* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
3.2.2 DNA L.O: 1. To extract and observe DNA 2. To describe how bases code for proteins 3. To explain how DNA was discovered to be the hereditary material Starter: From last lesson, remember which base pairs with which, and then complete the table: % of each base A Yeast 32 TB Locust Human C T 18 35 29 G 15 21 19 31 Triplets A sequence of 3 bases is known as a triplet and codes for 1 amino acid. The order of the bases in DNA determines the order of amino acids, which then codes for a protein. **Link to BIOL1 levels of protein structure** 1. Decode these triplets to read a message: ATG ATA TCT TCC TCA GCA TAT TCG CAC ATT 2. Then write a message back! Key Features of the Genetic Code • It is universal • It is non-overlapping • It is degenerate Hershey-Chase Experiment • Genetics Glossary Complete as many of the 27 terms as you can! Hint: The glossary is in alphabetical order Plenary 1. What do you know now that you didn’t know 60 mins ago? 2. How could you best demonstrate your new knowledge about DNA? 3. What do you think we might learn next lesson?