extending from the axon hillock, sometimes
covered by a fatty layer called a myelin sheath (Figure 12-6)
– Conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body of the neuron
– Distal tips of axons are telodendria, each of which terminates in a
synaptic knob
Cells of the Nervous System
– Components of neurons
• Cytoskeleton
– Microtubules and microfilaments, as well as neurofibrils
(bundles of neurofilaments)
– Allow the rapid transport of small organelles
» Vesicles (some containing neurotransmitters),
» Motor molecules shuttle organelles to and from the far
ends of a neuron
• Functional regions of the neuron
Input zone—dendrites and cell body
Summation zone—axon hillock
Conduction zone—axon
Output zone—telodendria and synaptic knobs of axon
Cells of the Nervous System
• Classification of neurons
– Structural classification—classified according to
number of processes extending from cell body
• Multipolar—one axon and several dendrites
• Bipolar—only one axon and one dendrite; least
numerous kind of neuron
• Unipolar (pseudounipolar)—one process comes
off neuron cell body but divides almost
immediately into two fibers: central fiber and
peripheral fiber
Cells of the Nervous System
• Classification of neurons
– Functional classification
• Afferent (sensory) neurons—conduct impulses to
spinal cord or brain
• Efferent (motor) neurons—conduct impulses away
from spinal cord or brain toward muscles or
glandular tissue
• Interneurons
Cells of the Nervous System
• Reflex arc
– A signal conduction route to and from the CNS, with
the electrical signal beginning in receptors and
ending in effectors
– Three-neuron arc—most common; consists of
afferent neurons, interneurons, and efferent neurons
• Afferent neurons—conduct impulses to the CNS
the receptors
• Efferent neurons—conduct impulses from the
CNS to effectors (muscle or glandular tissue)
Cells of the Nervous System
• Reflex arc
– Two-neuron arc—simplest form; consists of afferent
and efferent neurons
– Synapse
• Where nerve signals are transmitted from one
to another
• Two types: electrical and chemical; chemical
synapses are typical in the adult
• Chemical synapses are located at the junction of
the synaptic knob of one neuron and the dendrites
or cell body of another neuron
Nerves and Tracts
• Nerves—bundles of peripheral nerve fibers held together
by several layers of connective tissue
– Endoneurium—delicate layer of fibrous connective
tissue surrounding each nerve fiber
– Perineurium—connective tissue holding together
fascicles (bundles of fibers)
– Epineurium—fibrous coat surrounding numerous
fascicles and blood vessels to form a complete nerve
• Tracts—within the CNS, bundles of nerve fibers are called
tracts rather than nerves
Nerves and Tracts
• White matter
– PNS—myelinated nerves
– CNS—myelinated tracts
• Gray matter
– Made up of cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers
– CNS—referred to as nuclei
– PNS—referred to as ganglia
Nerves and Tracts
• Mixed nerves
– Contain sensory and motor neurons
– Sensory nerves—nerves with predominantly sensory
– Motor nerves—nerves with predominantly
motor neurons
Repair of Nerve Fibers
• Mature neurons are incapable of cell division;
therefore, damage to nervous tissue can be
• Neurons have limited capacity to repair
• Nerve fibers can be repaired if the damage is not
extensive, the cell body and neurilemma are
intact, and scarring has not occurred
Repair of Nerve Fibers
• Stages of repair of an axon in a peripheral motor neuron
– Following injury, distal portion of axon and myelin sheath degenerates
– Macrophages remove the debris
– Remaining neurilemma and endoneurium form a tunnel from the point
of injury to the effector
– New Schwann cells grow in the tunnel to maintain a path for regrowth
of the axon
– Cell body reorganizes its Nissl bodies to provide the needed proteins
to extend the remaining healthy portion of the axon
– Axon “sprouts” appear
– When “sprout” reaches tunnel, its growth rate increases
– The skeletal muscle cell atrophies until the nervous connection is
• In CNS, similar repair of damaged nerve fibers is unlikely
Nerve Impulses
• Membrane potentials
– All living cells maintain a difference in the concentration of ions
across their membranes
– Membrane potential—slight excess of positively charged ions on
outside of the membrane and slight deficiency of positively
charged ions on inside of membrane (Figure 12-14)
– Difference in electrical charge is called potential because it is a
type of stored energy
– Polarized membrane—a membrane that exhibits a membrane
– Magnitude of potential difference between the two sides of a
polarized membrane is measured in volts (V) or millivolts (mV);
the sign of a membrane’s voltage indicates the charge on the
