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The Nervous System
By: Stefanie Garcia, and Jay Patel
Learning The Nervous System with this Informational
Item 1
Classwork: Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Item 2
Winning Group Does Not Have To Complete Homework!
Going Over the Homework: word search
Item 3
Item 4
“Ticket Out The Door”
E.Q: What is the purpose of the Nervous
Standard: S7L2e: Explain the purpose of the
major organ system in the human body
•The Nervous System
The nervous system consist of three main parts;
the brain, the spinal cord, and neurons
• Inside the brain and the spinal cord are
Neurons. Neurons are a specialized cell
transmitting nerve impulses.
• It controls all the other systems in our body!
• There are a couple of threats that can
happen if you have medical problems or
serious impacts to the body
There are millions of nerve
cells in the human body. This
number goes beyond the
number of stars in the Milky
If all of the neurons in your
body were to be lined up, it
would form a 600 mile long
At any time, only four percent
of the cells in the brain are
active, the rest are kept in
The Nervous System sends,
receives, and processes
nerve impulses throughout
the body.
When we grow older the
brain loses a gram each year
The Circulatory System can
be mixed up with the Nervous
System. But, there is a
difference. The Circulatory
System distributes blood.
Neurons have the ability of
transmitting impulses at the
speed of 100 meters per
second. The speed of
message transmission to the
brain can be as high as 180
miles per hour
Neurons are the largest cell in
your body!
The nervous system of the human
being is responsible for sending,
receiving, and processing nerve
impulses throughout the body. All the
organs and muscles inside your body
rely upon these nerve impulses to
function. It could be considered as the
master control unit inside your body.
Sense organs provide the nervous
system with information about the
environment by means of such senses
as sight, hearing, smell, taste, tough,
pressure, and pain. Nerves are
connected throughout the whole body
to the brain. They carry the information
throughout the body in the form of
electrochemical signals called
impulses. These impulses travel from
the brain and spinal cord to the
nerves located throughout the body.
It controls all the other systems in
your body, receives information
about your environment and
sends it to your brain to stores
memories, and allows you to
think and control muscle
Paralysis is a problem, it is
when nerves are damaged
and the brain can’t send
signals telling what part of the
body is paralyzed so that part
of the body doesn’t work
Meningitis is a bacterial
infection that covers the spinal
cord and the brain. When you
have meningitis it effects
ability to think and learn. It
also can cause hearing loss
Most issues involve loss of movement (paralysis), and brain and
spinal cord damage/dysfunctions. (meningitis) The issues can be
VERY serious. Many times fatal! In most cases it is paralysis
•Three Main Parts of the Nervous System
The Brain
The brain helps the body respond to
brain is the body’s main information
Most Neurons are made of
three parts
center. When you think neurons are
Dendrites, axons, and, myelin.
parts. 1.) Cerebrum which controls
Dendrites are threadlike
branches coming out of the
cell body
vision, touch, and other senses. It
Axons are the end of the
Myelin is a substance
sometimes rapped around a
The Spinal Cord
information detected by senses. The
working. The brain has three main
also handles movements you have
control over. Thinking takes place in
cerebrum. 2.) Cerebellum takes
control of balance and coordination.
3.) The brain stem is the link to the
spinal cord and it also controls
digestion, breathing, and heartbeat.
The spinal cord is a tube of
neurons that runs up the
spine and attaches to the
brain stem. Information from
nerves that branch out to
the rest of the body goes to
the spinal cord. Some
messages are processed by
the spinal cord but most
information is sent on to the
The location of the nervous system is across
your entire body! Nerves are everywhere!
The central nervous system is located at the
brain and spinal cord
The peripheral nervous system is located where
the nerves branch to all the muscles and
The peripheral nervous system also includes
and includes the 12 cranial nerves and 31
spinal nerves that exit the
central nervous system
•How to keep the Nervous System Healthy
The nervous system is
such an important part of
your body. You want it to
work at its best so that
you can be at your best!
There are a few things
that you can do to give
your nervous system
everything that it needs.
First, drink plenty of water.
Your brain is eighty-five
percent water. If you
don't drink enough water,
your brain won't work as
well as it could. It is also
important to eat healthy
foods. Your brain needs
minerals like calcium and
potassium that can be
found in milk and many
fruits and vegetables.
Your brain also needs
healthy fats like those in
nuts and fish. These fats
help build new
connections between
nerves and brain cells.
These fats may improve
memory and increase
learning and intelligence.
Drink Lots of Water!
Eat Foods With the
“Good Kind of Fat”
Eat Healthy Foods
Find Food With lots of
•Two Parts Of The Nervous System
Central and Peripheral Nervous System
The two part of the Nervous System are the
Peripheral and Central Nervous System
The Central Nervous System involves the Brain
and the Spinal Cord. It sends the signals.
The Peripheral Nervous System involves the
Nerves. It receives the signals that the Brain
sends. It also moves the body parts that the
brain tells it.
•The Two Different Nerves
Sensory Nerves and Motor Nerves
• There
are two different types of nerves.
Sensory and Motor Nerves
• Sensory Nerves pick up signals from the
body and tells the brain what kind of
movement is needed
• Motor Nerves tell the muscles how to
move. Your brain tells them what to move
and how to move it
Your nervous system contains
what is probably the most
important part of your body: your
brain. Your brain allows you to
learn. It allows you to feel
emotions like love, anger, and
sadness. Your brain gives you the
ability to see, hear, taste, touch,
and smell. It works together with
the nerves and spinal cord to
send the signals that make your
body move. Your nervous system
lets you do things like running,
jumping, and dancing.
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