the Report - The Lasker Foundation
... viewing an entire line of letters, it is tempting to provide just one letter or picture at a time, but single letter optotypes will overestimate visual acuity in amblyopic eyes. If it is not possible to present a full line of letters, it is acceptable to instead surround an individual letter with “c ...
... viewing an entire line of letters, it is tempting to provide just one letter or picture at a time, but single letter optotypes will overestimate visual acuity in amblyopic eyes. If it is not possible to present a full line of letters, it is acceptable to instead surround an individual letter with “c ...
The Role of Temporal Structure in Human Vision
... Smith, Howell, & Stanley, 1982). Or consider another, slightly more complicated stimulus sequence, where a stimulus appears for 100 msec at one location, disappears very briefly, and then reappears for 100 msec at another, nearby location. If the two events occur within 20 msec or so of one another, ...
... Smith, Howell, & Stanley, 1982). Or consider another, slightly more complicated stimulus sequence, where a stimulus appears for 100 msec at one location, disappears very briefly, and then reappears for 100 msec at another, nearby location. If the two events occur within 20 msec or so of one another, ...
- Wiley Online Library
... target and correct for the position mismatch between the visual axis and the object of interest (see Leigh & Kennard, 2004 for a review). Saccades are fast eye movements (up to 1000 deg s−1 ) and their duration is very short (30–80 ms). Their peak velocity, duration and amplitude show consistent rel ...
... target and correct for the position mismatch between the visual axis and the object of interest (see Leigh & Kennard, 2004 for a review). Saccades are fast eye movements (up to 1000 deg s−1 ) and their duration is very short (30–80 ms). Their peak velocity, duration and amplitude show consistent rel ...
Shape Selectivity in Primate Frontal Eye Field
... First published May 21, 2008; doi:10.1152/jn.01188.2007. Previous neurophysiological studies of the frontal eye field (FEF) in monkeys have focused on its role in saccade target selection and gaze shift control. It has been argued that FEF neurons indicate the locations of behaviorally significant v ...
... First published May 21, 2008; doi:10.1152/jn.01188.2007. Previous neurophysiological studies of the frontal eye field (FEF) in monkeys have focused on its role in saccade target selection and gaze shift control. It has been argued that FEF neurons indicate the locations of behaviorally significant v ...
... of simulating saccadic sensory to motor transformations. This model was designed to predict how the spatial interactions between neural signals related to visual processing and saccadic preparation interact within the SC to influence saccadic reaction time. I concluded that saccade latency was stron ...
... of simulating saccadic sensory to motor transformations. This model was designed to predict how the spatial interactions between neural signals related to visual processing and saccadic preparation interact within the SC to influence saccadic reaction time. I concluded that saccade latency was stron ...
Stereoscopic Processing of Absolute and Relative Disparity in
... The subjects’ task was to detect the pair of depth planes that contained the larger interplane depth distance (difference in absolute disparity between 2 planes belonging to the same pair). On each trial, the interplane distance was nearly the same for both pairs of planes, except one pair had a sma ...
... The subjects’ task was to detect the pair of depth planes that contained the larger interplane depth distance (difference in absolute disparity between 2 planes belonging to the same pair). On each trial, the interplane distance was nearly the same for both pairs of planes, except one pair had a sma ...
... Experience-dependent changes in synaptic composition and function (synaptic plasticity) underlie many brain functions including learning and memory, formation of sensory maps, as well as the capability to recover from injury. Most of these functions decline with age, supporting the observation that ...
... Experience-dependent changes in synaptic composition and function (synaptic plasticity) underlie many brain functions including learning and memory, formation of sensory maps, as well as the capability to recover from injury. Most of these functions decline with age, supporting the observation that ...
The encoding and decoding of com-
... The mammalian visual system has a remarkable capacity of processing a large amount of information within milliseconds under widely varying conditions into invariant representations. Recently a model of the primary visual system exploited the unique feature of dense local excitatory connectivity of t ...