inside surface of a polarized membrane
Nerve Impulses
• Resting membrane potential (RMP)
– Membrane potential maintained by a nonconducting neuron’s
plasma membrane; typically –70 mV
– The slight excess of positive ions on a membrane’s outer surface
is produced by ion transport mechanisms and the membrane’s
permeability characteristics
– The membrane’s selective permeability characteristics help
maintain a slight excess of positive ions on the outer surface of the
membrane (Figure 12-15)
– Sodium-potassium pump (Figure 12-16)
• Active transport mechanism in plasma membrane that
transports Na+ and K+ in opposite directions and at different
• Maintains an imbalance in the distribution of positive ions,
resulting in the inside surface becoming slightly negative with
respect to its outer surface
Nerve Impulses
• Local potentials
– Local potentials—slight shift away from the resting membrane in
a specific region of the plasma membrane (Figure 12-17)
– Excitation—when a stimulus triggers the opening of additional
Na+ channels, allowing the membrane potential to move toward
zero (depolarization)
– Inhibition—when a stimulus triggers the opening of additional K+
channels, increasing the membrane potential (hyperpolarization)
– Local potentials are called graded potentials because the
magnitude of deviation from the resting membrane potential is
proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus
Action Potential
• Action potential—the membrane potential of a neuron that is
conducting an impulse; also known as a nerve impulse
• Mechanism that produces the action potential
(Figures 12-18 and 12-19)
– An adequate stimulus triggers stimulus-gated Na+ channels to open, allowing Na+
to diffuse rapidly into the cell, producing a local depolarization
– As threshold potential is reached, voltage-gated Na+ channels open and more Na+ enters
the cell, causing further depolarization
– The action potential is an all-or-none response
– Voltage-gated Na+ channels stay open for only about 1 millisecond before they
automatically close
– After action potential peaks, membrane begins to move back toward the resting
membrane potential when K+ channels open, allowing outward diffusion of K+; process is
known as repolarization
– Brief period of hyperpolarization occurs and then the resting membrane potential
is restored by the sodium-potassium pumps
Action Potential
• Refractory period (Figure 12-20)
– Absolute refractory period—brief period (lasting
approximately half a millisecond) during which
a local area of a neuron’s membrane resists
restimulation and will not respond to a stimulus,
no matter how strong
– Relative refractory period—time during which the
membrane is repolarized and is restoring the resting
membrane potential; the few milliseconds after the
absolute refractory period; membrane will respond
only to a very strong stimulus
Action Potential
• Conduction of the action potential
– At the peak of the action potential, the plasma membrane’s polarity
is now the reverse of the RMP
– The reversal in polarity causes electrical current to flow between
the site of the action potential and the adjacent regions of
membrane and triggers voltage-gated Na+ channels in the next
segment to open; this next segment exhibits an action potential
(Figure 12-21)
– This cycle continues to repeat
– The action potential never moves backward, as a consequence of
the refractory period
– In myelinated fibers, action potentials in the membrane only occur
at the nodes of Ranvier; this type of impulse conduction is called
saltatory conduction (Figure 12-22)
– Speed of nerve conduction depends on diameter and on the
presence or absence of a myelin sheath
Synaptic Transmission
• Two types of synapses (junctions)
(Figure 12-23):
– Electrical synapses occur where cells joined by gap
junctions allow an action potential to simply continue
along postsynaptic membrane
– Chemical synapses occur where presynaptic cells
release chemical transmitters (neurotransmitters)
across a tiny gap to the postsynaptic cell, possibly
inducing an action potential there
Synaptic Transmission
• Structure of the chemical synapse (Figure 12-21)
– Synaptic knob—tiny bulge at the end of a terminal branch of
a presynaptic neuron’s axon that contains vesicles housing
– Synaptic cleft—space between a synaptic knob and the
plasma membrane of a postsynaptic neuron
– Arrangements of synapses
• Axodendritic—axon signals postsynaptic dendrite;
• Axosomatic—axon signals postsynaptic soma; common
• Axoaxonic—axon signals postsynaptic axon; may
regulate action potential of postynaptic axon
– Plasma membrane of a postsynaptic neuron—has protein
molecules that serve as receptors for the neurotransmitters
Synaptic Transmission
• Mechanism of synaptic transmission (Figure 12-25)—
