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Ch. 37: The Nervous System
Nervous tissue is unique to animals
Nerve net = simplest form; several nerves with no central organizing structure
Cephalization = concentration of nervous tissue at the anterior end
Ganglion = clusters of nerve tissue
o Increases in complexity  brain
Neuron = basic nerve cells
o Dendrites = receive signals
o Cell Body = processes signals
o Axon = sends signal to the next cell
Myelin_ Sheath = insulating layer that coats many axons
o Keeps signals contained to a given neuron
Schwann Cells = coated parts of axons
Nodes of Ranvier = gaps between Schwann cells
o Increase rate of transmission of nerve impulses by being able to “jump” over
Schwann cells to next Node of Ranvier = Saltatoey Conduction
Resting Potential = when the axon is not conducting an impulse (about -70 mV)
All ion channels closed
More Na+ on outside the axon and more K+ inside
o Maintained by the presence of the Sodium-Potassium Pump (from beginning of
Requires ATP to establish
Overall, inside is more negative than the outside
Action Potential = rapid change in polarity across part of an axon as a nerve impulse occurs
Threshold Potential must be reached  all-or-none response
Depolarization = Sodium channels open and Na+ rushes into cell
o If threshold is reached, many more Na+ channels open, and the action potential
o Makes cell more and more positive (to about +40 mV)
o The reversal in polarity causes Na+ channels to close and K+ channels to open
Repolarization = as K+ enters the cell, the membrane potential swings back to slightly
below -70 mV
o Refractory Period = Change in polarity again causes K+ channels to close and for
a brief time the channels are unable to open
Ensures that the signal continues in one direction without going backward
Neurons spread signals from one end to the other and then must pass this signal on to another
cell = Synapse
Presynaptic Cell = The cell with the signal
Postsynaptic Cell = The cell that will receive the signal
Synaptic Cleft = The small gap between the two neurons
The (electrical) impulse itself cannot cross the synaptic cleft, so it must use instead
neurotransmitters = molecules that can carry the signal across a synaptic cleft
Are stored in synaptic vesicles
When nerve impulses reach the end of the presynaptic cell, gated channels for Ca+ open,
and Ca+2 enters
The sudden rise in Ca+2 causes synaptic vesicles to merge with the presynaptic membrane
Neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic cleft
They diffuse across the space and bind to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane
May be excitatory (cause an action potential in the postsynaptic cell) or inhibitory
(prevent an action potential in the postsynaptic cell)
Neurotransmitters to Be Familiar With:
Acetylcholine = excites skeletal muscle but inhibits cardiac muscle
Norepinephrine = important to dreaming, waking, and mood
Epinephrine = important to arousal, alertness, attention, and cognition
GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) = important inhibitory neurotransmitter
o Prevents signals from continuing to be sent or from being sent in the wrong
o Regulates norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin
Dopamine = used in emotions, learning, attention
Serotonin = used in thermoregulation, sleeping, emotions, and perception
Endorphins = produce feelings of tranquility
After neurotransmitters are produced, they must be removed quickly so the body can keep
responding to the environment
Acetylcholinesterase = enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine
In some, the presynaptic cell reabsorbs the neurotransmitter (repackaged for reuse?)
Brain + Spinal Cord
Three Functions:
1) Receives sensory input
2) Performs integration (Processes the signal)
3) Generates motor output (response)
Different areas have different functions
Cerebrum (Forebrain) = major processing center
In charge of motor control, memory, reasoning, speech, and judgment
Cerebral Cortex = learning, memory, language, and speech
Cerebellum(Hindbrain) = maintains posture, balance, and coordinates voluntary movements
Brain Stem (Midbrain) = controls involuntary processes (digestion, heartbeat, breathing, etc.)
The Limbic System = parts of the brain that connect emotions and reasoning
Also important in learning and memory
Amygdala = major part of brain for this system
All the nerves outside of the central nervous system
Somatic System = voluntary muscle contractions
The Reflex Arc = involves only the spinal cord
Sensory Receptors generate nerve impulses that move along sensory axons  through
dorsal root ganglion  spinal cord  effector = generates a response
Allows for a quicker response than if you sent the signal all the way to the brain first
Autonomic System = involuntary muscle responses
Sympathetic Division = useful in “fight or flight” response
Parasympathetic Division = useful when in normal (relaxed) state