... The mammalian visual system has a remarkable capacity of processing a large amount of information within milliseconds under widely varying conditions into invariant representations. Recently a model of the primary visual system exploited the unique feature of dense local excitatory connectivity of t ...
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier.
... 3.1. The distribution of refractive errors in anisometropia Fig. 1 shows the distribution of refractive errors in each eye of the anisometropes (red), strabismic anisometropes (blue) and refractives (gray). We use this color code throughout. Symbol size coarsely codes visual acuity (Fig. 1A) and ste ...
... 3.1. The distribution of refractive errors in anisometropia Fig. 1 shows the distribution of refractive errors in each eye of the anisometropes (red), strabismic anisometropes (blue) and refractives (gray). We use this color code throughout. Symbol size coarsely codes visual acuity (Fig. 1A) and ste ...
Somatosensory processes subserving perception and action
... suggests that the APC is important for the processing of simple somatosensory features related to both the stimulus and the part of the body that has been stimulated. Moreover, recent optical imaging of a tactile illusion suggests that the APC codes the perceived rather than physical location of per ...
... suggests that the APC is important for the processing of simple somatosensory features related to both the stimulus and the part of the body that has been stimulated. Moreover, recent optical imaging of a tactile illusion suggests that the APC codes the perceived rather than physical location of per ...
Hands Up: Attentional Prioritization of Space Near the Hand
... not respond to a visual stimulus in the same retinotopic position but will respond to a visual stimulus presented near the hand’s new location. Thus, these neurons are said to represent the position of stimuli relative to the hand. In other words, they represent an object’s position in hand-centered ...
... not respond to a visual stimulus in the same retinotopic position but will respond to a visual stimulus presented near the hand’s new location. Thus, these neurons are said to represent the position of stimuli relative to the hand. In other words, they represent an object’s position in hand-centered ...
Selective amplification of the S
... one scan for comparison between LGN and V1. This approach accurately reveals relative gain changes between LGN and V1, and provides an understanding of how chromatic and Ach contrast is modified between LGN and cortex. To test the generality of our results we use two sets of stimulus contrasts, two t ...
... one scan for comparison between LGN and V1. This approach accurately reveals relative gain changes between LGN and V1, and provides an understanding of how chromatic and Ach contrast is modified between LGN and cortex. To test the generality of our results we use two sets of stimulus contrasts, two t ...
Color responses of the human lateral geniculate nucleus: selective
... one scan for comparison between LGN and V1. This approach accurately reveals relative gain changes between LGN and V1, and provides an understanding of how chromatic and Ach contrast is modified between LGN and cortex. To test the generality of our results we use two sets of stimulus contrasts, two t ...
... one scan for comparison between LGN and V1. This approach accurately reveals relative gain changes between LGN and V1, and provides an understanding of how chromatic and Ach contrast is modified between LGN and cortex. To test the generality of our results we use two sets of stimulus contrasts, two t ...
Bipolar Cell
... • Although rods do not detect different colors and provide vision of poor acuity, they are more sensitive to light. In a very dimly lighted environment, we use our rod vision; therefore, in very dim light we are colorblind and lack foveal vision. (See Table 6.1.) ...
... • Although rods do not detect different colors and provide vision of poor acuity, they are more sensitive to light. In a very dimly lighted environment, we use our rod vision; therefore, in very dim light we are colorblind and lack foveal vision. (See Table 6.1.) ...
Tuning Curve Shift by Attention Modulation in Cortical Neurons: a
... In order to quantify the effects of attention on the receptive field of a neuron, we define two quantities: the receptive field shift and the shrinking factor. Without attention, the neuron at x has a symmetric, bell-shaped receptive field and its maximum response occurs when the stimulus is presented a ...
... In order to quantify the effects of attention on the receptive field of a neuron, we define two quantities: the receptive field shift and the shrinking factor. Without attention, the neuron at x has a symmetric, bell-shaped receptive field and its maximum response occurs when the stimulus is presented a ...
