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Chapter 11
Nervous System II
The brain and spinal cord are
protected (surrounded) by bones,
membranes, and fluid.
• membranes surrounding and protecting CNS
• three layers
– dura mater – outer, tough
• DM splits into two layers where it encloses the dural sinuses (that
collect venous blood from the brain)
– arachnoid mater – thin, weblike
• Beneath the arachnoid mater lies a wide space called the subarachnoid space
• This space is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serves as
a cushion for the brain
– pia mater – inner, very thin
• dips into grooves & contours
• The space between the dura mater and the bone is
called the epidural space and is filled with loose CT
and fat
• CSF fills the subarachnoid space and central canal
Ventricles of the Brian
• (interconnected cavities) within the cerebral
hemispheres and brain stem
• The Ventricles:
– are continuous with central canal of spinal cord
– are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
– are lined by ependymal cells
• neuroglial cell in CNS
Cerebrospinal Fluid
• secreted by choroid plexus
• circulates in ventricles, central canal of
spinal cord, and subarachnoid space
• completely surrounds brain and spinal
• clear liquid
• provides nutrition and protection
• helps maintain stable ion concentrations
in CNS
The spinal cord is a nerve column that passes
downward from brain into the vertebral canal.
Recall that it is part of the CNS
Structure of the Spinal Cord
• Length = about 17 inches
– Start = foramen magnum
– End = tapers to point
(conus medullaris) and
terminates near the
intervertebral disc that
separates the 1st - 2nd
lumbar (L1-L2) vertebra
• Contains 31 segments
(and therefore gives rise
to 31 pairs of spinal
• Note cervical and lumbar
Structure of the Spinal Cord cont.
• cauda equina (“horse’s
tail”) in which the lower
lumbar and sacral
nerves travel downward
– i.e. lower spinal nerves
must “chase” their points
of exit)
• filum terminale that
represents distal portion
of the tail (pia mater)
– No actual nerve tissue
• A cross-section of the
spinal cord resembles a
butterfly with its wings
outspread (gray matter)
surrounded by white
Functions of the Spinal Cord
• Nerve Pathway = the route traveled by a
nerve impulse through the nervous system
• Reflex arc = the simplest demonstration of a
nerve pathway (spinal reflexes)
– involves 2-3 neurons
– involuntary response
– often does not involve the brain
• Examples include:
– knee-jerk or patellar reflex
Spinal Nerves
• Spinal nerves extend to/from the spinal
cord and are part of the PNS
• Ganglion = a bundle of cell bodies outside
the CNS
• Dorsal Root Ganglion contains the cell
bodies of sensory (afferent) neurons
bringing impulses to the CNS
• The fusion of the dorsal and ventral roots
designates the beginning of the spinal
nerve which then passes through its
intervertebral foramen
Ascending and Descending Tracts
• The white matter of the
spinal cord represents the
location of our major nerve
pathways called "nerve
• provide a 2-way system of
• ascending tracts conduct
sensory (afferent)
impulses from body parts
to brain
• descending tracts
conduct motor (efferent)
impulses from brain to
• All pathways are paired
(right and left)
The brain is the largest and most complex
portion of the nervous system.
• It occupies the cranial cavity and is composed
of one hundred billion multipolar neurons.
• The brain oversees the function of the entire
body and also provides characteristics like
• The brain is composed of 5 major portions
– cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon, basal
nuclei and brain stem
Structure of the Cerebrum
• Cerebrum = the largest portion of the brain,
which is divided into two cerebral
– Hemispheres are connected by a deep bridge of
nerve fibers called the corpus callosum
– Surface ridges are called convolutions (gyri)
– Convolutions are separated by two types of
grooves. (Sulci and Fissures)
– Each hemisphere is divided into lobes, which are
named for the bones that cover them including
frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes
Structure/Function of the Cerebrum
• Composition:
– Bulk of cerebrum is white matter.
