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The Biological
Basis of
Chapter 2
Describe the structure of a neuron, the resting potential
and action potential of a neuron
List and describe how the nervous and endocrine systems
use chemicals to direct everything our bodies do?
Describe the two major subdivisions of the peripheral
nervous system and how they initiate bodily activity and
regulate bodily functions.
Describe the purpose of the spinal cord.
List and describe the major structures of the brain.
Analyze the roles the structures of the brain play in
Describe and analyze the way researchers study the brain.
Discuss and analyze some of their findings.
Before the Bell:
• Get out any assessments you owe me, a piece of paper,
and your notes.
Objectives 2/13
 To review your
 To draw the brain
 To Describe the
structure of a neuron,
the resting potential
and action potential of
a neuron
What is your reaction?
Draw A Brain
There is no right or wrong.
Don’t open your book.
Draw it as best you can with as many
details as you think you have.
Brain Lab for this chapter
 See
Brain lab sheet
The Nervous System
A. Our central nervous system – regulates our
internal functions and controls our reactions to
the external world.
Two Parts
1. Central nervous system – brain and the spinal cord
2. Peripheral nervous system – nerve cells that send
messages between the central nervous system and
the other parts of the body.
Before the Bell:
• Reminder Brain October 8.
• Have something with which to
write and write on. =)
• Go around the table and share
your weekend.
Objectives: 9/24
• Describe the structure of a
neuron, the resting
potential and action
potential of a neuron
• List and describe how the
nervous and endocrine
systems use chemicals to
direct everything our
bodies do?
C. Neurons – each of us has more than 100 billion
(most are in our brain)
1. They send and receive messages
2. They can reorganize if there is a brain injury
3. Components
a. cell body – produces energy that fuels
the neuron’s activity
b. dendrites – thin fibers that receive
information from other neurons and pass
the message through the cell body.
c. axon – transmits the message
away from the cell body (usually
only one)
d. myelin – the covers axons. A
fatty substance that insulates and
protects the axon
e. axon terminals – smaller fibers
that branch out
f. synapse – is a junction between
the axon terminal of one neuron
and the dendrites of another.
II. Neurotransmitters: The Body’s Chemical Messengers
A. Neurons send messages across synapses
through the release of Neurotransmitters .
B. What our neurotransmitters?
1. Chemicals that are stored in sacs in the axon
terminal .
2. Neuron fires (sends a message) much like
spraying a bottle
3. Each message is converted in to an electrical
impulse that travels length of the neuron.
4. Takes a fraction of a second and neurons
can fire hundreds of times every second 3 d image neuro
Before the Bell:
Find your new table.
• You need your notes
• Review hand motions for all the
parts of the neuron be ready to
practice them.
Objectives: 9/24
• List and describe how the
nervous and endocrine
systems use chemicals to
direct everything our
bodies do?
• Complete body reaction
Lab - Reaction Time
Partner up with someone. (get 7 element)
Do distractions overload the nervous system
and change reaction time? You are going
to measure reaction time, or how long it
takes to prepare and complete an action.
The Nervous System
II. Neurotransmitters: The Body’s Chemical Messengers
C. Types of neurotransmitters
1. each as own structure and fits into a receptor
site on the next neuron (key into lock)
2. Acetylcholine – control of muscles, learning
and memory (it decreases memory is impaired)
3. Dopamine – involved in motor behavior
(Parkinson's disease-too little; Schizophrenia –
too much)
4. noradrenalin – prepares body for action
5. serotonin – emotional arousal and sleep (too
little – depression)
Before the Bell:
• Take out a blank sheet of paper.
Objectives: 2/15
• What is the difference
between the autonomic
and somatic systems?
The Nervous System
III. Central Nervous Systems
A. Spinal Reflexes
1. Body’s automatic response to a trigger
without input from the brain.
2. Nerve impulses are received from the body’s
sense organs.
3. These impulses pass immediately into the
spinal cord.
4. Many of our actions are reflexive; blinking,
The Peripheral Nervous System
A. Two divisions
1. Somatic Nervous System
a. transmits sensory messages to the
central nervous system.
b. carries messages from the voluntary
muscles and sense organs.
c. activated by touch, pain, changes in
temperature, changes in body’s position
The Nervous System
2. The Automatic Nervous System
a. occurring involuntarily
b. regulates the body’s vital functions –
heartbeat, breathing, digestion, blood
(take heart rate)
c. we generally don’t have to think about
d. two divisions:
1. sympathetic sexual arousal, reaction
to emergencies, increasing your heart rate, boosting
your blood pressure, and speeding up your breathing.
It's responsible for the classic "fight-or-flight" response,
which is mediated by two main chemical messengers,
epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine.
2. parasympathetic primarily counters
the sympathetic one by mediating the body's calming
and relaxing functions. Eat a big meal, take a nap,
meditate, and the parasympathetic is kicking in,
slowing down your heart rate, breathing, and so on.
