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Practice Questions for Neuro Anatomy Exam 1
Which of the following is true in regards to the parasympathetic nervous
system (PNS)?
a. Function is fight or flight
b. Craniosacral from CNS to PNS
c. Thoracolumbar from CNS to PNS
d. Leaves the CNS via white rami and exits the trunk via gray rami
What nerves are associated with PNS?
a. CN III, VI, VII, IX, sacral Nerves 2-4
b. CN VI, VII, IX, X, sacral Nerves 2-4 and pelvic splanchnics
c. CN III, VII, IX, X, sacral Nerves 2-4 and pelvic splanchnics
d. CN VI, IX, and X, sacral Nerves 2-4
The CNS is only the brain and spinal cord, whereas the parasympathetic
system has everything else. Only the PNS has somatic and visceral
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is involuntary?
a. Visceral
b. Somatic
c. ANS
d. A and C
e. B and C
Which of the following is voluntary?
a. Visceral
b. Somatic
c. ANS
d. A and C
e. B and C
Which of the following is in response to stimulation and the direction of the
signal is descending from CNS to the body?
a. Ventral root
b. Dorsal root
c. Afferent
d. Efferent
e. A and D
f. B and C
7. Fill in the blanks of the following flow chart of the nervous system circuit:
_________ stimulation:
pain, pressure,
movement of limbs, GI
tube contraction
actions generate sensory
responses from affected
To spinal cord via
sensory Nerves: all enter
spinal cord via _________
__________ in spinal cord
To the brain via spinal
cord; brain interprets
stimuli and generates a
Muscle Motor: initiaes
_______ stimulation: brain
sending signals to
initiate various response
8. Cervical nerves are numbered for the vertebra _____ the nerve except for
cervical nerve ____.
a. Above, 7
b. Above, 8
c. Below, 7
d. Below, 8
9. The ANS is a ____ neuron system
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. all of the above
10. The parasympathetic system is:
a. Visceral
b. Vegetative functions
c. Sensory
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
11. Primary neurons of the parasympathetic nervous system are in the _____ and
are _____ preganglionic fibers.
a. Cerebellum, long
b. Cerebrum, short
c. Brain stem, long
d. Spinal cord, short
12. Secondary neurons of the parasympathetic nervous system are _____ and are
in the wall of the organ innervated.
a. Long
b. Short
13. Fill in the following system for the sympathetic system:
primary neurons leave the
CNS via the _______
the sympathetic trunk is made
up of _______ ________, one of
each vertrebal level and the
preganglionc fibers run
between these
they then go to _________
travel to ______ of sympathetic
trunks which parallels the
spinal column
and leave as _______ only in the
______________ region
14. Preganglionc fibers in the sympathetic trunk have 3 options. Fill in each of
the following cycles for each of the options:
synapse in
ganglion they
leave via
_______ ramus
return to
_______ rami
distribute via
ventral and
dorsal rami to
entire body
travel up or down the
trunk to reach the
appropriate level they
want to innervate
synapse and leave via
_____ ramus at that
return to ______ ramus
and distribute
throughout entire field
of nerves at that level
pass through the
______ chain w/out
exit chain as _____
travel to
sympathetic ganglia
on and near _____ in
abdomen and pelvic
___-ganglionics will
then travel with teh
15. There is an exception to the above options in the neck where 3 major ganglia
formed from fusion of cervical ganglia. The most important one is the
superior cervical ganglion (SCG) and is the terminal ganglion of the _______
chain in the ______ regions and is all of the sympathetic innervation to the face
and deeper structures of the head from SCG.
a. Parasympathetic, upper
b. Parasympathetic, lower
c. Sympathetic, upper
d. Sympathetic, lower
16. What gives rise to the nervous system in development?
a. Endoderm
b. Mesoderm
c. Ectoderm
d. All of the above
17. The neural folds form the neural tube which differentiates into the ______
a. PNS
b. ANS
c. CNS
d. A and B
e. All of the above
18. The lumen of the neural tube forms the neural canal which forms the _______
a. Ventricular system of the brain
b. Central canal of the spinal cord
c. Cerebellum
d. A and B
e. All of the above
19. The neural crest dorsolateral groups give rise to the cells that form most of
the ________
a. PNS
b. ANS
c. CNS
d. A and B
e. All of the above
20. The lateral walls of the neural tube are initially composed of
pseudostratified, columnar neuroepithelium. The neuroepithelial cells of the
ventricular zone (ependymal layer) give rise to all neurons and macroglial
cells in the spinal cord. The macroglial cells give rise to glioblasts. Which of
the following gives rise the cells that play a part in the blood brain barrier?