– bundles of myelinated nerve fibers (by
• Cerebral cortex or the outer portion of
cerebrum is composed of gray matter
– bundles of neuron cell bodies
– contains 75% of all neurons in nervous system
• Functional Regions of the Cerebral cortex
– Responsible for all conscious behavior by
containing three kinds of functional areas, which
include motor, sensory and association areas
Sensory Areas
• Sensory Areas are concerned with conscious
awareness of sensations and are located in
the parietal, occipital, and temporal cortex
• The include the
– Cutaneous Sensory Area
– Visual Area
– Auditory Area
– Sensory Area for Taste
– Sensory Area for Smell
Association Areas
• regions that are not primary motor or
primary sensory areas
• widespread throughout the cerebral
• Association traits include:
– analyzing & interpreting sensory experiences
– help provide memory, reasoning, verbalizing,
judgment and emotions
Hemisphere Dominance
• The left hemisphere is dominant is most
• Dominant hemisphere
• speech
• writing
• reading
• verbal skills
• analytical skills
• computational skills
• Nondominant hemisphere
• nonverbal tasks
• motor tasks
• understanding and
interpreting musical and
visual patterns
• provides emotional and
intuitive thought
• Memory is the consequence of learning. Whereas
learning is the acquisition of new knowledge,
memory is the persistence of that learning, with the
ability to access it at a later time
• Two types of memory:
– Short Term: working memory
– Long Term: changes structure or function of neurons
Motor Areas
Motor Areas are located in the frontal cortex:
• Primary motor cortex
– initiates all voluntary muscle movements
• Broca's area
– motor speech area
• Frontal Eye Field
– controls voluntary movements of eyes and
Basal Nuclei
• masses of gray matter located deep within
the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres
• Release dopamine, which inhibits excess
• control certain muscular activities
– primarily by inhibiting motor functions
• caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus
• includes two important areas of gray matter:
• Thalamus
– gateway for sensory impulses heading to cerebral
– receives all sensory impulses (except smell)
– channels impulses to appropriate part of cerebral
cortex for interpretation
• Hypothalamus
– maintains homeostasis by regulating visceral
– links nervous and endocrine systems
Limbic System
• Limbic System = involved in Emotional
• interprets sensory impulses
• includes structures in the frontal and temporal
cortex, basal nuclei, thalamus, hypothalamus,
and deep nuclei
• controls emotional experience and expression
• produces feelings
• recognizes life threatening upsets in a person's
physical or psychological condition and counters
Brain Stem
• The brain stem is composed of three
major parts
– midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
• The brain stem serves as a pathway for
fiber tracts running to (sensory impulses)
and from (motor impulses) the cerebrum
and is the sight where many cranial nerves
(PNS) arise
• Corpora quadrigemina = 4 dome-like
protrusions on the dorsal midbrain surface
– centers for visual and auditory reflexes
• Cerebral peduncles – bundles of nerve fibers
• acts in reflex actions (visual and auditory)
• also contains areas associated with reticular
• contains bundles of fibers that join lower parts of
brainstem and spinal cord with higher part of
• cerebral aqueduct
• "bridge" or pathway of conduction tracts
• helps regulate rate and depth of breathing
• also contains areas associated with
reticular formation
• relays nerve impulses to and from
medulla oblongata and cerebellum
Medulla Oblongata
• conducts ascending and descending
impulses between brain and spinal cord
• contains an autonomic reflex center
involved in maintaining homeostasis of
important visceral organs
– contains cardiac, vasomotor, and respiratory
control centers
– contains various nonvital reflex control
centers (coughing, sneezing, swallowing,
Reticular Formation
• complex network of nerve
Types pf Sleep
fibers scattered throughout
• Slow wave (90min) overall
the brain stem
decrease in reticular
• controls brains alertness
formation activity
– inhibited = sleep, alcohol,
– person is tired
– restful
• extends into the
– reduced blood pressure and
respiratory rate
• connects to centers of
• Rapid eye movement
hypothalamus, basal nuclei,
sleep (REM) certain areas
cerebellum, and cerebrum
of brain are active
• filters incoming sensory
– responsible for dreaming
– lasts 15 minutes
• arouses cerebral cortex into
– some areas of brain active
state of wakefulness
– heart and respiratory rates
• note pattern of white matter (within gray matter)
= "arbor vitae"
• integrates sensory information concerning
position of body parts
• coordinates skeletal muscle activity
• maintains posture
PSN Introduction
• The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of
nerves that extend to and from the CNS organs
• Cranial nerves arising from the brain
– Somatic fibers connecting to the skin and skeletal muscles
– Autonomic fibers connecting to viscera
• Spinal nerves arising from the spinal cord
– Somatic fibers connecting to the skin and skeletal muscles
– Autonomic fibers connecting to viscera
• The PNS is divided into a sensory and motor branch
• The motor branch of the PNS is further subdivided into
a somatic nervous system (from CNS to skin and
skeletal muscles) and autonomic nervous system
(from CNS to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and
endocrine glands)
Structure Of Peripheral Nerves
• A nerve is a cord-like bundle of axons
wrapped in CT
• Structure of a Nerve:
• Three types of CT wrappings (similar to
– endoneurium around each axon (and myelin)
– perineurium around each fascicle (bundle) of
– epineurium around each nerve
Nerve Fiber Classification
• Mixed Nerves
– Nerves that carry impulses both to and from the CNS
– contain both sensory and motor axons
– most common; 2-way communication
• Sensory (afferent) Nerves
– Nerves that only carry sensory impulses toward the
– rare (only three pairs of cranial nerves)
• Motor (efferent) Nerves
– Nerves that only carry motor impulses away from
– rare (only five pairs of cranial nerves)
Nerve Fiber Classification cont.
