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Unit 3: Integration Station: The Nervous System
Chapter 9
Part 1: Organization of the Nervous System
Part 2: Nervous Tissue: Structure & Function
Part 3: Central Nervous System
Part 4: Peripheral Nervous System
Part 5: Developmental Aspects of the Nervous System
& Drug Use
Human Anatomy & Physiology
The Nervous System
Part 1: Organization of the Nervous System
Unit 3: Integration Station: The Nervous System
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Aim: What are the functions and parts
of the nervous system?
I will describe the function of the nervous
system and name the major divisions.
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Unit 3: Integration Station: The Nervous System
Functions of the Nervous System
 1. Sensory input – gathering information
 To monitor changes occurring inside and
outside the body
 “Changes” = stimuli
Examples: Temperature, Sound,
Pain, Etc.
 2. Integration
 To process and interpret sensory input and
decide if action is needed
Functions of the Nervous System
 3. Motor output (Homeostasis!)
 A response to integrated stimuli
 The response activates muscles or glands
Structural Classification of the
Nervous System
 Central Nervous System (CNS)
Contains the:
 Brain
 Spinal cord
 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
 Nerves outside the brain and spinal cord
 Includes Cranial Nerves & Spinal Nerves
Basic Divisions of the Nervous System
Figure 12.2
Functional Classification of the PNS
 PNS structures are divided into two
 1. Sensory (afferent) division
 Nerve fibers that carry information to the
central nervous system from the body.
Functional Classification of the PNS
 Receptors located in various parts of the
body send signals TO the brain
Skin, Skeletal Muscles & Joints = Somatic Sensory
Visceral Organs = Visceral Sensory Fibers
Functional Classification of the PNS
 Motor (efferent) division
 Nerve fibers that carry impulses away from
the central nervous system to organs,
muscles, & glands.
 The impulses
“effect” (bring about)
a motor response.
Functional Classification of the PNS
 Motor (efferent) divisions
 Two subdivisions
 1. Somatic Nervous System = voluntary (skeletal)
 2. Autonomic Nervous Nystem = involuntary
(smooth muscle, cardiac, & glands)
PAGE 250 & 252
Organization of
the Nervous
Human Anatomy & Physiology
The Nervous System
Part 2: Nervous Tissue – Structure & Function
Unit 3: Integration Station: The Nervous System
Nervous Tissue: Neurons
 Neurons = nerve cells
 Cells specialized to transmit messages
 Major regions of neurons
1. Cell Body - contains the nucleus and
two extensions
2. Dendrites – shorter, more numerous,
receive information
3. Axons – single, long “fiber” which
conducts impulse away from the cell
body, sends information
Unit 3: Integration Station: The Nervous System
Using the given words and the article
label the diagram. (Drawing #1)
Unit 3: Integration Station: The Nervous System
Neuron Anatomy (Drawing 1)
Unit 3: Integration Station: The Nervous System
Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
(Neuroglia) Four Types
 1. Astrocytes
 Abundant, star-shaped cells
 Brace neurons
 Form barrier
between capillaries
and neurons
 Control the chemical
environment of
the brain
Unit 3: Integration Station: The Nervous System
Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
 2. Microglia
 Spider-like phagocytes
 Dispose of debris
 Respond to
immunological alarms
 3. Ependymal cells
 Line cavities of the
brain and spinal cord
 Circulate
Unit 3: Integration Station: The Nervous System
Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
 4. Oligodendrocytes
 Provide insulation
around the axons
Unit 3: Integration Station: The Nervous System
Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
(Neuroglia) Five Types
Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
 5. Schwann cells
 Form insulating myelin sheath around the