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Neurophysiology – Action Potential, Nerve Impulse, and Synapses
I. Cell Membrane Potential
The outside surface of a cell membrane is electrically charged or polarized with respect to the inside. This
polarization is due to an unequal distribution of positive and negative ions between sides of the membrane.
A. Distribution of Ions
The distribution of ions inside and outside cell membranes is determined in part by channels in the
membranes. Some channels are always open, others can be opened or closed. Channels can be selective
i.e., a channel may allow one kind of ion to pass through and exclude other kinds.
Potassium ions tend to pass through cell membranes much more easily than sodium ions.
B. Resting Potential
Because of the active transport of sodium and potassium, cells have a relatively greater concentration of
Na+ outside and a relatively greater concentration of K+ inside. The cytoplasm of these cells has many
large negatively charged particles, such as proteins that cannot diffuse across the cell membrane.
Na+ and K+ ions follow the laws of diffusion and show a net movement from high concentration to low
concentration. Because a resting cell membrane is more permeable to K+ ions than to Na+ ions, K+ tends
to diffuse out of the cell more rapidly than Na+ can diffuse in. As a result, the outside of the cell
membrane gains a slight surplus of positive charges. The inside is left with a slight surplus of
impermeable negative charges. At the same time, the Na+/K+ pump actively transports Na+ and K+ in
opposite directions, thus maintaining the concentration gradients for these ions responsible for their
The difference in electrical charge between the two regions is called a potential difference. In a resting
neuron, the potential difference between the inside and the outside of the membreane is the resting
C. Potential Changes
Neurons are excitable i.e., they can respond to changes (or stimuli) this usually affect the resting potential
in a particular region of a neuron’s cell membrane. If the membrane’s resting potential decreases (as the
inside of the membrane becomes less negative when compared to the outside), the membrane is said to be
Changes in the resting potential of a membrane are graded. The amount of change in potential is directly
proportional to the intensity of stimulation. If additiontal stimulation arrives before the effect of
previous stimulation subsides, the change in potential is still greater. This additive phenomenon is called
summation. When the summated potentials reach the threshold potential an action potential occurs.
D. Action Potential
At the threshold potential, permeability suddenly changes in the region of the cell membrane being
stimulated. Channels selective for Na+ ions open and allow Na+ to diffuse freely inward. This movement is
aided by the negative electrical condition on the inside of the membrane, which attracts the positively
charged Na+ ions.
As Na+ ions diffuse inward, the membrane loses its negative electrical charge and becomes depolarized. At
almost the same time, the membrane channels open to allow K+ ions to pass through. These positive ions
diffuse outward, the inside of the membrane becomes negatively charged once more. The membrane
becomes repolarized.
This rapid sequence of depolarization and repolarization takes about one-thousandth of a second and is the
action potential.
II. Nerve Impulse
When an action potential occurs in one region of a neuron’s cell membrane, it causes current to flow to
adjacent portions of the membrane. Na+ions are attracted to the negative protein molcules This local current
stimulates the adjacent membrane to reach its threshold level and it triggers another action potential. This in
turn, stimulates the next adjacent region.The propagation of action potentials along a neuron is the nerve
Events Leading to the Conduction of a Nerve Impulse
1. Neuron’s membrane maintains resting potential.
2. Threshold stimulus is received.
3. Sodium channels in a local region of the membrane open.
4. Sodium ions diffuse inward, depolarizing the membrane.
5. Potassium channels in the membrane open.
6. Potassium ions diffuse outward, repolarizing the membrane.
7. The resulting action potential causes a local bioelectric current that stimulates adjacent portions of the
8. Wave of action potentials travels the length of the neuron as a nerve impulse.
A. Speed of Impulse Conduction
How fast a nerve impulse is conducted along a neruon depends on:
1. Presence or absence of Myelin
An unmyelinated neuron conducts an impulse over its entire surface. A myelinated neuron, because
myelin is an insulator, prevents ion flow through the membrane it encloses.The myelin sheath would
prevent the conduction of a nerve impulse if the sheath were continuous. The neurofibril nodes (nodes
of Ranvier) between adjacent neurilemmal cells (Schwann cells) interrupt the sheath. The action
potentials occur at these nodes, where the exposed neuron’s membrane contains Na+ and K+ channels.
Thus a nerve impulse traveling along a myelinated neuron appears to jump from node to node. This
type of impulse conduction, saltatory conduction, is many times faster than conduction in a
unmyelinated neuron.
2. Diameter of the axon
The speed of nerve impulse conduction is proportional to the diameter of' the neuron,the greater the
diameter, the faster the impulse.
3. Temperature at which the nerve impulse is conducted.
The speed of nerve impulse conduction is not related to the strength of the stimulus that triggered it.
B. All-or-None Response and Stimulus Intensity
1. All or None Response
Nerve impulse conduction is an all-or- none response. If a neuron responds at all, it responds
completely. Whenever a stimulus of threshold intensity or above is applied to a neuron all the
impulses carried in that neuron are of the same strength.
2. Stimulus Intensity – How do you detect stimuli of different intensity?
a. A greater intensity of stimulation does not produce a stronger impulse in a neuron, but rather, more
impulse per second (frequency).
b. A greater intensity of stimulation increases the number of sensory neurons recruited or activated by
the stimulus. For example, firm pressure generates more impulses/sec. and stimulates more neurons
than light pressure.
III. The Synapse
Within the nervous system, nerve impulses travel from neuron to neuron along complex nerve pathways.
The junction between two communicating neurons is the synapse. The two neurons are not in direct
contact at the synapse. A gap, the synaptic cleft, separates them. The impulse to continue along the nerve
path must cross this gap.
