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What are brain and spinal cord cancers?
Last reviewed December 2010
The brain and spinal cord
What is a brain or spinal cord tumour?
Causes of brain and spinal cord tumours
Symptoms of brain and spinal cord tumours
Information reviewed by
The brain and spinal cord
The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system (CNS).
The CNS receives messages from cells called nerves, which are spread throughout the body in the
peripheral nervous system. The brain interprets information and relays messages through the nerves to
muscles and organs.
The brain controls all voluntary and involuntary processes, such as learning, remembering, sensing,
breathing, heart rate, body temperature, digestion and bowel and bladder control (continence).
The main sections of the brain are the cerebrum (the largest part), the cerebellum and the brain stem.
These parts play unique roles in the body’s functions, many of which are essential to staying alive.
Deep within the brain is the pituitary gland. It controls growth and development by releasing chemical
messengers (hormones) into the blood. These signal other hormones to start or stop working.
The spinal cord extends from the brain stem to the lower back. It consists of nerve cells and nerve bundles
that connect the brain to all parts of the body through the peripheral nervous system. The spinal cord is part
of the spinal canal, along with fat, connective tissue and blood vessels.
Bony vertebrae protect the spinal canal.
Both the brain and spinal cord are surrounded by membranes called meninges and float in liquid called
cerebrospinal fluid.
Nervous tissue
The brain, spinal cord and nerves consist of billions of nerve cells called neurons or neural cells, which
process and send information. Together this is called nervous tissue.
The three main types of neural cells are:
sensory neurons – respond to light, sound and touch
motor neurons – cause muscle contractions
interneurons – connect neurons in the brain and spinal cord.
Glial cells, or neuroglia, are the other main type of cell in the nervous system. There are several different
types of glial cells, including astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
Glial cells are the glue of the nervous system because they surround the neurons and hold them in place.
The glial cells also supply nutrients and oxygen to neurons and get rid of dead neurons and germs.
What is a brain or spinal cord tumour?
What is cancer?
A tumour occurs when cancer cells in the central nervous system grow and divide in an uncontrollable way,
forming a lump. The lump may press on or grow into different areas of the brain or spinal cord, which can
cause various symptoms such as loss of movement.
There are more than 100 types of brain and spinal cord tumours (also called central nervous system or CNS
tumours). A tumour can be benign or malignant, sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between them.
Benign tumours usually have slow-growing cells and clear borders (margins) and they rarely spread.
However they may be found in essential areas of the brain that control vital life functions which can make
them life-threatening.
The most common types are meningiomas, neuromas, cranio-pharyngiomas, pituitary tumours and cystic
Benign tumours can cause problems by pressing on the brain and spinal cord. Most of these tumours can be
removed by surgery but if this is not possible, cancer treatments such as radiotherapy may be used.
M alignant tumours usually grow rapidly and spread within the brain and spinal cord.
Malignant brain tumours can also be life-threatening. About 40 per cent of brain and spinal cord tumours are
The most common types include high-grade astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, ependymomas,
glioblastomas and mixed gliomas. In some malignant tumours the cells are confined to one area. In other
tumours malignant cells are also found in surrounding tissue. .
M etastatic brain tumours are cancer that starts in another part of the body (e.g. breast/bowel) and spread
to the brain.
Every year about 1,400 malignant brain tumours are diagnosed in Australia. About 100 of these cases are in
About 80 people are diagnosed with other malignant central nervous system tumours, including malignant
spinal tumours. Around one in five of these are in children.
Data about benign brain and spinal cord tumours are not collected but an estimated 2,000 people –
including children – are affected every year.
Causes of brain and spinal cord tumours
The causes of most brain and spinal cord tumours are unknown. The following are a few known risk factors
for malignant brain tumours.
People who have had radiation to the head, usually to treat another type of cancer, may be at an increased
risk of developing a tumour. This may affect people who had radiotherapy for childhood leukaemia. Some
benign brain tumours can develop into a rapidly growing malignant tumour. This process is called malignant
Family history
It is possible to have a genetic predisposition to developing a tumour. This means that you may have a fault
in your genes, passed down from your parents, that increases your risk. For example, some people have a
genetic condition called neurofibromatosis which causes nerve tissue to grow tumours.
Mobile phones
Some researchers have studied whether long-term or excessive use of mobile phones increases a person’s
risk of developing a brain tumour. It is possible that there may be an increased risk of developing a glioma in
people with high levels of mobile phone use (i.e. more than 30 minutes a day). However there is insufficient
scientific evidence to link regular mobile phone use to brain tumours. Research is continuing in this area.
Symptoms of brain and spinal cord tumours
The symptoms of a brain or spinal cord tumour depend on where it is located and if it is causing pressure in
the skull or spinal column. Sometimes when a tumour grows slowly, symptoms develop gradually or you may
not take much notice of them. They may be similar to other illnesses such as a migraine or a stomach bug
(e.g. headaches or nausea).
Brain and spinal cord tumours may cause weakness or paralysis in parts of the body.
Some people also have trouble balancing or have seizures.
Other symptoms of brain tumours include:
nausea and/or vomiting
difficulty speaking or remembering words
short-term memory problems
disturbed vision, hearing, smell or taste
loss of consciousness
general irritability, depression or personality changes – this is sometimes only noticed by family or
Symptoms of spinal cord tumours include:
back and neck pain
numbness or tingling in the arms or legs
clumsiness or difficulty walking
loss of bowel or bladder control (incontinence).
Information reviewed by: Professor Michael Besser AM, Consultant Emeritus in Neurosurgery, Royal
Prince Alfred Hospital and The Children’s Hospital at Westmead; Lindy Cohn, Cancer Information Consultant,
Helpline, Cancer Council NSW; Laraine Cross, Senior Clinician, Social Work, Calvary Mater Newcastle;
Christine and Richard Harris, Consumers; Christine and Gordon Holding, Consumers; Marina Kastelan, Brain
Clinical Nurse Coordinator, North Shore Private Hospital; Lorna O’Brien, Manager, Helpline, Cancer Council
NSW; and Karen Robinson, Neuro-oncology Care Coordinator, Liverpool Hospital Cancer Therapy Centre.
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