Attachment 2.2 Sequencing results
... to 91% were found taking both methods into account. Materials and Methods: cDNA from liver tissue was used for the detection of other AHR transcripts by using different primersets to perform PCR, gel electrophoresis and sequencing. Based on these sequences primers specific for the new transcript wer ...
... to 91% were found taking both methods into account. Materials and Methods: cDNA from liver tissue was used for the detection of other AHR transcripts by using different primersets to perform PCR, gel electrophoresis and sequencing. Based on these sequences primers specific for the new transcript wer ...
A computational approach to map nucleosome positions and
... approaches that are generally applicable in eukaryotes are still needed to determine the accurate positions of nucleosomes in vivo. Here, we report a computational approach to determine in vivo nucleosome positions from paired-end MNase-sequencing data. Applying template-based deconvolution to exper ...
... approaches that are generally applicable in eukaryotes are still needed to determine the accurate positions of nucleosomes in vivo. Here, we report a computational approach to determine in vivo nucleosome positions from paired-end MNase-sequencing data. Applying template-based deconvolution to exper ...
... The 32-38 pair controls misreading of GUC near-cognate codon As sequence variation in the 32-38 pair did not affect decoding efficiency, we turned our investigation toward its decoding fidelity. The wobble pairing at the second G35 in tRNAAla GGC to a near-cognate valine codon, GUC, would be expecte ...
... The 32-38 pair controls misreading of GUC near-cognate codon As sequence variation in the 32-38 pair did not affect decoding efficiency, we turned our investigation toward its decoding fidelity. The wobble pairing at the second G35 in tRNAAla GGC to a near-cognate valine codon, GUC, would be expecte ...
Streptococcus faecium - International Journal of Systematic and
... peptidoglycan types of the test strains are shown in Table 1. The enterococci studied (Streptococcus faecalis, Streptococcus faecium, “Streptococcus avium” , “Streptococcus durans”, and “Streptococcus casselifiavus”) had DNA G +C contents in the range from 37 to 43 mol%. These data are in good agree ...
... peptidoglycan types of the test strains are shown in Table 1. The enterococci studied (Streptococcus faecalis, Streptococcus faecium, “Streptococcus avium” , “Streptococcus durans”, and “Streptococcus casselifiavus”) had DNA G +C contents in the range from 37 to 43 mol%. These data are in good agree ...
The presence of an RHD pseudogene containing a
... hybrid genes encoding partial D antigens may predict a D-negative phenotype, and the presence of some RHD regions in genes encoding no D antigen may predict a D-positive phenotype. In order to avoid these complications, methods where more than 1 region of RHD is detected in a single PCR were introdu ...
... hybrid genes encoding partial D antigens may predict a D-negative phenotype, and the presence of some RHD regions in genes encoding no D antigen may predict a D-positive phenotype. In order to avoid these complications, methods where more than 1 region of RHD is detected in a single PCR were introdu ...
Characterization of an Immuno-dominant Variable Surface
... More recently several other probes, based either on DNA sequences (27-29), or the detection of specific antigens (30), have been suggested as diagnostic reagents . However, in most cases, axenic cultivation (20) and cloning (31) of amoebae directly from fresh stool samples before assay with any of t ...
... More recently several other probes, based either on DNA sequences (27-29), or the detection of specific antigens (30), have been suggested as diagnostic reagents . However, in most cases, axenic cultivation (20) and cloning (31) of amoebae directly from fresh stool samples before assay with any of t ...
Product description P018-G1 SHOX-v03 - MRC
... Arranging probes according to chromosomal location facilitates interpretation of the results and may reveal more subtle changes such as those observed in mosaic cases. Analysis of parental samples may be necessary for correct interpretation of complex results. False positive results: Please note tha ...
... Arranging probes according to chromosomal location facilitates interpretation of the results and may reveal more subtle changes such as those observed in mosaic cases. Analysis of parental samples may be necessary for correct interpretation of complex results. False positive results: Please note tha ...
Methods Five 1536-SNP GoldenGate assays (Fig. 1) Three pilot
... Residual SNPs from the three sources for POPA1 and POPA2 were used for POPA3, but additional SNPs were required. Additional SNPs came from three sources: 1) an extended list of 5732 SNPs from SCRI (NR) derived from reanalysis of the amplicon sequence alignments used for POPA1 and POPA2, 2) a new Har ...
... Residual SNPs from the three sources for POPA1 and POPA2 were used for POPA3, but additional SNPs were required. Additional SNPs came from three sources: 1) an extended list of 5732 SNPs from SCRI (NR) derived from reanalysis of the amplicon sequence alignments used for POPA1 and POPA2, 2) a new Har ...