sequence of events is the following:
– Action potential reaches a synaptic knob, causing calcium ions to
diffuse into the knob rapidly
– Increased calcium concentration triggers the release of
neurotransmitter via exocytosis
– Neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the synaptic cleft and
bind to receptor molecules, causing ion channels to open
– Opening of ion channels produces a postsynaptic potential, either
an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) or an inhibitory
postsynaptic potential (IPSP)
– The neurotransmitter’s action is quickly terminated by either
neurotransmitter molecules being transported back into the synaptic
knob (reuptake) and/or metabolized into inactive compounds by
enzymes and/or diffused and taken up by nearby glia
(Figure 12-26)
Synaptic Transmission
• Summation (Figure 12-28)
– Spatial summation—adding together the effects of
several knobs being activated simultaneously and
stimulating different locations on the postsynaptic
membrane, producing an action potential
– Temporal summation—when synaptic knobs
stimulate a postsynaptic neuron in rapid succession,
their effects can summate over a brief period of time
to produce an action potential
• Neurotransmitters—means by which neurons communicate with one
another; there are more than 30 compounds known to be
neurotransmitters, and dozens of others are suspected
• Classification of neurotransmitters—commonly classified by these
– Function—function of a neurotransmitter is determined by the postsynaptic
receptor; two major functional classifications are excitatory
neurotransmitters and inhibitory neurotransmitters; can also be classified
according to whether receptor directly opens a channel or instead uses a
second messenger mechanism involving G proteins and intracellular
signals (Figures 12-29 and 12-30)
– Chemical structure—mechanism by which neurotransmitters cause a
change; there are four main classes; since the functions of specific
neurotransmitters vary by location, they are usually classified according to
chemical structure
• Small-molecule neurotransmitters
(Figure 12-31)
– Acetylcholine
• Unique chemical structure; acetate (acetyl
coenzyme-A) with choline
• Acetylcholine is deactivated by
acetylcholinesterase, with the choline molecules
being released and transported back to
presynaptic neuron to combine with acetate
• Present at various locations; sometimes in an
excitatory role and at other times, an inhibitory
• Small-molecule neurotransmitters (cont.)
– Amines
• Synthesized from amino acid molecules
• Two categories: monoamines and catecholamines
• Found in various regions of the brain; affecting
learning, emotions, motor control, etc.
– Amino acids
• Believed to be among the most common
neurotransmitters of the CNS
• In the PNS, amino acids are stored in synaptic
vesicles and used as neurotransmitters
• Small-molecule neurotransmitters (cont.)
– Other small transmitters
• Nitric oxide (NO) derived from an amino acid
• NO from a postsynaptic cell signals the
presynaptic neuron, providing feedback in a
neural pathway
• Large-molecule neurotransmitters—neuropeptides
(Figure 12-32)
– Peptides made up of 2 or more amino acids
– May be secreted by themselves or in conjunction with a
second or third neurotransmitter; in this case, neuropeptides
act as a neuromodulator, a “cotransmitter” that regulates the
effects of the neurotransmitter released along with it
– Neurotrophins (neurotrophic [nerve growth] factors) stimulate
neuron development but also can act as neurotransmitters or
Cycle of Life: Nervous System Cells
• Nerve tissue development
– Begins in ectoderm
– Occurs most rapidly in womb and in first 2 years
• Nervous cells organize into body network
Cycle of Life: Nervous System Cells
• Synapses
– Form and reform until nervous system is intact
– Formation of new synapses and strengthening or
elimination of old synapses stimulate learning and
• Aging causes degeneration of the nervous
system, which may lead to senility
The Big Picture: Nervous System and
the Whole Body
• Neurons act as the “wiring” that connects
structures needed to maintain homeostasis
• Sensory neurons—act as receptors to detect
changes in the internal and external environment;
relay information to integrator mechanisms in the
• Information is processed and a response is
relayed to the appropriate effectors through the
motor neurons
The Big Picture: Nervous System and
the Whole Body
• At the effector, neurotransmitter triggers a
response to restore homeostasis
• Neurotransmitters released into the bloodstream
are called hormones
• Neurons are responsible for more than just
responding to stimuli; circuits are capable of
remembering or learning new responses,
generation of thought, etc.