a. Oligodendrocyte
b. Astrocyte
c. Microglial cells
d. A and B
e. All of the above
21. Dorsal midline portions of the neural tube give rise to the ______ plate and the
ventral portions gives rise to the _____ plate. They serve as pathways for
nerve fibers crossing from one side to the other.
a. Roof, floor
b. Floor, roof
c. Roof, roof
d. Floor, floor
22. A shallow longitudinal groove that is produced from lateral wall thickenings.
It functions to separate the:_____ and disappears in adult spinal cord but is
retained in rhomboid fossa of the brain stem (aka 4th ventricle floor)
a. Alar and basal plates
b. Afferent and efferent
c. Sensory and motor functions
d. B and C
e. All of the above
23. These plates have cell bodies that contribute to the formation of the ventral
and lateral gray horns:
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Basal
d. Alar
e. A and C
f. B and D
24. What is more substantial?
a. Dorsal median fissure
b. Dorsal median septum
c. Ventral median fissure
d. Ventral median septum
25. Neural crest cells give rise to _____ neurons in the _____ root ganglia and
function much like the first neuron in development.
a. Unipolar, dorsal
b. Unipolar, ventral
c. Bipolar, dorsal
d. Bipolar, ventral
26. The vertebral column and dura mater grow faster than the spinal cord and so
the spinal cord will eventually be shorter. Distal to the caudal end of the
spinal cord is ______ that forms a long fibrous thread called the terminal filum
(filum terminale) and extends from the medullary cone and attaches to the
periosteum of the fist coccygeal vertebra.
a. Dura mater
b. Pia mater
c. Arachnoid
d. Subarachnoid
27. Fill in the following chart. It is an important chart for this upcoming exam.
3 primary vesicles
5 secondary
Adult derivatives
Adult derivatives
of walls
of cavities
Lateral ventricle
Pons and
Lower 4th ventricle
28. The cervical flexure forms between the hindbrain and the spinal cord.
a. True
b. False
29. This cranial nerve (motor fiber) innervates ocular, tongue, external neck:
a. General somatic efferent (GSE)
b. Special visceral efferent (SVE)
c. General visceral efferent (GVE)
30. Which of the following accurately describes the above fibers?
a. Derived from embryonic pharyngeal arches
b. Axons innervate involuntary (smooth) muscles or glands
c. Axons innervate muscles derived from sources OTHER than
embryonic pharyngeal arches
31. This cranial nerve (motor fiber) innervates face, palate, pharynx, and larynx
(CN V and VII)
a. General somatic efferent (GSE)
b. Special visceral efferent (SVE)
c. General visceral efferent (GVE)
32. Which of the following accurately describes the above fibers?
a. Derived from embryonic pharyngeal arches
b. Axons innervate involuntary (smooth) muscles or glands
c. Axons innervate muscles derived from sources OTHER than
embryonic pharyngeal arches
33. Which of the following has axons that innervate involuntary (smooth)
muscles or glands
a. General somatic efferent (GSE)
b. Special visceral efferent (SVE)
c. General visceral efferent (GVE)
34. Which of the following cranial nerves (sensory fibers) is responsible for
vision, hearing, and balance?
a. General visceral afferent (GVA)
b. General somatic afferent (GSA)
c. Special visceral afferent (SVA)
d. Special somatic afferent (SSA)
35. Which of the following cranial nerves (sensory fibers) is responsible for
touch, pressure, heat, and cold that transmits general sensation from skin
and mucous membranes?
a. General visceral afferent (GVA)
b. General somatic afferent (GSA)
c. Special visceral afferent (SVA)
d. Special somatic afferent (SSA)
36. Which of the following cranial nerves (sensory fibers) is responsible for taste
and smell?
a. General visceral afferent (GVA)
b. General somatic afferent (GSA)
c. Special visceral afferent (SVA)
d. Special somatic afferent (SSA)
37. Which of the following cranial nerves (sensory fibers) is responsible for
carrying sensation from the kidneys?