Product description P048-C1-0315 LMNA-MYOT - MRC
... : MRC-Holland bv; Willem Schoutenstraat 1, 1057 DL Amsterdam, the Netherlands Data analysis The P048-C1 probemix contains 44 MLPA probes with amplification products between 129 and 463 nt. In addition, it contains 9 control fragments generating an amplification product smaller than 120 nt: four DNA ...
... : MRC-Holland bv; Willem Schoutenstraat 1, 1057 DL Amsterdam, the Netherlands Data analysis The P048-C1 probemix contains 44 MLPA probes with amplification products between 129 and 463 nt. In addition, it contains 9 control fragments generating an amplification product smaller than 120 nt: four DNA ...
A survey on computational methods for enhancer and
... It is also important to note that these high-throughput experimental methods have been mainly used for testing enhancer candidates already defined by some other means, but not for discovering enhancers ab initio. In theory it should be possible to tile a major portion of a genome for testing the en ...
... It is also important to note that these high-throughput experimental methods have been mainly used for testing enhancer candidates already defined by some other means, but not for discovering enhancers ab initio. In theory it should be possible to tile a major portion of a genome for testing the en ...
Health outcomes of children born after IVF/ICSI: a review of current
... to down-regulate pituitary function and stimulate the ovary for supernumerary oocyte production, in-vitro maturation of oocytes, direct injection of immature spermatozoa into oocytes, in-vitro culture of preimplantation embryos before transfer to the uterus and cryopreservation of either gametes or ...
... to down-regulate pituitary function and stimulate the ovary for supernumerary oocyte production, in-vitro maturation of oocytes, direct injection of immature spermatozoa into oocytes, in-vitro culture of preimplantation embryos before transfer to the uterus and cryopreservation of either gametes or ...
Ingenuity Variant Analysis
... As HGMD does not record if a variant is causing disease in a dominant, recessive or other manner, as additional context we provide: Zygosity: says if the subject had one or two different alleles of the variant in the sample data. Inheritance: this is not specific to the variant, but is a stateme ...
... As HGMD does not record if a variant is causing disease in a dominant, recessive or other manner, as additional context we provide: Zygosity: says if the subject had one or two different alleles of the variant in the sample data. Inheritance: this is not specific to the variant, but is a stateme ...
Differential Enzyme Targeting As an Evolutionary Adaptation to
... (Ursus arctos), sloth bear (Melursus ursinus), and giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Using genomic DNA as template, the 59 region of AGT was amplified by PCR and RAGE (Mizobuchi and Frohman 1993) (with the exception of the domestic cat, the cDNA of which had previously been cloned [Lumb, Purdue, ...
... (Ursus arctos), sloth bear (Melursus ursinus), and giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Using genomic DNA as template, the 59 region of AGT was amplified by PCR and RAGE (Mizobuchi and Frohman 1993) (with the exception of the domestic cat, the cDNA of which had previously been cloned [Lumb, Purdue, ...
Analysis of the Molecular Basis of Flowering Time Variation in
... FRI(Sf-2) flc-3 cross (Table I). Kondara and Kz-9 were not as early flowering in our conditions as had been reported previously (Karlsson et al., 1993; Nordborg and Bergelson, 1999), but the F1 plants from the crosses to Col flowered even later, suggesting that Kondara and Kz-9 FRI alleles are fully ...
... FRI(Sf-2) flc-3 cross (Table I). Kondara and Kz-9 were not as early flowering in our conditions as had been reported previously (Karlsson et al., 1993; Nordborg and Bergelson, 1999), but the F1 plants from the crosses to Col flowered even later, suggesting that Kondara and Kz-9 FRI alleles are fully ...
Functional Analysis of Maize RAD51 in Meiosis and
... from rad51A2-98E7 were purified and sequenced at the same time. Molecular characterization of derivative alleles: Any of three possible types of sequence rearrangements can generate derivative alleles from rad51A2-98E7 that yield smaller PCR products when amplifying with a rad51A2-specific primer 13 ...
... from rad51A2-98E7 were purified and sequenced at the same time. Molecular characterization of derivative alleles: Any of three possible types of sequence rearrangements can generate derivative alleles from rad51A2-98E7 that yield smaller PCR products when amplifying with a rad51A2-specific primer 13 ...
TaqMan® SNP Genotyping Assays User Guide
... particular level of observation or actions as described below: Note: Provides information that may be of interest or help but is not critical to the use of the product. ...
... particular level of observation or actions as described below: Note: Provides information that may be of interest or help but is not critical to the use of the product. ...
Folate Metabolism and MTHFR
... enzymes. Enzymes: produced by genes. Enzymes are actively moving and functioning proteins which do work. Enzymes require specific pH, substrates and cofactors in order to do work Cofactor: typically a mineral or vitamin which enables an enzymes to function properly ...
