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Hw # ____ Name _________________Date _____Period ___
HAP: CHAPTER 11- 2nd part
1. Matching. a. ganglion
b. neuroglia
c. neurotransmitters
d. nerve
e. nodes of Ranvier f. nucleus
g. synapse
h. stimuli
i. tract
1. Junction or point of close contact between neurons. _____
2. Chemicals released by neurons that stimulate other neurons, muscles, or glands. _____
3. Gaps in a myelin sheath. _____
4. Bundle of axons in the CNS. _____
5. Collection of cell bodies found outside the CNS. _____
6. Collection of cell bodies found within the CNS. _____
7. Changes, occurring inside or outside the body, that activate the nervous system. _____
8. Bundle of axons in the PNS. _____
2) Circle the term that does not belong in the following groupings:
a. nodes of Ranvier
myelin sheath
cell body
b. cell body
c. ganglia
clusters of cell bodies
clusters of glial cells
d. dendrites
neurotransmitter in vessicles
synaptic knobs
e. gray matter
fiber tracts white matter
3. Check all of the following that apply to a resting neuron:
____ It's inside is negative relative to its outside.
____ It's outside is negative relative to its inside.
____ The cytoplasm contains more sodium and less potassium than does the extracellular
____ The cytoplasm contains more potassium and less sodium than does the extracellular
____ A charge separation exists at the membrane.
____ The electrochemical gradient for the movement of sodium across the membrane is
greater than that for potassium.
____ The electrochemical gradient for the movement of potassium across the membrane is
greater than that for sodium.
____ The membrane is more permeable to sodium than potassium.
____ The membrane is more permeable to potassium than sodium.
4. A neuron that excites skeletal muscle cells in your biceps muscle is functionally a(n)
_____________ neuron and structurally a ()n) ______________neuron.
5. Neurons that reside entirely within the CNS are ____________________neurons.
Structurally, most of these neurons belong to the ________________classification.
6. A structural class of neurons that is very rare in the body is the ______________type.
7. Structurally, the most common neurons are ______________.
8. A neuron that transmits impulses from pain receptors in your skin to your spinal cord is
classified as a(n) _______________neuron. Structurally, this type of neuron is
9. Matching. a. absolute refractory period
b. action potential
c. depolarization
d. frequency of impulses
e. graded potential
f. hyperpolarization
g. polarized
h. relative refractory period
i. repolarization
j. sodium-potassium pump
k. subthreshold
l. threshold
1. Corresponds to the period of repolarization of the neuron. _____
2. Process by which the resting potential is decreased as sodium ions move into the axon.
3. State of an unstimulated neuron's membrane. _____
4. Period (event) during which potassium ions move out of the axon. _____
5. Also called the nerve impulse. _____
6. Period when a neuron cannot be restimulated because it's sodium gates are open. _____
7. Mechanism by which ATP is used to move sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions
into the cell; completely restores and maintains the resting conditions of the neuron.
8. Point at which an axon "fires". _____
9. Term for a weak stimulus. _____
10. Self-propagated depolarization. _____
11. Codes for intensity of the stimulus. _____
12. Membrane potential at which the outward current carried by K+ is exactly equal to the
inward current carried by Na+. _____
13. A voltage change that reduces the ability of a neuron to conduct an impulse; the
membrane potential becomes more negative. _____
14. A local change in membrane potential in which current flow is quickly dissipated. _____
15. An all-or-none electrical event. _____
16. A voltage change that brings a neuron closer toits threshold for fireing; the membrane
potential becomes less negative and moves toward 0. _____
17. Results from the opening of voltage-regulated ionic gates. _____
18. Results from the opening of chemically regulated gates or energetic stimuli. _____
19. Characterized by a rapid polarity reversal. _____
Created by: Patti Carothers
Edited by: Angela Bush