• General somatic efferent
– carry motor impulses from CNS
to skeletal muscles
• General somatic afferent
– carry sensory impulses to CNS
from skin and skeletal muscles
• General visceral efferent
• Special somatic efferent
– carry motor impulses from
brain to muscles used in
chewing, swallowing, speaking,
and forming facial expressions
• Special visceral afferent
– carry sensory impulses to
brain from olfactory and taste
– carry motor impulses away from
• Special somatic afferent
CNS to smooth muscles and
– carry sensory impulses to
• General visceral afferent
brain from receptors of sight,
hearing, and equilibrium
– carry sensory impulses to CNS
from blood vessels and internal
Cranial Nerves
• 12 pairs
– 2 pairs to/from forebrain
– 10 pairs to/from brain stem
• Memorize by using one of many
mnemonic devices:
– One example is: "Oh, Oh, Oh, To Touch And
Feel Very Good Velvet AH!"
– See for more.
Spinal Nerves
• Introduction
– Recall that a spinal nerve is formed from the
fusion of a dorsal and ventral root
– Then the spinal nerve passes through its
intervertebral foramen
– Spinal nerves are associated with the spinal
cord and are named for the region of the
spinal cord from which they arise
Spinal Nerves cont.
• General
• 31 pairs:
– 8 cervical nerves, 12
thoracic nerves, 5
lumbar nerves, 5
sacral nerves, 1
coccygeal nerve
• Composition = all
mixed nerves
Spinal Nerve cont.
• Dorsal root (posterior or sensory root)
– axons of sensory neurons in the dorsal root
• Ventral root (anterior or motor root)
– axons of motor neurons whose cell bodies
are in spinal cord
• Spinal nerve
– union of ventral root and dorsal root
• an
area of
skin that the
nerve fibers
of a
spinal nerve
Distribution of Spinal Nerves
• A short distance after
passing through its
intervertebral foramen,
a spinal nerve branches
into several branches:
– A posterior branch (dorsal
– A large anterior branch
(i.e. ventral ramus)
– Branches to paravertebral
(autonomic) ganglia = rami
Nerve plexus
• Definition = a branching network (of the
anterior branches) of spinal nerves
– The nerves do not extend directly to the body
part they innervate, instead they form
• present in all spinal nerves except T2 T12:
– cervical plexus; neck muscles and diaphragm
– brachial plexus; upper limb
– lumbar plexus; anterior and medial thigh
– sacral plexus; posterior lower limb, leg
Nerve plexus cont.
• Each resulting branch of the plexus
contains the fibers from several spinal
• Fibers from each spinal nerve are carried
to the body periphery via several different
routes or branches.
• Therefore, damage to one spinal segment
cannot completely paralyze any limb
Intercostal Nerves
• Nerves T2-T11
run in intercostal
• Supply skin
(sensory) and
muscles (motor)
in the
Autonomic Nervous System
•functions without conscious effort
• controls visceral activities
• regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and
• efferent fibers typically lead to ganglia outside
•Controlled largely by CNS
•Two Divisions
•sympathetic – prepares body for fight or flight
•parasympathetic – prepares body for resting and
digesting activities
Sympathetic Division
• thoracolumbar
divison – location of
preganglionic neurons
•preganglionic fibers
leave spinal nerves
through white rami and
enter paravertebral
•paraverterbral ganglia
and fibers that connect
them make up the
sympathetic trunk
Sympathetic Division cont.
• postganglionic
fibers extend from sympathetic
ganglia to visceral organs
• postganglionic fibers usually pass through gray
rami and return to a spinal nerve before
proceeding to an effector
Parasympathetic Division
division – location of
preganglionic neurons
•ganglia are near or within various organs
terminal ganglia
•short postganglionic fibers
• craniosacral
•continue to specific muscles or glands
•preganglionic fibers of the head are included in
nerves III, VII, and IX
•preganglionic fibers of thorax and abdomen are
parts of nerve X
Autonomic Neurotransmitters
•Cholinergic Fibers
• release acetylcholine
• preganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic
• postganglionic parasympathetic fibers
•Adrenergic Fibers
•release norepinephrine
•most postganglionic sympathetic fibers