... enzymes. Enzymes: produced by genes. Enzymes are actively moving and functioning proteins which do work. Enzymes require specific pH, substrates and cofactors in order to do work Cofactor: typically a mineral or vitamin which enables an enzymes to function properly ...
The American University in Cairo School of Science and Engineering
... and varies depending on the substrate used for the assay; however, studies never confirmed the validity of this hypothesis (Paterson and Bonomo, 2005). 7KH6+9ȕ-lactamase family originally was found in Klebsiella spp.. The progenitor of the SHV family, SHV-1, is universally present in K. pneumoniae ...
... and varies depending on the substrate used for the assay; however, studies never confirmed the validity of this hypothesis (Paterson and Bonomo, 2005). 7KH6+9ȕ-lactamase family originally was found in Klebsiella spp.. The progenitor of the SHV family, SHV-1, is universally present in K. pneumoniae ...
SALSA MLPA probemix P018-F1 SHOX - MRC
... This P018-F1 SHOX probemix contains probes for each exon of the human SHOX gene, as well as a probe just before the SHOX promoter region. In addition, several probes are present detecting sequences in a region downstream of SHOX which has been implicated in regulation of SHOX transcription. Furtherm ...
... This P018-F1 SHOX probemix contains probes for each exon of the human SHOX gene, as well as a probe just before the SHOX promoter region. In addition, several probes are present detecting sequences in a region downstream of SHOX which has been implicated in regulation of SHOX transcription. Furtherm ...
Presence of multiple group I introns closely 23S rRNAs of lichen-forming
... Relationship between introns at positions L1917, L1931 and L1951 with bacterial group I introns. With respect to host evolution, an examination of the LSU rDNA tree (Fig. 1B) shows that the members of the Trebouxia genus analyzed in this study form two distinct main lineages: lineage 1, defined by T ...
... Relationship between introns at positions L1917, L1931 and L1951 with bacterial group I introns. With respect to host evolution, an examination of the LSU rDNA tree (Fig. 1B) shows that the members of the Trebouxia genus analyzed in this study form two distinct main lineages: lineage 1, defined by T ...
Regulatory Motifs in DNA Sequences
... • Examine frequencies of l-tuples, combinations of 2 symbols, 3 symbols, etc. • “The” is the most frequent 3-tuple in English and “;48” is the most frequent 3tuple in the encrypted text • Make inferences of unknown symbols by examining other frequent l-tuples ...
... • Examine frequencies of l-tuples, combinations of 2 symbols, 3 symbols, etc. • “The” is the most frequent 3-tuple in English and “;48” is the most frequent 3tuple in the encrypted text • Make inferences of unknown symbols by examining other frequent l-tuples ...
Notes for Chaper 4 of the Jones/Pevzer book
... • Nucleotides in motifs encode for a message in the “genetic” language. Symbols in “The Gold Bug” encode for a message in English • In order to solve the problem, we analyze the frequencies of patterns in DNA/Gold Bug message. • Knowledge of established regulatory motifs makes the Motif Finding prob ...
... • Nucleotides in motifs encode for a message in the “genetic” language. Symbols in “The Gold Bug” encode for a message in English • In order to solve the problem, we analyze the frequencies of patterns in DNA/Gold Bug message. • Knowledge of established regulatory motifs makes the Motif Finding prob ...
Properties of Mitotic and Meiotic Recombination in the
... in the frequency of inter-homolog recombination. They estimated that greater than 90% of the DSBs induced by X-rays in G2 were repaired by sister-chromatid exchange. A variety of other systems for the analysis of sister-chromatid mitotic recombination have been developed (Jackson and Fink, 1981; Sz ...
... in the frequency of inter-homolog recombination. They estimated that greater than 90% of the DSBs induced by X-rays in G2 were repaired by sister-chromatid exchange. A variety of other systems for the analysis of sister-chromatid mitotic recombination have been developed (Jackson and Fink, 1981; Sz ...
Bisulfite sequencing

Bisulphite sequencing (also known as bisulfite sequencing) is the use of bisulphite treatment of DNA to determine its pattern of methylation. DNA methylation was the first discovered epigenetic mark, and remains the most studied. In animals it predominantly involves the addition of a methyl group to the carbon-5 position of cytosine residues of the dinucleotide CpG, and is implicated in repression of transcriptional activity.Treatment of DNA with bisulphite converts cytosine residues to uracil, but leaves 5-methylcytosine residues unaffected. Thus, bisulphite treatment introduces specific changes in the DNA sequence that depend on the methylation status of individual cytosine residues, yielding single- nucleotide resolution information about the methylation status of a segment of DNA. Various analyses can be performed on the altered sequence to retrieve this information. The objective of this analysis is therefore reduced to differentiating between single nucleotide polymorphisms (cytosines and thymidine) resulting from bisulphite conversion (Figure 1).