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Action Potentials and Conduction
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• Axons carry information from the cell body to the axon terminals.
• Axon terminals communicate with their target cells at synapses.
Changes in the Membrane Potential Produce
Electric Signals in Nerve Cells
Intracellular Extracellular Normal
• Difference in ion concentration between compartments gives rise to
the resting membrane potential (RMP). Membrane permeability to these
ions also influences the RMP.
• Transient changes from the RMP produce electrical signals which
transmit information in nerve cells.
Terminology Associated with Changes in
F8-7, F8-8
• Depolarization- a decrease in the potential difference between the inside and
outside of the cell.
•Hyperpolarization- an increase in the potential difference between the inside and
outside of the cell.
• Repolarization- returning to the RMP from either direction.
•Overshoot- when the inside of the cell becomes +ve due to the reversal of the
membrane potential polarity.
Gated Channels Are Involved in Neuronal
• In the nervous system, different channel types are responsible for transmitting
electrical signals over long and short distances:
•A) Graded potentials travel over short distances and are activated by the opening
of mechanically or chemically gated channels.
•B) Action potentials travel over long distances and they are generated by the
opening of voltage-gated channels.
Graded Potentials
•Graded potentials are depolarizations or hyperpolarizations whose strength is
proportional to the strength of the triggering event.
•Graded potentials lose their strength as they move through the cell due to the
leakage of charge across the membrane (eg. leaky water hose).
•A graded potential depolarization is called excitatory postsynaptic potential
(EPSP). A graded potential hyperpolarization is called an inhibitory
postsynaptic potentials (IPSP).
•They occur in the cell body and dendrites of the neuron.
•The wave of depolarization or hyperpolarization which moves through the
cell with a graded potential is known as local current flow.
Graded Potentials Above Threshold Voltage
Trigger Action Potentials
•Graded potentials travel through the neuron until they reach the trigger zone. If
they depolarize the membrane above threshold voltage (about -55 mV in
mammals), an action potential is triggered and it travels down the axon.
Spatial Summation
• A neuron may receive greater than 10, 000 inputs from presynaptic neurons.
• The initiation of an action potential from several simultaneous subthreshold
graded potentials, originating from different locations, is known as spatial
Temporal Summation
• When summation occurs from graded potentials overlapping in time, it is called
temporal summation.
• Summation of graded potentials demonstrates a key property of neurons:
postsynaptic integration.
Action Potential (AP)
• They are initiated in an all-or-none manner when the summed graded potential
exceed threshold voltage.
•They remain the same size as they travel along the axon over long distances.
• They are identical to one another.
• Occurs upon alteration of the permeability of Na+ and K+ ions through voltagegated channels.
Graded Potential vs Action Potential
Timecourse of the Action Potential
Na+ Channels Have Two Gates
• The movement of the inactivation gate is coupled to the
movement of the activation gate, but its response time is slower.
• When the activation gate is open, the signal passes along the
channel protein to the inactivation gate.
•Na+/K+-ATPase Has No Direct Role to Play in
the Action Potential.
Refractory Periods Limit the Frequency of APs
• Absolutely refractory period- a second AP will not occur until the first is over. The
gates on the Na+ channel have not reset.
•Relatively refractory period- a large suprathreshold graded potential can start a second
AP by activating Na+ channels which have been reset.
•Absolute refractory periods prevent back propagation of APs into the cell body.
•Refractory periods limit the rate at which signals can be transmitted down a
neuron. Limit is around 100 impulses/s.
Action Potential Conduction
• Movement of the AP along the axon at high speed is called conduction.
• A wave of action potentials travel down the axon.
• Each section of the axon is experiencing a different phase of the AP (see
• Graded potential triggers AP. Opens voltage-gated Na+ channels.
•The Na+ spreads in all directions attracted by the -ve ions in
adjacent regions (3,4). Opens Na+ channels and initiates AP in the
adjacent region along the axon (4), but not in the cell body where
there are no voltage-gated Na+ channels (3).
•K+ channels have opened in the initial segment (5) and the Na+ (6) ions
cannot trigger an AP in that region since its absolutely refractory. Na+ ions
initiate action potentials in segment (7).
Factors Influencing Conduction Speed of APs
• The resistance of the
membrane to current leak
out of the cell and the
diameter of the axon
determine the speed of AP
• Large diameter axons
provide a low resistance to
current flow within the axon
and this in turn, speeds up
•Myelin sheath which wraps around vertebrate axons prevents current leak out of
the cells. Acts like an insulator, for example, plastic coating surrounding electric
• However, portions of the axons lack the myelin sheath and these are called
Nodes of Ranvier. High concentration of Na+ channels are found at these nodes.
Saltatory Conduction
• When depolarization
reaches a node, Na+ enters
the axon through open
• At the nodes, Na+ entry
reinforces the depolarization
to keep the amplitude of the
AP constant, but slows the
current flow due to a loss of
charge to the extracellular
• However, it speeds up again when the depolarization encounters the next node.
•The apparent leapfrogging of APs from node to node along the axon is called
saltatory conduction.
Jacqueline du Pré died of Multiple Sclerosis
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• In demylinating diseases, such as
multiple sclerosis, the loss of myelin in
the nervous system slows down the
conduction of APs. Multiple sclerosis
patients complain of muscle weakness,
fatigue, difficulty with walking and a loss
of vision.
Tortora, G.J. & Grabowski, S.R (2003). Principles of
Anatomy & Physiology.New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Ch.12, pp.398-403.
Silverthorn, D.U (1998). Human Physiology: An
Integrated Approach. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Ch.8,
Frequency of Action Potential Firing is
Proportional to the Size of the Graded Potential
The amount of neurotransmitter released from the axon terminal is
proportional to the frequency of action potentials.