A. Synaptic Transmission
Within the presynaptic neuron, the impulse travels from a dendrite to the cell body and then moves
along the axon to the synaptic end bulbs or knobs.There the impulse encounters a synapse. At the
synapse the impulse must cross to a dendrite or cell body of the next neuron (postsynaptic neuron). The
process of crossing the synapse is called synaptic transmission.
Transmission from an axon of one neuron to a dendrite or cell body of another neuron is one-way
because only axons have synaptic end bulbs or knobs at their distal ends.These knobs contain synaptic
vesicles.When a nerve impulse reaches a synaptic knob, the synaptic vesicles release a
neurotransmitter biochemical. The neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft and reacts with
specific receptors on the postsynaptic neuron’s membrane.
B. Excitatory and Inhibitory Action
Neurotransmitters that increase postsynaptic membrane permeability to Na+ ions and trigger nerve
impulses that are excitatory. Other neurotransmitters decrease membrane permeability to Na+ ions,
thus making it less likely that threshold will be reached are inhibitory. This action is called inhibitory
because it lessens the chance that a nerve impulse will occur.
Neurotransmitters released by some knobs have an excitatory action, but those from other knobs have
an inhibitory action.The effect on the postsynaptic neuron depends on which presynaptic knobs are
activated from moment to moment. If more excitatory than inhibitory neurotransmitters are released,
the postsynaptic neuron's threshold may be reached, and a nerve impulse will be triggered. If most of
the neurotransmitters released are inhibitory, no impulse will be initiated.
C. Neurotransmitters
Some of neurons release only one type of neurotransmitter, while others produce two or three different
kinds. The neurotransmitters include acetylcholine, that stimulates skeletal muscle contractions and a
group of chemicals, the monoamines, such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamines and serotonin.
Some monoamine are modified amino acids. Other monoamines are amino acids, such as glycine,
glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and a large group of neuropeptides which are short chains of amino acids. Acetylcholine and norepinephrine are excitatory.
Dopamine, GABA, and gIycine are inhibitory. Neurotransmitters are synthesized in the cytoplasm of
the cell body and stored in the synaptic vesicles.
When an action potential reaches the rnembrane of a synaptic knob, it increases the membrane's
permeability to Ca++ ions by opening the membrane's Ca++ ion channels. Ca++ ions diffuse inward, in
response some synaptic vesicles fuse with the membrane and release their contents into the synaptic
cleft. A vesicle that has released its neurotransmitter eventually breaks away from the membrane and
reenters the cytoplasm, where it picks up more neurotransmitter.
After being released, some neurotransmitters are decomposed by enzymes in the synaptic cleft. Other
neurotransmitters are transported back into the synaptic knob that released them (reuptake) or into
nearby neurons or neuroglial cells. The enzyme, acetylcholinesterase decomposes acetylcholine and is
present at synapses that separate neurons using this neurotransmitter. The enzyme, monoamine oxidase
inactivates the monoamines. Decomposition or removal of neurotransmitters prevents continuous
stimulation of postsynaptic neurons.
Events leading to the release of a neurotransmitter.
1. Action potential passes along a neuron and over the surface of its synaptic knob.
2. Synaptic knob membrane becomes more permeable to Ca++ ions, and they diffuse inward.
3. In the presence of Ca++ ions, synaptic vesicles fuse to synaptic knob membrane.
4. Synaptic vesicles release their neurotransmitter into synaptic cleft by exocytosis.
5. Synaptic vesicles reenter cytoplasm of neuron and pick up more neurotransmitter.
IV. Impulse Processing
The way the nervous system processes and responds to nerve impulses reflects the organization of neurons
within the brain and spinal cord.
A. Neuronal Pools
Neurons within the CNS are organized into groups called neuronal pools. Each neuronal pool receives
impulses from input neurons. These impulses are processed and any resulting impulses are
conducted away on output neurons.
B. Facilitation
Due to incoming impulses and neurotransmitter release, a particular neuron of a neuronal pool may
behave in an excitatory or inhibitory manner. If the net effect of the input is excitatory, threshold may
be reached and an outgoing impulse triggered. If the net effect is excitatory but subthreshold, an
impulse is not triggered, but the neuron is more excitable to incoming stimulation than before. This
is known as facilitation.
C. Convergence
Any neuron in a neuronal pool may receive impulses from two or more incoming neurons. Neurons
originating from different parts of the nervous system and leading to the same neuron exhibit
Convergence makes it possible for impulses arriving from different sources to have an additive effect
on a neuron. For example, if a neuron is facilitated by receiving subthreshold stimulation from one
input neuron, it may reach threshold if it receives additional stimulation from a second input neuron.
As a result, a nerve impulse may travel to a particular effector and evoke a response.
As incoming impulses bring information from several different sensory receptors, convergence allows
the nervous system to collect a variety of different kinds of information, process it and to respond to
the incoming impulses in an appropriate manner.
D. Divergence
Impulses leaving a neuron of a neuronal pool exhibit divergence by passing into several other output
neurons. For example, an impulse from one neuron may stimulate two others; each of these, in turn,
may stimulate several others and so forth. Such a pattern of diverging nerve fibers can amplify an
impulse i.e., the impulse spreads to more neurons within the pool. As a result of divergence, an
impulse originating from a single neuron in the CNS may be amplified so that impulses reach enough
motor units within a skeletal muscle to cause a forceful contraction. Similarly, an impulse originating
from a sensory receptor may diverge and reach several different regions of the CNS, where the
resulting impulses are processed and acted upon.