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My Dinosaur®
Now you too can have your very own pet dinosaur!!!
By: Dylan Smith
Ever wondered what it would be like to
own your very own dinosaur?
• Well thanks to some smart scientist and the use
of DNA, we are now able to clone you a real
living dinosaur!
• The smart scientist were able to gather a source
of DNA from a couple of extinct dinosaurs.
• Don’t forget the surrogate mother!
• With birds being the closet relative to a dinosaur
our team of researches were able to use a Hawk
as the surrogate mother for the cloning.
Restriction Enzymes
• The original DNA is isolated and cut by
restriction enzymes in specific areas
• This procedure uses staggered cuts
Gel Electrophoresis
• Gel
is used to view
the DNA that
was cut out,
what size the
DNA is, and
what has been
inserted or
deleted form the
original DNA
• cDNA is
• It can be made into
cDNA libraries
• The scientist use the
cDNA libraries to
determine which
genes to use in the
cloning process
Labeled Probe
• The Labeled probe
is used to
determine the
amino acid code
for the DNA
• The DNA probe is
used to hybridize
the clones
containing the right
Southern Blotting
• This sequence is
used to get the right
DNA sequence
needed for cloning
DNA Sequencing
• This uses the genes
nucleotide sequence
for the genetic
structure needed
• The DNA sequence
allows scientist to
have defined
fragments of DNA,
which is greatly
needed in the
cloning process
Polymerase Chain Reaction
• This allows the
scientist to make
more DNA quicker,
since PCR does not
need an mRNA
template to make
more DNA
RFLP Analysis
• This is the
for the
cloned gene
• It can detect
the product
for a
disease and
scientist to
discard the
gene and
keep the
Get you’re my Dinosaur® Today!!!