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Sleep and Arousal
Lecture 9
John Yeomans
EEG Changes in Sleep
• Waking: Alpha (10 Hz) and beta/gamma
waves (40 Hz).
• Slow-Wave sleep: From alpha to spindles
(14 Hz) and delta (1-4 Hz).
• REM sleep: Cortical arousal and muscular
atonia. Also called paradoxical or dream
• Triggered in pontine reticular formation.
REM Sleep
• Brain is active, and eyes are active.
• Muscles of body are profoundly inhibited
• Subjects report dreams, when awoken.
• NE and 5HT neurons silent. Ch neurons
• In slow-wave sleep, brain and eyes are
quiet, but muscles are more active.
Transection studies
Brain Areas--Early Studies
• Coma (prolonged unconsciousness) due
to injury in dorsal reticular formation.
• Stimulation of RF leads to arousal.
• Ascending path for cortical arousal.
• Descending path for atonia.
• Critical area in dorsal pontine reticular
Diffuse Arousal Systems
• Locus coeruleus Norepinephrine neurons
• Mesopontine Cholinergic neurons (Ch5,6).
• Raphe Serotonin neurons (B5,6).
• Tuberomammilary Histamine neurons.
• Lateral hypothalamus Orexin/Hypocretin
• Basal forebrain Cholinergic neurons (Ch14).
Norepinephrine and Serotonin
Active in Waking and in Slow-Wave Sleep
Mesopontine Ch5,6
Basal Forebrain Ch1-4)
Cholinergic Arousal Systems
Active in Waking and REM Sleep
Model of REM Sleep Systems
Sleep Disorders
• Insomnia (too little sleep).
• Sleep apnea (loss of breathing in REM,
too much atonia?).
• Narcolepsy/cataplexy (daytime sleepiness
and REM/atonia attacks).
• Triggered by arousal (e.g. laughing,
• Due to loss of orexin/hypocretin neurons in
humans, or receptors in dogs and mice.
Orexin 2 receptors lost in dogs (Mignon).
O/H neurons lost in humans.
O/H gene or receptors in mice.
O/H neurons active in waking arousal, and
needed to inhibit atonia.
• In narcolepsy, arousal can activate
REM/atonia neurons, if O/H signal is lost.
• Which neurons and how? Ch5,6?
Loss of O/H neurons:
Daytime sleepiness,
Cataplexy (atonia) induced
by arousal.
Circadian Rhythms
March 17, 2006
John Yeomans
Timing of Motivated Behaviors
• When is best season to feed and mate?
Seasonal periods of activity and breeding
based on availability of food. Based on
axis of earth around sun.
• When is best time of day to feed?
Diurnal/nocturnal to find food and avoid
predators. Based on earth’s rotation
relative to sun.
• Circadian clock built into all plants and
animals to help survival.
Measuring Rhythms in Hamsters
• Endogenous clock: Measured in constant
conditions, still 23-25 hr. “free running”
• Rhythm is lost when SCN lesioned in
mammals, or pineal gland in birds.
• Rhythm is restored by transplanting new
SCN. Period of donor SCN.
• Tau mutant hamster has 20 hr rhythm.
• Therefore, SCN is endogenous clock for
Free running 24.1 hr
No rhythm
Tau mutant SCN
19.8 hr rhythm of donor SCN
Ralph et al. 1990
Retinal Paths to SCN and IGL
• Entrainment by light, temperature, or
arousing stimuli.
• Photic entrainment in mammals due to
retinohypothalamic path to SCN.
• Rods and cones not needed for entrainment!
• Search for new receptors in ganglion cell
layer led to melanopsin.
• Melanopsin ganglion cells directly activated
by light, indirectly by rods and cones.
• Huge dendrites and receptive fields,
insensitive to light, but stable (no adaptation)
Projections of Melanopsin Neurons
• Melanopsin neurons provide most of input
to SCN.
• Provide input to pretectal nucleus for
pupillary reflex.
• Provide input to intergeniculate leaflet of
thalamus. IGLSCN.
• IGL needed for arousing inputs to clock.
Entrainment by Arousal
• Clock can be shifted by food, exercise,
footshock and sex.
• Allow animals to adjust rhythms to
biologically significant opportunities.
• Like light, shift can be up to 3 hours.
• Shifts depend on phase—Light shifts best
in dark phase, arousal shifts best in light
Intergeniculate Leaflet: Arousal
Shifts Circadian Rhythms
Cain et al. 2001
Arousal Shifts Circadian Rhythms
in Hamsters
* Arousal (footshock, exercise, reward)
Cain et al. 2001
Evolution of Retina?
• How could eye evolve? Greatest problem for
• Circadian clock with direct access to light.
• Light detectors, no spatial information—direct
input to clock.
• Eye cup—Spatial information, focussing, with
pupil and lens later.
• Dark and light vision (cones and rods) with
• Two eyeballs with muscles, for distance
perception and fast movements in space.
Non-photic entrainment:
Circadian Genes
• How does endogenous clock work?
• Clock mechanism found in plants, simple
animals and many body cells.
• Clock genes found in mutant fruit flies. How?
• Take the flies who fly at odd hours. Map genes.
• per: No rhythm, long rhythms, short rhythms.
• Tim, cry, dbt.
• Map genes onto 4 fly chromosomes.
• Study functions of proteins: PER, TIM, DBT.
Mutations Alter Rhythms in Flys
and Mice
• per, tim are needed for 24 hr rhythms.
• Mutations lead to short, long or no rhythm.
• dbt mutations alter enzyme, casein kinase,
leading to short rhythm in Drosophila.
• Homologous genes (per1-3, cry, tau) found
in mice and humans.
• Transcription factors Clock and Cycle start
each cycle. These are also regulated.
Clock Genes and Negative
• per, cry genes transcribed in nucleus.
• Per, Cry proteins are translated in
• Per/Cry dimers inhibit Clock/Cycle
transcription factors in nucleus.
• Less Per, Cry less inhibition.
• New per, cry transcribed 24 hrs later.
• Tau gene makes a casein kinase that
degrades Per.
Molecular Model of Clock
Nonphotic input from
thalamus IGL?
Gene transcription
Negative feedback loop
Photic input
from retina