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The Nervous System
Vocabulary Review
 Peripheral nervous system
 Cranial and spinal nerves outside the central nervous system
 Central nervous system
 Consists of the brain and spinal cord
 Neuron
 A nerve cell
 Nerve impulse
 Electrochemical process that communicates within the nervous
 Dendrite
 Part of the neuron that receives input from other neurons
 Axon
 Carries nerve impulses away from the cell body of a neuron
 Nerve
 Bundle of axons or nerve cell fibers
 Sensory receptor
 Specialized structure associated with the peripheral end of a sensory neuron specific to
detecting a particular sensation and triggering a nerve impulse in response
 Somatic nervous system
 Motor pathways of the PNS that lead to skin and skeletal muscle
 Autonomic nervous system
 Portion of the PNS that controls organs (viscera), smooth, and cardiac muscle
 Myelin
 Fatty covering that protects and insulates an axon
 Sensory neurons
 Nerve composed of sensory nerve fibers
 Interneurons
 Link motor and sensory neurons in the CNS
 Motor neurons
 Transmits impulses from the CNS to effector muscles or glands
 Nerve pathway
 Route a nerve impulse travels
 Synapse
 Functional connection between an axon and a dendrite; wireless
connection between neurons
 Neurotransmitter
 Chemical secreted at the end of an axon on to another neuron or
effector muscle or gland
 Reflex arc
 Nerve pathway that forms the structural and functional basis for a
 Reflex
 An automatic response to a stimulus
 Meninges
 3 membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord
 Spinal nerves
 Nerves that branch from the spinal cord; part of the PNS
 Cerebrum
 Larger portion of the brain that provides higher level mental
 Diencephalon
 Region of the brain containing the thalamus and hypothalamus; acts as
a relay station for sensory input, as well as to maintain homeostasis
 Brain stem
 Includes the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain; connects
brain to spinal cord
 Cerebellum
 Coordinates skeletal muscle movements
Elimination and Why
Write the list of words
for each number down.
2. Mark out the one word
that does not belong with
the group.
3. Write one or two
sentences to explain how
the other three words are
Central nervous system,
sensory neuron,
cerebrum, brain stem
2. Sensory receptor,
dendrite, autonomic
nervous system, reflex
3. Peripheral nervous
system, central nervous
system, somatic nervous
system, effector muscle