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DNA, Replication, Transcription
and Translation Review Sheet
This review sheet covers IB topics/PowerPoint’s: 3.3/3.4/3.5/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4
1) What does DNA stand for?
2) What is the technical term for the shape of DNA?
3) Draw a nucleotide and label the following parts: base, deoxyribose,
phosphate, 5’ end, 3’ end, Hydrogen bond, covalent bond.
4) If given a picture of a nucleotide, be able to identify which is the 3’ carbon
and which is the 5’ carbon. If shown a strand of DNA, be able to identify
the 3’ and 5’ ends.
5) List the full names of the four bases of DNA.
6) What type of chemical reaction links nucleotides?
7) What type of bond holds the nucleotides together?
8) How many bases are on each “rung” of the ladder?
9) Which bases pair with which?
10) How do purines differ from pyrimadines? Which bases are which?
11) In what direction does replication occur with regard to the original DNA
12) In what direction does DNA replication occur on the newly synthesized
13) Differentiate between a lead strand and a lag strand?
14) Where are Okasaki fragments found?
15) Why is DNA considered “semi-conservative”?
16) What happens during excision repair?
17) What does helicase do?
18) What does RNA primase do?
19) Is deoxynucleoside triphosphate an enzyme? What does it do?
20) What does DNA polymerase III do?
21) What does DNA polymerase I do?
22) What does DNA ligase do?
Now…on to Transcription and Translation…
23) Differentiate between genotype and phenotype.
24) Be able to identify if a strand of nucleic acid as being either DNA or RNA.
25) What type of molecule is RNA polymerase? What does it do?
26) What “new” base is found in RNA? Which base does it replace?
27) What is the purpose of transcription?
28) In what direction (prime) is mRNA formed?
29) How many base pairs long is each DNA “word”? What is this word called on
the DNA?
30) What are these words called on RNA?
31) What does mRNA create a mirror image of? (Except for one base).
32) Once mRNA is created, where does it go?
33) What process occurs at the organelle mentioned above?
34) What is the purpose of translation?
35) What role does tRNA play?
36) Be able to determine which amino acid is made from which codon, using the
chart. You will be allowed to use the chart on the exam.
37) What is a polypeptide?
38) Write-out a polypeptide that has five amino acids on it.
39) What role do proteins play in your body?
40) What is meant by the statement “genetic code is degenerate”?
41) What is meant by the statement “genetic code is universal”?
42) Each polypeptide can draw its origin back to one _________.
43) Where are the promoter and terminator found? What role does each of
them play?
44) Draw a simple diagram of transcription, and label the sense strand, antisense strand, and mRNA, as well as the 5’ and 3’ ends of all strands.
45) Which strand is mRNA complimentary to?
46) Which strand is mRNA similar to?
47) In between transcription and translation is a “middle step” called
48) What does “post-transcriptional” mean?
49) Differentiate between introns and exons.
50) What role does reverse transcriptase play in certain viruses? Name one
virus that utilizes it?
51) Explain how scientists have harnessed the capabilities of reverse
transcriptase to help them produce insulin more efficiently.
52) What are the two distinct parts to a tRNA (found at opposite ends)?
53) What is required for hooking the appropriate amino acid onto a tRNA
54) Draw a rough sketch of a ribosome and label the large subunit and the small
55) How many tRNA binding sites are there on a ribosome at any one time
56) How many mRNA binding sites are there on a ribosome at any one time?
57) In what direction (prime) does translation take place?
58) What is a polysome?
59) What is the role of a start codon?
60) What is the role of a stop codon?
61) Draw a rough ER and show free vs. bound ribosomes.
62) What is the destination for proteins synthesized by free ribosomes?
63) What is the destination for proteins synthesized by bound ribosomes?
64) Identify the parts of a nucleotide.
65) Know the position of the hydrogen bond
66) Know and recognize the difference between conservative, semi-conservative
and dispersive models of DNA replication.
67) be able to identify all components during the replication process: parent
DNA, lead strand, lag strand, okasaki fragment, 3’ end, 5’ end, sequence of
formation of okasaki fragments, DNA polymerase, ligase, RNA primase, RNA
68) Be able to label diagrams of transcription and translation.
1. Explain the relationship between genes and polypeptides.
2. Outline the structure of nucleosomes in eukaryotic chromosomes.
3. Explain how DNA replication is carried out by eukaryotes.