V. The Brain: Our Control Center
A. Parts of the Brain: Three Sections
1. The Hindbrain
a. medulla – functions of heart rate,
blood pressure, and breathing
b. pons – located in front of the medulla
and regulates body movement,
attention, sleep , and alertness.
c. cerebellum – (little brain) balance and
The Nervous System
2. The Midbrain (between hindbrain and
a. control vision and hearing, eye
b. reticular activating system – (starts in
hind and moves into mid) important for
attention, sleep and arousal.
The Nervous System
3. The Forebrain
1. thalamus – (inner chamber) serves as
relay station for sensory stimulation
moving on to the higher levels of the
brain (thinking and reasoning); also sends
info from eyes and ears
2. hypothalamus – (under) tiny helps
control some behavior and physiological
functions. Regulates temperature, storage
of nutrients, motivation and emotion,
hunger, thirst, sexual behavior, caring for
offspring, aggression.
Before the Bell:
• Get out your notes and your
Objectives 2/25
 Label parts of the brain
and describe brain
The Nervous System
3. The Forebrain
3. limbic system – fringe along inner edge
of cerebrum: memory, emotion, hunger,
sex, and aggression, Evolutionary
psychologists believe limbic system
controls behaviors for survival.
Forms emotional memories of situations to
help a person respond and adapt.
4. cerebrum (brain) – 70% of size, site of
most conscious and intellectual activities.
5. Wrinkled area is cerebral cortex – out
later like bark – the part that thinks
memory, language, emotions , complex
motor functions, perception.
The Nervous System
VI. The Cerebral Cortex
A. Composed of two halves/hemispheres
1. look almond shaped, left and right
2. corpus callosum – is the structure that
connects the two hemispheres.
3. Information gathered by one side is
transmitted to the other side.
B. Lobes – each hemisphere is divided into four
parts called lobes
The Nervous System
VI. The Cerebral Cortex
C. Association Areas
1. Most of Cerebral cortex is composed of areas
that involve sensory and motor functions.
2. Other areas shape information into something
3. This is the executive center. Where we solve
problems and make decisions.
D. Language Abilities
1. left and right hemispheres do many of the
same functions,
i.e.right handed people lang. Functions
based in left hemisphere and for
about 2/3 of left handed.
D. Language Abilities
2. Two key areas:
1. Wernicke’s area- pieces together
sounds and sights (damage (difficult to
understand speech)
2. Broca’s area – in frontal lobe; controls
the areas of the face used for speaking
(damaged, speak slowly)
E. Left and Right Hemispheres
1. Same hemisphere used for speaking is also used
for logic, problem solving, and mathematical
2. Right hemi – primarily imagination, art, feelings,
and spatial relationships.
Good Morning
 Please
take four minutes to write down your
thoughts about yesterday?
 What
did you learn about Brocha’s area after
watching Tiki yesterday? What questions did it raise
in your mind? What concerns do you have.
 6 minutes a minimum of 10 sentences.
 When
you are done get out your paper from
yesterday. Discuss at your table thoughts on Tiki’s
Drawing on the Right Side of
I’m going to post a picture
DO NOT MOVE from your desk to look at it.
Look at the figure and notice the angles,
shapes, and lines. Try to see how they all fit
Start at the top and copy each line moving
from line to line, putting it all together like a
Don’t name things; instead just notice what
the lines do, how they curve and flow
Drawing on the Right Side of
What does the right brain consciousness
feel like (Type1)?
Did you notice that you were less aware
of the passage of time?
Were you aware of the people around
Did you attend to any environmental
Happy Tuesday!
Check your grades to make
sure I got your brain graded.
Get out your notes.
The Brain
CAT Scan
VII. Methods of Studying the Brain
A. Different ways –
1. Accidents
2. Lesions –creating a lesion (destroying a part
of an animal’s brain, allows tracking of how the
damage affects behaviors.
3. Electrical Stimulation – can see which areas
of the brain respond to visual, auditory, or
sensory sensations.
4. Electroencephalogram – electrical brain
wave activities transmitted by electrodes and
enables diagnosis of disorders.
5. Brain Imaging – MRI, CAT, PET, fMRI allow
images of the brain
The Endocrine System
Glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream.
Hormones stimulate growth and many kinds of
reactions and changes in physical moods.
Have specific receptor sites like neurotransmitters
The Endocrine System
B. The Pituitary Gland
1. The master gland (size of a pea)
2. Responsible for many aspects of
3. Also stimulates other glands such as
adrenals, thyroid, ovaries or testes.
The Endocrine System
C. Thyroid Gland
1. produces thyroxin – metabolism (rate of
converting food to energy.
2. too much – hypothyroidism (sluggish
often overweight)
3. too little – hyperthyroidism (excitability,
inability to sleep, and weight loss.)
The Endocrine System
D. The Adrenal Glands
1. secrets steroids – increase resistance to
stress and promote muscle development
2. cause the liver to release stored sugar –
3. adrenaline and noradrenalin
The Endocrine System
E. Ovaries and Testes
1. produce the hormones that influence
sexual development and functions
2. both product estrogen, progesterone, and
3. Differences is the amounts of each
hormone produced for males/females.