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AIP – Anterior Intra-Parietal Area
“Visual Guidance of Grasping”
AIP Location and Nomenclature:
Named by [Gallese et al 1994]. It’s the rotral/anterior bit of the lateral wall of the of IPS
(see picture below), although Lewis and Van Essen put it deeper, along the fundus.
From [Sakata et al 1995]:
From Lewis and VanEssen:
AIP Connectivity:
Input from cIPS (caudal IPS – a Sakata invention I think, which has “AOS” cells, i.e.
cells with Axis Orientation Selectivity. I think the idea is that these cells are selective for
location, including depth, and orientation of bar-like objects ).
Output to PMv – F5:
From [Sakata et al 1997]:
Two Figures from [Luppino et al 1999]:
"F5 is target of strong projections originating from ar-ea AIP. Injections in this parietal
area showed that the anterograde and retrograde labelings in the agranular frontal cortex
was almost completely confined to F5 and, therefore, the anatomical linkage between
these two areas is highly selective and reciprocal. In addition, the differential distribution
of the labeling observed in the present study following injections in AIP and LIP, in
agreement also with data of Andersen et al. (1990) on LIP connections, support the
physiological evidence that AIP is an independent field within the lateral bank of the IP.”
–[Luppino et at 1997]
AIP Physiology:
“AIP neurons have been studied with an experimental paradigm virtually identical to that
more recently employed by Murata et al. (1997) in F5. These studies showed that in AIP,
as in F5, there are also neurons with motor responses coding specific kinds of grasping or
manipulation movements and/or visual responses that appear to be related to the coding
of 3D object characteristics (Taira et al. 1990; Sakata et al. 1995). Therefore, as F5, AIP
also appears to be involved in visuomotor transformations for grasping (see Jeannerod et
al. 1995). “ –[Luppino et at 1997]
Two from [Murata et al 2000]:
AIP Human Homologue:
[Binkofski et al 1999] had Ss manipulate “complex meaningless objects”. They found:
“Significant activation was found bilaterally in the ventral premotor cortex (Brodmann’s
area 44), in the cortex lining the anterior part of the intraparietal sulcus (most probably
corresponding to monkey anterior intraparietal area, AIP), in the superior parietal lobule
and in the opercular parietal cortex including the secondary somatosensory area (SII).
We suggest that the cortex lining the anterior part of the intraparietal sulcus and area 44
are functionally connected and mediate object manipulation in humans.”
[Shikata et al 2001] looked at an orientation discrimination task (orientation of textured
planes in visual space) vs a color detection task. They found “cIPS” and “AIP” activity:
AIP Bibiolography:
[Gallese et al 1994] Gallese, Murata, Kaseda, Niki, and Sakata (1994) “Deficit of hand
preshaping after muscimol injection in monkey parietal cortex”, Neuroreport 5:15251529.
[Sakata et al 1995] Sakata, Taira, Murata and Mine, “Neural Mechanisms of Visual
Guidance of Hand Action in the Parietal Cortex of Monkey”, (1995) Cerebral Cortex
[Murata et al 2000] Murata A, Gallese V, Luppino G, Kaseda M, Sakata H, “Selectivity
for the shape, size, and orientation of objects for grasping in neurons of monkey parietal
area AIP” (2000) J Neurophysiol 83(5):2580-601
[Luppino et at 1999] Luppino G, Murata A, Govoni P, Matelli M, “Largely segregated
parietofrontal connections linking rostral intraparietal cortex (areas AIP and VIP) and the
ventral premotor cortex (areas F5 and F4).” (1999) Exp Brain Res 128(1-2):181-7.
[Sakata et al 1997] Sakata H, Taira M, Kusunoki M, Murata A, Tanaka Y “The TINS
Lecture. The parietal association cortex in depth perception and visual control of hand
action.” (1997) Trends Neurosci 20(8):350-7.
[Shikata et al 2001] Shikata, Elisa, Farsin Hamzei, Volkmar Glauche, Rene´ Knab,
Christian Dettmers, Cornelius Weiller, and Christian Bu¨ chel., “Surface orientation
discrimination activates caudal and anterior intraparietal sulcus in humans: an eventrelated fMRI study.” (2001) J Neurophysiol 85: 1309–1314.