Chapter 3 Overlapping circuits for relative value and selective
... To investigate if the effects of the reward cues and the central attention cues are correlated across neurons, we calculated a reward modulation index (MIrew) for every recording site in the first delay using conditions with the most extreme relative values MIRew=(RHigh– RNo)/(RHigh+RNo), and compar ...
... To investigate if the effects of the reward cues and the central attention cues are correlated across neurons, we calculated a reward modulation index (MIrew) for every recording site in the first delay using conditions with the most extreme relative values MIRew=(RHigh– RNo)/(RHigh+RNo), and compar ...
Neuronal Activity in Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata during Target
... screen. This was followed by a preselection period when the array of possible targets appeared. The selection period is indicated by the time in which the saccade target was identified by a reduction in luminance. The initiation period commenced when the cue to make a saccade, the removal of the fix ...
... screen. This was followed by a preselection period when the array of possible targets appeared. The selection period is indicated by the time in which the saccade target was identified by a reduction in luminance. The initiation period commenced when the cue to make a saccade, the removal of the fix ...
... Neuroscience, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States of America, 4 Department of Psychiatry, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States of America, 5 Kliniken Schmieder, Allensbach, Germany ...
... Neuroscience, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States of America, 4 Department of Psychiatry, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States of America, 5 Kliniken Schmieder, Allensbach, Germany ...
Imaging development and plasticity in the mouse visual system
... environmental challenges, external cues and experiences should take their part in setting up and shaping a precisely connected nervous system. Thus, particularly in higher-order organisms, experience and learning play an important role in development and throughout life. Despite great effort, the de ...
... environmental challenges, external cues and experiences should take their part in setting up and shaping a precisely connected nervous system. Thus, particularly in higher-order organisms, experience and learning play an important role in development and throughout life. Despite great effort, the de ...
Topographic Maps in Human Frontal Cortex Revealed in Memory
... Rainer et al. 1998a; Sawaguchi 1996). However, the topography of saccade direction and memory fields in the FEF and DLPFC at the scale of a functional map has never been systematically explored in the primate brain. The most classical task that has been used to study topography in frontal cortex is ...
... Rainer et al. 1998a; Sawaguchi 1996). However, the topography of saccade direction and memory fields in the FEF and DLPFC at the scale of a functional map has never been systematically explored in the primate brain. The most classical task that has been used to study topography in frontal cortex is ...
Normalization as a canonical neural computation
... different brain regions or different species may implement it with different available components. Two established examples of canonical neural computations are exponentiation and linear filtering. Exponentiation, a form of thresholding, operates at the level of neurons and of networks3 — for exampl ...
... different brain regions or different species may implement it with different available components. Two established examples of canonical neural computations are exponentiation and linear filtering. Exponentiation, a form of thresholding, operates at the level of neurons and of networks3 — for exampl ...
Viktor`s Notes * Optic Nerve and Visual Pathways Disorders
... PREDNISONE taper for 11 days) - speed visual recovery but provide no lasting benefit to vision; also reduced rate of new neurologic events consistent with MS, but this beneficial effect also abates after 2 years. *do not use ORAL prednisone alone - increases rate of recurrences! corticosteroids mu ...
... PREDNISONE taper for 11 days) - speed visual recovery but provide no lasting benefit to vision; also reduced rate of new neurologic events consistent with MS, but this beneficial effect also abates after 2 years. *do not use ORAL prednisone alone - increases rate of recurrences! corticosteroids mu ...
Retinotopic Organization and Functional Subdivisions of the Human
... thereby evoking waves of activation in neurons through whose receptive fields they passed. Each region of the stimulated visual field was exposed to a flickering checkerboard pattern during one-half of the stimulus period and the neutral gray background during the other half. The stimulus waveform w ...
... thereby evoking waves of activation in neurons through whose receptive fields they passed. Each region of the stimulated visual field was exposed to a flickering checkerboard pattern during one-half of the stimulus period and the neutral gray background during the other half. The stimulus waveform w ...