a. General visceral afferent (GVA)
b. General somatic afferent (GSA)
c. Special visceral afferent (SVA)
d. Special somatic afferent (SSA)
38. In the caudal myelencephalon (closed portion that resembles the spinal cord
– aka medulla) the neuroblasts from alar plates migrate and form isolated
gray matter and are sensory in nature (b/c dorsal). _______ is medial and ______
is lateral
a. Gracile nuclei, cuneate nuclei
b. Cuneate nuclei, gracile nuclei
39. The ventral area of the medulla has pyramids with _______ fibers that descend
from developing cerebral cortex and will eventually form a tract.
a. Spinothalmic
b. Corticospinal
c. Spinocerebral
d. Dorsal columns
40. The rostral myelencephalon is the open part of the medulla and the cavity
here will form the _____ ventricle. As the walls of move laterally the alar plates
will lie lateral to the basal plates, thus the motor nuclei will form _____ to the
sensory nuceli.
a. 3rd, medially
b. 3rd, laterally
c. 4th, medially
d. 4th, laterally
41. The neuroblasts of the alar and basal plates of the medulla form ____ and _____
columns respectively on each side.
a. 3,4
b. 4,3
c. 3,3
d. 4,4
42. The ____ is good identification marker for the medulla and aids is motor
a. Choroid plexus
b. Olivary nucleus
c. Ventricle
d. All of the above
43. What does the basal plate neuroblast in the metencephalon that innervates
submandibular and sublingual glands:
a. GSE
b. SVE
c. GVE
44. What does the basal plate neuroblast in the metencephalon that innervates
abducens nerve nucleus:
a. GSE
b. SVE
c. GVE
45. What does the basal plate neuroblast in the metencephalon that innervates
1st and 2nd pharyngeal arch musculature:
a. GSE
b. SVE
c. GVE
46. What does the alar plate neuroblast in the metencephalon that has CN VII
a. GVA
b. SVA
c. GSA
d. SSA
47. What does the alar plate neuroblast in the metencephalon that has CN VIII?
a. GVA
b. SVA
c. GSA
d. SSA
48. What does the alar plate neuroblast in the metencephalon that has CN VII?
a. GVA
b. SVA
c. GSA
d. SSA
49. What does the alar plate neuroblast in the metencephalon that has trigeminal
a. GVA
b. SVA
c. GSA
d. SSA
50. The cerebellum forms from the metencephalon from thickenings of the
dorsal parts of the _____ plates (cerebellar swellings) and project into the ____
a. Alar, 3rd
b. Alar, 4th
c. Basal, 3rd
d. Basal, 4th
51. Neuroblasts from alar plates of the midbrain (sensory) migrate into the
tectum (roof) and aggregate to form 4 large groups of neurons. Which paired
colliculi are responsible for auditory reflexes?
a. Superior colliculi
b. Inferior colliculi
c. Anterior colliculi
d. Posterior colliculi
52. Neuroblasts from alar plates of the midbrain (sensory) migrate into the
tectum (roof) and aggregate to form 4 large groups of neurons. Which paired
colliculi are responsible for visual reflexes?
a. Superior colliculi
b. Inferior colliculi
c. Anterior colliculi
d. Posterior colliculi
53. Neuroblasts from basal plates of the midbrain (motor) have groups of
neurons in tegmentum (covering) of the midbrain. The group of neurons that
aid in control over the limb flexors is:
a. Nuclei of 3rd and 4th cranial nerves
b. Rubrospinal tract
c. Reticular nuclei
d. Substantia nigra
54. Neuroblasts from basal plates of the midbrain (motor) have groups of
neurons in tegmentum (covering) of the midbrain. The group of neurons that
are involved in virtually every activity:
a. Nuclei of 3rd and 4th cranial nerves
b. Rubrospinal tract
c. Reticular nuclei
d. Substantia nigra
55. Neuroblasts from basal plates of the midbrain (motor) have groups of
neurons in tegmentum (covering) of the midbrain. The group of neurons that
aids in regulation of motor functions:
a. Nuclei of 3rd and 4th cranial nerves
b. Rubrospinal tract
c. Reticular nuclei
d. Substantia nigra
56. The ____ ventricles communicate with the 3rd ventricle (diencephalon) via the
interventricular foramina (of Monroe).
a. Medial
b. Lateral
c. Anterior
d. Posterior