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We talked about the brain, but the other part of the CNS is called the…
It is a _______________________ cord that measures about ______
inches that extends from the _______________________
_______________________ of the skull to about the
_______________________ _______________________ vertebra
(just below the ribs)
After the _______________________ vertebra, the spinal cord breaks
into _______________________ _______________________ that
look like a horse’s tail and is therefore called the
_______________________ _______________________.
It provides a _______________________ way communication
pathway ______ and _________ the brain
It is protected by _______________________ and the
Figure 7.18 from page 247
Figure 7.19
from page 248
Both the _______________________ and _______________________cord have nerves that go to specific parts of
the body
So, what is a nerve?
A _______________________ of _______________________ fibers
found outside the _______________________
Each nerve fiber is surrounded by a _______________________.
Groups of these fibers are surrounded by another connective tissue
wrapping called the _______________________ and form bundles called
_______________________ are bound together by a final, tough sheath
called the _______________________ to form the
_______________________ nerve
Figure 7.20
from page 249
Nerve Classifications
_______________________ or ________________________nerves – only carry impulses toward the CNS
_______________________ or _______________________ nerves – only carry impulses away from the CNS
_______________________ nerve – nerves that carry both sensory and motor fibers
The _______ Pairs of Cranial Nerves
I – _______________________ (smell)
II – _______________________ (vision)
III – _______________________ (major eye movements: pupil dilation, following motions with your eyes)
IV – _______________________ (responsible for the superior oblique eye muscle)
V – _______________________ (sensory impulses of the skin of the face and activates chewing)
VI – _______________________ (lateral eye movement)
VII – _______________________ (anterior taste, facial expression, lacrimal and salivary glands)
VIII – _______________________ (hearing and balance)
IX – _______________________(throat, posterior taste and some swallowing)
X – _______________________ (throat and digestive system)
XI – _______________________ (control neck and back movement)
XII – _______________________ (tongue movement)
Figure 7.21 from page 252
_______________________ are sensory nerves and _______________________ are motor nerves
There are ______ Pairs of Spinal Nerves, but we are not going to worry about those)
Named for the _______________________ they arise, but more importantly, soon after the spinal nerves are
formed, they split into a _______________________ and _______________________ _________________
_______________________ rami serve _______________________ body trunk
_______________________ rami tend to form complex nerve networks called _______________________,
which serve the ____________________ and _____________________ needs of the __________________.
Largest nerve in the body, the _____________________ nerve from the _______________________ plexus
The _______________________ System
Also called the _______________________ nervous system
It is the _______________________ subdivision of the _______________________
Controls body activities _______________________ mostly from the _______________________
_______________________ or _______________________ _______________________
Regulates _______________________ muscle, _______________________ muscle, and
Has two divisions, which do opposite things:
_______________________ – mobilizes the body during extreme situations (“flight or fight”
_______________________ – allows us to unwind and conserve energy (“resting and digesting”